Dad4 made a comment a number of pages back to the effect that "Courts are how we hold people accountable". This mentality is why California is such a litigious state. I personally believe courts are the venue of last resort for holding people accountable. Nevertheless, Newsom has been held accountable for his unlawful Covid restrictions time and time again. Here is the latest:
A California District Court entered an order this week approving Liberty Counsel's settlement of a lawsuit on behalf of Pasadena's Harvest Rock Church and Harvest International Ministry against California Governor Gavin Newsom and his COVID-19 restrictions.
This wasn't just a loss for Newsom, when you have to pay the other sides attorneys' fees, that's an ass kicking. (and this considering churches were a known source of spread in some cases.) Just add to it the court overruled restrictions on restaurants, strip clubs, youth sports etc.
Whether Dad4's proposed restrictions for Covid, which as best I can tell sounds like Newsom restrictions on steroids, would work, or not, is a moot point since many of Newsom's restrictions were deemed unlawful.
(On a macro level an appellate court deemed Newsom had power under the Emergency Act to amend state law or policy, but on a case-by-case basis those restrictions that were challenged were nearly all determined to be unlawful by the Court.)