Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

It took a place of faith to stand up to this nonsense. Mr. Magoo is saying a man can have a penis and battle the girls. Were in the Mother Of All Wars and it's 100% spiritual. IT and IT's Team has to show ALL of us the Truth. You all get to pick what you support. It's a choice. The female (Mother) has been under attack ever since Eve met the first real Snake. That Snake produced Cain. The Blood of Abel cries out loud today!

It took a place of faith to stand up to this nonsense. Mr. Magoo is saying a man can have a penis and battle the girls. Were in the Mother Of All Wars and it's 100% spiritual. IT and IT's Team has to show ALL of us the Truth. You all get to pick what you support. It's a choice. The female (Mother) has been under attack ever since Eve met the first real Snake. That Snake produced Cain. The Blood of Abel cries out loud today!

Ha ha. This is how it should be. The Vermont Karens refused to play by the rules. They cheated, were disrespectful, and now they’ve gotten what they deserve.
Ha ha. This is how it should be. The Vermont Karens refused to play by the rules. They cheated, were disrespectful, and now they’ve gotten what they deserve.
Good morning little Cain. Of course Cain the snake would laugh, "ha ha." The Vermont school did not cheat Cain, that is a lie. They stood up to the cheating school that allowed a snake to play against the girls. The other school cheated (look how you try and twist the truth) because they used a male to beat up on the females, that is the Truth. You're going to get what you deserve very soon. Snakes like you used to hide in the grass but not today. IT has to reveal ITs self Full Monty for all to witness, just like you have done. You worship the "One Eye" snake monster and you and others like you are non-gender. It's in your bloodline and nothing you can do about it, except to be honest like you and your other avatars have done. There is place all prepared for you and the others to do this together, forever.
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The suspension was essentially punishment for speech. MVCS made Vermont look bad in the national press, so the school gets punished for it.

The timing of the suspension makes this clear. The original forfeit? No problem. We agree to disagree. Fox picks up the story? Suspension.
The suspension was essentially punishment for speech. MVCS made Vermont look bad in the national press, so the school gets punished for it.

The timing of the suspension makes this clear. The original forfeit? No problem. We agree to disagree. Fox picks up the story? Suspension.
Doubt it. Capriciousness and arbitrariness would open them up to a lawsuit (or at least to losing the lawsuit). The ideal solution was the pre COVID times when this rested quietly with state athletic organizations. Want to make it political? This is what it looks like with blue and red states splitting on the issue. You can't claim red states should go around banning stuff and then be shocked when the blue states enforce their own rules. It's the same with the people advocating that red states charge parents who decide to transition their kids with child abuse: the blue states can just as easily decide not transitioning your kid is child abuse. Don't like it? Well you can always start supporting a national divorce.

Bottom line is MVCS violated the rules as adopted in Vermont. It's a similar standard that would be adopted had they refused to play someone with a person of color on the other team. Message had to be sent nuking them for not following the rules, specifically since the school itself stood by them. If you believe in a federal solution, this was more than appropriate. The delay more likely than not has to do with the fact that proceedings and consultations needed to be had, to avoid the charge of capriciousness and arbitrariness.
It took a place of faith to stand up to this nonsense. Mr. Magoo is saying a man can have a penis and battle the girls. Were in the Mother Of All Wars and it's 100% spiritual. IT and IT's Team has to show ALL of us the Truth. You all get to pick what you support. It's a choice. The female (Mother) has been under attack ever since Eve met the first real Snake. That Snake produced Cain. The Blood of Abel cries out loud today!

Yeah... doesn't matter that girls don't get to play in a fair girl's league. It was a tournament for girls, right? We need to make sure trannies get the special treatment they need to compete. Seems like a simple solution is to create a "Ponytails & Peckers" division.
Is it still in print? I would love to read this. I love old cookbooks even though I’m a horrid cook. Imagine my shock if it turns out she’s Mrs Joy from Joy of Cooking.
I honestly can't find it. My mom's oldest bloodline dd has it in some storage in FL. I'm going to go see her (she has that dreaded Parkinsons) and hope to find it. She sold it for $3. She taught me how to cook like no other. True story. Laguna Beach has an amazing Little League field called Riddle Field. She took over the snack shop and actually made full on dinners. The wives would get jealous because the hubby would come home from work and tell his wife, "sorry hunny, I'm go to get some home cooking from Bette's snack shop." None of that BS fake nachos were served with fake cheese. She made it all real along with Spaghetti, fried chicken and her famous meat loaf. It's still one of my favorite memories growing up Grace. When I wasn't playing a game, I worked the inside so my mom could cook the grub. BTW, we won the "natty" in 6th grade.

