I will just say this. It's hard not to trust our eyes. At least with Omicron the vaccination seems to provide very little protection. I tested positive on a Monday night after starting to not feel well that afternoon. I had a work meeting in the morning with 6 other colleagues for about an hour, (indoors but actually spaced far apart). 5 of my 6 colleagues got Covid within 2 to 10 days. The only colleague that didn't get it had it over Xmas. Every colleague that got it gave it to their spouse, including myself. BTW I quarantined in a different location from my family as soon as I was positive. My spouse may have not got it from me, but where I suspect I got from, a HS basketball game. Every person that got it was vaccinated and boosted with the exception of my wife and I who were not boosted. None of any of my colleagues kids got infected, some were vaccinated, some were not.We send it south in vape canisters, but I don’t recommend drinking it.
More seriously, there is no scientific support for transmission equality between vaccinated and unvaccinated people. A few loons here keep raising their talking points, and keep getting rebutted.
It’s the same thing every time. An anti-vax person will say “but viral loads are equal if you get it”, never once remembering that a vaccinated person is less likely to get covid in the first place. (Evil Goalie’s chart in post 13,6745, among others.)
At some point, you stop trying logic and just reach for the popcorn while eotl calls everyone a dumbshit.
The vaccination may provide some limited protection against infection, but it doesn't provide any meaningful protection against community spread. To say otherwise is to completely ignore reality. Vaccination does appear to provide meaningful protection against serious health issues in many cases. Although, that is largely dependent on your co-conditions.
My conclusion, Omicron is insanely contagious regardless of vaccination status.