Time to Play

To those who are arguing that the government shouldn't tell them what to do, they have their freedom to choose, unfortunately some people aren't educated or intelligent enough to make wise choices. That's why the government needs to step in

The problem with this line of thinking is that if that's true, then not everyone is qualified to vote for our leaders...it undermines the very notion of democracy. If people aren't educated enough or intelligent enough, they shouldn't be voting for who holds the key to the nuclear button.

Yes, we can argue masks and vaccines are necessary (and if anyone doesn't think after all this the government isn't going to make the coronavaccine mandatory, you are kidding yourself) because those choices impose a risk of death on everyone else. But if true, that argument has to be fairly applied and rationally based if you are going to overrule individual choice. There is nothing rationally based about the idea of preventing kids from going to school or soccer....it's been shown conclusively kids are far less vulnerable to this than flu and are also put in danger by car ride, and they suspect the risk of exposure to adults isn't as severe adult-adult or adult-child. It's also not fairly applied because other more hazardous activities are being allowed to go forward like mass protests, political rallies, gyms or even movie theatres with airconditioning and people using the eating exception to avoid wearing masks. Given that, the only fair thing to do is to defer to individual parent choice.
It isn't about the kids dying...it is about the fact that they are or will become carriers that are asymptomatic. The capacity in hospitals will be what causes us to move to various levels of shut down. So even if you don't care about the 17% of the population that are greater than 65 years old or the 4% of the population that are immune compromised, there will still be an impact on society from a young asymptomatic person that is infected with COVID-19.
Q. I'm serious confused dad here and my head is about to spin off. My question is this. What is more dangerous, going to the beach all day being around thousands or being at a soccer field for one hour with 11 players sharing 50% of the field or 25% of the field? With your mind set Keeper mom, we should all go home and come out after Feb next year. If kids can;t play some soccer by themselves and the coach and a few refs, then God help us and we should all go inside our dwellings and wait this soccer out. It's too dangerous.
ok, but if the concern is about the capacity of ICU beds, the targeted approach should be the group that uses them. Mitigate the risks of the demographic filling those beds. locking down events that have nothing to do with that demographic is counter productive and unnecessary. I'm not just talking soccer games, but schools and work places. If you are part of the ICU demographic, stay home, wear a mask and have everyone around you wear a mask. That should prevent increased numbers without being detrimental to the rest of society. Stay away from soccer fields. Don't ruin it for the rest of us.

Target the groups that are at risk. The shotgun approach of shutting or hampering everyone is not the appropriate approach.
Right, so if we keep our asymptomatic kids away from the immune compromised and the elderly with underlying conditions, whats the big deal? like i said. I dont plan on hanging out with people over 65+ in poor health. I'll wear the mask in public places indoors. Those at risk should do their best to stay away from the rest of us as well and wear masks. The more people that are healthy and have very low risk of developing symptoms should be free to be around each other, go to school, work, play sports. At this point that is the best way of developing an immunity leading to herd immunity. I dont plan on coughing in anyones face after a watching my kids play soccer if that's what you are afraid of.
My wife's parents are well into their 70s. It pains us deeply not to see them. We have not been to their house since New Years. Grandpa has early dementia. Mom was a nurse and no one wants to go see the Dr or the ER right now and she wont take him either. Too dangerous for the elderly to go the hospital. How sad is that. Scary stuff folks.
Q. I'm serious confused dad here and my head is about to spin off. My question is this. What is more dangerous, going to the beach all day being around thousands or being at a soccer field for one hour with 11 players sharing 50% of the field or 25% of the field? With your mind set Keeper mom, we should all go home and come out after Feb next year. If kids can;t play some soccer by themselves and the coach and a few refs, then God help us and we should all go inside our dwellings and wait this soccer out. It's too dangerous.
During this week’s covid update on TV, I heard them say that 1 out of every 400 has covid or asymptotic. Basically they said if you go out to stores, parks, restaurants on any given day, you will probably be around a person that could pass it on to you. Basically we shouldn’t be afraid of getting covid. We should be afraid if you or your family member is in the at risk group.
The problem with this line of thinking is that if that's true, then not everyone is qualified to vote for our leaders...it undermines the very notion of democracy. If people aren't educated enough or intelligent enough, they shouldn't be voting for who holds the key to the nuclear button.

