Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

Two additional math assumption flaws in this one.

1. that the bell curve distribution is such that the untreated mtf bell curve sits entirely or mostly the cis f bell curve. Two possible variables: a. the untreated mtf bell curve is not the same as the cis m curve for a variety of reasons ranging from aggression in brain differences to not wanting to appear “obvious”. They might be but we don’t know.b. That those who desire to shift will be superior to those in the f curve. That’s a selection problem and again it’s possible but we don’t know.
2. that after you get through with all this discounting there is a sufficient mass to form teams. On the youth level that’s probably a no even in a large area like Los Angeles. For club You are limited in area realistically by the traffic patterns (with likely a two hour max for even the die hards), the longer the commute the fewer takers you’ll get, and that adds another level of discounting to the available pool. For schools even the large high schools no way. You’d have to have a sea of trans kids at 1 high school to get sufficient mass to field a soccer team after all the discounting is done. You could loosen the transfer rules but then you are back to the problems with club + have the side effect of creating all sorts of problems in the m and f divisions which are already on the verge of teetering public school sports given the scholardhips private schools are giving
@Grace T. , please answer my Q with a yes or a no. No filibuster, just a simple yes or no. TY.
If your 0.6% number is right, no masquerading is necessary. There are tens of thousands of genuine trans athletes. My guess is that most are already playing on boys or coed teams.

The question is what happens when those tens of thousands of trans athletes are encouraged to join competitive girls teams. Eventually, you get perhaps 20% of non-medicated XY trans athletes competing in girls events. That will be enough to create Lia Thomas headlines all over the country and provoke a backlash.

That’s not a good outcome, for either group. The girls lose their spots and the trans kids get hated for it. (Yes, you can tell people to be accepting. Your words will be better received if you don’t start by kicking someone’s daughter off the basketball team.)

You never answered the question about your preferred compromise. I offered one: create a division for trans kids. What compromise do you prefer?
My comment wrt compromise was sarcasm given the obv lack on much of this thread.

I don’t care. It’s youth sports and given the number of trans kids playing, it doesn’t matter, not least as it’s youth sports.

the whole thing is a culture wars nonsense imv. In the whole thread, and I may have missed it, there are zero examples given of youth teams that people know of that are killing everyone because they have a trans kid, never mind more than 1 trans kid.
There was the ruckus in Utah, I think, where some kid whipped the other team so the parents in the losing team got butt hurt and demanded testing or such with no evidence. Lia Thomas, at collegiate level, is an outlier and even then the time wasn’t a record. 4 cis girls have swam the distance faster. LT was whipped in shorter races also.

it does fascinate me how people get so wound up by this and so I comment every now & then.
My comment wrt compromise was sarcasm given the obv lack on much of this thread.

I don’t care. It’s youth sports and given the number of trans kids playing, it doesn’t matter, not least as it’s youth sports.

the whole thing is a culture wars nonsense imv. In the whole thread, and I may have missed it, there are zero examples given of youth teams that people know of that are killing everyone because they have a trans kid, never mind more than 1 trans kid.
There was the ruckus in Utah, I think, where some kid whipped the other team so the parents in the losing team got butt hurt and demanded testing or such with no evidence. Lia Thomas, at collegiate level, is an outlier and even then the time wasn’t a record. 4 cis girls have swam the distance faster. LT was whipped in shorter races also.

it does fascinate me how people get so wound up by this and so I comment every now & then.

If people are willing to allow males in female restrooms and locker rooms, and have the audacity to say that's suddenly okay now when it hasn't been for centuries, there is nothing sacred. I'm less concerned about a 12-year old boy duct taping his trouser mouse for a game against the Cupcake Cuties as I am society indulging this inane bullshit that "some women have penises" and you're a bigot if you deny it. That's complete insanity.

Taking into consideration the report generated from CNN, I don't support this. Trans males should be allowed to compete in youth sports. Let them compete against the boys because that's what they are.

WashingtonCNN —
West Virginia on Thursday asked the US Supreme Court to allow it to enforce a state law that prohibits transgender women and girls from participating in public school sports.
In financial news......

Silicon Valley Bank shut down by regulators
California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation named FDIC as receiver


Don't let FEAR rule your soul. Money is just that, money. Be prepared to lose some more folks. We were all born in Casino and the house was rigged. We will fix these wrong but we all must go through hell & darkness to find the light. Time for the Gr8t Awakening....
Taking into consideration the report generated from CNN, I don't support this. Trans males should be allowed to compete in youth sports. Let them compete against the boys because that's what they are.

WashingtonCNN —
West Virginia on Thursday asked the US Supreme Court to allow it to enforce a state law that prohibits transgender women and girls from participating in public school sports.
Good catch GK Slo bo dan avatar.
These people now what to murder pro life people. They want to murder babies like baby Crush and then murder me for saying, "Please ladies, just don't get pregnant. Use the moon cycle, birth control, condom, celibacy or pull out methods instead of killing a child. Or, give baby away to adoption. Jane was serious and this is not a joke. I have been threaten by EOTL and a few other dads on here for speaking out on the abuse in womans youth soccer. I forgive you Jane but man, you got problems in the after life.

Where is Magoo? Thoughts on MTFs saying the woman can have a penis?
I'd point you to the clip on "Bruno" where Bruno is interviewing the pastor who converts gay people. Apparently this is strictly a "nicht nicht", according to the pastor, even if it reminds Bruno of the "good old days", and is forbidden along with Will & Grace, being fabulous and eating very chocolaty food all the time.
These people now what to murder pro life people. They want to murder babies like baby Crush and then murder me for saying, "Please ladies, just don't get pregnant. Use the moon cycle, birth control, condom, celibacy or pull out methods instead of killing a child. Or, give baby away to adoption. Jane was serious and this is not a joke. I have been threaten by EOTL and a few other dads on here for speaking out on the abuse in womans youth soccer. I forgive you Jane but man, you got problems in the after life.

