What's going on Cal South and State Cup Semi's?

I don't really have anything to add to my earlier comments. It seems some people are unwilling to accept the truth.

Anaheim Surf had no knowledge of any previous CalSouth submissions when the player registered, and verified the birth certificate as required when the player was transferred in.

CalSouth rightly requested a review of those documents when a complaint was made by a team beaten by the Anaheim Surf team. The registrar provided the documents as requested. After reviewing the original birth certificate, CalSouth made the determination that the team could continue. It was the right call. CalSouth's procedures were followed and they worked to produce the right result.

When you have an original birth certificate in your hands, and a secondary form of ID in your hands, and school records in your hands that ALL CONFIRM THE 2006 BIRTHDATE, how do you ignore that?

Best of luck to all in this age group. Exciting times are ahead and youth soccer changes every year. Let's hope we can all evolve to provide the best learning environment for our kids to grow and compete to be the best in the world.

Is it then not true that the player was disqualified?
I think the question remains.....They did provide an embossed BC etc. but has it been authenticated as a valid BC for a birth year of 2006'.
Thanks BT, errr Thunderbolt. You have yet to explain what happened in your closed door meeting or why the decision was overturned at the 11th hour of why the player had previous years registered as an 05. I think there is enough said. Lets see what real investigative folks overturn.
One further thought (I was going to say "final thought", but I doubt it will be) - if after careful, calm consideration, Cal South BOD and/or State Cup Committee rejects the arguments of Surf's corporate lawyer and decides that Anaheim Surf should be DQ'd after the fact, the awards will all go to the runner up - San Diego Surf.

You can't make this shit up.
The threat of public shame and your kid being banned from the league should be threat enough for a family to follow the rules

Please correct me if I'm wrong my understanding is this player has two registrations with different birth dates and those registrations span multiple years of soccer. If so then Cal South better do as you suggest and not allow these parents to ever submit her or any other player into the system again valid, invalid, embossed not embossed none of those would prove her age to me because I now don't trust anything you say. Thunderbolt do you have a different opinion than this?
I don't really have anything to add to my earlier comments. It seems some people are unwilling to accept the truth.

Anaheim Surf had no knowledge of any previous CalSouth submissions when the player registered, and verified the birth certificate as required when the player was transferred in.

CalSouth rightly requested a review of those documents when a complaint was made by a team beaten by the Anaheim Surf team. The registrar provided the documents as requested. After reviewing the original birth certificate, CalSouth made the determination that the team could continue. It was the right call. CalSouth's procedures were followed and they worked to produce the right result.

When you have an original birth certificate in your hands, and a secondary form of ID in your hands, and school records in your hands that ALL CONFIRM THE 2006 BIRTHDATE, how do you ignore that?

Best of luck to all in this age group. Exciting times are ahead and youth soccer changes every year. Let's hope we can all evolve to provide the best learning environment for our kids to grow and compete to be the best in the world.
Thunderbolt, I really doubt your integrity. If the girl's 2006 birthdate were confirmed, then why was she not allowed to play? This thing stinks, and so do you, and so does Surf.
I don't really have anything to add to my earlier comments. It seems some people are unwilling to accept the truth.

Anaheim Surf had no knowledge of any previous CalSouth submissions when the player registered, and verified the birth certificate as required when the player was transferred in.

CalSouth rightly requested a review of those documents when a complaint was made by a team beaten by the Anaheim Surf team. The registrar provided the documents as requested. After reviewing the original birth certificate, CalSouth made the determination that the team could continue. It was the right call. CalSouth's procedures were followed and they worked to produce the right result.

When you have an original birth certificate in your hands, and a secondary form of ID in your hands, and school records in your hands that ALL CONFIRM THE 2006 BIRTHDATE, how do you ignore that?

Best of luck to all in this age group. Exciting times are ahead and youth soccer changes every year. Let's hope we can all evolve to provide the best learning environment for our kids to grow and compete to be the best in the world.
The registrar did not provide the necessary documents within 48 hours as required by Calsouth rules and bylaws. That is why they were disqualified from state cup initially. This was explained to me directly from a surf Parent.. So im not sure how you can circumvent the rules and reinstate this team..I don't have player in this age group. Transparency is a must and i highly doubt we are getting the complete story or ever will. Congrats to AS girls for winning it on the pitch they played hard and refused to lose and shame on all the so called ADULTS for this MESS
The registrar did not provide the necessary documents within 48 hours as required by Calsouth rules and bylaws. That is why they were disqualified from state cup initially. This was explained to me directly from a surf Parent.. So im not sure how you can circumvent the rules and reinstate this team..I don't have player in this age group. Transparency is a must and i highly doubt we are getting the complete story or ever will. Congrats to AS girls for winning it on the pitch they played hard and refused to lose and shame on all the so called ADULTS for this MESS

