Time to Play

You want soccer back to normal? Be pragmatic. Wear you mask, do your share of social distancing, get the positive test rate down to 4% again, then more and more things will open up.

No amount of whining or outrage on this forum will result in anything if the infection rate continues at the current pace.
That wasn't my point. My point was simple....if we keep increasing at the rate we have been increasing we have capacity issues starting in July for ICU and October for overall hospital capacity. Something has to give to deal with capacity issues will continue if the recent rate increases continue. I would love nothing more than for the recent increases to be an anomaly.
Thanks for clarifying. You are assuming that the rate of increase continues to steadily without falling.
You want soccer back to normal? Be pragmatic. Wear you mask, do your share of social distancing, get the positive test rate down to 4% again, then more and more things will open up.

No amount of whining or outrage on this forum will result in anything if the infection rate continues at the current pace.

Well, we know that's not true because of what happened in San Diego with the phase 1 plan. We'll see if they can pull off surf.

I agree we should wear masks in certain circumstances, and that will help. At this point, most large businesses like the markets will force you to adhere or are soon there. But wearing a mask and avoiding a friend's birthday party isn't going to do anything if they let restaurants, movie theatres, bars and gyms open where you can't wear a mask or it isn't very effective. Nothing we do is going to stop the protests, and we are heading into a bigger headache with the 4th of July because honoring the flag and celebrating America is a first amendment free speech issue too. We don't have any influence on the drivers of the outbreak such as nursing homes, hospitals, meat packing plants, jails.

It might also very well be that the curves are mathematically rigid. The only thing the lockdowns did in areas where there was no outbreak is to push the outbreak back to now. It could be that the virus needs to burn through certain low hanging fruit before it can go into a slow burn mode (like all the countries in Europe, which opened up faster than we did, showed). The starkest evidence for this is SoCal/NorCal, which locked down around the same time and have similar lockdown procedures, but are having very different results. I wrote a while ago La would be in a slow burn through the summer and I think that's what is happening.
Well said...I have scratched my head at some of the choices the politicians have made that are not consistent with the risk. One thing is definitely backed in RECENT studies and in fact history from 102 years ago....masks slow the spread and can prevent future shutdowns due to lack of hospital capacity. 102 years ago it was Northern California that was refusing to wear masks and Southern California did. Northern California was hit much harder. If I remember correctly they were hit 30% harder. (I looked at the history article 2 months ago) Right now Northern California is doing much better than Southern California where the freedom fighters for not wearing a mask (with same arguments as in 1918) are in full force fighting it every step of the way. They are going to fight us back into shut down. Philadelphia is doing great. They are fining businesses where anyone is found not wearing a mask. Probably the cemetery near by with 100s of thousands of people that died in 1918 probably helps them understand they need to head the warnings since they were ignored in 1918.

In the new normal for my family, I am managing based on risk so that we can still live our life. No indoor stuff.

It's so surprising how weak minded some people are, afraid to wear a face mask under the guise of "freedom". True snowflakes.
Freedom over Health? You're joking right? We are seeing what happens with your freedom, decisions making, parenting, kids mental and physical health. Notice what's happening in Florida, Texas and Arizona because of the personal freedom rights! We also have the right to be smart about this. Let's be smart!
Please remember everyone, kids are amazingly resilient, flexible and smart, unlike a lot of their parents.
Yes. I am hoping the mandate for wearing masks decreases the rate of increase but based on what I have seen, the mandate has had little effect.
Even if it’s only a 20% reduction when wearing a mask, it’s good enough odds for me. It’s simple, just wear a mask when you go out and take it off in the car and at home. People in Orange County are making a big deal for being obligated to wear a mask. SMH.
The kids playing outdoor sports at least with social distancing should have been the first release not the last because the risk of spread outdoors is less especially with social distancing. Of course they didn't know that until about a month ago. I am hoping with that insight they won't start shutting down youth sports first when they start clammoring to deal with the hospital capacity issue.
You do realize there have been significant hospital layoffs due to low capacity, right?
Hospital layoffs are due to the fact that people have stopped going to the hospital for band aids, stomach aches, head aches and elective plastic surgery, not as many sports injuries, fewer car accidents (although in the beginning people were racing on freeways and we had an increase in fatalities) and other elective procedures.
Predicting that OC will run out of ICU beds is a speculative projection and isn't a fact. It is no better those claims that Georgia's reopening is an "Experiment in Human Sacrifice" or that Wisconsin's in person election would be a "Public Health Disaster". These claims couldn't have been farther from the truth of what actually happened.