I wonder how many of these liberal "rights activists" are even aware Joe Biden had to be stopped by the Supreme Court from pushing companies to fire unvaccinated women. "our bodies... our choice" until they don't agree with your agenda. Loved Jane's deadpan face... or is it just dead?

For what its worth, this is a list of the international sports governing bodies' transgender policies. Appears current except for weightlifting.


I think what stands out is how few sports have an actual policy, which just shows were are on the front end of this issue. There is still going to be a lot to shake out. You have swimming (Lia Thomas effect) and cycling becoming more restrictive recently while weightlifting has become more "inclusive". Will the governing bodies lean towards "preserving their sport" or "inclusion". I say let the governing bodies decide and leave the government out of it.
I'd point you to the clip on "Bruno" where Bruno is interviewing the pastor who converts gay people. Apparently this is strictly a "nicht nicht", according to the pastor, even if it reminds Bruno of the "good old days", and is forbidden along with Will & Grace, being fabulous and eating very chocolaty food all the time.
Yes or no?
The Supreme Court has declined to hear these cases because there's generally no good option here. If the Supreme Court upholds the Virginia law, then instantly the states will split (like Roe v Wade) into blue and red states, basically rendering any sort of national competition impossible. The D states will instantly pass bills expressly a) revising birth certificate standards to conform with California, and b) unconditionally protecting trans athlete involvement in f sports. It raises the possibility of some nuclear options, including full faith and credit given to the birth certificates of the relevant states, and eventually a D bureaucracy (which they currently hold) is going to lower the hammer with a rule on Title IX that smashes the system to pieces (at the very minimum, the principle of equality in women's sports goes by the way side). The Supreme Court would also have to restrict the interpretation of the 14th Amendment, and equal protection of the law, which the conservatives have been loathe to do, because it leaves them vulnerable on several fronts. If the Supreme Court rejects it, it will be taken as a signal that any sort of restriction won't pass scrutiny and they know the activists will then go bezerk on inclusion. So, they've ducked the question repeatedly. Williams V. Kinkaid, also in the 4th circuit, is a pathway forward, by expressly recognizing gender dysphoria as a disability, but the West Virginia law fails as overly broad in that analysis, but it was closely decided by the 4th, and the conservatives will be loathe to abandon the strict construction reading of the ADA which expressly disclaims "gender identity disorder". But, they've already also made themselves half pregnant with recognizing LGTBQ discrimination as sex discrimination in Bostock. It's a big mess.
For what its worth, this is a list of the international sports governing bodies' transgender policies. Appears current except for weightlifting.


I think what stands out is how few sports have an actual policy, which just shows were are on the front end of this issue. There is still going to be a lot to shake out. You have swimming (Lia Thomas effect) and cycling becoming more restrictive recently while weightlifting has become more "inclusive". Will the governing bodies lean towards "preserving their sport" or "inclusion". I say let the governing bodies decide and leave the government out of it.
In Europe, any restrictions under the EU Human Rights charter need to be backed up by research to survive rational scrutiny. The issue is a lot of these sports haven't done the research and that research takes time given the very limited set of data points they have.
My comment wrt compromise was sarcasm given the obv lack on much of this thread.

I don’t care. It’s youth sports and given the number of trans kids playing, it doesn’t matter, not least as it’s youth sports.

the whole thing is a culture wars nonsense imv. In the whole thread, and I may have missed it, there are zero examples given of youth teams that people know of that are killing everyone because they have a trans kid, never mind more than 1 trans kid.
There was the ruckus in Utah, I think, where some kid whipped the other team so the parents in the losing team got butt hurt and demanded testing or such with no evidence. Lia Thomas, at collegiate level, is an outlier and even then the time wasn’t a record. 4 cis girls have swam the distance faster. LT was whipped in shorter races also.

it does fascinate me how people get so wound up by this and so I comment every now & then.
So, you accuse others of failing to compromise, but have no answer other than to tell biological girls to suck it up and deal?

What a hypocrite. If you want to talk about the need for compromise, put forward a compromise. That means thinking about the interests of female athletes, not just the trans ones.
In Europe, any restrictions under the EU Human Rights charter need to be backed up by research to survive rational scrutiny. The issue is a lot of these sports haven't done the research and that research takes time given the very limited set of data points they have.
Could the other groups adopt, amend or incorporate the FINA research? Or was it too swimming specific?
Could the other groups adopt, amend or incorporate the FINA research? Or was it too swimming specific?
Legally it wouldn't survive scrutiny. We generally know that men perform better than women. We recently learned that some of the advantages men receive in puberty can't be erased away. What we don't know is whether x y z treatment, relevant to the particular sport, balance out the advantages. In swimming, where races can be decided by fractions of a second, the impact is very different than say skeet shooting or soccer (where the player is 1 of 11).

The second issue is the FINA rule is a legal mess right now. 1. It was conditioned on a separate solution for trans individuals but there has been a hot debate between creating a separate league (which will upend both the women and men's sports because that league must be funded and will take away award and scholarship money from those other division) and an open division (which will just run a stake through the quality principle of women's sports), and 2. is being challenged in the EU courts under the EU human rights charter, since the European Court of Justice has already given a blanket ruling that transgendered people are a protected class against discrimination. As a result, final resolution (which was due in December) seems to be tied up (I have the AI on alert to pull any article that might flag a resolution and so far have not seen it)...because a resolution that doesn't provide for them a place to play is almost certainly going to be struck down by the ECJ. FINA is stuck.