Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

I have no idea what you keep saying about suicide, but feel free to keep searching unsuccessfully for whatever it is you’re accusing me. I’m also sorry if a lack of fitness or obesity was the real reason the VT karens were one of the worst HS basketball teams in the US, even if they blame trans children for their losing, but I don’t feel the least bit sorry calling them out and treating them the same way they treat trans children. It’s funny that bigots think they can treat LGBTQ folk, including children, so horribly yet expect to be treated with dignity and respect. Those days are over.

And yes, we all know exactly how you feel about trans kids. Again, let me remind you they are not the problem you need to worry about in school restrooms.
Riiiiight. Spin it how you wish but you insulted those girls, and that's why you're a hypocrite. You want empathy but have yet to show any yourself.

You have zero idea my thoughts on this, only your assumptions, so who is the real bigot in here?
I can't imagine a women consenting to sex with him.

It’s nice knowing my comment got the highest correlating factor that it is on the right track - the inverse EOTL opinion.

The fact that you feel validated that transphobic and homophobic opinions are popular because you received three “likes” to a post at a kiddie soccer website is fascinating. The fact that you went so far out of your way to label a “like” a “correlating factor that it is on the right track” is pretty crazy also. You obviously know that gloating about getting three (or any amount of) likes at a social media site is embarrassing, so you’re intentionally mislabeling a “like”.

Do you need me to forward studies about how your dopamine addiction to likes has caused you to completely lose sight of what is actually true or representative of actual public opinion?
Riiiiight. Spin it how you wish but you insulted those girls, and that's why you're a hypocrite. You want empathy but have yet to show any yourself.

You have zero idea my thoughts on this, only your assumptions, so who is the real bigot in here?

I’m not a hypocrite at all. I feel like I’ve made it clear that I treat people with the same level of dignity and respect that they show to LGBTQ people. Why is it that you think it’s acceptable for people to treat LQBTQ people horribly, but those who disagree must treat them with dignity and respect in return? Why do you think they can trash trans children for the sport of it but make their kids off limits? No. You and your whiny karen friends are the hypocrites because you think you can dole out hate without getting it back it return. Sorry not sorry.

You grew up in a world in which it was ok to say awful things about LGBTQ people. You are clearly having a hard time that things have changed, so much so that you no showed for our high noon showdown at the SD LGBT community center. Is it because you were worried that you live in a world where LGBTQ no longer fear your threats of physical violence, and that you’re the one who needs to worry about what you say in public? Were you worried that me and some trans friends would beat your ass?
I’m not a hypocrite at all. I feel like I’ve made it clear that I treat people with the same level of dignity and respect that they show to LGBTQ people. Why is it that you think it’s acceptable for people to treat LQBTQ people horribly, but those who disagree must treat them with dignity and respect in return? Why do you think they can trash trans children for the sport of it but make their kids off limits? No. You and your whiny karen friends are the hypocrites because you think you can dole out hate without getting it back it return. Sorry not sorry.

You grew up in a world in which it was ok to say awful things about LGBTQ people. You are clearly having a hard time that things have changed, so much so that you no showed for our high noon showdown at the SD LGBT community center. Is it because you were worried that you live in a world where LGBTQ no longer fear your threats of physical violence, and that you’re the one who needs to worry about what you say in public? Were you worried that me and some trans friends would beat your ass?
No ive talked shit to you personally because you're an idealogue incapable of having a discussion where people dont share your opinion lock step, I've not commented once about my feelings in here but yet you seem to want to put words in my mouth and make it seem I lean a certain way to fit your narrative. Seems someone has to justify their victim mentality and it sure as fuck isnt me.

High noon showdown? As intellectual as you claim, you have me confused. Try to follow along.

As far as the beating my ass...are you getting agitated karen? Oh no please dont talk that way to me online I'm so scared. Fucking dumbass.
No ive talked shit to you personally because you're an idealogue incapable of having a discussion where people dont share your opinion lock step, I've not commented once about my feelings in here but yet you seem to want to put words in my mouth and make it seem I lean a certain way to fit your narrative. Seems someone has to justify their victim mentality and it sure as fuck isnt me.

High noon showdown? As intellectual as you claim, you have me confused. Try to follow along.

As far as the beating my ass...are you getting agitated karen? Oh no please dont talk that way to me online I'm so scared. Fucking dumbass.

I stand corrected. It was your buddy slobodan who wanted to fight. Sorry. It’s hard sometimes to keep the four of you straight.
IRONY = When your kid plays D1 soccer but the women's team doesn't provide jockstraps... so you stop at Dick's on the way to training.
IRONY = When your kid plays D1 soccer but the women's team doesn't provide jockstraps... so you stop at Dick's on the way to training.

No, irony is you freaking out about trans girls in the girls restroom, when you should actually be worried what the transphobes’ daughters are doing in the boys’ room.
No, irony is you freaking out about trans girls in the girls restroom, when you should actually be worried what the transphobes’ daughters are doing in the boys’ room.

Who was talking to you, bitch boy? Shouldn't you be busy looking for ways to trample the rights of real females and shoving a tampon up your son's D1 ass? Males don't belong in the girl's restroom or locker room. That's why they have one for each gender.
The fact that you feel validated that transphobic and homophobic opinions are popular because you received three “likes” to a post at a kiddie soccer website is fascinating. The fact that you went so far out of your way to label a “like” a “correlating factor that it is on the right track” is pretty crazy also. You obviously know that gloating about getting three (or any amount of) likes at a social media site is embarrassing, so you’re intentionally mislabeling a “like”.

Do you need me to forward studies about how your dopamine addiction to likes has caused you to completely lose sight of what is actually true or representative of actual public opinion?
Hahaha! Ok groomer.
Should sanctioning bodies allow male to female trans athletes to register on girls teams?

Please do not mention any specific child or team. It is common enough to be an issue, but we can discuss the fairness questions without making life hard for some kid.

No....and I have nothing against trans people but males should not participate in female sports.....
No....and I have nothing against trans people but males should not participate in female sports.....

Get used to disappointment.

Your only hope is to move to FL or TX. Even then, you’ll need to stick to HS sports and avoid ECNL down to AYSO because even the government can’t stop them from deciding to let trans children play. Ha ha ha.
Who was talking to you, bitch boy? Shouldn't you be busy looking for ways to trample the rights of real females and shoving a tampon up your son's D1 ass? Males don't belong in the girl's restroom or locker room. That's why they have one for each gender.

Such language. Tsk tsk. You should probably be more focused about what’s going up your child’s ass.

Get used to disappointment.

Your only hope is to move to FL or TX. Even then, you’ll need to stick to HS sports and avoid ECNL down to AYSO because even the government can’t stop them from deciding to let trans children play. Ha ha ha.

So a condescending remark to someone who wasnt disrespectful, just has a differing opinion than you. You really are that thin skinned that you cant handle opposing view points. What a shitbag mouth breather you are. Douchebag.
Sage advice. My wife loved nursing my son (my dd was really rough, go figure) and I loved to watch him smile at me as her milk dripped off his cute lips. I don't know what to call that except to say I cried some times when I watched. I'm sure it's because I got no boobies to drink from because I was adopted, I only got my Baba (bottle). Anyway, I told little guy that those breast will be mine latter and I'm just leasing them out;) Here is baby crush sleeping next to his BaBa. Blessings to you. Oh by the way, looks like Trump will be arrested next week.