The problem that many people have is they're looking at the health issues with blinders that only consider Covid. This has led to a gross overreaction to the virus to the detriment of other non-covid health issues. Health professionals at the highest levels believe that the health impacts of the lockdown (like non-covid treatment delays and stress) and fear of the virus will be much greater than the actual covid virus itself. (checkout the graph I've posted a few times).

Georgia was smart. They started reopening early with restrictions and its citizens took it seriously. However, other states that have waited and arbitrarily applied reopenings to only certain activities, in many cases politically driven, have lost complete credibility. As a result, citizens of these states are less likely to take things seriously when they know the decisions are not actually health or risk based. It's akin to crying wolf.
Have you looked at the numbers in Georgia as of today?
You do realize there have been significant hospital layoffs due to low capacity, right?
Hospital layoffs are due to the fact that people have stopped going to the hospital for band aids, stomach aches, head aches and elective plastic surgery, not as many sports injuries, fewer car accidents (although in the beginning people were racing on freeways and we had an increase in fatalities) and other elective procedures.
That was the information from over a month ago.
We will be fine.......28,567,355 test given.....2,369,039 positive test 115,531 deaths. those are the national numbers on Politico site.
Ca. population 40 million
5,632 death190,222 positive 3,592,899 test
The OC 227,962 tests 11,016 positive 299 of the positive died.1/2 of the death are from care facilities. 93% of the other 150 had underlying conditions
It's so surprising how weak minded some people are, afraid to wear a face mask under the guise of "freedom". True snowflakes.
Yeah they are fighting for freedom from wearing face masks when here in California their child can have surgery without their knowledge at the age of 12, and their 12 year old child can prevent them from seeing their medical records. That 12 year old can also start taking medication without their knowledge but face masks is where these freedom fighters draw the line.
We will be fine.......28,567,355 test given.....2,369,039 positive test 115,531 deaths. those are the national numbers on Politico site.
Ca. population 40 million
5,632 death190,222 positive3,592,899 test
The OC 227,962 tests 11,016 positive 299 of the positive died.1/2 of the death are from care facilities. 93% of the other 150 had underlying conditions
Do you have to yell? If your data is solid, let it stand on merit.
You do realize there have been significant hospital layoffs due to low capacity, right?
Hospital layoffs are due to the fact that people have stopped going to the hospital for band aids, stomach aches, head aches and elective plastic surgery, not as many sports injuries, fewer car accidents (although in the beginning people were racing on freeways and we had an increase in fatalities) and other elective procedures.
Plus folks like my in laws have serious fear to set foot in a Hospital and so do I. Triple bonus for Corona too......That's where 100% the virus lives and looks to kill the weak and the old.
I have to believe that the vast majority of people have been exposed to Covid on some level or another, maybe not direct contact, but odds are you've touched something or been in the same space as a Covid positive person.

Ultimately in regards to resuming youth sports, the difference in opinions is based on someone's individual perception of risk (aka fear) and the level of risk they're willing to accept. Based on the comments here, it appears that those who are most fearful, are basing their fear on what could happen, whereas those who are less fearful are basing it on what has actually happened. When I've posted good, or positive information, I can't tell you how many posters have basically said "oh just wait, its going to get worse" like were going to run out of icu beds, doctors are going to have to make life or death decisions on who to treat etc. The common justification was "lag time". I heard that every time when I mentioned how well Georgia was doing with their reopening, "oh no you have wait a month" a month passes with the number of deaths plummeting, "oh no, you have to wait a few more months, be patient". Two months later and Covid deaths in Georgia continue to plummet. It's incredible how many people use the "lag time" argument to just kick the can of Covid fears down the road. News flash, Covid isn't going away, but its basically only dangerous to a minority of people with very identifiable characteristics.

At the end of the day, I'm not going to convince those that disagree with me. Which is the beauty of choice, just don't project your fears on my behavior or others and take my choice away. While I wear a mask in public out of respect for others, there is simple solution if you run into someone that isn't, move 6 feet away. No harm, no foul.
As of today, cases in Georgia are surging with all 159 counties reporting cases. There are now about 70,000 cases in Georgia. Three counties have higher per capita case rates and death rates than New York. There have now been about 2,700 deaths with 2,200 in critical condition and the numbers are going up.
As of today, cases in Georgia are surging with all 159 counties reporting cases. There are now about 70,000 cases in Georgia. Three counties have higher per capita case rates and death rates than New York. There have now been about 2,700 deaths with 2,200 in critical condition and the numbers are going up.
734,234 tests 69,368 positive 2,698 death. in georgia
AYSO is back training

Full on men's game going down

Baseball middle schoolers play on the ball diamond

High Schoolers playing a scrimmage w/ portable goals

At least two personal trainers with half a dozen players one of them using one of the signs says field use prohibited as a goal marker

Good times walking the dogs around, see about half dozen people I know so we catch up