Bad News Thread

[QUOTE="Desert Hound, post: 395372, member: 175"
At best maybe people learn to stay home when they don't feel well.
This 100%. Unfortunately, in many respects the policies for the healthy and the sick were effectively the same. This lack of differentiation I believe caused more problems than it solved.
[QUOTE="Desert Hound, post: 395372, member: 175"
At best maybe people learn to stay home when they don't feel well.
This 100%. Unfortunately, in many respects the policies for the healthy and the sick were effectively the same. This lack of differentiation I believe caused more problems than it solved.
It was a blanket approach that as you said treated various groups the same despite the fact that the vast majority of the population has little to no risk from covid.

Life expectancy in the US is 78. The average age of people dying due to covid is also 78
And from the latest study that came out this week regarding masks...

By the way you notice there are studies coming out showing a lack of effectiveness over the course of the pandemic? And you notice that the major governmental agencies have also posted they still need further studies to determine if masks actually work? If it were such a slam dunk that masks worked, there would be an abundance of studies showing just that. And yet there are not. Politically these various orgs here and abroad have to keep recommending masks.

"New findings reported Tuesday in a University of Louisville study challenge what has been the prevailing belief that mask mandates are necessary to slow the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus. The study notes that "80% of US states mandated masks during the COVID-19 pandemic" and while "mandates induced greater mask compliance, [they] did not predict lower growth rates when community spread was low (minima) or high (maxima)." Among other things, the study--conducted using data from the CDC covering multiple seasons--reports that "mask mandates and use are not associated with lower SARS-CoV-2 spread among US states."

"Our findings do not support the hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 transmission rates decrease with greater public mask use," notes the U of L report. Researchers stated that "masks may promote social cohesion as rallying symbols during a pandemic, but risk compensation can also occur"...

And over the past couple of months his story on the lab in China has changed. Last year he was telling us this was a naturally occurring virus. The press happily went along and was not curious as to the origin of the virus be it natural or man made.

Now that it doesn't matter any more, suddenly it isn't some conspiracy story any more. Hell the Wash Post just the other day basically said their reporting early on was partisan. Since Trump said it may have came from a lab, the Post and others took the other position.

We would be far better off if people realized that the press is highly partisan in this country. Most support one party. Most in their reporting help to create divisions in this country that would normally not be there.
Socialist Agenda.
This 100%. Unfortunately, in many respects the policies for the healthy and the sick were effectively the same. This lack of differentiation I believe caused more problems than it solved.

It was a blanket approach that as you said treated various groups the same despite the fact that the vast majority of the population has little to no risk from covid.

Life expectancy in the US is 78. The average age of people dying due to covid is also 78
All we needed to do was look at the Life Insurance Premiums and the historical actuarial data to know objectively what was going on.
It’s not theoretical math. The aerosols in Costco have a much larger volume of air into which they can disperse. The aerosols in a church have far smaller volume into which they can disperse, so concentrations will be higher.

This is the kind of thinking that public health officials do well, and lawyers do poorly.

Example: Your above post thinks in terms of distance to the nearest person. Why? Two weeks ago you made a big point that, indoors, 6 feet and 60 feet are similar. So learn from it. If you believe your own point, then you should be paying attention to the risk from the ambient air at your church. Having a whole balcony to yourself doesn‘t matter. You’re still breathing air that comes from the other 25 families in the room with you. If you all are masked and 6 feet apart, then the risk is proportionate to the average concentration in the airspace. (And it’s time to do that theoretical computation you hate so much. Math is good for things like “average concentration”.)
Your argument was “people per square foot”. Since 2 things can’t occupy the same space, you absolutely have to factor in space occupied by merchandise when doing that math.
“Getting every eligible Californian vaccinated is how we bring our state roaring back from this pandemic,” Newsom said.

While many states are offering various incentives to get vaccinated, California's decision to go with a lottery follows Ohio's lead. The Buckeye State awarded its first million-dollar prize this week to 22-year-old Abbigail Bugenske.

