I'm sorry to hear about the passion for Trump. He has done an amazing job of harnessing the open and celebrated contempt directed toward large segments of the population.I'm not liking the signs I'm seeing. Have returned from a trip to the middle of the country and can confirm they are still deeply passionate about Trump. Plus his recent rallies attract a crowd which DeSantis can only imagine to happen. DeSantis is a better brawler than Trump but he lacks the same snake oil salesman charm. Unless Trump is indicted or something happens to his health or some other reason he can't run, or DeSantis and his supporters somehow persuade Trump not to run (good luck with that), I'm beginning to think the reality is it will be Trump.
Meanwhile Biden is pretty much gone. There was always a question whether he was going to be able to run again in 2022 but the most recent teleprompter and other issues make it apparent he is deteriorating quickly now. His media allies are openly questioning his competence now. His poll ratings have completely collapsed. Because of really really bad choices the Rs made the Ds may still hold the Senate but they are headed into a really bad collapse in the house and on the state levels for which Biden will get the blame.
BTW we really are living in two Americas now. Saw first hand one America that no one wears a mask (even in situations that make me uncomfortable and where vax uptake isn't very high) and that is celebrating the end of Roe and that during the 4th celebrations breaks into rousing chants of "let's go Brandon", and now one in Los Angeles where people are blocking the freeways for Roe and 1/2 the people in the markets are wearing masks again. I'm really beginning to question how the country can stay together under such circumstances, when everything the other 1/2 of the country does is such an existential threat.
No, we need Nations first to be respected. The Global Elite assholes who control us want a Liberal World Order. Not a New World Order, only Liberal only world, which = no God allowed! Agnostic people don't get it yet and that is not a knock on you brother, it's just the facts. This is Gods planet not Klause and his crew or Hollywood. You see the Light someday and then we can have that beer....lol. Love you man and God wins!I'm to the point where I think we need to consider some type of independence of states.
Would this be a valid reason for and justify closing schools?Here's another entry for the "no long term studies, kids have no risk" file.
Mild respiratory COVID can cause multi-lineage neural cell and myelin dysregulation
Mild respiratory COVID causes neuroinflammation and multi-lineage cellular dysregulation in the central nervous system, a phenomenon mirroring cancer-therapy-related cognitive impairment.www.cell.com
The paper has an interesting back story. One of the senior authors has devoted their career to understanding "brain fog/neuro-sensory problems" in cancer patients treated with old school chemotherapy drugs like methotrexate. The observation was that those symptoms match the range of chronic neuroinflammatory sequalae currently being lumped together as "long Covid". So they used their existing body of data to see if there were similar underlying molecular/cellular mechanisms. And that appears to be the case. If your immune system is configured in a susceptible way, Cov2 is like chemotherapy.
The results are that even mild Cov2 infection in terms of respiratory symptoms can induce substantial neuroinflammation. The paper identifies microglia, which are cytokine secreting cells in the CSF, as being activated by Cov-2 infection. The CSF cytokines secreted by microglia act to inhibit a population of brain cells called astrocytes which are responsible for myelination of neurons. And if the myelination is reduced neurons become more prone for cell death. That's what spelled out in the abstract.
Importantly, the age structure/risk factors for serious respiratory C19 don't correlate with what is emerging as persistent neuroinflammatory problems associated with Cov-2 infection, which range from annoying to long term debilitating. Long term consequences is anybody's guess. The importance of this work is that with specific molecules and cell populations to look at it should be possible to tease that apart more quickly and see to what extent current vaccines reduce CSF cytokine storms like they clearly do with the humoral IL6 circuit. And it will be important to see what's going on with infected kids/young adults. It could work out either way. There's lots of CNS plasticity in young people compared to us old timers. That neuronal plasticity could help circumvent the effects of CoV-2-induce CSF hyperinflammation. Or it could make the developmental processes of establishing neuronal hook ups more susceptible. We'll just have to see.
Are mice studies applicable to humans?
Would this be a valid reason for and justify closing schools?
And guess where ADHD came from Evil? WTF did Autism come from? Start connecting the dots and please, get off the Juice brother! I'm super stoked to hear you got closer to your dd and that is awesome. My son was pissed off having to come home and live in my living for room 18 months doing online college. My dd is a social butterfly and got two years stolen. It's all been a blessing but when you go through discipline like we all did, it will produce righteousness for those who have been trained by it and bitterness for those who fight it.So for the school shutdown I choose to only speak for my family. There were pros and cons. With my younger daughter it was frustrating at times, she has pretty serious ADHD. In being forced to get down in the trenches and deal with that I got to discover how her mind worked-what learning was for her. I think we have a much closer relationship now in some ways than before the pandemic, for which I'm grateful. I
I'm sorry to hear about the passion for Trump. He has done an amazing job of harnessing the open and celebrated contempt directed toward large segments of the population.
It will be interesting to see how the COVID "migration" plays out. Previously, movement from CA and NY to "red" states tended to make them less red - although I never saw any studies indicating that was the source of the change. I am wondering if the political leanings of those that moved weren't further right and the COVID migration will tend to increase the political divide between states.
As you say, "everything the other 1/2 of the country does is such an existential threat." and as our resident wannabe-woke hermit says - Are you suggesting that people in the"middle of the country" are stupid? I'm not sure how we overcome this level of division. I'm to the point where I think we need to consider some type of independence of states.
And guess where ADHD came from Evil? WTF did Autism come from? Start connecting the dots and please, get off the Juice brother! I'm super stoked to hear you got closer to your dd and that is awesome. My son was pissed off having to come home and live in my living for room 18 months doing online college. My dd is a social butterfly and got two years stolen. It's all been a blessing but when you go through discipline like we all did, it will produce righteousness for those who have been trained by it and bitterness for those who fight it.
