Simple facts....we had 178 in ICU Beds (total confirmed and not confirmed but suspected COVID only and not including other people in ICU beds). We have a total of 676 licensed ICU beds for all ICU patients. We increased 13% over last week as of yesterday. I presented all of the facts above. What are we going to change or what is going to change that will prevent us from continuing to increase ICU beds at the same rate? Is it that all of the freedom from mask fighters are all of a sudden going to start wearing masks? I can't think of one thing that is changing that will stop the increase in ICU beds. Maybe the mandate for face masks will have a trickle down impact. I hope that is the case but I doubt it because I still see the smug ding dongs in the grocery store.Are you serious? NY was a complete clusterf%#@. Forcing nursing homes to take COVID patients. Significantly reduced subway service so that essential workers were forced to travel on insanely crowded subway cars. Deciding not to clean subway cars until the beginning of May. 25% loss in hospital beds and the worst hospitals in the country due to budget shortfalls that led to the significant reduction in Medicaid payments to hospitals. Multiple accounts from nurses of NY doctors actually killing Covid patients.
We have to stop with the doomsday predictions. They've all been wrong and have led to disastrous decisions. The fear of shortage of beds led to NY and NJ to force nursing homes to take Covid patients despite the fact that the Comfort and Javitz Center were barely used. Coumo's gross exaggeration of the need for ventilators made the ventilator the preferred treatment protocol instead of therapeutics according to some nurses. (Once your on a ventilator the odds of survival drop dramatically).
NY and NJ deaths per capita are nearly 10 times greater that the average of the rest of the nation, yet they didn't run out of beds, icu beds or ventilators.