Yes, we can argue masks and vaccines are necessary (and if anyone doesn't think after all this the government isn't going to make the coronavaccine mandatory, you are kidding yourself) because those choices impose a risk of death on everyone else. But if true, that argument has to be fairly applied and rationally based if you are going to overrule individual choice. There is nothing rationally based about the idea of preventing kids from going to school or soccer....it's been shown conclusively kids are far less vulnerable to this than flu and are also put in danger by car ride, and they suspect the risk of exposure to adults isn't as severe adult-adult or adult-child. It's also not fairly applied because other more hazardous activities are being allowed to go forward like mass protests, political rallies, gyms or even movie theatres with airconditioning and people using the eating exception to avoid wearing masks. Given that, the only fair thing to do is to defer to individual parent choice.
I agree that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense why some things are open,
The problem with this line of thinking is that if that's true, then not everyone is qualified to vote for our leaders...it undermines the very notion of democracy. If people aren't educated enough or intelligent enough, they shouldn't be voting for who holds the key to the nuclear button.

Yes, we can argue masks and vaccines are necessary (and if anyone doesn't think after all this the government isn't going to make the coronavaccine mandatory, you are kidding yourself) because those choices impose a risk of death on everyone else. But if true, that argument has to be fairly applied and rationally based if you are going to overrule individual choice. There is nothing rationally based about the idea of preventing kids from going to school or soccer....it's been shown conclusively kids are far less vulnerable to this than flu and are also put in danger by car ride, and they suspect the risk of exposure to adults isn't as severe adult-adult or adult-child. It's also not fairly applied because other more hazardous activities are being allowed to go forward like mass protests, political rallies, gyms or even movie theatres with airconditioning and people using the eating exception to avoid wearing masks. Given that, the only fair thing to do is to defer to individual parent choice.
I agree that it doesn't make sense why some things are open and others are not.
I would however not compare mask, social distancing, and other mandates during a pandemic to the freedom to vote. I would align it more with seat belt laws, speed limits or vaccination requirements.There's a reason we have certain laws
In the end we need to start playing soccer and doing other activities.

School for instance. In AZ one of the school districts is offering classes in person 1 day a week this coming year and the rest online. This for the group of people least affected? How do you think schedule works with getting an actual education.

Since most people have very little risk...and we don't know if there is going to be a vaccine or how long one will take. What exactly are we going to do?

Shut down or severely limit biz/schools/sports indefinitely?

Because essentially that is what a lot of people are saying.

If someone is in a high risk group and doesn't want to mingle don't. If you live with a high risk individual...make your own call as to what you want to do.

We cannot be shutting down teams, biz, schools(or certain classes) every time someone tests positive. We do that and we will be stuck in limbo essentially.
I agree with a lot of this, but take the schools example; while the kids are, as you rightly say, low to no risk, those teaching them, supporting the teachers and ensuring the school is even open are likely not all in that same band. Kids are prolific spreaders of everything, every year - school starts one illness after another spreads. We all accept this. Most of the "blame" is parents who don't follow simple protocols like keeping a kid with a temp off for 24 hours fever free etc. But, you know, freedom to not give a f-ck about everyone else is strong in some people - we see it every year.

Maybe government realizes that there are more than enough freedom (not give a f-ck about everyone else) people out there, given that they display it all the time, to think they need to take charge and lead.

To me, we need to get the economy going, businesses open, schools open and back to some type of normal. If that means masks when in public, social distancing as much as possible, hand washing, hand sanitizer and so on, then I'm good with that. I'm not really happy about it, but I'm good with it. I don't live with or (closely) interact with any high risk people, but I'll still play - society is a team sport after all.

If the kids can play soccer too, then I'm good with that. If they can't for a few months or if playing jeopardizes the economy, business, schools etc. or could lead to another shutdown, then shut soccer down. It would suck, I'd hate it, but it ain't that important relatively speaking.
There are deadline dates being established that will decide the fate of youth sports in CA. For example, CIF will notify high schools on July 20 if Fall Sports will be played. Mark that date on your calendar. Posting Covid opinions on every thread of this forum is not going to change anything. Go organize the garage or wash the car.
During this week’s covid update on TV, I heard them say that 1 out of every 400 has covid or asymptotic. Basically they said if you go out to stores, parks, restaurants on any given day, you will probably be around a person that could pass it on to you. Basically we shouldn’t be afraid of getting covid. We should be afraid if you or your family member is in the at risk group.

I have to believe that the vast majority of people have been exposed to Covid on some level or another, maybe not direct contact, but odds are you've touched something or been in the same space as a Covid positive person.

