Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

Castro Breaking News!!!

p.s. you numbnuts don't even realize or see what the bigger problem is. This am I came across on my twitter feed some new numbers released by the NHS in the UK about referrals for gender dysphoria. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, there is not an explosion of MTFs. There was about a 20% drop in referrals during the period 2020-2021 due to COVID, and there's only been a slight increase above the 2019 levels since. Most of that increase is probably backlog of people who went untreated or deferred during COVID. Where the huge increase though (close to 50% prior to a discount to COVID rebound) is in FTMs. (a side note as I'm making an assumption....the numbers reported were in people who were listed as biological male or biological female or medical records prior to the it's possible there's a discrepancy but it's hard to see how...the M are transitioning either to F or nonbinary, and the F are transitioning either to M or nonbinary). So while you all are worried by Lia taking away your DD's trophy (the scholarship is a given....if you do separate leagues, there will be some Fs that lose scholarships to fund the trans division), the bigger question you should worry about is the DD. There is a trend of trans people increasing, but it seems to be among the biological Fs. You are free to freak out now.

Your twitter feed? Enough said.
Then I'm doing it right. As I said, you are free to freak out now. You are worried about this one thing and don't even see the train wreck coming down the track. I'll take it a step further. In nature there is a tendency (among the great apes for example) to see MTF much more often than FTM. Since we are essentially a primate, it means that the increase in numbers of FTM has something other to do than being transgendered. My suspicion is politically we have made femininity toxic (as toxic as masculinity has so overtly become) to younger women. It's also no wonder that the numbers have increased generally since 2014, which is about when we began to see an increase in childhood anxiety, and then took off again post-COVID after what we did to kids.
Your twitter feed? Enough said.
:p :p :p :p Hey dad4?!?!? Remember this old goodie from the COVID days. So glad you found an SOTL to replace your best bud EOTL now that your relationship has gone sour. One final chance dad4: care to separate yourself from your dear friend SOTL?????
Then I'm doing it right. As I said, you are free to freak out now. You are worried about this one thing and don't even see the train wreck coming down the track. I'll take it a step further. In nature there is a tendency (among the great apes for example) to see MTF much more often than FTM. Since we are essentially a primate, it means that the increase in numbers of FTM has something other to do than being transgendered. My suspicion is politically we have made femininity toxic (as toxic as masculinity has so overtly become) to younger women. It's also no wonder that the numbers have increased generally since 2014, which is about when we began to see an increase in childhood anxiety, and then took off again post-COVID after what we did to kids.

:p :p :p :p Hey dad4?!?!? Remember this old goodie from the COVID days. So glad you found an SOTL to replace your best bud EOTL now that your relationship has gone sour. One final chance dad4: care to separate yourself from your dear friend SOTL?????

Dad probably has children he monitors. The only thing you should be monitoring are heat flashes. Oh, and I'd monitor Medicare and Medicaid, too. One day the liberals might use google and figure out Senator Biden spent decades trying to cut all those programs and is just lying again.
Dad probably has children he monitors. The only thing you should be monitoring are heat flashes.
This is my favorite. Outright misogyny (so typically of men losing internet arguments), but in this case with the ironic twist that y'all are supposedly in this argument to defend women.

This leads me to suggest something which I have long suspected, particularly since I've repeatedly laid out the case for why the FTM problem might be bigger than than the MTF problem but y'all are obsessively focused on the MTFs and indeed, with some issues like bathrooms, seem to miss the fact that this is a reciprocal problem For some of you, it's not really about fairness (that canard has been kicked to death), or safety (again, been shown y'all don't care about safety in other contexts), or even really moral condemnation or fear of the unknown. Y'all, fundamentally, deep down, are horrified by the idea of your units being cut offs, and it stirs something deeply medieval and Freudian inside of you. Similar to how the gay lads led you to open hostility (before it was socially unacceptable) because it questioned your own masculinity. There is nothing so fragile as the male ego. Countdown to explosion....5....4.....3.....2.....1
This is my favorite. Outright misogyny (so typically of men losing internet arguments), but in this case with the ironic twist that y'all are supposedly in this argument to defend women.

This leads me to suggest something which I have long suspected, particularly since I've repeatedly laid out the case for why the FTM problem might be bigger than than the MTF problem but y'all are obsessively focused on the MTFs and indeed, with some issues like bathrooms, seem to miss the fact that this is a reciprocal problem For some of you, it's not really about fairness (that canard has been kicked to death), or safety (again, been shown y'all don't care about safety in other contexts), or even really moral condemnation or fear of the unknown. Y'all, fundamentally, deep down, are horrified by the idea of your units being cut offs, and it stirs something deeply medieval and Freudian inside of you. Similar to how the gay lads led you to open hostility (before it was socially unacceptable) because it questioned your own masculinity. There is nothing so fragile as the male ego. Countdown to explosion....5....4.....3.....2.....1
How many daughters do you have?
Drew & Dylan. IT is all coming out for the Big Mic Show:eek: The Great Awakening will not be for everyone:cool: BTW, Dylan has way nicer legs than Drew, just saying. They really have tricked us all why we were all working like slaves to pay them bills.

How many daughters do you have?
I have a niece that plays (ecnl) and I played myself. I was her coach til she moved up north. I’m one of the people that would have been directly affected by this policy

and Btw I by no means mean to imply that your stump is the the primary motivation by everyone here. I appreciate and admire the concern some folks have for their dds. But when one uses misogyny in the name of defense of women, as Sotl has, it is clear there is something at work way beyond just defending your dd.
I have a niece that plays (ecnl) and I played myself. I was her coach til she moved up north. I’m one of the people that would have been directly affected by this policy

and Btw I by no means mean to imply that your stump is the the primary motivation by everyone here. I appreciate and admire the concern some folks have for their dds. But when one uses misogyny in the name of defense of women, as Sotl has, it is clear there is something at work way beyond just defending your dd.
Grace, you're no Centrist and never have been. Your either lying to yourself or your getting exposed. Very good writer by the way, I give you lot's of credit for acting like a centrist. No middle with you sister. I like honesty. I don't care what anyone likes to do for kinks, just as long as there not playing with the kids or trying to manipulate them into cutting off their body parts because they don't like who they are. Keep it at home is my advice. Mary had a little lamb....

