
Do you idiots even read the studies, or just the misleading headlines from your alt-right propaganda website? Care to explain this quote:

"vaccination of children 5-11 years was protective against severe disease and is recommended. These results highlight the potential need to study alternative vaccine dosing for children and the continued importance layered protections, including mask wearing, to prevent infection and transmission".

Not only does it affirm that vaccination remains important for kids, but it also addresses how important it is to wear masks. Try again anti-vaxxer/masker. I think you'll need to go darker web than you already are.

Of course, you're the same clown who thinks New Zealand is doing a terrible job with Covid-19, although your state kills more people of Covid on most days than New Zealand has in two years.
We can all cherry pick:
"The Pfizer coronavirus vaccine is significantly less effective in children aged 5 to 11 than it is in older kids, a new study found, raising questions about the correct dose to give to the young"

But sure, it's so sciency to vaccinate healthy young children. Makes so much sense. Stick to your lathery AZ attacks, it suits you better. Stay away from sciency things, you could hurt yourself. You are still allowed to wear your mask, be happy about that. Hopefully you are cinching down that N95 bad boy nice and tight. Cuz then it works.
We can all cherry pick:
"The Pfizer coronavirus vaccine is significantly less effective in children aged 5 to 11 than it is in older kids, a new study found, raising questions about the correct dose to give to the young"

But sure, it's so sciency to vaccinate healthy young children. Makes so much sense. Stick to your lathery AZ attacks, it suits you better. Stay away from sciency things, you could hurt yourself. You are still allowed to wear your mask, be happy about that. Hopefully you are cinching down that N95 bad boy nice and tight. Cuz then it works.
We can all cherry pick:
"The Pfizer coronavirus vaccine is significantly less effective in children aged 5 to 11 than it is in older kids, a new study found, raising questions about the correct dose to give to the young"

But sure, it's so sciency to vaccinate healthy young children. Makes so much sense. Stick to your lathery AZ attacks, it suits you better. Stay away from sciency things, you could hurt yourself. You are still allowed to wear your mask, be happy about that. Hopefully you are cinching down that N95 bad boy nice and tight. Cuz then it works.
You were able to find GG’s quote in the article?

Thank god the state shut down this criminal who was trying to operate a illegal day care. Maybe waterboarding two year old children was a bit excessive. They did subject the little kiddos to torture and violate the Geneva Convention right?
We can all cherry pick:
"The Pfizer coronavirus vaccine is significantly less effective in children aged 5 to 11 than it is in older kids, a new study found, raising questions about the correct dose to give to the young"

But sure, it's so sciency to vaccinate healthy young children. Makes so much sense. Stick to your lathery AZ attacks, it suits you better. Stay away from sciency things, you could hurt yourself. You are still allowed to wear your mask, be happy about that. Hopefully you are cinching down that N95 bad boy nice and tight. Cuz then it works.

Uh, even your quote supports vaccination. It's just a matter of how much dosage. The study said pretty clearly that it is "sciency" to vaccinate healthy young children.

Your better approach to denying what words mean is to say it hasn't been peer reviewed. That seems to be the standard approach when all you anti-vaxxers/maskers need to walk back every medical study you misrepresent because you lack the brainpower to read them.

I'm also happy to trash the shit state of AZ too since you have no defense for that either. You guys haven't blamed illegal aliens for killing everyone in a couple days, maybe go back to that.
Uh, even your quote supports vaccination. It's just a matter of how much dosage. The study said pretty clearly that it is "sciency" to vaccinate healthy young children.

Your better approach to denying what words mean is to say it hasn't been peer reviewed. That seems to be the standard approach when all you anti-vaxxers/maskers need to walk back every medical study you misrepresent because you lack the brainpower to read them.

I'm also happy to trash the shit state of AZ too since you have no defense for that either. You guys haven't blamed illegal aliens for killing everyone in a couple days, maybe go back to that.
Yep, sciency to vaccinate healthy children. So sciency. The insults are cute though. anit vax/anti mask? who's that?
I think GG is on a roll. It's pretty amusing watching him destroy all your arguments. This popcorn is pretty tasty
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and by the way, your review actually agrees with me... "Nonetheless, fully vaccinated individuals with breakthrough infections have peak viral load similar to unvaccinated cases and can efficiently transmit infection in household settings, including to fully vaccinated contacts."

So one member of the family gets it from 1 unvaccinated person and then that vaccinated person goes home and spreads it to their family of 5...well, there you go...that is why trying to decipher how it is transmitted makes no sense...too many variable like I was telling you in the first place

But why not one more? Here's the bend that vaxx or boost put on omicron as it went through LA. Solid line, no vaxx. Thick dash, 2X. Thin dash, boost. Very similar to what was seen in NYC or UK. There's some antigenic drift, sure. But not the "immune escape" that was the initial worry with omicron. Let's hope there's no more waves before Cov2 goes into hiding for a bit. The more waves, the more likely we are to see selection for real immune escape. That would suck. Source:

Screen Shot 2022-03-09 at 10.55.55 PM.png
But why not one more? Here's the bend that vaxx or boost put on omicron as it went through LA. Solid line, no vaxx. Thick dash, 2X. Thin dash, boost. Very similar to what was seen in NYC or UK. There's some antigenic drift, sure. But not the "immune escape" that was the initial worry with omicron. Let's hope there's no more waves before Cov2 goes into hiding for a bit. The more waves, the more likely we are to see selection for real immune escape. That would suck. Source:

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Do they not show these things on newswax, oan or faux? Does the infowars guy talk about it in between selling male enhancement supplements?
... I'd say someone needs a life.

And your life is to hang out at a youth soccer forum misrepresenting what medical studies say. And constantly whining about how your children are so mentally feeble that wearing a mask at school is likely to cause them to slash their wrists? Do you think your children's emotional fragility is genetic or learned behavior?
Man, what's in your water up north? Is some of that Humboldt salad leeching into your drinking water? Can you bottle some of that up and send it south, we get that nasty Colorado River water here in San Diego.
We send it south in vape canisters, but I don’t recommend drinking it.

More seriously, there is no scientific support for transmission equality between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. A few loons here keep raising their talking points, and keep getting rebutted.

It’s the same thing every time. An anti-vax person will say “but viral loads are equal if you get it”, never once remembering that a vaccinated person is less likely to get covid in the first place. (Evil Goalie’s chart in post 13,6745, among others.)

At some point, you stop trying logic and just reach for the popcorn while eotl calls everyone a dumbshit.