Story time from crush. This is first hand witness account from yours truly and wifey poo was a witness to this as well. I'm up in Nocal looking for work and new opportunities for the New Frontier. Oh boy, I can;t wait to play this new game of life. Everyone get's a fresh start and a do over or as some like to say, a Mulligan(s). Anyway, me and the wife meet up with an old pal I havent seen in 38 years. Dude tells me he's a farmer and is killing it so I went to look at his farm

My wife was talking to his 25 year old dd about this and that and the shot came up out of know wear. She said she walked into Right Aide and this lady pushed it hard on her and she took it. Then out of the blue she goes, "btw, I missed my period now for two weeks and I have never been late." I swear I almost spit up my fruit salad. My wife says, "I hope everything is ok sweetie. I heard some things that aren't good for young kids and not being able to get prego." Little Talia says, "I don;t give a fuck. I would never bring a child into this place." We started talking about other things and had a great rest of the day. It was eye seeing and very revealing. Espola thinks I make up stories. No, I just talk too much and try to warn folks of some serious stuff coming our way.