Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

So none of your multiple personalities will admit you're suddenly seeing a barrage of biracial couples on television? What planet do you live on? How about all the gay, beta male men prancing around in Lululemon outfights during HIV medication commercials?

Love the drama queen, routine, though. It's amazing you can feign shock and awe every single time. And you're very consistent about "the box".
Here's the actually complained about them.....they bother amounts to you being bothered by biracial couples. And just when I think you finally hit rock bottom, you go with "gay, beta male men prancing around in Lululemon". Wow!

How about any of you all still on the thread. Y'all bothered by biracial couples on TV? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Here's the actually complained about them.....they bother amounts to you being bothered by biracial couples. And just when I think you finally hit rock bottom, you go with "gay, beta male men prancing around in Lululemon". Wow!

How about any of you all still on the thread. Y'all bothered by biracial couples on TV? :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

No, they don't bother me. The deliberate attempt to force it down my throat bothers me. The fact that we have to make sure to have enough minorities winning awards bothers me. Giving "woman of the year" to a man in drag bothers me. Joe Biden saying the best person for the available SC court seat has to be a black woman bothers me. Putting an unqualified, lousy mayor in charge of transportation, solely because he's gay, bothers me. I don't like pandering.

And why do you think we have some kind of audience?
No, they don't bother me. The deliberate attempt to force it down my throat bothers me. The fact that we have to make sure to have enough minorities winning awards bothers me. Joe Biden saying the best person for the available SC court seat has to be a black woman bothers me. Putting an unqualified, lousy mayor in charge of transportation, solely because he's gay, bothers me. I don't like pandering.

And why do you think we have some kind of audience?
They do. Otherwise you wouldn't be offended by it. You wouldn't even really think about it because a biracial couple would be the "normal" status of being. It's a stone in your shoe that's triggering you. And you are so wrapped up in it too, but you can't even see it. Amazing. I have a theory having to do with your name, but I'll put it aside for the time being.

For right now, I'm just shocked anyone would even say something that outrageous, which does lead credence to crush's sock puppet theory. If so, you are channeling the perfect reverse EOTL Mr. SOTL. If so, time to drop your act and take a bow, because you've earned yourself a standing ovation.
They do. Otherwise you wouldn't be offended by it. You wouldn't even really think about it because a biracial couple would be the "normal" status of being. It's a stone in your shoe that's triggering you. And you are so wrapped up in it too, but you can't even see it. Amazing. I have a theory having to do with your name, but I'll put it aside for the time being.

For right now, I'm just shocked anyone would even say something that outrageous, which does lead credence to crush's sock puppet theory. If so, you are channeling the perfect reverse EOTL Mr. SOTL. If so, time to drop your act and take a bow, because you've earned yourself a standing ovation.

Why don't you just tell me how I think moving forward. You can just post for me. How's that? You'll have to really work hard pretending to be offended but I think you can handle it. You're not shocked... you're a drama queen.... and the truth is, you love it.
So none of your multiple personalities will admit you're suddenly seeing a barrage of biracial couples on television? What planet do you live on? How about all the gay, beta male men prancing around in Lululemon outfights during HIV medication commercials?
I can only speak with firsthand knowledge of this based on the Hallmark-type Christmas rom-coms. The "biracial couples" was the prior iteration. I've seen those for several years - usually, with a white male. The latest iteration appears to require at least one non-cis couple. IIRC, there were only "gay" couples so far. I assume they are saving the trans couples for a future iteration. They don't want to overwhelm us. I've also noticed a significant drop in the percentage of white men in these movies over the past few years. Of course, I am sure at least half of them identify as Native American. Maybe they are from the Warren tribe.
Why don't you just tell me how I think moving forward. You can just post for me. How's that? You'll have to really work hard pretending to be offended but I think you can handle it. You're not shocked... you're a drama queen.... and the truth is, you love it.

