Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

Who isn't clickbaiting to get paid? None of them are doing it for personal growth. Fortunately CNN and MSNBC are on life support.

If you hate Matt Walsh because he did a gig on "what is a woman", that's on you. The fact that liberals can't answer that just shows how screwed up your party is.
I'm not a D. COVID did away with that. My Presidential vote has been split down the middle.

I saw it. No, there were things Walsh did that came pretty close to be over the line, but what did it for me was when he mocked the trans woman's appearance about a week ago. No reason for that. Even Shapiro wouldn't defend it. Just hate. But then, you'd know about that anyways, wouldn't you SOTL?
Charlie Kirk (who BTW I know....we used to be neighbors) and Ben Shapiro (who I've had the good fortune of meeting a few times), have a very different take on this than either Matt Walsh or Michael Knowles. It's hard to tell if Walsh/Knowles are just clickbaiting to cash in on the $$$$, given how their particular contracts are rumored to be structure based on the Crowder disclosures, BUT they have engaged in quite a bit of ugliness that is very much over the line and has brought some condemnation from the moderates like me. It's the distinction between you and dad4 v. someone like woobie or kicking or kicker here. Oh, and before anyone brings it up, crush is Jordan Peterson in this scenario.
I've heard of Peterson but have no idea who he is. I don't feel like going online to get the google point of view either. If you type Jeffrey Epstein you get pictures of him and Trump with the ladies. I bet JE was trying to get Trump in a Honey Pot tramp and free flights to the Islands. Tell me why I am JP in this scenario, thx
I'm not a D. COVID did away with that. My Presidential vote has been split down the middle.

I saw it. No, there were things Walsh did that came pretty close to be over the line, but what did it for me was when he mocked the trans woman's appearance about a week ago. No reason for that. Even Shapiro wouldn't defend it. Just hate. But then, you'd know about that anyways, wouldn't you SOTL?

If you're talking about either one of these hideous beasts, then yes... both are very disturbing. Nobody is fooled... these are men. Male & mocked.

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I'm nonchalant because its extremely unlikely to become "common". As best I can tell, 0.6% of the population identifies as trans. That's way less than 1 player per team out of 18 players. If the number increases by a factor of 10, then you get 1 player per team, on average. That seems very unlikely to me as they would all, on mass, have to play soccer ... to even get to the 1 per team number.
For team sports, I think you're spot on. However, I don't think "how common it is" is relevant when it comes to individual sports. I believe the issue is the magnitude of the event. It only takes one person to win a National Championship, a World Championship or an Olympic medal. Beer league ping pong, who cares.

One thing to consider is that while the number of people that are transgender may not have historically changed, the medical technology for them to transition has become more common and reliable. So you are seeing more with the gender appearance to compete against the gender opposite from their birth.
If you're talking about either one of these hideous beasts, then yes... both are very disturbing. Nobody is fooled... these are men. Male & mocked.

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Nope it was neither. But it doesn't make what you did any less ugly than what he did. If we had an who is the ugliest inside contest, you SOTL would win the crown and be handed it by your lovely lovely precedessor EOTL. Throwing stones man....throwing stones.
I've heard of Peterson but have no idea who he is. I don't feel like going online to get the google point of view either. If you type Jeffrey Epstein you get pictures of him and Trump with the ladies. I bet JE was trying to get Trump in a Honey Pot tramp and free flights to the Islands. Tell me why I am JP in this scenario, thx
He's a psychologist/philosopher who walks to his own individual drummer. Had a hard time of it just as COVID hit.
Nope it was neither. But it doesn't make what you did any less ugly than what he did. If we had an who is the ugliest inside contest, you SOTL would win the crown and be handed it by your lovely lovely precedessor EOTL. Throwing stones man....throwing stones.

Oh for God's sake... You can't tell me that looks remotely normal and human instinct is to laugh at that bullshit. Both look ridiculous.
For team sports, I think you're spot on. However, I don't think "how common it is" is relevant when it comes to individual sports. I believe the issue is the magnitude of the event. It only takes one person to win a National Championship, a World Championship or an Olympic medal. Beer league ping pong, who cares.

