
LOL...hahaha...take a minute and read before another ripe...hahaha....I never have claimed anything about a the article I sighted was from your alias @dad4 haha...maybe try to stay on one alias because you are getting confused between the two.

Once again, the argument is about how Covid spread between the vaccinated and unvaccinated...the problem is you can't find any data to support the fact that it can't be differentiated.

No, your argument was that your children are emotionally too soft to wear masks, but they shouldn't have to wear them anyway because they don't help. Go look at your anti-mask post nos. 13,537, 13545, 13,546, 13,552, 13,554, 13,560, 13,563, 13,575, and 13,576.

I do agree with you to the extent that your best play is to try to avoid talking about your anti-mask agenda again until people hopefully forget that you actually cited an article that is the exact opposite of your position.
No, you started with your snowflake diatribe about how masks don't help reduce transmission rates and therefore they should not be required in schools because your emotionally feeble children can't handle wearing masks and they don't help anyway. But here you are now citing an article for the exact opposite because you completely lost the plot. So, let's start from the beginning. Can you tell me why the article you just cited is completely wrong, except for one thing you don't want it to be wrong again? You're a believe in science dim sum?

You're a funny guy, but you keep me me where I said mask don't help reduce transmission...let me help you, I never said good luck finding it! Anyway, what I did say was kids are affected by wearing mask socially and emotionally. I then said you have no idea about kids because you don't have any, so it is probably hard for you to understand how kids are being affected...but try and deflect, it is what you do
Of course you can estimate, but how accurate is that really. Then you start getting into how many vaccinated people actually test if they are asymptotic, but yet those people can still spread the disease... or where did they actually get it in the first place because who really knows in most cases...and finally, with Omicron, it all changed because it was spread so easily between all people...that is why it becomes so difficult to differentiate if it was passed on by vaccinated or unvaccinated

Do you have any data showing how Omicron was spread between vaccinated and unvaccinated?
How accurate? Accurate enough to get published in a well respected peer reviewed journal, then cited by other researchers in the field. You can read the paper for the confidence interval if you need it.

Now, look at what you have. Repeating, for the 27th time, the fact that peak viral loads are the same between vax and unvax patients. Then, when someone mentions duration or probability of infection, you pretend to be unable to read that half of the sentence.
Of course you can estimate, but how accurate is that really. Then you start getting into how many vaccinated people actually test if they are asymptotic, but yet those people can still spread the disease... or where did they actually get it in the first place because who really knows in most cases...and finally, with Omicron, it all changed because it was spread so easily between all people...that is why it becomes so difficult to differentiate if it was passed on by vaccinated or unvaccinated

Do you have any data showing how Omicron was spread between vaccinated and unvaccinated?

Uh, you're the one who cited the 2021 article to support your theory. Now you're telling us your study that you cited is not reliable because everything has changed?
How accurate? Accurate enough to get published in a well respected peer reviewed journal, then cited by other researchers in the field. You can read the paper for the confidence interval if you need it.

Now, look at what you have. Repeating, for the 27th time, the fact that peak viral loads are the same between vax and unvax patients. Then, when someone mentions duration or probability of infection, you pretend to be unable to read that half of the sentence.

Please answer the question! Stay focused!
During Omicron what was the difference in transmission between vaccinated and unvaccinated?
Let me know when you find something, because you wont
You're a funny guy, but you keep me me where I said mask don't help reduce transmission...let me help you, I never said good luck finding it! Anyway, what I did say was kids are affected by wearing mask socially and emotionally. I then said you have no idea about kids because you don't have any, so it is probably hard for you to understand how kids are being affected...but try and deflect, it is what you do

So you agree that wearing masks significantly reduces transmission rates and therefore Grace T(he unemployed) is an idiot?
Uh, you're the one who cited the 2021 article to support your theory. Now you're telling us your study that you cited is not reliable because everything has changed?

Sometimes I have to remember I might be moving too fast for you...puff puff...That was an article explaining the Delta variant, and how viral loads are similar, the same conclusion was found in the article @dad4 posted. If viral loads are similar and Omicron spreads more rapidly and goes through vaccinated faster would it not be difficult to determine where it came from or where you contracted the disease? If you are unable to determine how you contracted the virus, how do you determine who you got it from?
So you agree that wearing masks significantly reduces transmission rates and therefore Grace T(he unemployed) is an idiot?
I don't know if I would say significant, but I really don't care about mask wearing. What I do care about is that it is affecting kids in a negative way and they are in no danger of hospitalization or dieing from the disease. And as you have so clearly stated, those that are vaccinated have little risk of dying or getting hospitalized so let the kids be free.

But then again you thought it was a good idea to keep kids at home for a year and a there are so many papers documenting how bad that was for kids academically and socially.
Please answer the question! Stay focused!
During Omicron what was the difference in transmission between vaccinated and unvaccinated?
Let me know when you find something, because you wont
I’m not your research assistant. If you want to know the best current estimates for vaccinated transmission of omicron, go spend some time on pubmed.

