Sorry, "Government Officials and so-called experts" were silent or cheered on massive protests for weeks, then tell me outdoor youth sports practices and games are the danger... In my opinion, they've discredited themselves and lack standing.If you read one of my previous posts, I see outdoor sports with the protocols put in place by all of the soccer gods as very low risk based on what medical experts have learned about COVID to date. My argument is with people that are discussing death rates etc. when they are not considering the reality of the situation that we are in here in OC that will cause the Governor or Orange County to start shut downs because of hospital capacity issues.
Yes, most people don't die but many still need to be hospitalized to battle the illness. That is the issue. Capacity to deal with the fight.
I see the greater danger and risk as socially isolating kids for months on end.
The kids playing outdoor sports at least with social distancing should have been the first release not the last because the risk of spread outdoors is less especially with social distancing. Of course they didn't know that until about a month ago. I am hoping with that insight they won't start shutting down youth sports first when they start clammoring to deal with the hospital capacity issue.