Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

You're a bigot Woobie. How dare you....

You can’t just decide you are something and expect everyone to just go…oh, ok, sounds good. Some of this stuff is ridiculous and some is serious…it’s hard to discern the people that this really impacts and the attention and advantage seekers. There are some, there is no denying that. My wife has a friend from Elementary school who she has shown me pictures of and looked out of place as a young girl and now is married with a child as a FTM…looks happy, healthy. She said that as a youth she, now a he, never looked comfortable in her skin. I can see this….That makes sense to me. But this is not everyone…we have a friend who has a daughter who is “confused” because her friend group has a cluster of 5 kids saying they are trapped in the wrong body, non-binary, etc. Some of it sounds like “I want to do this belong”…seems like a super high rate. Just a gut feeling…seems off.
You can’t just decide you are something and expect everyone to just go…oh, ok, sounds good. Some of this stuff is ridiculous and some is serious…it’s hard to discern the people that this really impacts and the attention and advantage seekers. There are some, there is no denying that. My wife has a friend from Elementary school who she has shown me pictures of and looked out of place as a young girl and now is married with a child as a FTM…looks happy, healthy. She said that as a youth she, now a he, never looked comfortable in her skin. I can see this….That makes sense to me. But this is not everyone…we have a friend who has a daughter who is “confused” because her friend group has a cluster of 5 kids saying they are trapped in the wrong body, non-binary, etc. Some of it sounds like “I want to do this belong”…seems like a super high rate. Just a gut feeling…seems off.

By advantage seekers, an example is Biological Men petitioning to be women to get moved to a women’s prison/jail…these advantage and attention seekers exist. Make no mistake.
It takes a very special person to see their own words quoted, and accuse someone else of a flawed assumption in their thinking.
You’re just closed minded. Unlike you I’ve actually been through something somewhat similar. This is even more permanent of a change since you are basically redoing your public identity.
You can’t just decide you are something and expect everyone to just go…oh, ok, sounds good. Some of this stuff is ridiculous and some is serious…it’s hard to discern the people that this really impacts and the attention and advantage seekers. There are some, there is no denying that. My wife has a friend from Elementary school who she has shown me pictures of and looked out of place as a young girl and now is married with a child as a FTM…looks happy, healthy. She said that as a youth she, now a he, never looked comfortable in her skin. I can see this….That makes sense to me. But this is not everyone…we have a friend who has a daughter who is “confused” because her friend group has a cluster of 5 kids saying they are trapped in the wrong body, non-binary, etc. Some of it sounds like “I want to do this belong”…seems like a super high rate. Just a gut feeling…seems off.
Well, we know that their taught early their is only "they" and no more he or she. I would also say that kids who are not sure and have hard core Christian up bringing like Espola had can be rough on the youth. I helped thousands of young people deal with many issues in the Christian up bringing. Some parents use fear tactics to get kids to do what THEY want for their lives. I think at a certain age kids need to be set free. 18 is too old. Maybe 16? Hunter Biden was born into some serious stuff as well. We all need to be set free. Love you bro
Breaking news in Canada. Woman now have a penis. If you got a problem with that, STFU and deal with it.

Parents are furious about 'naked man' entering a girls' locker room

The girl's father, Allan Eisses, said one of the moms followed the transwoman into the changing rooms and herded the girls into the private stalls after catching a glimpse of the person. (and his package, yikes)
"While this was happening, the man proceeded to get undressed and walk around the room naked, penis hanging out in full view of all of them."
Eisses said his two oldest daughters, 13 and 15, witnessed the event, among others.
The Calgary Police Service (CPS) has not returned requests for comment from the Western Standard concerning the alleged incident.

AZ High School’s Policy Tells Girls to "Leave Their Locker Room If Uncomfortable With Trans Students"

1920 called... they want their rules back.
You’re just closed minded. Unlike you I’ve actually been through something somewhat similar. This is even more permanent of a change since you are basically redoing your public identity.

It's not about transitioning... it's about exploiting transitioning. You can discern the difference, yes?
Breaking news in Canada. Woman now have a penis. If you got a problem with that, STFU and deal with it.

Parents are furious about 'naked man' entering a girls' locker room

The girl's father, Allan Eisses, said one of the moms followed the transwoman into the changing rooms and herded the girls into the private stalls after catching a glimpse of the person. (and his package, yikes)
"While this was happening, the man proceeded to get undressed and walk around the room naked, penis hanging out in full view of all of them."
Eisses said his two oldest daughters, 13 and 15, witnessed the event, among others.
The Calgary Police Service (CPS) has not returned requests for comment from the Western Standard concerning the alleged incident.

He mustn't have been on his period. Otherwise someone would have mentioned the string dangling out of his ass.
1920 called... they want their rules back.

It's not about transitioning... it's about exploiting transitioning. You can discern the difference, yes?
That's stupid even for you SOTL. No one is setting out doing this with an evil master plan to dominate women's athletics.
Hardly. You can argue the NCA protocols in this case failed to do what they should have to make it fair (that's fair), or that they can never balance, but unless you are going to call her a liar......