Did she take all her vaccines as a baby? I am back 100% and I am FIRED UP and ready to ball bro. You have no idea how long I have been waiting for all this to go down.She had the ADHD diagnosis before the pandemic so.....
You seem to be feeling better and back to your old self. I am glad to hear it, and I mean that.
Compared to Grace, I came away from my latest mid-American juant with a more hopeful feel for the American project compared to previous trips. Sampling error maybe. For your last point, you might consider reading Colin Woodward's "American Nations". It's a great book and actually benefits from being written before the Trump catalyst. The basic thesis is that America was colonized by essentially a rando set of refugees with different political outlooks who have been battling each other ever since, forming coalitions leading to the "red" vs "blue" stalemate we have today. The last chapter of the book deals with possible outcomes-ways to possibly stop fighting with each other. One interesting suggestion is a type of EU model, with considerable autonomy between these "nations" but with collective economic and defense obligations. I suspect it would need to be more a city-state vs hinterlands type of arrangement as opposed to current state boundaries, which, once you get past the eastern seaboard, are pretty arbitrary. Of course it is all pie in the sky since nobody is going to be agreeing on much of anything for the immediate future.
It's good to hear some positive experiences.Compared to Grace, I came away from my latest mid-American juant with a more hopeful feel for the American project compared to previous trips. Sampling error maybe. For your last point, you might consider reading Colin Woodward's "American Nations". It's a great book and actually benefits from being written before the Trump catalyst. The basic thesis is that America was colonized by essentially a rando set of refugees with different political outlooks who have been battling each other ever since, forming coalitions leading to the "red" vs "blue" stalemate we have today. The last chapter of the book deals with possible outcomes-ways to possibly stop fighting with each other. One interesting suggestion is a type of EU model, with considerable autonomy between these "nations" but with collective economic and defense obligations. I suspect it would need to be more a city-state vs hinterlands type of arrangement as opposed to current state boundaries, which, once you get past the eastern seaboard, are pretty arbitrary. Of course it is all pie in the sky since nobody is going to be agreeing on much of anything for the immediate future.
ADHD is just how certain brains have been wired. It's evolutionary. On the hunt, they needed people who could focus in on the tracks to get the mastadon, and they also needed people who were scanning around and could yell "saber tooth tiger!".She had the ADHD diagnosis before the pandemic so.....
Well, I guess it could be something tied into an evil cabal world order in which we're all being exploited and the Storm, Freedom and Truth is coming. Really soon. Real, real soon. Wait for it. It's almost here. You'll see. Brethren of the Seven Churces I write to tell you of my recent experiences with the ergot, with which I have recently been sorely afflicted. Something like that.
Or maybe her ADHD is just how her own brain is put together and doesn't have anything to do with the pandemic or Hunter Biden or the price of tea in China. Nah. It can't be that. All the dots have to connect.
Like I said, I want you to stay on your Juice and I'll stay on mine. Keep soaking it up and showing it to me.
You seem to be feeling better and back to your old self. I am glad to hear it, and I mean that.
Agreed, but I would add demographic and risk based tailoring. The biggest failure with our policies was the "one size fits all" approach.I do think we will have more geographically tailored public health polices next time and that may be helpful.
Human nature indicates that the "drift to greater centralization" is a constant battle that will never be won - just continuously fought.I agree superfederalism in a very loose EU like confederation would fix this. But there are two problems with that. 1. the EU itself (like most institutions) tends to drift to greater centralization and greater unity because the power holders like to amalgamate and enhance their rule
Like entropy.....but there are forces of nature that periodically do reverse it (like birth) temporarily back towards order even though the march is inexorable toward entropyHuman nature indicates that the "drift to greater centralization" is a constant battle that will never be won - just continuously fought.
Yes, we made the best of the lockdown, but we we're far from strict lock downers. We made cost vs. benefit decisions that in hindsight worked well for our family. Our children had social lives during the lockdowns and we're never separated from their relatives. It was harder on my HS daughter than my MS son, who had the time of his life. How well your or our family fared is largely irrelevant. We had the resources to mitigate damages from Covid lockdowns, many did not or had issues that made them more susceptible to isolation and distance learning. It has only put a greater wedge between the haves and the have nots, which could last long term for some families.So for the school shutdown I choose to only speak for my family. There were pros and cons. With my younger daughter it was frustrating at times, she has pretty serious ADHD. In being forced to get down in the trenches and deal with that I got to discover how her mind worked-what learning was for her. I think we have a much closer relationship now in some ways than before the pandemic, for which I'm grateful. It was of course hard, but we took lemons and made lemonade and tried to have some fun. I came away with an enhanced appreciation for what elementary school teachers do. So what's justified or not justified? The way I might frame the question and make the necessary value calls is probably different than you would. There is no one answer. It was what it was and will likely be again in the coming decades. I do think we will have more geographically tailored public health polices next time and that may be helpful.
Yes, we made the best of the lockdown, but we we're far from strict lock downers. We made cost vs. benefit decisions that in hindsight worked well for our family. Our children had social lives during the lockdowns and we're never separated from their relatives. It was harder on my HS daughter than my MS son, who had the time of his life. How well your or our family fared is largely irrelevant. We had the resources to mitigate damages from Covid lockdowns, many did not or had issues that made them more susceptible to isolation and distance learning. It has only put a greater wedge between the haves and the have nots, which could last long term for some families.
Wholeheartedly agree with you that elementary school teachers were awesome, high school teachers not so much. A lot of them just "mailed it in".