O.k. 3 possibilities: 1) as your name implies you are slavic. There's a certain segment of slavic society (not all of them or even most of them) which not only can't comprehend their own bigoted behavior, they revel in comes a long with a certain machismo of sorts.....and deep seated sense of insecurity, 2) you are a troll, and are purposely doing this for shits and giggles, 3) you are mentally disabled and can't help it. Here's the test, if you are up for it. Tell your daughter your thoughts on biracial couples on TV and tell us what she says back to you.

At this point, I feel I owe dad4 an apology. O.k. you are not truly the worst on this topic (setting aside of course 13 knots which has a particular trolling style). At least you were never triggered by biracial couples. It's not even close. Putting it in perspective, I concede EOTL is the worst, followed closely by his counterpart SOTL here (though SOTL is really giving him a run for his money). And sidenote to watfly, o.k. maybe I was wrong....maybe we can judge the size of piles of crap.....these 2 however are neck and neck.
O.k. 3 possibilities: 1) as your name implies you are slavic. There's a certain segment of slavic society (not all of them or even most of them) which not only can't comprehend their own bigoted behavior, they revel in comes a long with a certain machismo of sorts.....and deep seated sense of insecurity, 2) you are a troll, and are purposely doing this for shits and giggles, 3) you are mentally disabled and can't help it. Here's the test, if you are up for it. Tell your daughter your thoughts on biracial couples on TV and tell us what she says back to you.

At this point, I feel I owe dad4 an apology. O.k. you are not truly the worst on this topic (setting aside of course 13 knots which has a particular trolling style). At least you were never triggered by biracial couples. It's not even close. Putting it in perspective, I concede EOTL is the worst, followed closely by his counterpart SOTL here (though SOTL is really giving him a run for his money). And sidenote to watfly, o.k. maybe I was wrong....maybe we can judge the size of piles of crap.....these 2 however are neck and neck.
I am so white I eat wonder bread for my P & Js. You're missing the message big time and fall hook line and sinker. Stop it
So we're going to get "large" numbers of teenage boys identifying as trans in their daily life through high school and then on into college so that they can play sports and be better than cis girls, is that your premise? I don't see that.

BTW, where did I make assumptions in my math? 0.6% is a lot less than 1 player in 18 (as a %), 10 times that is about 1 player in 18 (as a %). There are no assumptions there.
Your mistake is in assuming that if trans kids are 0.6% of the general population, then trans kids are also 0.6% of those who are good enough to make the team.

For high end teams, that is not even remotely close to accurate, even with your x10 fudge factor.

Try ten thousand. (The approximate number of men playing on a team which could easily beat the women's world cup champs.)
The truth will set you free. What we have here is failure of communication. The fact is we have weak men who cheat, steal, spy and then lie about it when caught. Their masters at projecting their BS back at us. The truth is they can't handle a strong, beautiful woman. She is too powerful!!

O.k. 3 possibilities: 1) as your name implies you are slavic. There's a certain segment of slavic society (not all of them or even most of them) which not only can't comprehend their own bigoted behavior, they revel in comes a long with a certain machismo of sorts.....and deep seated sense of insecurity, 2) you are a troll, and are purposely doing this for shits and giggles, 3) you are mentally disabled and can't help it. Here's the test, if you are up for it. Tell your daughter your thoughts on biracial couples on TV and tell us what she says back to you.

At this point, I feel I owe dad4 an apology. O.k. you are not truly the worst on this topic (setting aside of course 13 knots which has a particular trolling style). At least you were never triggered by biracial couples. It's not even close. Putting it in perspective, I concede EOTL is the worst, followed closely by his counterpart SOTL here (though SOTL is really giving him a run for his money). And sidenote to watfly, o.k. maybe I was wrong....maybe we can judge the size of piles of crap.....these 2 however are neck and neck.