How many daughters do you have?
Ps if you are concerned about your dd, I’d be far more concerned about what’s happen to the ftm and nonbinaries right now. 1/20 chance it could be your dd if she’s college educated. And before you say it can never happen to us….we’ll talk to my relative.
This is my favorite. Outright misogyny (so typically of men losing internet arguments), but in this case with the ironic twist that y'all are supposedly in this argument to defend women.

This leads me to suggest something which I have long suspected, particularly since I've repeatedly laid out the case for why the FTM problem might be bigger than than the MTF problem but y'all are obsessively focused on the MTFs and indeed, with some issues like bathrooms, seem to miss the fact that this is a reciprocal problem For some of you, it's not really about fairness (that canard has been kicked to death), or safety (again, been shown y'all don't care about safety in other contexts), or even really moral condemnation or fear of the unknown. Y'all, fundamentally, deep down, are horrified by the idea of your units being cut offs, and it stirs something deeply medieval and Freudian inside of you. Similar to how the gay lads led you to open hostility (before it was socially unacceptable) because it questioned your own masculinity. There is nothing so fragile as the male ego. Countdown to explosion....5....4.....3.....2.....1

Should we put urinals in the girl's bathrooms now? How about the stainless pee troughs at stadiums? I guess it's not enough to force the entire world to build more bathrooms for those afraid to use their appropriately gendered toilets that have worked for centuries.

Should we put urinals in the girl's bathrooms now? How about the stainless pee troughs at stadiums? I guess it's not enough to force the entire world to build more bathrooms for those afraid to use their appropriately gendered toilets that have worked for centuries.

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No that’s stupid. The bathroom rule is easy since you have people moving on both directions: you switch when you physically surgically switch (and some grace period therein). That rule makes sense if you are worried about your dd seeing a tallywacker because otherwise they’ll eventually see one on a ftm with a full beard in the ladies room. That said if you really care about your dds you’d be more concerned about the f toilet situations in stadiums because the lines are an abomination. And for families sake, there really should be more unisex family toilets available in public.
Good morning little Cain. Of course Cain the snake would laugh, "ha ha." The Vermont school did not cheat Cain, that is a lie. They stood up to the cheating school that allowed a snake to play against the girls. The other school cheated (look how you try and twist the truth) because they used a male to beat up on the females, that is the Truth. You're going to get what you deserve very soon. Snakes like you used to hide in the grass but not today. IT has to reveal ITs self Full Monty for all to witness, just like you have done. You worship the "One Eye" snake monster and you and others like you are non-gender. It's in your bloodline and nothing you can do about it, except to be honest like you and your other avatars have done. There is place all prepared for you and the others to do this together, forever.

They knew the rules and failed to comply with them. In so doing, they also deprived others the opportunity to compete in accordance with those rules, all so they could grandstand. Cheaters, pure and simple. And terrible basketball players also.
The suspension was essentially punishment for speech. MVCS made Vermont look bad in the national press, so the school gets punished for it.

The timing of the suspension makes this clear. The original forfeit? No problem. We agree to disagree. Fox picks up the story? Suspension.

No, it was punishment for refusing to comply with the rules and depriving others who aren’t cheaters of opportunities in they playoffs. They took a spot from another team for no purpose other than to grandstand.
I have a niece that plays (ecnl) and I played myself. I was her coach til she moved up north. I’m one of the people that would have been directly affected by this policy

and Btw I by no means mean to imply that your stump is the the primary motivation by everyone here. I appreciate and admire the concern some folks have for their dds. But when one uses misogyny in the name of defense of women, as Sotl has, it is clear there is something at work way beyond just defending your dd.

mi·sog·y·nis·tic (/məˌsäjəˈnistik/)
  1. strongly prejudiced against women.
I'd say it's misogynistic to allow males to play against females in a female league. Even YOU can't say a male, transitioning to a female, is now a female. You'll call him "a female", because that's the WOKE thing to do, but you know he'll never be a female.
They knew the rules and failed to comply with them. In so doing, they also deprived others the opportunity to compete in accordance with those rules, all so they could grandstand. Cheaters, pure and simple. And terrible basketball players also.
No, they skipped the game. That's not cheating dumb dumb. Look how you lie. Go back and use your brain to come up with another pure and simple word. Wow, I thought you were smart but not now.
Ps if you are concerned about your dd, I’d be far more concerned about what’s happen to the ftm and nonbinaries right now. 1/20 chance it could be your dd if she’s college educated. And before you say it can never happen to us….we’ll talk to my relative.

Nonbinaries want attention like the others. We used to call them "asexual". They won't get a special day, flag and t-shirt using archaic terminology, though. Not woke enough. It's no wonder about the 1/20 number. God forbid someone NOT question your gender and allow doctors to fill in that box on your birth certificate. Could be a penis, could be a vagina, could be a mirage.
mi·sog·y·nis·tic (/məˌsäjəˈnistik/)
  1. strongly prejudiced against women.
I'd say it's misogynistic to allow males to play against females in a female league. Even YOU can't say a male, transitioning to a female, is now a female. You'll call him "a female", because that's the WOKE thing to do, but you know he'll never be a female.
Here's my test for y'all. If you really say you are in this for your DD, how would your DD judge how you defended her and the words you chose?