This is incorrect. CalSouth requested documents. Documents were provided. There is an appeal process and upon appeal, the correct decision was made. The appeal gave the club additional time to provide supporting evidence, which they did. The parents cooperated fully.
This is incorrect. CalSouth requested documents. Documents were provided. There is an appeal process and upon appeal, the correct decision was made. The appeal gave the club additional time to provide supporting evidence, which they did. The parents cooperated fully.
Then Why was AS Disqualified Initially?
This is incorrect. CalSouth requested documents. Documents were provided. There is an appeal process and upon appeal, the correct decision was made. The appeal gave the club additional time to provide supporting evidence, which they did. The parents cooperated fully.
No, the correct decision was not made. Not if you believe in fair play. Did Surf threaten Calsouth?
Folks, lets just leave this alone. I am certain that this isnt over. CalSouth, Surf, CQ, BT and many others will get questions from people who can REALLY dig.

The ladies of AS won the tournament and that is done. Now we get into the corruption of a mega-club and the governing body we entrust for integrity and safety of our kids. This doesnt end here.
No, the correct decision was not made. Not if you believe in fair play. Did Surf threaten Calsouth?

Even if Surf was duped by a very clever parent, they still had the unfair advantage of an overage player. By Cal South rule and long-established precedent, any team with an over-age player should forfeit all the games in which that player participated (including State Cup pool play and elimination games) and relinquish all tournament and league awards received with such a player's participation.
Folks, lets just leave this alone. I am certain that this isnt over. CalSouth, Surf, CQ, BT and many others will get questions from people who can REALLY dig.

The ladies of AS won the tournament and that is done. Now we get into the corruption of a mega-club and the governing body we entrust for integrity and safety of our kids. This doesnt end here.
3SoccerLadies, I hope you are right and somebody really does investigate and provide a credible account. But I'm not optimistic that Calsouth will do anything. After all, Calsouth made the decision to let the Surf team "play on" in later rounds, despite the fact that they apparently received a competitive advantage for having used an overage player in earlier rounds. Without that player, Surf may not have advanced to the later rounds.

Calsouth caved before; what makes you think they will suddenly grow a spine? And what makes you think we (or anybody aggrieved) has any recourse? Every person on this board has a kid in Calsouth, and we have all paid Calsouth $25 each to have our kid registered in their system. But Calsouth will not be accountable to us. Calsouth will do nothing.

As for Surf and their counsel ... well, I guess we'll just have to scrape them off our shoes when we get home.
This is incorrect. CalSouth requested documents. Documents were provided. There is an appeal process and upon appeal, the correct decision was made. The appeal gave the club additional time to provide supporting evidence, which they did. The parents cooperated fully.
Was the player DQ'ed? Not sure why you aren't answering the question. Even when other coaches told BW she played for them and is 2005?
AS: Team Manager - Want to hear the funniest part of all of this?

The funniest part is I'm well aware that you know where the dead bodies lie, but BW is telling you not to say anything. What makes that so funny is you haven't realized BW isn't going to take the blame for this because AS/SD won't allow him to tarnish the brand even if he wanted to. He already demonstrated this to everyone when he didn't follow through on forfeiting.

So where does that leave us, BW gets you to keep quiet and he doesn't take the blame. Soooo that leaves only one other adult who would've had the ability to change that birth certificate. I'm no attorney, but perhaps Thunderbolt can weigh in on whether birth certificate fraud is some sort of crime or not. Seems like quite the risk for a U11 state championship! I hope in the end all this is worth it. BW had his chance to make this right and passed, perhaps you'll wise up and tell Cal South about the discussions that you had last year with the entire team (some of those people have big mouths) and how the 06 birth certificate got there. It's time to do the right thing.
AS: Team Manager - Want to hear the funniest part of all of this?

The funniest part is I'm well aware that you know where the dead bodies lie, but BW is telling you not to say anything. What makes that so funny is you haven't realized BW isn't going to take the blame for this because AS/SD won't allow him to tarnish the brand even if he wanted to. He already demonstrated this to everyone when he didn't follow through on forfeiting.

So where does that leave us, BW gets you to keep quiet and he doesn't take the blame. Soooo that leaves only one other adult who would've had the ability to change that birth certificate. I'm no attorney, but perhaps Thunderbolt can weigh in on whether birth certificate fraud is some sort of crime or not. Seems like quite the risk for a U11 state championship! I hope in the end all this is worth it. BW had his chance to make this right and passed, perhaps you'll wise up and tell Cal South about the discussions that you had last year with the entire team (some of those people have big mouths) and how the 06 birth certificate got there. It's time to do the right thing.

I am not a lawyer, but a lawyer I know once told me that lying is not a crime unless you do it to cause damage to another person or legal entity. Not sure how that fits into falsifying documents to influence the actions of a youth sports organization.