I've already explained where my moniker came from. Crush asked and I shared. Shows you cherry pick posts and don't read cover to cover. I don't always read your posts, cover to cover, because one day I will run out of breath and can't imagine regretting that choice. So it's not Option 1, Grace. In terms of Option 2, you can't pretend you don't like me... it's not plausible. Option 3 is offensive. There is no mentally "disabled". How dare you. There is only "challenged". And if you want me to ask my lousy soccer player to stop blowing trannies in the girl's locker room, well... you'd better spin another, lengthy yarn worthy of such sacrifice.

The problem is that "classic liberal/libertarians" like you have resorted to "racist... homophobic... transphobic... fascist..." because you're lazy sheep. Black people have been screaming they're underrepresented. They aren't. Neither are trannies. And we don't need to see biracial couples in every film, show and commercial. It's pandering and you know it. And don't yell at me because Chad & Lance, frolicking around the garden with their labradoodle Spencer, in their Lululemon sweatpants while sipping Chai tea, is on every commercial break. At some point I start rooting for the HIV medication to get lost in the mail. I'm still waiting to see Megan Fox and Sofia Vergara in yoga pants, wrestling and kissing on the futon, but lipstick lesbians are underrepresented. Television executives must all be gay males. That's incredibly sexist and I don't know why you allow it. I digress and wait, excitedly, for your pending lecture.
Your mistake is in assuming that if trans kids are 0.6% of the general population, then trans kids are also 0.6% of those who are good enough to make the team.

For high end teams, that is not even remotely close to accurate, even with your x10 fudge factor.

Try ten thousand. (The approximate number of men playing on a team which could easily beat the women's world cup champs.)
You no doubt understand the point I was making and why the X10 factor was used, convenient as it was.

Is your apocalypse really that tens of thousands of teenage boys will decide to masquerade as trans through their high school years to get on to ECNL teams so that what, they can get into college where they will have to get treatment, possibly irreversible, for set time periods before they can play? FFS ‍♂️
You no doubt understand the point I was making and why the X10 factor was used, convenient as it was.

Is your apocalypse really that tens of thousands of teenage boys will decide to masquerade as trans through their high school years to get on to ECNL teams so that what, they can get into college where they will have to get treatment, possibly irreversible, for set time periods before they can play? FFS ‍♂
This MTF just said that "some women have penises." Do you see the problem with that kind of science? What I think? RED FLAG WARNING!!! I feel like I keep waking up to more and more of these new types of a woman with a penis taking modeling jobs, Corporate jobs, sports and the medals that come with them and awards from the original woman with a Yoni. Don't you see the Full Monty that is in our faces? FJBs wife said that the original female needs to step up her game. Please tell me oh wise one, how can she compete without a penis?

I've already explained where my moniker came from. Crush asked and I shared. Shows you cherry pick posts and don't read cover to cover. I don't always read your posts, cover to cover, because one day I will run out of breath and can't imagine regretting that choice. So it's not Option 1, Grace. In terms of Option 2, you can't pretend you don't like me... it's not plausible. Option 3 is offensive. There is no mentally "disabled". How dare you. There is only "challenged". And if you want me to ask my lousy soccer player to stop blowing trannies in the girl's locker room, well... you'd better spin another, lengthy yarn worthy of such sacrifice.

The problem is that "classic liberal/libertarians" like you have resorted to "racist... homophobic... transphobic... fascist..." because you're lazy sheep. Black people have been screaming they're underrepresented. They aren't. Neither are trannies. And we don't need to see biracial couples in every film, show and commercial. It's pandering and you know it. And don't yell at me because Chad & Lance, frolicking around the garden with their labradoodle Spencer, in their Lululemon sweatpants while sipping Chai tea, is on every commercial break. At some point I start rooting for the HIV medication to get lost in the mail. I'm still waiting to see Megan Fox and Sofia Vergara in yoga pants, wrestling and kissing on the futon, but lipstick lesbians are underrepresented. Television executives must all be gay males. That's incredibly sexist and I don't know why you allow it. I digress and wait, excitedly, for your pending lecture.
“Start rooting for the hiv medication to get lost in the mail”

