Bad News Thread

I'm now 2 weeks out from full vaccination. We just had our first in person D&D party, indoors, no masks for the first time since this started. Everyone there was fully vaccinated and/or had COVID in the last 90 days. Only 2 of our group hadn't hit the magical week so were stuck remote. Those of us in person drinking had much more fun.
Paladins. You should all play paladins. Healing and divine smite. What else do you need?

Paladins. You should all play paladins. Healing and divine smite. What else do you need?



You'll appreciate this. There is a paladin in the campaign (and a rouge, ranger, sorcerer, wizard, dwarven fighter, and barbarian). The paladin is part of a sect that loosely resembles Christianity in this universe and worships a patron saint called St. Justinia (the patron saint against witchcraft and dark magic). He plays him really over the top and fanatical in his devotion to St. Justinia. He thought he was the hero of the adventure but he winds up in this pagan druidic village and starts overturning their idols and collapsing their government. Much to his surprise, turns out he's the villain of this little piece. The villagers are on the verge of murdering the party because of him and have even sided with a band of shakedown gang members and greedy but otherwise benevolent dark wizard over the disruption the so-called heroes, in their quest to better everyone's standard of living, are causing.
He is still stuck on wondering why the real world doesn't match his preferred model.

He is stuck wondering how it is possible TX and FL basically did the exact opposite of CA and yet all 3 are in roughly the same spot.

He is stuck wondering why vaccinated people DON'T want to wear masks anymore.

He is stuck wondering why people want to send their kids back to school and he doesn't.

He is stuck wondering why people want to go out and do things.

The war is over. People have moved on and are dealing with the real world. What is that? We will be living with Covid for the forseable future. Get vaccinated if you want and/or in a high risk group. People will be increasing hanging out and doing what they did pre-covid despite what the Karens of this world want.

We are not going to put up with masks, social distancing, etc for years on end. Or even that much longer.
Dad4 fancies himself a shepherd instead of one of the sheep. He's not in to challenging the mainstream narrative that is thoroughly debunked by a long history of global respiratory diseases. It's a wonder the world population is what it is when you read his dervishing bull shit emboldened by the rest of the sheep and MSM clowns that get their info. from the head clown, Fauci. Dumbest smart guys in the room.
Ok, now you both are starting to scare me. ;)

Oh we have a grand old time because everything is played for you have a paladin (who is supposed to be this ideal of good) turning out to be the villain of this piece. Alcohol a plenty, I do a ton of celebrity impersonations, we have a comedian in the group and a two teachers who are also really hilarious, and we usually tackle a complicated philosophical moral issue too. Everyone kind of groans when we have to do kills the buzz.
Oh we have a grand old time because everything is played for you have a paladin (who is supposed to be this ideal of good) turning out to be the villain of this piece. Alcohol a plenty, I do a ton of celebrity impersonations, we have a comedian in the group and a two teachers who are also really hilarious, and we usually tackle a complicated philosophical moral issue too. Everyone kind of groans when we have to do kills the buzz.
The only Paladins I knew were a rockabilly band from SD.
Dissing history and demographics again.
Happy to discuss the merits of different statistical methods with you.

Just waiting for you write a coherent explanation of whatever point you were trying to make with R^2.

Here’s a site to get you started:

You might want to get into analysis of variance before you start writing.
Happy to discuss the merits of different statistical methods with you.

Just waiting for you write a coherent explanation of whatever point you were trying to make with R^2.

Here’s a site to get you started:

You might want to get into analysis of variance before you start writing.

Watch out for statistics. Reading Parker's Humble Pi today he points out the (apparent) correlation between the number of mathematics PHDs awarded over 20 years and the almost-identical curve of people who died from tripping and falling over the same interval.
Happy to discuss the merits of different statistical methods with you.

Just waiting for you write a coherent explanation of whatever point you were trying to make with R^2.

Here’s a site to get you started:

You might want to get into analysis of variance before you start writing.

Cases vs. Deaths. Ready. Set. Go.
Story time from crush. This is first hand witness account from yours truly and wifey poo was a witness to this as well. I'm up in Nocal looking for work and new opportunities for the New Frontier. Oh boy, I can;t wait to play this new game of life. Everyone get's a fresh start and a do over or as some like to say, a Mulligan(s). Anyway, me and the wife meet up with an old pal I havent seen in 38 years. Dude tells me he's a farmer and is killing it so I went to look at his farm :) My wife was talking to his 25 year old dd about this and that and the shot came up out of know wear. She said she walked into Right Aide and this lady pushed it hard on her and she took it. Then out of the blue she goes, "btw, I missed my period now for two weeks and I have never been late." I swear I almost spit up my fruit salad. My wife says, "I hope everything is ok sweetie. I heard some things that aren't good for young kids and not being able to get prego." Little Talia says, "I don;t give a fuck. I would never bring a child into this place." We started talking about other things and had a great rest of the day. It was eye seeing and very revealing. Espola thinks I make up stories. No, I just talk too much and try to warn folks of some serious stuff coming our way.
Story time from crush. This is first hand witness account from yours truly and wifey poo was a witness to this as well. I'm up in Nocal looking for work and new opportunities for the New Frontier. Oh boy, I can;t wait to play this new game of life. Everyone get's a fresh start and a do over or as some like to say, a Mulligan(s). Anyway, me and the wife meet up with an old pal I havent seen in 38 years. Dude tells me he's a farmer and is killing it so I went to look at his farm :) My wife was talking to his 25 year old dd about this and that and the shot came up out of know wear. She said she walked into Right Aide and this lady pushed it hard on her and she took it. Then out of the blue she goes, "btw, I missed my period now for two weeks and I have never been late." I swear I almost spit up my fruit salad. My wife says, "I hope everything is ok sweetie. I heard some things that aren't good for young kids and not being able to get prego." Little Talia says, "I don;t give a fuck. I would never bring a child into this place." We started talking about other things and had a great rest of the day. It was eye seeing and very revealing. Espola thinks I make up stories. No, I just talk too much and try to warn folks of some serious stuff coming our way.
OMG. It's called inflammation and it's normal. Did you even look this up? There are tons of stories about the same thing with backing scientific research. Not that I believe the story one single bit. Why would somebody that you've never met suddenly mention their period?
It’s called sarcasm….I know it’s use isn’t laid out in any text book so you may have a tough time understanding it’s use and that’s ok.

Can you run those stats on the increase risk on driving then…I’d like to see that comparison since you brought it up.
So you are just trolling for entertainment. This is America.