Messy, your're nothing but trouble. I found you and your're side kick
Happy 4th of July. BTW, the waves were epic today!!!
A buddy of mine sent this and we listened to it on our drive home today. These are examples of why he has been “sheltering” and likely will limit and have huge restrictions on debates. Cognitive ability is a big deal. People can hate Trump all they want, but in all seriousness, Biden is not up to the job. He will be nothing more than a puppet/figurehead if he wins. Regardless of the agenda or politics of either side, taking that off the table, which Man really has the better skills/ability to execute/lead/deliver?
I agree 100% on the VP issue if Biden wins. Whoever Biden picks has a great shot at the Oval Office.
Trump has failed miserably. He has chosen to represent about 40% of all Americans.
As a businessman, he was out of business and 4x bankrupt until the TV show, dummy.
He’s a showman, not a leader.
Ultimately, he was a brief but terrifying sideshow if hostility and racism and moral regression.
Trump has failed miserably. He has chosen to represent about 40% of all Americans.
As a businessman, he was out of business and 4x bankrupt until the TV show, dummy.
He’s a showman, not a leader.
Ultimately, he was a brief but terrifying sideshow if hostility and racism and moral regression.
Yeah, this guy so much better. Who knew Vietnam was such a sweeping victory? And we accomplished that with Swiffers no less!
The small business I have is actually extremely successful. I am the sole owner.“Dummy” have obviously have never built or grown or run a business of any substance...You are right, he is a Showman. You need Showman/Salespeople to build a business...without sales you have no business, no ops, no hr, no labor, no business...You have to sell and market the product/service. Dude is WAY more successful than you or I and his partner is probably way hotter as well...all these career politicians with no ability to execute...40 years in office and what exactly can he hang his hat on as his key accomplishments?
C’mom Milton...stay in your cube and play with your stapler. “Dummy”...haha...your funny.
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Lies, hate, fear and a good amount of old fashion carnival barker appeal chants.
Do you think trump has a plan? He watches TV all day and reacts off that . . . of course he also listens to Stephen Miller, that is obvious.That one is funny too. It all cracks me up. You really think Biden is more capable of a leader all politics and agenda aside? I’m curious.
Besides you?
The small business I have is actually extremely successful. I am the sole owner.
My wife is hotter than his...she looks like a man.
As I said, Trump overleveraged himself and failed miserably. You know he would have done much better if he took that huge fund his dad gave him and opened a nice, diverse portfolio.
Instead, he went through a bunch of bankruptcies and left innumerable creditors out to dry.
Mark Burnett saved him.
He’s done nothing as President and in time of crisis, he folded his tent. Shameful.
President Biden has devoted his life to public service for 40 years, he connects with people and his policies are equal justice, fair taxation, environmental protection and economic growth for all. Pretty basic stuff. Get used to it.
My wife is hotter than his...she looks like a man.
Melania looks like a man.You might want to clarify.
You don’t seem to understand how it works.I didn’t know the current First Lady was compared to a man, I thought that was the previous First Lady...I missed that day in class.
Good grief Milty...As a consultant/contractor/Single Member LLC (Business Owner....haha) you get that the tax changes that have been rolled out for real businesses are driving the economy...less tax is more money for businesses to reinvest - job creation, new product development, investment in automation, expansion, etc. that allows these businesses to grow both top line sales and EBITDA, which for public companies raises their stock price....etc., etc.
The economy is the heartbeat of the country...poor economy...poor country...poor health. These tax cuts the government gives to businesses actually creates increased tax revenues in other areas - payroll taxes, SSN, SUI, and Medicare as well as Corporate Taxes on the incremental lift in profits. There are many positive by-products of the cut in the corp tax rates. That was a really good thing done by the T Administration. Just don’t ask AOC...she has some opinions on the economy, tax, value of labor...she should just go back to bartending.
Fair taxation...what is fair Milty? Are you not receiving enough government cheese? Opportunity...there is equal opportunity out there for everyone...don’t hate on the people taking advantage of an opportunity and running with it. Would you be happier if we were closer to a Socialist Regime. We will get there if some people get their way.
Gotta go...getting ready to light some fireworks with the family...shhhh!!!! Don’t tell the Gov.
Happy 4th Everyone...Hope Everyone has a great day with Family and Friends.
trump is spreading the virus, the virus of hate and division. Biden is doing the right thing, he will be an adequate president and will start to clean up the mess. Our soldiers will be proud again.I would wager T is way better cognitively...if Biden would come out and play instead of hiding in his bunker we could all find out pretty quickly. Happy to put a friendly wager on it if you are interested.
You mean like the recent press conference Biden held? LOL, Biden is having too much fun watching Trump implode. We’ll see how they do against each other in the debates.I would wager T is way better cognitively...if Biden would come out and play instead of hiding in his bunker we could all find out pretty quickly. Happy to put a friendly wager on it if you are interested.
Melania is hot AF.Melania looks like a man.
You don’t seem to understand how it works.
If you have a small business, say fewer than 20 employees or so, as I do, and it’s an LLC or an S Corp as you describe, the “pass-thru” nature of the entity means you pay out all the money at year end, to avoid double taxation. An owner such as myself is taxed at the same rate under Trump as I was under Obama, as you should know. Individual rates have not reduced.
So small businesses have had zero tax benefits under Trump. Insurance costs, payroll taxes, nothing reduced under Trump.
Big business, of course, and businesses with shareholders, is doing better as a result of lower corporate taxes.
But not small business.
Shareholders are treated the same way as they were under Obama because capital gains tax rates have not changed under Trump (we all pay fewer taxes on a dollar we make from investment than a dollar we earn from labor, of course). But stock market growth is actually considerably slower than it was under Obama.
Biden will be a much better president for national unity and the economy. We usually do better under Democrats.
As for me, I’m a consistent 7-figure earner for many years now and that hasn’t changed under Trump or Obama.
You mean like the recent press conference Biden held? LOL, Biden is having too much fun watching Trump implode. We’ll see how they do against each other in the debates.