But not all Californians agreed with the lottery.
“Getting every eligible Californian vaccinated is how we bring our state roaring back from this pandemic,” Newsom said.

While many states are offering various incentives to get vaccinated, California's decision to go with a lottery follows Ohio's lead. The Buckeye State awarded its first million-dollar prize this week to 22-year-old Abbigail Bugenske.

But not all Californians agreed with the lottery.
Hurry, hurry, hurry folks. Step right up and get your shots while supplies last. Cash prizes for all volunteers and kids get free ice cream too. You really can't make this up. The chance to win $1,500,000 is making me tempted. I was wondering in my little brain if I wait a little longer if the next round of prizes will have better odds of winning? I just spoke to my pal and his son got $75 from his work. Another pal told me if he get's his shot he keeps his wife. No shot, no more wife. This has become the ultimate divider or for some, the temptation of free donuts or lotto tickets makes them give in to the shots.
The virus was going to spread no matter what. The reality is people had to go to the store, get gas, etc. A significant amount of people had to work, etc. When you look at that, the virus was going to spread.

At best maybe people learn to stay home when they don't feel well.
And the dead?
Scientists at Wuhan lab in COVID probe admitted being bitten by bats: reports


Story out of Wuhan looks like the Bats got out of the Bat cages and went Bat shit crazy on all the lab workers. It seems that some of the scientist weren't wearing proper gloves and bat bit into the glove and like a needle, they jab like their jabbing us with needles. They got the real bat needle. In one section, virus expert Cui Jie related how a bat’s fangs once went right through his glove, describing it as feeling "like being jabbed with a needle," the outlet noted. So dude got attacked by wild bats, got bit and then got the Rona and then gave to roommate who then went to Wuhan Coffee shop and gave virus to someone who then spread it to us. Other crazy super natural stories coming out of Wuhan like huge storms, flooding and earthquakes and so much more. Pray for the people in China. The other losers will have their day with Justice :)
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I want to remember the 58,479 who went to fight a hellish war and died. Why did they die? I was adopted and my adopted mom's youngest son of blood fought in this horrible waste of precious blood of a war. Seriously, WAFC!!! 17 years old and was a gunner on helicopter for 9 months. He has PTSD but is doing really great today. A police office saved his life and got him into the VA and they have been fantastic. He lives in Florida and that state is kicking ass!!!
In honor of David my brother from another

Thank you brother David and to all the vets that gave up their lives to go fight a war that was evil. I'm also sorry that you and all the others were lied to by assholes who were out to make money and have power. Helicopter Gunner was one of the worst and most dangerous Army jobs in this senseless war. 50% chance of death. They were always in combat and taking the dead and the wounded back to home base. He said it was "hell on the hill." He told me both sides would give up the stupid hill and then go after the hill the next day and the only thing that really happened was each side lost thousands of men on the hill. A total waste of life to go and capture the hill. BTW, he's in this video believe it or not :(
I don't know if this is good news or bad news? But this COVID being created in a lab news story is an interesting one.

I was born with the ability to catch a lie and I can tell within a few minutes if someone is blowing smoke up my brain. Dr. F is 100% a liar and way worse. I won't share what I know but when folks see the truth they will go nuts and cry a lot. I watched live all those losers at those impeachment hearings about Russia Russia and more Russia were full of shit. I hope you can see now WTFTIAHT all of us. It's called "BS Smoke" to hide the kids who have been abused and used like no other humans can possibly imagine. Dr. F and the elites have serious egg on face and all his pals have some serious splanin to do tenacious. This was never about right or left or R vs D. It's about telling the truth and only the truth, so help you God. In this next planet shift, Children will come first and the first will be the one's who need to be born. After that, we need to make sure EVERY kid has a bed to sleep in and folks to love them, not torture or sell them or worse, eat them and drink their fucking blood as a way to live. We have some sick ass monsters living with us and they need to go live in hell and the Abyss. WTFUDS!!!!