Time to Play

Are you serious? NY was a complete clusterf%#@. Forcing nursing homes to take COVID patients. Significantly reduced subway service so that essential workers were forced to travel on insanely crowded subway cars. Deciding not to clean subway cars until the beginning of May. 25% loss in hospital beds and the worst hospitals in the country due to budget shortfalls that led to the significant reduction in Medicaid payments to hospitals. Multiple accounts from nurses of NY doctors actually killing Covid patients.

We have to stop with the doomsday predictions. They've all been wrong and have led to disastrous decisions. The fear of shortage of beds led to NY and NJ to force nursing homes to take Covid patients despite the fact that the Comfort and Javitz Center were barely used. Coumo's gross exaggeration of the need for ventilators made the ventilator the preferred treatment protocol instead of therapeutics according to some nurses. (Once your on a ventilator the odds of survival drop dramatically).

NY and NJ deaths per capita are nearly 10 times greater that the average of the rest of the nation, yet they didn't run out of beds, icu beds or ventilators.
Simple facts....we had 178 in ICU Beds (total confirmed and not confirmed but suspected COVID only and not including other people in ICU beds). We have a total of 676 licensed ICU beds for all ICU patients. We increased 13% over last week as of yesterday. I presented all of the facts above. What are we going to change or what is going to change that will prevent us from continuing to increase ICU beds at the same rate? Is it that all of the freedom from mask fighters are all of a sudden going to start wearing masks? I can't think of one thing that is changing that will stop the increase in ICU beds. Maybe the mandate for face masks will have a trickle down impact. I hope that is the case but I doubt it because I still see the smug ding dongs in the grocery store.
Now do NY and NJ vs....say, FL and CA.

Here is a different website that allows comparing states. It is interesting to look by sorting on new cases and new reported deaths. Florida and Georgia (states with early opening and passive enforcement) are working their way to the top.

Why fight it?

Well for starters: Because its...my freedoms, my decisions, my parenting, my kids mental and physical health. Not to mention "government officials and experts" absurd randomness, hypocrisy and petty politics directly impacting said above reasons.

Why subjugate to it?
Freedom over Health? You're joking right? We are seeing what happens with your freedom, decisions making, parenting, kids mental and physical health. Notice what's happening in Florida, Texas and Arizona because of the personal freedom rights! We also have the right to be smart about this. Let's be smart!
Simple facts....we had 178 in ICU Beds (total confirmed and not confirmed COVID only and not including other people in ICU beds). We have a total of 676 licensed ICU beds for all ICU patients. We increased 13% over last week as of yesterday. I presented all of the facts above. What are we going to change or what is going to change that will prevent us from continuing to increase ICU beds at the same rate? Is it that all of the freedom from mask fighters are all of a sudden going to start wearing masks? I can't think of one thing that is changing that will stop the increase in ICU beds. Maybe the mandate for face masks will have a trickle down impact. I hope that is the case but I doubt it because I still see the smug ding dongs in the grocery store.
You do understand were discussing outdoor youth sports for our kids, right?
Freedom over Health? You're joking right? We are seeing what happens with your freedom, decisions making, parenting, kids mental and physical health. Notice what's happening in Florida, Texas and Arizona because of the personal freedom rights! We also have the right to be smart about this. Let's be smart!
I live in SD country with 296 deaths in a population of 3.3 mil, of which over 80% are elderly with comorbidities...but the beauty of Freedom is you're free to stay home, cover yourself and parent however you want...and I'm free to make my choices...it's served us well for centuries.
So who should be fined...the one not wearing the mask or the one who comes with six feet of them?

I understand your point...do you understand mine?
You do understand were discussing outdoor youth sports for our kids, right?
If you read one of my previous posts, I see outdoor sports with the protocols put in place by all of the soccer gods as very low risk based on what medical experts have learned about COVID to date. My argument is with people that are discussing death rates etc. when they are not considering the reality of the situation that we are in here in OC that will cause the Governor or Orange County to start shut downs because of hospital capacity issues.

