To those who are arguing that the government shouldn't tell them what to do, they have their freedom to choose, unfortunately some people aren't educated or intelligent enough to make wise choices. That's why the government needs to step in
The problem with this line of thinking is that if that's true, then not everyone is qualified to vote for our undermines the very notion of democracy. If people aren't educated enough or intelligent enough, they shouldn't be voting for who holds the key to the nuclear button.
Yes, we can argue masks and vaccines are necessary (and if anyone doesn't think after all this the government isn't going to make the coronavaccine mandatory, you are kidding yourself) because those choices impose a risk of death on everyone else. But if true, that argument has to be fairly applied and rationally based if you are going to overrule individual choice. There is nothing rationally based about the idea of preventing kids from going to school or's been shown conclusively kids are far less vulnerable to this than flu and are also put in danger by car ride, and they suspect the risk of exposure to adults isn't as severe adult-adult or adult-child. It's also not fairly applied because other more hazardous activities are being allowed to go forward like mass protests, political rallies, gyms or even movie theatres with airconditioning and people using the eating exception to avoid wearing masks. Given that, the only fair thing to do is to defer to individual parent choice.