The grass I played was not like this. Angel Stadium donated this grass, must be nice to play on that grass.
Meh. Neither side's extremists are helping them much. Your bigotry certainly won't win you converts.

What bigotry? Would you allow a male to walk onto the field and play in a game with 2 female teams? No, you wouldn't. So why does a ponytail and duct tape make it okay? It's not remotely different.
Is it still in print? I would love to read this. I love old cookbooks even though I’m a horrid cook. Imagine my shock if it turns out she’s Mrs Joy from Joy of Cooking.
We won the "natty" in 6th grade. I loved to compete fair & square and those times seem so innocent. No one was cheating back then. Our bat girl was special needs and we all loved her so much. She was nice and sweet and I mean that. Yes, some of the other boys from the other teams would laugh and then we delt with them at school or on the field. Guess which one I am?

The Laguna Beach Little League Champs 1979!

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Meh. Neither side's extremists are helping them much. Your bigotry certainly won't win you converts.
You do realize you're one of the extremists, right?

The center of the country is sympathetic to the individual, but against allowing transwomen to enter women's athletic competitions. 63% opposed, 24% in favor.

You can keep screaming "YOU'RE ALL BIGOTS" at 2/3 of the country, but it's not persuasive.
You do realize you're one of the extremists, right?

The center of the country is sympathetic to the individual, but against allowing transwomen to enter women's athletic competitions. 63% opposed, 24% in favor.

You can keep screaming "YOU'RE ALL BIGOTS" at 2/3 of the country, but it's not persuasive.
Grace is 100% not centrist on this topic
You do realize you're one of the extremists, right?

The center of the country is sympathetic to the individual, but against allowing transwomen to enter women's athletic competitions. 63% opposed, 24% in favor.

You can keep screaming "YOU'RE ALL BIGOTS" at 2/3 of the country, but it's not persuasive.
The percentages don't matter to me. When COVID struck, at first I was basically alone, both when people were like all "it's the's going to be no big deal...MIC will happen play on", and then with the "you are overreacting guys". I'm comfortable sitting alone on the fence.

My positional/moral position is very centrist. Open participation on the youth level, restricted participation on the college level (assuming you can balance, which I think ultimately the science will show racing and jumping events cannot be balanced), heavily restricted on the national level. The extreme right position is kick the transgendered going in either direction, regardless of age or level, into the male category because otherwise it's cheating. The extreme left position is gender is a construct so anyone should be able to play anywhere they identify regardless of biology. My openness to separate leagues, if feasible, is very much a traitor to my "tribe".

My legal position is also very centrist. On the left you have the Minnesota decision. It basically says "sex" is an identity, therefore barring someone from their identified sex is sex discrimination. The right position is equally unmeritorious: that women are some fragile little things that need to be protected and therefore their protection from discrimination amounts to the right to have a completely sealed league. I subscribe to Williams v. Kincaid. Treat it as a disability, which requires you to balance the rights....they are not absolute....a wheelchair bound person has the right to new builds and certain others to be disabled accessed....a wheelchair bound person does not have the right to demand ever bathroom in America be retrofitted and contain safety bars, even if in private homes.

I can't help it if you are bigots. That's up to you. Everyone is a little bit bigoted. But there are certain things that have crossed over the line. You certainly have. Your friend SOTL certainly has. When you do, it's fair to call you on it. Something more for you to reflect on: I've condemned EOTL and his behavior several times even if he's on my side....I have yet to hear you do the same for SOTL. So my hierarchy of the worst people on this forum remains: you, SOTL, EOTL, in said order....the blatant use of hate words by SOTL pushed him over EOTL and you still occupy the top spot because (despite been given a pass had you admitted to some kind of a disability which inadvertently makes you cross over the line) of everyone, you ought to know better.
The percentages don't matter to me. When COVID struck, at first I was basically alone, both when people were like all "it's the's going to be no big deal...MIC will happen play on", and then with the "you are overreacting guys". I'm comfortable sitting alone on the fence.

