I think you’re having trouble thinking in terms of people per square foot.You under supreme courts ruling you could probably do a square foot and time of stay rule. But it would mean that a church that was at 25% capacity and a shortened service still would have been better than a crowded Costco on a Saturday afternoon. What you can’t do is categorize churches as nonessential or treat them worse than other categories
Imagine what your church would look like if, after you all sit down, you bring in a large shopping cart for each person. Then bring in a bunch of shelving to hold all the boxes. That’s what Costco would look lime if it were actually as crowded as a church or a theater.
Costco feels crowded only because there is no room for the shelves and the shopping carts. The next time you are at a grocery store, take a guess at how many people are within a 20 meter radius. Then do the same for your church or theater. There is no comparison. The seated venue is far more crowded.