Who are they harming? If someone wants to wear a mask inside their car, what business is it of mine?Do you even look out your window in SC County? I see kids walking to school every day for many blocks wearing masks. Every day I see single individuals in cars wearing masks. I still see bicyclists out on the trail wearing masks. There are surveys showing outrageously overestimated hospitalization risk by a large portion of the "blue" population. The irrationality is all around you. You just don't want to see it. There's irrationality on the other side as well but the media covers that. When it comes to people holding on to wearing masks, we get the "give people time to get over their trauma" articles without stating the obvious - they are traumatized AND irrational.
Might even be rational. As far as I know, It’s a Lyft driver who is in between passengers.