I was just adding my one anecdote to what watfly has mentioned and again I have a large medical family ranging from hospital admins to front line nurses and nurse practioners and they’d echo watflys concerns
my terms align. The public panicked before health orders went into effect. But the hospitals/doctors were following local health advice and industry advice. But it’s also very easy: in Utah I was quickly and painlessly able to schedule the tests I needed. Had I known someone to take the kids I’d have even done the procedure there. In California I had to jump through numerous hoops including a delay which almost, had I trusted the experts, would have cost me my life. Only a medical relative that intervened and a father that was able to write rx saved me.
I didn't have any trouble making appointments. In fact, my MDs were calling me up to remind me that it was time for my next appointment. The only "panic" I witnessed at the medical centers was a mask and fever screening at the door.