
For myself, I got Covid, I didn’t go to hospital or have symptoms severe enough to feel like I need to get it…doesn’t mean that everyone shouldn’t get it, but for me there wasn’t a need.
So you’re only concerned about yourself, check.
If hospitals and public health officials are telling you something, absolutely positively don't believe it! Am I right? Our very lives depend on disregarding the CDC, the AMA, the American Association of Pediatrics, the NIH, virtually every hospital in America and California's public health agencies. Plus the NYT, OSHA, California's public health agencies, the NYT, WaPo, the LA Times. They are all part of an anti-science conspiracy to kill our children. Believe one guy in Louisiana instead! I don't know anything about him, but he is clearly the only one standing up for science and freedom! Vaccines kill! Masks kill!
Guy in louisina?wut?
sorry to hear that..happens all the time. Was everyone wearing N95s, surgical masks? or no masks? Vaccination status of your friend, of the statff?
He’s fully vaxxed, no visitors of course so only came in contact with staff. He says it was probably the surly nurse who wasn’t so friendly.
They were just wrong on pretty much everything.....

A couple thoughts. First, why do the anti-vaxxers use non-peer reviewed "studies", "articles" and Tik tok as "proof" of something that reinforces their bias, but reject studies that don't, even if they have been peer reviewed? Second, who are these people who did this "study"? The answer for people like Grace is "who cares if it supports my position".

Most importantly, though, what did this study actually do and what did it actually find? Well, it found that wearing masks did have a significant impact at the youngest age groups that it analyzed. It also looked only at kids 3-11, which is obviously very different than dealing with middle and high school kids in the US who move from class to class and social interaction to social interaction all day long, rendering single classroom protective measures far less effective. Furthermore, it noted that vax rates for students in Catalonia is much, much higher than in the US, except at those younger age groups where vaccination requirements do not apply. In other words, it looks very much like a combination of vaccination and mask wearing is very effective where vaccination rates are lower like, um, the U.S.

Do you want to know what other evidence supports this conclusion? Well, the equestrian would know the answer if she actually read the article. Or maybe she did and, rather than just being an easily duped idiot who relies on twitter soundbites, she's intentionally misleading people because she knows her fellow anti-vax/maskers don't read and couldn't understand it even if they did. Regardless, her "study" references another study involving the dumbest state in the US - Arizona - and guess what that study found? It found that the odds of an outbreak in K-12 in AZ were 3-5x higher without an early mask mandate than with. So shocking. It also quoted the following from yet another US study "By analysing 520 counties during the first two months of the 2021-22 academic year in the USA, it was found that those counties without a [mask] mandate presented greater increases ni paediatric [Covid-19] cases." The study also admitted that in Spain they have shitty masks. In sort, if the equestrian actually read the article, she would know this "study" is a minority view and is apparently contradicted by every single study that analyses mask effectiveness in the United States, where vax rates are much lower and masks therefore a more important part of a school system's ability to limit Covid transmission. So why has she reached a definitive opinion knowing that - at best - for her most studies reach the opposite conclusion?
By the way, the Arizona study that the legal seagull's study quoted was peer reviewed. Those of you anti-vaxxers/maskers who were pretending to care about peer review when you previously disregarded the two studies that debunked your conspiracy theory about Fauci paying China to create a deadly virus in a lab for population control purposes will now need to find another excuse to ignore reality.
A couple thoughts. First, why do the anti-vaxxers use non-peer reviewed "studies", "articles" and Tik tok as "proof" of something that reinforces their bias, but reject studies that don't, even if they have been peer reviewed? Second, who are these people who did this "study"? The answer for people like Grace is "who cares if it supports my position".

Most importantly, though, what did this study actually do and what did it actually find? Well, it found that wearing masks did have a significant impact at the youngest age groups that it analyzed. It also looked only at kids 3-11, which is obviously very different than dealing with middle and high school kids in the US who move from class to class and social interaction to social interaction all day long, rendering single classroom protective measures far less effective. Furthermore, it noted that vax rates for students in Catalonia is much, much higher than in the US, except at those younger age groups where vaccination requirements do not apply. In other words, it looks very much like a combination of vaccination and mask wearing is very effective where vaccination rates are lower like, um, the U.S.