One thing to consider is that while the number of people that are transgender may not have historically changed, the medical technology for them to transition has become more common and reliable. So you are seeing more with the gender appearance to compete against the gender opposite from their birth.
So true. Their learning from the age of 5 thru college that their is no He or she and it's common to feel like a woman and just go all in. Also, the Docs see what Docs always see, which is the dollar$$$$$. "Hey Doc, I want to be woman, please cut off my penis." Man, you must really hate yourself to do that. Why a doctor would cut off something that can produce a life is beyond me. Not saying you have to use what God gave you but this is insane. "Hey Doc, I hate what my eyes look at and how it makes me feel, so please remove them. Also, while your plucking my eyes out, go ahead and chop off both of my arms." Talk about madness during March. This is a big month. Both of my gay friends are men and are very happy being men. They dress like men as well. This is taking things to a new level. Also, it;s not just individual sports were dealing with. You will see watty, trust me.
Matt Walsh’s “What is a woman?”
is a very interesting watch. There was some real ridiculousness going on by some of the interviewees. I will say, I also heard him on Joe Rogan and he was very much against gay marriage, which I find stupid and close minded. Why does it matter who somebody marries as long as they are happy. I get him on what is a woman, but he lost me on gay marriage. People should be able to join with their people. Not hurting anybody, not me, not you. Found it closed minded and hypocritical.

Marriage is a legal contract and who cares who you want to spend your life with. Not my business. Does not hurt me.
Matt Walsh’s “What is a woman?”
is a very interesting watch. There was some real ridiculousness going on by some of the interviewees. I will say, I also heard him on Joe Rogan and he was very much against gay marriage, which I find stupid and close minded. Why does it matter who somebody marries as long as they are happy. I get him on what is a woman, but he lost me on gay marriage. People should be able to join with their people. Not hurting anybody, not me, not you. Found it closed minded and hypocritical.

Marriage is a legal contract and who cares who you want to spend your life with. Not my business. Does not hurt me.
I agree. To each his own. I have dear friends who are LBG. I know a Lesbian couple that are one of the nicest couples I know. We hang out and actually talk all about this. I also know a few Bi woman who like the feel of a man (if you know what I mean) and the warmness of a woman. They get both and nothing wrong with that if that's what she likes. I also have many gay men friends. Some married and some not. This MTF trick is my issue. Slammed in our faces and actually hurt the LBG community, moo. Gays against groomers is growing. They have real fear and concern because of the likes of Lia and the two that Slobodan just put up.
So it's a compliment?
More like an explanation. While I don't agree with everything Jordan Peterson says, and robustly oppose him on trans rights, I am a fan of some of his stuff, especially pre meltdown, and find some of it particularly insightful. You know I live in squishy ambiguity.
I’ll put the hyperbole aside and give all of you a reminder about why I am doing this.

There are a few people here who absolutely, positively refuse to treat trans children with even the slightest amount of dignity and respect. I’m not talking about merely disagreeing with ECNL down to AYSO allowing trans girls to play soccer. I’m talking about people who mock gender pronouns, refer to certain lesbian women and men, who call children “trannies” and worse, and accuse them of engaging in lewd behavior in bathrooms. These are people who have zero empathy for trans children who are actual people and the sons and daughters of actual parents. If they can’t treat children with dignity and respect, I won’t treat theirs with dignity and respect either. Slobodan in particular can have a turn feeling how trans children and their parents feel when they hear the garbage that people like him spew.

I also think it’s important for people like him to understand in no uncertain terms that people who support the LGBT community no longer fear the bullying anti-trans schtick that he grew up dumping on everyone around him. Not only do we no longer fear it, but we also don’t stay quiet or go away quietly in response to your elementary school playground bullying. You wanted bullying, you got it.

I know Grace disagrees with me and would prefer the old way of trying to politely convince people to think differently. I admire her doggedness in putting up with the constant bullying of her that drove off others in disgust, but

So mocking gender pronouns and calling lesbians men constitutes “middle ground”? That is what makes you a bigot, not the mere fact that you oppose trans participation in sports. So too does your absolute refusal to consider the reasons why transgender children believe it is important to allow them to play consistent with their gender identity to be legitimate positions to weigh into the decision, and despite the fact that virtually every private youth league from ECNL down to AYSO agrees with them, as does CIF.

You have made it very clear that trans girls and women should not be allowed to play competitive sports with their gender identity at any age group, in any sport, and under any circumstances. That is absolutist, no matter how much you try to retroactively label yourself as someone willing to compromise. And no, your theory that trans people can do whatever they want so long as it isn’t anything you don’t want them to do is not compromise.

