This is the problem with this country. Everyone is so damn sensitive and can’t take some good ole constructive criticism anymore. Everyone tries to give their own spin on things without understanding the true nature of the criticism. I follow the user & the criticism is aimed towards trainers and coaches that are not teaching kids the fundamentals of the game. Based on previous posts on the same subject matter. Everyone is worried about catching that nutmeg and posting it on social media meanwhile the people that truly care about the development of our youth are pointing out the details on what we are missing as coaches and trainers when developing our youth. Many trainers and coaches in the

major in the minor things. Meanwhile in Europe and in South American they teach kids the true fundamentals on how to play and fall in love with the game. People are so worried about skills & technique with the ball but they fail to recognize that it’s not about falling in love with the ball but about falling in love in how to tactically play the game in the correct manner.