My positional/moral position is very centrist. Open participation on the youth level, restricted participation on the college level (assuming you can balance, which I think ultimately the science will show racing and jumping events cannot be balanced), heavily restricted on the national level. The extreme right position is kick the transgendered going in either direction, regardless of age or level, into the male category because otherwise it's cheating. The extreme left position is gender is a construct so anyone should be able to play anywhere they identify regardless of biology. My openness to separate leagues, if feasible, is very much a traitor to my "tribe".

My legal position is also very centrist. On the left you have the Minnesota decision. It basically says "sex" is an identity, therefore barring someone from their identified sex is sex discrimination. The right position is equally unmeritorious: that women are some fragile little things that need to be protected and therefore their protection from discrimination amounts to the right to have a completely sealed league. I subscribe to Williams v. Kincaid. Treat it as a disability, which requires you to balance the rights....they are not absolute....a wheelchair bound person has the right to new builds and certain others to be disabled accessed....a wheelchair bound person does not have the right to demand ever bathroom in America be retrofitted and contain safety bars, even if in private homes.

I can't help it if you are bigots. That's up to you. Everyone is a little bit bigoted. But there are certain things that have crossed over the line. You certainly have. Your friend SOTL certainly has. When you do, it's fair to call you on it. Something more for you to reflect on: I've condemned EOTL and his behavior several times even if he's on my side....I have yet to hear you do the same for SOTL. So my hierarchy of the worst people on this forum remains: you, SOTL, EOTL, in said order....the blatant use of hate words by SOTL pushed him over EOTL and you still occupy the top spot because (despite been given a pass had you admitted to some kind of a disability which inadvertently makes you cross over the line) of everyone, you ought to know better.
p.s. you numbnuts don't even realize or see what the bigger problem is. This am I came across on my twitter feed some new numbers released by the NHS in the UK about referrals for gender dysphoria. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, there is not an explosion of MTFs. There was about a 20% drop in referrals during the period 2020-2021 due to COVID, and there's only been a slight increase above the 2019 levels since. Most of that increase is probably backlog of people who went untreated or deferred during COVID. Where the huge increase though (close to 50% prior to a discount to COVID rebound) is in FTMs. (a side note as I'm making an assumption....the numbers reported were in people who were listed as biological male or biological female or medical records prior to the it's possible there's a discrepancy but it's hard to see how...the M are transitioning either to F or nonbinary, and the F are transitioning either to M or nonbinary). So while you all are worried by Lia taking away your DD's trophy (the scholarship is a given....if you do separate leagues, there will be some Fs that lose scholarships to fund the trans division), the bigger question you should worry about is the DD. There is a trend of trans people increasing, but it seems to be among the biological Fs. You are free to freak out now.
The percentages don't matter to me. When COVID struck, at first I was basically alone, both when people were like all "it's the's going to be no big deal...MIC will happen play on", and then with the "you are overreacting guys". I'm comfortable sitting alone on the fence.

My positional/moral position is very centrist. Open participation on the youth level, restricted participation on the college level (assuming you can balance, which I think ultimately the science will show racing and jumping events cannot be balanced), heavily restricted on the national level. The extreme right position is kick the transgendered going in either direction, regardless of age or level, into the male category because otherwise it's cheating. The extreme left position is gender is a construct so anyone should be able to play anywhere they identify regardless of biology. My openness to separate leagues, if feasible, is very much a traitor to my "tribe".

My legal position is also very centrist. On the left you have the Minnesota decision. It basically says "sex" is an identity, therefore barring someone from their identified sex is sex discrimination. The right position is equally unmeritorious: that women are some fragile little things that need to be protected and therefore their protection from discrimination amounts to the right to have a completely sealed league. I subscribe to Williams v. Kincaid. Treat it as a disability, which requires you to balance the rights....they are not absolute....a wheelchair bound person has the right to new builds and certain others to be disabled accessed....a wheelchair bound person does not have the right to demand ever bathroom in America be retrofitted and contain safety bars, even if in private homes.

I can't help it if you are bigots. That's up to you. Everyone is a little bit bigoted. But there are certain things that have crossed over the line. You certainly have. Your friend SOTL certainly has. When you do, it's fair to call you on it. Something more for you to reflect on: I've condemned EOTL and his behavior several times even if he's on my side....I have yet to hear you do the same for SOTL. So my hierarchy of the worst people on this forum remains: you, SOTL, EOTL, in said order....the blatant use of hate words by SOTL pushed him over EOTL and you still occupy the top spot because (despite been given a pass had you admitted to some kind of a disability which inadvertently makes you cross over the line) of everyone, you ought to know better.