Ultimately in regards to resuming youth sports, the difference in opinions is based on someone's individual perception of risk (aka fear) and the level of risk they're willing to accept. Based on the comments here, it appears that those who are most fearful, are basing their fear on what could happen, whereas those who are less fearful are basing it on what has actually happened. When I've posted good, or positive information, I can't tell you how many posters have basically said "oh just wait, its going to get worse" like were going to run out of icu beds, doctors are going to have to make life or death decisions on who to treat etc. The common justification was "lag time". I heard that every time when I mentioned how well Georgia was doing with their reopening, "oh no you have wait a month" a month passes with the number of deaths plummeting, "oh no, you have to wait a few more months, be patient". Two months later and Covid deaths in Georgia continue to plummet. It's incredible how many people use the "lag time" argument to just kick the can of Covid fears down the road. News flash, Covid isn't going away, but its basically only dangerous to a minority of people with very identifiable characteristics.

At the end of the day, I'm not going to convince those that disagree with me. Which is the beauty of choice, just don't project your fears on my behavior or others and take my choice away. While I wear a mask in public out of respect for others, there is simple solution if you run into someone that isn't, move 6 feet away. No harm, no foul.
Key words in the News (please note how they changing and evolving):
March - Coronavirus, Vaccine, Shut-Down
April - Ventilators, ICU beds
May - Masks, Tests, Number of Deaths
June - Increase in New Cases

Our State Government is challenged...the same Gov., who couldn’t control the homeless in SF in a press conference a while ago offered up that Dr.’s should be able to prescribe shelter as a prescription for homeless without it....wtf. This is the solution for the states homeless problem which is the largest in the country. This clown is leading us through this? Lord, help us. Leadership matters, and he is failing on multiple levels now. I did praise him for the early lock-down, but since then....good grief.

btw...great summarization on the monthly narratives. More cases are because of the greater availability of testing. Based on what you see the death counts are staying relatively flat which means the mortality rate is actually lower. Lot more testing now than before.

The data is whack, there is not a single source of truth you can count on, the narrative changes with the wind.

Masks...wear them, don’t wear them. Depending on which expert you listen to they may or may not help. Not all masks are created equal...

I have used this before...jeans and underwear can’t stop a fart, but a cloth mask is the barrier/solution of choice to stop a super deadly disease???

Kicker4life mentioned the immune system and to work on that...I agree...nothing has been said about that, silence by the media, or any other preventive care...just wear a mask, distance, stay inside, and shut down the 6th largest economy in the world.

At risk or worried, stay home, shelter, do not interact with others...healthy, no issues, do you. I wear a mask where required, not while driving and not in my home, and stay away from those at-risk groups. I would think most of the data and information available shows that under 50, in good health, your should be ok. The other option is spend you life in fear of what the media presents and let that guide your decisions.

Where are all the sick protesters, rioters, looters, vandals, and anarchists? Am I missing that in the current news cycle? We are on to pulling down statues and Teddy Roosevelt Monuments.

Let your kid play if you feel it is appropriate, keep them home if you don’t. Whatever the outcome you are responsible, not the government, the person not wearing the mask, the club, the coach, the manager, the gaming circuit...just you. You decided to let your kid play or not play. You are responsible for the outcome.
To those who are saying that cases are up, but hospitalizations, ICU capacity and deaths are flat, don't forget there is a two to three week lag between cases and hospitalizations. Keep your eye on the numbers over the next few weeks.

To those who are arguing that the government shouldn't tell them what to do, they have their freedom to choose, unfortunately some people aren't educated or intelligent enough to make wise choices. That's why the government needs to step in
It could also be said you lack education and intelligence for believing the government is educated and intelligent enough to make wise choices...no?

I can provide numerous examples...can you?
The problem with this line of thinking is that if that's true, then not everyone is qualified to vote for our leaders...it undermines the very notion of democracy. If people aren't educated enough or intelligent enough, they shouldn't be voting for who holds the key to the nuclear button.