Get used to the compromise that already exists, and had existed for decades. It is virtually impossible for trans women to participate at the pro level. It is very difficult at the NCAA level, and when something shows the requirements are out of whack, they are thoughtfully reconsidered. And at the youth level, you can vote for or against trans hate in your state if winning a kiddie trophy is that important to you. But even if you vote for hate, you still can’t stop a private company from deciding to allow trans kids from participating, no matter how much you hate the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Are you serious right now? You really think you're a victim dont you? Funny how your hypocrite ass forgets how you spoke about kids suffering from depression and the overweight girls basketball team even though they said nothing about you. Keep ignoring what you said, maybe you'll feel better about your repressed feelings towards your own trans child but dont pretend you actually give a fuck about kids feelings. Prick.

Dont worry, I'll wait for the "show me", " your daughter sucks at soccer", "you're scared of trans kids" you keep regurgitating you donkey hooved fuck wad.
More like an explanation. While I don't agree with everything Jordan Peterson says, and robustly oppose him on trans rights, I am a fan of some of his stuff, especially pre meltdown, and find some of it particularly insightful. You know I live in squishy ambiguity.
That's what makes us all different and why we should have free speech for everyone. Who wants to be around people who kiss your ass and butter you up, but really they don't like you or actually hate you. The two faced liar hypocrite like you know who on here is my distain. Yuk and yikes. Back stabbers. I have met more of these people in soccer than anywhere. Parents smile at you and then knife you when your not looking to get ahead of the game and make sure your child makes the list over your kid. It sucks. They smile at you but double cross you.
So we're going to get "large" numbers of teenage boys identifying as trans in their daily life through high school and then on into college so that they can play sports and be better than cis girls, is that your premise? I don't see that.

BTW, where did I make assumptions in my math? 0.6% is a lot less than 1 player in 18 (as a %), 10 times that is about 1 player in 18 (as a %). There are no assumptions there.
You introduce some statistics, then introduce your feelings, "seems very unlikely to me", to arrive at your conclusion. True, no math - just assumptions that don't take into account the incentive and opportunity that never existed before. I apologize for giving you too much credit in creating your "model" for behavior.
I have the same reaction when I contemplate you (SOTL) and your counterpart ETOL: I feel sad.

You spend a lot of time contemplating me. I don't care about gay people getting married. Just don't go out of your way to shove it down my throat. Again, if you want to be accepted and treated like everyone else, great. You don't need a rainbow sticker... a special flag... a special day... a special month, a special parade, etc. Just like television commercials. I don't need to have it pushed on me... same way some networks are pushing biracial couples. Enough already. You don't change people's minds forcefully.
You spend a lot of time contemplating me. I don't care about gay people getting married. Just don't go out of your way to shove it down my throat. Again, if you want to be accepted and treated like everyone else, great. You don't need a rainbow... a special flag... a special day... a special month, etc. Just live television commercials. I don't need to have it pushed on me... same way some networks are pushing biracial couples. Enough already. You don't change people's minds forcefully.
"biracial couples"

Wow SOTL, you really doubled down on that box there you are building yourself. You just implied that you don't like seeing biracial couples in front of you. That you dislike seeing miscegenation. :eek: :eek: :eek: Not only anti trans, anti gay but now outright racist. Winning!!!!

Truly living up to your name, aren't you? Ura! Slavna otatsbina. Ura!

This is just such a train wreck but I literally can't look away. Wondering if poe's law governs and this is all an act, but it's just way too sincere to be a troll act. If not, and if crush is right that it's the same person that does the espola sock puppet, bravo!!!!
"biracial couples"

Wow SOTL, you really doubled down on that box there you are building yourself. You just implied that you don't like seeing biracial couples in front of you. That you dislike seeing miscegenation. :eek: :eek: :eek: Not only anti trans, anti gay but now outright racist. Winning!!!!

Truly living up to your name, aren't you? Ura! Slavna otatsbina. Ura!

This is just such a train wreck but I literally can't look away. Wondering if poe's law governs and this is all an act, but it's just way too sincere to be a troll act. If not, and if crush is right that it's the same person that does the espola sock puppet, bravo!!!!

So none of your multiple personalities will admit you're suddenly seeing a barrage of biracial couples on television? What planet do you live on? How about all the gay, beta male men prancing around in Lululemon outfights during HIV medication commercials?

Love the drama queen, routine, though. It's amazing you can feign shock and awe every single time. And you're very consistent about "the box".