Yes, most people don't die but many still need to be hospitalized to battle the illness. That is the issue. Capacity to deal with the fight.
You really want to start playing soccer don't you? You really want to bring teams from AZ and LA County to Surf Cup where the Covid #'s are going up? Oh yeah you said because its your Freedom!
Don't attend, stay at home, keep your kids isolated...These are decisions for individual citizens to make...again, that's how Freedom works.
You really want to start playing soccer don't you? You really want to bring teams from AZ and LA County to Surf Cup where the Covid #'s are going up? Oh yeah you said because its your Freedom!
If I'm a young dad with a young children where the flu is a greater risk, what's the problem? I dont plan on hanging out with 65+ who are in poor shape. If i go to the market, I wear a mask. Whats the big deal playing soccer outside? let the poor in health be extra careful. The rest of us will be careful around them. Please tell me, whats the demographic of the people in ICU? The details matter.
You really want to start playing soccer don't you? You really want to bring teams from AZ and LA County to Surf Cup where the Covid #'s are going up? Oh yeah you said because its your Freedom!
Unfortunately it is true. People have freedom to put their heads in the sand and ignore all recent studies from reputable medical experts at the expense of the people that could catch the illness from them. They have the freedom to review what the stats are showing us and say....we won't run out of hospital beds. People ultimately have the choice to choose ignorance over facts. That is why Orange County's numbers are getting worse and we have one of the worst slopes in the State.
You do understand were discussing outdoor youth sports for our kids, right?
If you read one of my previous posts, I see outdoor sports with the protocols put in place by all of the soccer gods as very low risk based on what medical experts have learned about COVID to date. My argument is with people that are discussing death rates etc. when they are not considering the reality of the situation that we are in here in OC that will cause the Governor or Orange County to start shut downs because of hospital capacity issues.

Yes, most people don't die but many still need to be hospitalized to battle the illness. That is the issue. Capacity to deal with the fight.
Sorry, "Government Officials and so-called experts" were silent or cheered on massive protests for weeks, then tell me outdoor youth sports practices and games are the danger... In my opinion, they've discredited themselves and lack standing.

I see the greater danger and risk as socially isolating kids for months on end.
If I'm a young dad with a young children where the flu is a greater risk, what's the problem? I dont plan on hanging out with 65+ who are in poor shape. If i go to the market, I wear a mask. Whats the big deal playing soccer outside? let the poor in health be extra careful. The rest of us will be careful around them. Please tell me, whats the demographic of the people in ICU? The details matter.
The flu greater risk? That is what they were saying in February. There were 34,200 deaths from the flu in the 2019/20 flu season.

If I'm a young dad with a young children where the flu is a greater risk, what's the problem? I dont plan on hanging out with 65+ who are in poor shape. If i go to the market, I wear a mask. Whats the big deal playing soccer outside? let the poor in health be extra careful. The rest of us will be careful around them. Please tell me, whats the demographic of the people in ICU? The details matter.
Say that to the La Roca club. They had club training and the next day the 2 kids tested for Covid. Whole club should down for 2 weeks.
Unfortunately it is true. People have freedom to put their heads in the sand and ignore all recent studies from reputable medical experts at the expense of the people that could catch the illness from them. They have the freedom to review what the stats are showing us and say....we won't run out of hospital beds. People ultimately have the choice to choose ignorance over facts. That is why Orange County's numbers are getting worse and we have one of the worst slopes in the State.
What is the demographic of the people in ICU beds? If its people without underlying conditions under 40 like myself and my children I might start to listen to the fear mongering. if the vast majority are older with underlying conditions then we are in the realm of the sky is falling mentality.
The flu greater risk? That is what they were saying in February. There were 34,200 deaths from the flu in the 2019/20 flu season.

The seasonal flu kills hundreds of healthy children under 17 every year. There are 0 deaths under 17 from covid in california. So yes, the stats on COVID and Flu say that the flu is more dangerous to kids than COVID. How many people have been in ICU under 40 years old for COVID without underlying conditions?
Wow watching the governor on the conference and he's specifically mentioned cousins who get together and might pick up a "soccer" ball could spread covid if they don't maintain social distancing.
Unfortunately it is true. People have freedom to put their heads in the sand and ignore all recent studies from reputable medical experts at the expense of the people that could catch the illness from them. They have the freedom to review what the stats are showing us and say....we won't run out of hospital beds. People ultimately have the choice to choose ignorance over facts. That is why Orange County's numbers are getting worse and we have one of the worst slopes in the State.
The flu greater risk? That is what they were saying in February. There were 34,200 deaths from the flu in the 2019/20 flu season.

Facts matter...now do the age and comorbidity breakdowns...
Not really.

Limit gatherings and wear a mask seems easy enough to do. Why fight it? The mask is the least annoying of all the things happening right now.
Dad, if EVERYONE in our country followed the same rules and laws we would all be doing much better. Some get away with things and some don;t. Wear a mask and stay 6ft away is not that much to ask for with those you have no idea about. I can live that way, no problem. I like it actually, except the mask part because they fog up my sun glasses and reading glasses, but I have no issue with doing both. The kids taking their temp before soccer practice and hanging with other kids is a non issue as much as it is non issue to walk around Fashion Island or the Grove. It's more dangerous for my dd to walk around those places and have all the nice boys and men asking for her name and all that other stuff girls get hit with at 16. I feel saver as a dad that she's practicing and working towards some goals, but that's just me speaking out loud as a dad on the forum.
Wow watching the governor on the conference and he's specifically mentioned cousins who get together and might pick up a "soccer" ball could spread covid if they don't maintain social distancing.
I don't watch...do you recall what he, or his "experts", said about covid spread during weeks of massive protests?