She is not a he. This is insane Grace T. At least they should call Lia a "Them" or a "they" and not a she.
She is not a he. This is insane Grace T. At least they should call Lia a "Them" or a "they" and not a she.
You are arguing over a word which has no meaning. It is a human construct, made because we are too lazy to repeat nouns. Calling someone a "she" does not change the biological condition. Calling her a "he" does not alter her brain structure. If anything, they/them is worse, because in essence it violates grammatical principles...there are not two of her. You've just made the case for introducing multiple new sets of pronouns to the language, including for the genetically unusual, which is also insane and I think you would hate more.
You are arguing over a word which has no meaning. It is a human construct, made because we are too lazy to repeat nouns. Calling someone a "she" does not change the biological condition. Calling her a "he" does not alter her brain structure. If anything, they/them is worse, because in essence it violates grammatical principles...there are not two of her. You've just made the case for introducing multiple new sets of pronouns to the language, including for the genetically unusual, which is also insane and I think you would hate more.
She=Female. The rest is utter BS. Why the full court press on the female. Woman cannot have a penis, end of the debate.
She=Female. The rest is utter BS. Why the full court press on the female. Woman cannot have a penis, end of the debate.

So your objection is the penis (BTW, didn't we agree on the term "snakes"?) Presumably after the penis is is gone "she" is o.k.?

A momentary diversion into the absurdity of the word "it". Firstly, the romance languages don't really use it...there is a female it and a male it....somehow a house is female and a car is male...last I recall the house didn't have it's penis excised. El, ella/esso,essa/ele, ela. Where one falls and the other one doesn't, is purely a human construction. Second, in English the use of the word "it" is very broad. It (haha!) can describe my dog, though my dog can also be described as "him". It can refer to a bridge, a house, a pencil, a planet, a star, something which isn't even physical like math, an idea, a story, or a feeling, and living things such as the tree, bacteria, fish, even birds. Curiously our line seems to be mammals. So why are mammals a he or a she but everything else is an "it"? Why aren't we all its? Why does our gender even need to be reflected in a pronoun, if the distinction is we are all human (or mammals) or we are all things. If it's just a shorthand, why distinguish between a man and a woman in the pronoun rather than just be human, or like the romance language ascribe male and female to pretty much everything??? Hope I made you at least go "hmmmmm".
So your objection is the penis (BTW, didn't we agree on the term "snakes"?) Presumably after the penis is is gone "she" is o.k.?

A momentary diversion into the absurdity of the word "it". Firstly, the romance languages don't really use it...there is a female it and a male it....somehow a house is female and a car is male...last I recall the house didn't have it's penis excised. El, ella/esso,essa/ele, ela. Where one falls and the other one doesn't, is purely a human construction. Second, in English the use of the word "it" is very broad. It (haha!) can describe my dog, though my dog can also be described as "him". It can refer to a bridge, a house, a pencil, a planet, a star, something which isn't even physical like math, an idea, a story, or a feeling, and living things such as the tree, bacteria, fish, even birds. Curiously our line seems to be mammals. So why are mammals a he or a she but everything else is an "it"? Why aren't we all its? Why does our gender even need to be reflected in a pronoun, if the distinction is we are all human (or mammals) or we are all things. If it's just a shorthand, why distinguish between a man and a woman in the pronoun rather than just be human, or like the romance language ascribe male and female to pretty much everything??? Hope I made you at least go "hmmmmm".
I don't read your gobbledygook. No, he's a man, end of story for me and many others. ABC Good Morning America is calling him a she.
You’re just closed minded. Unlike you I’ve actually been through something somewhat similar. This is even more permanent of a change since you are basically redoing your public identity.
I did think through it. Not one word of your argument is unique to sports. You could replace “sports” with “musical theatre”, “art club”, or “marching band”, and the argument would be exactly the same. It is “awfully hard” for athletes in exactly the same way that it is ”awfully hard” for anyone else in that situation.

More importantly, think through your numbers.

If Illinois only had 14 cases of mtf athletes deciding to play on a girls team, think about what that means. There are far, far more than 14 mtf trans kids in Illinois who like sports. If the nation has 25K teenage mtf athletes, then Illinois probably has around a thousand.

You‘re busy defending 14 Lia Thomas wanna-bes while ignoring the thousand kids who would benefit from a less confrontational solution.
I did think through it. Not one word of your argument is unique to sports. You could replace “sports” with “musical theatre”, “art club”, or “marching band”, and the argument would be exactly the same. It is “awfully hard” for athletes in exactly the same way that it is ”awfully hard” for anyone else in that situation.

More importantly, think through your numbers.

If Illinois only had 14 cases of mtf athletes deciding to play on a girls team, think about what that means. There are far, far more than 14 mtf trans kids in Illinois who like sports. If the nation has 25K teenage mtf athletes, then Illinois probably has around a thousand.

You‘re busy defending 14 Lia Thomas wanna-bes while ignoring the thousand kids who would benefit from a less confrontational solution.
1. So we agree on other activities? I agree equally as hard to go back. The only reason sports was singled out was because it’s the subject matter of our discussion. You were reading too much into that. I won’t call you out on reading comprehension on that one.
2. the 1000 athletes though runs against your argument. 1000 athletes in Illinois alone and the one you can point to as a problem is lia. The reality is most are overwhelming not a problem, probably for the reasons I previously suggested. That argues for a wholistic case by case approach with the downside of such a system being the possibility for repeated errors, arbitrariness and corruption.
3. “Less confrontational solution”. If fairness isn’t really at issue, it points again that you in particular have a morality qualm. Because otherwise my authoritarian detector is reading this as “a solution which I find less objectionable”. At best it’s circular reasoning, and worst it sounds a bit like your Covid position: why don’t you just shut up and be a good little girl?
You are sticking your fingers in your ears and yelling “la la la la la”.
Ps here’s another thought exercise. A person hits you over the head from behind knocking you out with a frying pan. You don’t see if male or female. Is that person an it? Or is he a he? Why should the default be male? Is it the patriarchy or the fact that a man is more likely to strike at you or did you toss a coin? What if you were fighting with your wife at the time? If he is he initially what magically changes when you find out your assailant is female?