Bad News Thread

so, what is more likely-

1- thousands of academic researchers who use PCR never noticed the limitations.

2- some Tanzanian despot deliberately contaminated a three samples so he had an excuse to kick out WHO.

Yes, despot. Only one ruling party since 1962. In case you wonder about their medical expertise, Tanzania is also the world leader in muti, the practice of hunting albino human beings for their body parts for use in medicine.

So, your source is the despot ruler of a third world country where humans are killed for use in magical potions.

Dang. You sure can pick them. That is a source of unparalleled credibility.
Los Angeles. Haven’t you had to take your kids to see a ped? If they are running a fever you can’t get in due to the temp screening and they’ll remote only. From March-may it was impossible to do blood work unless it was an emergency. Same btw for mental health professionals which was a challenge with a kid that doesn’t take to them anyways much less over zoom. What are you talking about????
That just shows that hospitals were different.

Do you have any evidence that it was because of lockdowns?

It could just be that, because CA is a more litigious state, CA medical offices took more drastic measures to limit covid exposure. Or the problem may have had more to do with general overreaction than with any state policy.

Blaming the stay at home order or color system is quite a stretch. I always assumed they were trying to limit covid exposure because of the problems NY had with medical facilities spreading covid.

Remember that the stay at home order was before we had good evidence on what kind of air filters do and do not help. That was back when hospitals were counting their negative pressure rooms, counting their covid patients, and not liking the result.
Remember that the stay at home order was before we had good evidence on what kind of air filters do and do not help. That was back when hospitals were counting their negative pressure rooms, counting their covid patients, and not liking the result.
So you are talking the first month or two. By late April early May of last year they knew.

And yet we continued on doing the stuff we knew didn't make a difference.
Blaming the stay at home order or color system is quite a stretch. I always assumed they were trying to limit covid exposure because of the problems NY had with medical facilities spreading covid.
Also early on NY realized that most of the spread actually occurred in the home. Close to 70%.

At the same time they realized bars/restaurants were responsible for 1-2% of the spread. In other words not major drivers of covid.
The evidence is right in front of us all. The virus is fear Dad4. Fear got you and so many others good right about now and when humans get scared, they do stupid stuff because their scared. Remember I played this clip back in March 2020? We are now in what I call the last stage before one decides to run to the Light or stay in the darkness. We are a no fault human race and sometimes it just comes down to a choice. Live in fear, isolation and darkness or run to the Light. It's a choice bro. One must walk in the shadow of death ((hell)) in order to find the Light.

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Remember that the stay at home order was before we had good evidence on what kind of air filters do and do not help. That was back when hospitals were counting their negative pressure rooms, counting their covid patients, and not liking the result.

At the end, you just might have to fight back to live. Good luck natives. Let's look to drive out the fear virus and look to love instead. Perfect love drives out fear virus :) The vaccine is love & light, Choose Love and you win :) Simple choice yet so hard for must. The One once said, "The love of most will grow cold."

That just shows that hospitals were different.

Do you have any evidence that it was because of lockdowns?

It could just be that, because CA is a more litigious state, CA medical offices took more drastic measures to limit covid exposure. Or the problem may have had more to do with general overreaction than with any state policy.

Blaming the stay at home order or color system is quite a stretch. I always assumed they were trying to limit covid exposure because of the problems NY had with medical facilities spreading covid.

Remember that the stay at home order was before we had good evidence on what kind of air filters do and do not help. That was back when hospitals were counting their negative pressure rooms, counting their covid patients, and not liking the result.
That’s funny...when mobility is reduced when people freak out you say it’s the lockdowns. When doctors follow public health and industry guidance you say it’s then avoiding liability and overreaction. One of your better ones.
That’s funny...when mobility is reduced when people freak out you say it’s the lockdowns. When doctors follow public health and industry guidance you say it’s then avoiding liability and overreaction. One of your better ones.
And you’re the flip. So the inconsistency is preserved.

It depends on the question you are trying to answer. Had you asked a question about the side effects from different mobility reduction mechanisms, I would consider NPI to be quite different from freaking out. When you ask two different questions, don’t be surprised you got two different answers.

I assume that, since you’re changing the topic, you have no actual evidence that shelter in place rules were the cause of the health care difficulties last April.
So you are talking the first month or two. By late April early May of last year they knew.

And yet we continued on doing the stuff we knew didn't make a difference.
Who are you to accuse other of being slow to recognize the current research?

Ever since last spring, we have known that bars, restaurants, gyms, and stadiums spread covid. You have spent the whole time saying they should be open.