Do you want to know what other evidence supports this conclusion? Well, the equestrian would know the answer if she actually read the article. Or maybe she did and, rather than just being an easily duped idiot who relies on twitter soundbites, she's intentionally misleading people because she knows her fellow anti-vax/maskers don't read and couldn't understand it even if they did. Regardless, her "study" references another study involving the dumbest state in the US - Arizona - and guess what that study found? It found that the odds of an outbreak in K-12 in AZ were 3-5x higher without an early mask mandate than with. So shocking. It also quoted the following from yet another US study "By analysing 520 counties during the first two months of the 2021-22 academic year in the USA, it was found that those counties without a [mask] mandate presented greater increases ni paediatric [Covid-19] cases." The study also admitted that in Spain they have shitty masks. In sort, if the equestrian actually read the article, she would know this "study" is a minority view and is apparently contradicted by every single study that analyses mask effectiveness in the United States, where vax rates are much lower and masks therefore a more important part of a school system's ability to limit Covid transmission. So why has she reached a definitive opinion knowing that - at best - for her most studies reach the opposite conclusion?

And Dr. Gandhi favors vaccination for 5-11 year-olds. Is her expert opinion wrong there too?

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Grace performs like those ducks and rabbits on an old-timey shooting gallery. No matter how many times you shoot them down, they pop back up again a short time later.

I think she's more like one of those inflatable clown-faced bop bags that do the same thing.
How does me getting the vaccine mean I only care about myself? Check.

Uh, by definition the answer to that must be "yes" unless you're willing to break from your anti-vax/mask friends and admit the truth, which is that getting vaccinated also reduces the risk that you will transmit it to others.
...seeing fellow citizens continuously engage in the irrational is disappointing.

Do you have a peer reviewed study to support anything you have ever said? Please also tell us more about Dr. Quackaroo from Louisiana. Or maybe explain why you think the American studies quoted in the legal seagull's "study" are wrong? It would be really great if you could conduct a deep dive into the methodologies used in those studies and then get back to us? Really though, we all know your attention span can only handle what a former UFC announcer tells you about epidemiology because actual rational thought is too much for you.

Maybe you should consider taking your viking hat to whatever safe space crush is now inhabiting.
Fear and emotion tends to interfere with rationale thought. But granted, this fear of children is disturbing.

So apparently the answer is "no", none of you have any peer reviewed studies to support anything you're saying, plus you simply ignore all the studies that say you're wrong. Just to make sure I've got your position straight. The CDC is wrong. The NIH is wrong. The American Medical Association is wrong. The American Association of Pediatrics is wrong. Most hospitals and public health agencies are wrong. The peer review study that was cited in the legal beagle's twitter article is wrong. The second article cited but not yet been peer reviewed is wrong. The majority of Californians are also wrong. The fact that transmission rates are 3-5x higher at anti-mask AZ Covid cesspools didn't happen. In fact, not only are they wrong, but they're irrational. Crush, a former UFC announcer and a guy in a viking helmet and face paint who stormed the Capitol, however, are free thinkers and leading the way into the light and truth?

I feel bad for your kids if you raised them to be so emotionally feeble that wearing a mask at school causes them a downward spiral into self-pity and depression. Maybe buy them an AR-15 to cheer 'em up. Better yet, get your act together and be a parent instead of a whiny selfish Karen.
Uh, by definition the answer to that must be "yes" unless you're willing to break from your anti-vax/mask friends and admit the truth, which is that getting vaccinated also reduces the risk that you will transmit it to others.

You didn't answer the question!
How does not getting the vaccine make me selfish?
Your answer makes no sense... by definition the answer is yes? What are you talking about

Transmission rates cannot be calculated by those that are vaccinated and not vaccinated, we have went over this, your retention is terrible. With your inability to retain the very basics, you must have had to take the same courses over and over in high school so you could eventually pass. Public education has failed you, hopefully those JC courses helped get you caught up.