You made the bogus claim that it is unknowable and impossible to estimate. I gave you a link to a study that shows how they do estimate it.

That’s the limit of my contribution. You made a bogus claim, and I shot it down.
I don't know if I would say significant, but I really don't care about mask wearing. What I do care about is that it is affecting kids in a negative way and they are in no danger of hospitalization or dieing from the disease. And as you have so clearly stated, those that are vaccinated have little risk of dying or getting hospitalized so let the kids be free.

But then again you thought it was a good idea to keep kids at home for a year and a there are so many papers documenting how bad that was for kids academically and socially.

I get it. You're ok killing adult teachers, admin stafff, coaches and students with serious health conditions, plus everyone they go home to at night (where you say it is "primarily spread"), because your children are too emotionally fragile to wear masks at school. It's a trade off, right? Masks do help avoid getting people killed, but that's the price of freedom?
I’m not your research assistant. If you want to know the best current estimates for vaccinated transmission of omicron, go spend some time on pubmed.

You made the bogus claim that it is unknowable and impossible to estimate. I gave you a link to a study that shows how they do estimate it.

That’s the limit of my contribution. You made a bogus claim, and I shot it down.

Wrong...nice try though! There are no studies that can quantify the difference because it is impossible! If there were studie,s they would show up when doing a search, like all the other studies you have posted! The fact is it is not possible to differentiate how a vaccinated person and an unvaccinated person spread the disease, end of story.
I get it. You're ok killing adult teachers, admin stafff, coaches and students with serious health conditions, plus everyone they go home to at night (where you say it is "primarily spread"), because your children are too emotionally fragile to wear masks at school. It's a trade off, right? Masks do help avoid getting people killed, but that's the price of freedom?

You have already stated that wearing a mask helps prevent getting covid and there is a tremendous amount of research that shows how effective vaccination is against hospitalization and death. So what's the problem? Do you not believe in the evidence and research?
A pointless exercise. Kicking the can down the road.

“New Zealand went absolutely bonkers over Covid. Sure, the average age of victims was almost (or over) 80, but instead of locking down the vulnerable and letting everyone else get natural immunity, they locked everything down for 2 years and then basically made it impossible to leave your home if you didn’t inject yourself with an experimental vax that would become ineffective in less than a year. New Zealand’s Prime Minister was a prime example of why Karens should never, ever be put in charge of a nation…now that they did all that, their Covid levels are through the roof, even though most of them are triple- or quadruple-vaxxed.”

Must be those bars and restaurants at fault...

A pointless exercise. Kicking the can down the road.

“New Zealand went absolutely bonkers over Covid. Sure, the average age of victims was almost (or over) 80, but instead of locking down the vulnerable and letting everyone else get natural immunity, they locked everything down for 2 years and then basically made it impossible to leave your home if you didn’t inject yourself with an experimental vax that would become ineffective in less than a year. New Zealand’s Prime Minister was a prime example of why Karens should never, ever be put in charge of a nation…now that they did all that, their Covid levels are through the roof, even though most of them are triple- or quadruple-vaxxed.”

Must be those bars and restaurants at fault...

View attachment 13085

The Kiwis are such idiots. They've had 65 people die of Covid-19 (13 people per million) so far. Compare that to Arizona, with its 28,000 dead and 3,900 per million death rate. Arizona has had more people die of Covid in one day than New Zealand has in more than two years. In fact, Arizona has averaged about 1/2 of New Zealand's entire death count every day for two years.
Wrong...nice try though! There are no studies that can quantify the difference because it is impossible! If there were studie,s they would show up when doing a search, like all the other studies you have posted! The fact is it is not possible to differentiate how a vaccinated person and an unvaccinated person spread the disease, end of story.

You need to get out of the Parler search browser.
You need to get out of the Parler search browser.
Exactly!!! You got nothing. Just admit you were wrong and we can move on. There is no science that shows different transmission between vaccinated and unvaccinated…I know it kills you to admit because once you do, it becomes abundantly clear there is no real purpose to force people to get vaccinated
I get it. You're ok killing adult teachers, admin stafff, coaches and students with serious health conditions, plus everyone they go home to at night (where you say it is "primarily spread"), because your children are too emotionally fragile to wear masks at school. It's a trade off, right? Masks do help avoid getting people killed, but that's the price of freedom?
wait, no one is vaccinated? did D come back? is there a new variant? Are you mad at the CDC?

Do you idiots even read the studies, or just the misleading headlines from your alt-right propaganda website? Care to explain this quote:

"vaccination of children 5-11 years was protective against severe disease and is recommended. These results highlight the potential need to study alternative vaccine dosing for children and the continued importance layered protections, including mask wearing, to prevent infection and transmission".

Not only does it affirm that vaccination remains important for kids, but it also addresses how important it is to wear masks. Try again anti-vaxxer/masker. I think you'll need to go darker web than you already are.

Of course, you're the same clown who thinks New Zealand is doing a terrible job with Covid-19, although your state kills more people of Covid on most days than New Zealand has in two years.