Let me know when you finally admit that bars and restaurants spread covid. Then we can discuss who else was slow to get up to speed on the research.
And you’re the flip. So the inconsistency is preserved.

It depends on the question you are trying to answer. Had you asked a question about the side effects from different mobility reduction mechanisms, I would consider NPI to be quite different from freaking out. When you ask two different questions, don’t be surprised you got two different answers.

I assume that, since you’re changing the topic, you have no actual evidence that shelter in place rules were the cause of the health care difficulties last April.

Who are you to accuse other of being slow to recognize the current research?

Ever since last spring, we have known that bars, restaurants, gyms, and stadiums spread covid. You have spent the whole time saying they should be open.

Let me know when you finally admit that bars and restaurants spread covid. Then we can discuss who else was slow to get up to speed on the research.
Back to your baseless case hysteria I see.
Who are you to accuse other of being slow to recognize the current research?

Ever since last spring, we have known that bars, restaurants, gyms, and stadiums spread covid. You have spent the whole time saying they should be open.

Let me know when you finally admit that bars and restaurants spread covid. Then we can discuss who else was slow to get up to speed on the research.
You don't remember.

I have said it is economically unsustainable to kill off biz.

You cannot just wave your hand and say hey you 10s of millions of people cannot work, give up your biz, etc.

You cannot just have 10s of millions of kids not going to school.

I have been rather consistent.

You like to pretend that gov can just pick and choose and shut down for 3, 4, 5 months or longer and say screw those employees, biz owners, school kids, etc.

Further the data showed early on that the vast vast majority of the people had no risk.

I advocated that if old people want to lock down they should. You think that is unreasonable and crazy and turn around and say the real solution is to lock everything down. Fantasy land is where you live.
You know what failed? CA. No school all year. Restaurants and bars closed through most of it. TX and FL? Open with schools, restaurants indoor open, bars indoor open, retail open.

At the end of this whole thing? Both in the same place. Team close it up failed.

The virus was/is going to spread no matter what. You and others fail to grasp that.
Had push come to shove I would have traded some small business restrictions if it meant schools were open 100% in September (with appropriate precautions). The fact that schools weren't reopen in September was criminal and may go down in history as the worse public policy decision ever. Of course, the major school districts and unions, which I consider to be evil, had a major hand in the closures. (I had kids in SDUSD for 9 years and I can personally attest to the corruption and incompetence of the District. It actually led to a situation that was ignored at our school for years that ultimately led to a federal investigation of multiple sexual abuse incidents at our school. Of course, the superintendent, Cindy Marten, that allowed this to happen and covered it up is now in the Biden administration.)

The biggest problem with team lockdown is they don't understand, or choose to ignore, the difference between epidemiological and medical opinion and actual evidence and real world results. The amount of scientific gaslighting that has occurred over the last year is astonishing. Don't believe what you see happened in Texas or Florida. Please wait for a statistician to exercise some math voodoo to tell you what really happened. Don't trust the obvious.
And you’re the flip. So the inconsistency is preserved.

It depends on the question you are trying to answer. Had you asked a question about the side effects from different mobility reduction mechanisms, I would consider NPI to be quite different from freaking out. When you ask two different questions, don’t be surprised you got two different answers.

I assume that, since you’re changing the topic, you have no actual evidence that shelter in place rules were the cause of the health care difficulties last April.
I was just adding my one anecdote to what watfly has mentioned and again I have a large medical family ranging from hospital admins to front line nurses and nurse practioners and they’d echo watflys concerns

my terms align. The public panicked before health orders went into effect. But the hospitals/doctors were following local health advice and industry advice. But it’s also very easy: in Utah I was quickly and painlessly able to schedule the tests I needed. Had I known someone to take the kids I’d have even done the procedure there. In California I had to jump through numerous hoops including a delay which almost, had I trusted the experts, would have cost me my life. Only a medical relative that intervened and a father that was able to write rx saved me.
so, what is more likely-

1- thousands of academic researchers who use PCR never noticed the limitations.

2- some Tanzanian despot deliberately contaminated a three samples so he had an excuse to kick out WHO.

Yes, despot. Only one ruling party since 1962. In case you wonder about their medical expertise, Tanzania is also the world leader in muti, the practice of hunting albino human beings for their body parts for use in medicine.

So, your source is the despot ruler of a third world country where humans are killed for use in magical potions.

Dang. You sure can pick them. That is a source of unparalleled credibility.
(Pssst Dad! The ignore feauture works great! Now only if It worked in real life...)