wow. Mouth on the floor Sotl. If it is 2 bravo! You’ve outdone even eotl with this one. Leapfrogged way past espola a long time ago, passed dad4 which took quite a bit of effort given all he accomplished over Covid, over Eotl (sorry bud but you’ve met your match…this is a true masterpiece) and now only 13knots stands in your way. Unfortunately to get there you’ll probably have to change the moniker but you have my quiet admiration to have taken it this far and I’m rooting for you. Seeing you’ve declined the challenge I’m assuming it’s 2 because I have a hard time believing in this day and age anyone is as garbage of human being as you make out to be.
“Start rooting for the hiv medication to get lost in the mail”

wow. Mouth on the floor Sotl. If it is 2 bravo! You’ve outdone even eotl with this one. Leapfrogged way past espola a long time ago, passed dad4 which took quite a bit of effort given all he accomplished over Covid, over Eotl (sorry bud but you’ve met your match…this is a true masterpiece) and now only 13knots stands in your way. Unfortunately to get there you’ll probably have to change the moniker but you have my quiet admiration to have taken it this far and I’m rooting for you. Seeing you’ve declined the challenge I’m assuming it’s 2 because I have a hard time believing in this day and age anyone is as garbage of human being as you make out to be.
Where is Magoo? Thoughts on MTFs saying the woman can have a penis?
You no doubt understand the point I was making and why the X10 factor was used, convenient as it was.

Is your apocalypse really that tens of thousands of teenage boys will decide to masquerade as trans through their high school years to get on to ECNL teams so that what, they can get into college where they will have to get treatment, possibly irreversible, for set time periods before they can play? FFS ‍♂
If your 0.6% number is right, no masquerading is necessary. There are tens of thousands of genuine trans athletes. My guess is that most are already playing on boys or coed teams.

The question is what happens when those tens of thousands of trans athletes are encouraged to join competitive girls teams. Eventually, you get perhaps 20% of non-medicated XY trans athletes competing in girls events. That will be enough to create Lia Thomas headlines all over the country and provoke a backlash.

That’s not a good outcome, for either group. The girls lose their spots and the trans kids get hated for it. (Yes, you can tell people to be accepting. Your words will be better received if you don’t start by kicking someone’s daughter off the basketball team.)

You never answered the question about your preferred compromise. I offered one: create a division for trans kids. What compromise do you prefer?
You no doubt understand the point I was making and why the X10 factor was used, convenient as it was.

Is your apocalypse really that tens of thousands of teenage boys will decide to masquerade as trans through their high school years to get on to ECNL teams so that what, they can get into college where they will have to get treatment, possibly irreversible, for set time periods before they can play? FFS ‍♂
His problem with math is always the inputs. You have to first discount the ftms. Then the mtf who come to the realization later in life. Then the mtf who avoid athletics because they do not, as dad4 has suggested, want to appear “obvious”. Then the portion who will delay because they don’t want to put in danger their sports career because of protocols. Then the portion that is uninterested in soccer. Then the portion that didn’t take soccer up early (unless you don’t believe soccer is a skill game that takes years to learn). Then you add the portion back in that don’t really care about transitioning but are only interested in the trophy because they’ll be blocked in college by transitioning protocols (which is no doubt near zero). Then the portion of that group that is coordinated and fit enough (given his stories about his own sports participation and those of some of the students he’s seen that couldn’t make school team) to make a higher level regardless of m or f.
If your 0.6% number is right, no masquerading is necessary. There are tens of thousands of genuine trans athletes. My guess is that most are already playing on boys or coed teams.

The question is what happens when those tens of thousands of trans athletes are encouraged to join competitive girls teams. Eventually, you get perhaps 20% of non-medicated XY trans athletes competing in girls events. That will be enough to create Lia Thomas headlines all over the country and provoke a backlash.