Yes, we can argue masks and vaccines are necessary (and if anyone doesn't think after all this the government isn't going to make the coronavaccine mandatory, you are kidding yourself) because those choices impose a risk of death on everyone else. But if true, that argument has to be fairly applied and rationally based if you are going to overrule individual choice. There is nothing rationally based about the idea of preventing kids from going to school or soccer....it's been shown conclusively kids are far less vulnerable to this than flu and are also put in danger by car ride, and they suspect the risk of exposure to adults isn't as severe adult-adult or adult-child. It's also not fairly applied because other more hazardous activities are being allowed to go forward like mass protests, political rallies, gyms or even movie theatres with airconditioning and people using the eating exception to avoid wearing masks. Given that, the only fair thing to do is to defer to individual parent choice.
Thank you...Clear case of common sense and logic vs. emotion.
I UNDERSTAND THAT!!!! Who are the people filling these ICU beds that have COVID? If its elderly people in nursing homes, elderly people with underlying conditions, then the mitigations should be quarantining them and wearing masks and social distancing when they have visitors. NOTHING TO DO WITH KIDS PLAYING SOCCER. THEY ARE NOT THE ONES IN ICU BEDS!!!! Writing in CAPs is fun huh?
And how well has that been working for us? The point is....we are heading in the wrong direction. By the way, the percentage of people in ICU under the age of 65 is increas
Q. I'm serious confused dad here and my head is about to spin off. My question is this. What is more dangerous, going to the beach all day being around thousands or being at a soccer field for one hour with 11 players sharing 50% of the field or 25% of the field? With your mind set Keeper mom, we should all go home and come out after Feb next year. If kids can;t play some soccer by themselves and the coach and a few refs, then God help us and we should all go inside our dwellings and wait this soccer out. It's too dangerous.
No you are wrong about my mind set. Go back and read my posts. I have been to the beach and my daughter started secret goalkeeper training May 1. I believe our kids should have been back on the field at least a month ago because the risk of spread is low. All I am saying, we are headed for various shut down activities because of hospital capacity and the anti-face mask people are helping drive that bus to shut down.
I agree that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense why some things are open,

I agree that it doesn't make sense why some things are open and others are not.
I would however not compare mask, social distancing, and other mandates during a pandemic to the freedom to vote. I would align it more with seat belt laws, speed limits or vaccination requirements.There's a reason we have certain laws
You understand these aren't laws, right?
I agree that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense why some things are open,

I agree that it doesn't make sense why some things are open and others are not.
I would however not compare mask, social distancing, and other mandates during a pandemic to the freedom to vote. I would align it more with seat belt laws, speed limits or vaccination requirements.There's a reason we have certain laws
Additionally, you understand we vote for those who make, enact and enforce the laws, right?
You do understand that they (WHO) is still not convinced that asymptomatic carriers can spread the virus. Their last statement went from “very rare” to “undetermined” because of the political backlash.

Can you give us a % of the population that are suffering from depression, anxiety and other mental conditions due to the extended shut down? What about them? Do they not matter?

what are families going to do this fall if kids need to learn from home while parents have to back to work in order to pay the bills?

Yes, I have had family members and friends catch the virus. So my viewpoint is not one of someone who hasn’t seen the impact that this virus has on people. The most severely affected was on a ventilator and is doing just fine today. All others never needed more than home, self care.

Anyone ever wonder why we don’t hear more about ways and benefits to build up your immune system and how immunologists have proven the effects of Vitamin D on the impact of the

Do you know why there are still so many hospitals and care centers that don’t have enough PPE for their staff? A little insight, they are broke, no $! Nobody wants to be near a hospital and elective surgeries (the money makers) have been avoided by patients at all costs.

One stat we are likely never going to see is the number of Covid deaths attributed to “medical malpractice”! People improperly ventilated, incorrect dosages of treatments, complete misdiagnosis, etc. you can try to deny it, but the facts are out there.
I am not arguing for or against anything. I am simply stating what the numbers are showing about capacity that will leave OC and/or California no other option but to start shutting us down. We could slow this down if people would agree to wear masks.
I agree with a lot of this, but take the schools example; while the kids are, as you rightly say, low to no risk, those teaching them, supporting the teachers and ensuring the school is even open are likely not all in that same band. Kids are prolific spreaders of everything, every year - school starts one illness after another spreads. We all accept this. Most of the "blame" is parents who don't follow simple protocols like keeping a kid with a temp off for 24 hours fever free etc. But, you know, freedom to not give a f-ck about everyone else is strong in some people - we see it every year.

Maybe government realizes that there are more than enough freedom (not give a f-ck about everyone else) people out there, given that they display it all the time, to think they need to take charge and lead.

To me, we need to get the economy going, businesses open, schools open and back to some type of normal. If that means masks when in public, social distancing as much as possible, hand washing, hand sanitizer and so on, then I'm good with that. I'm not really happy about it, but I'm good with it. I don't live with or (closely) interact with any high risk people, but I'll still play - society is a team sport after all.

If the kids can play soccer too, then I'm good with that. If they can't for a few months or if playing jeopardizes the economy, business, schools etc. or could lead to another shutdown, then shut soccer down. It would suck, I'd hate it, but it ain't that important relatively speaking.
Respect your point. Just a question or two... Specifically who gets to decide and what do they base it on?