That’s not a good outcome, for either group. The girls lose their spots and the trans kids get hated for it. (Yes, you can tell people to be accepting. Your words will be better received if you don’t start by kicking someone’s daughter off the basketball team.)

You never answered the question about your preferred compromise. I offered one: create a division for trans kids. What compromise do you prefer?
Two additional math assumption flaws in this one.

1. that the bell curve distribution is such that the untreated mtf bell curve sits entirely or mostly the cis f bell curve. Two possible variables: a. the untreated mtf bell curve is not the same as the cis m curve for a variety of reasons ranging from aggression in brain differences to not wanting to appear “obvious”. They might be but we don’t know.b. That those who desire to shift will be superior to those in the f curve. That’s a selection problem and again it’s possible but we don’t know.
2. that after you get through with all this discounting there is a sufficient mass to form teams. On the youth level that’s probably a no even in a large area like Los Angeles. For club You are limited in area realistically by the traffic patterns (with likely a two hour max for even the die hards), the longer the commute the fewer takers you’ll get, and that adds another level of discounting to the available pool. For schools even the large high schools no way. You’d have to have a sea of trans kids at 1 high school to get sufficient mass to field a soccer team after all the discounting is done. You could loosen the transfer rules but then you are back to the problems with club + have the side effect of creating all sorts of problems in the m and f divisions which are already on the verge of teetering public school sports given the scholardhips private schools are giving
You no doubt understand the point I was making and why the X10 factor was used, convenient as it was.

Is your apocalypse really that tens of thousands of teenage boys will decide to masquerade as trans through their high school years to get on to ECNL teams so that what, they can get into college where they will have to get treatment, possibly irreversible, for set time periods before they can play? FFS ‍♂

You honestly think, in 2023, that idea is still so far fetched?
“Start rooting for the hiv medication to get lost in the mail”

wow. Mouth on the floor Sotl. If it is 2 bravo! You’ve outdone even eotl with this one. Leapfrogged way past espola a long time ago, passed dad4 which took quite a bit of effort given all he accomplished over Covid, over Eotl (sorry bud but you’ve met your match…this is a true masterpiece) and now only 13knots stands in your way. Unfortunately to get there you’ll probably have to change the moniker but you have my quiet admiration to have taken it this far and I’m rooting for you. Seeing you’ve declined the challenge I’m assuming it’s 2 because I have a hard time believing in this day and age anyone is as garbage of human being as you make out to be.

I have a hard time believing, in this day and age, males think they can have babies and breastfeed. That men think they can get pregnant. That Mother's Day would be offensive to trannies. That Thomas Lia couldn't win jack shit at a swim meet until he became Lia Thomas... and it was allowed. That men in lipstick and duct tape want people to refer to them as "women". But they all happened, didn't they?
Two additional math assumption flaws in this one.

1. that the bell curve distribution is such that the untreated mtf bell curve sits entirely or mostly the cis f bell curve. Two possible variables: a. the untreated mtf bell curve is not the same as the cis m curve for a variety of reasons ranging from aggression in brain differences to not wanting to appear “obvious”. They might be but we don’t know.b. That those who desire to shift will be superior to those in the f curve. That’s a selection problem and again it’s possible but we don’t know.
2. that after you get through with all this discounting there is a sufficient mass to form teams. On the youth level that’s probably a no even in a large area like Los Angeles. For club You are limited in area realistically by the traffic patterns (with likely a two hour max for even the die hards), the longer the commute the fewer takers you’ll get, and that adds another level of discounting to the available pool. For schools even the large high schools no way. You’d have to have a sea of trans kids at 1 high school to get sufficient mass to field a soccer team after all the discounting is done. You could loosen the transfer rules but then you are back to the problems with club + have the side effect of creating all sorts of problems in the m and f divisions which are already on the verge of teetering public school sports given the scholardhips private schools are giving

... this is the point of the party where I ask you if you want something to drink and never come back.