Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

I'll answer you in person. Tell me where and I'll make the time.

Are you 12? Did you forget sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you?

It is embarrassing how terrified you are of trans children. Seriously, though, exactly how bad at soccer must your daughter be if she can’t compete against - using your words - “tranny” children “wearing lipstick and skirts” who should be “playing cornhole”?
C'mon, bitch boy, tell me where.
And I’m the unhinged one? That’s getting dangerously close buddy to committing an actual crime.:p:p:p

if Eotl were clever and we still had an actual functioning police force, he could give you a fake address and have the cops ready for you

I’m now very curious what’s triggering you so? Not a normal human reaction unless there’s some sort of underlying issue

Challenging your rationale is not hysterical. And you don't need to die on the hill so gay men can do drag shows. Nobody gives a fuck. Just don't expect everyone to pretend it's normal or use the idiotic pronouns attention seekers dream up. I don't owe that to anyone. And it's funny how you support the 1st Amendment as long as people agree with you. Otherwise, they're bigots.

You're a clown.
oh little conservative eotl I’m a first amendment absolutist and I support even your right to be a bigot as well as mine to critique it. You want to March down Ventura blvd with a big “I hate trans” sign I’ll be the first to defend your right to do it. I’ll also be right there with the crowd loudly denouncing you for it. And yes you are hysterical. Indeed far more hysterical than I’ve ever seen eotl. Indeed you are so worked up you are even more hysterical than dad 4 at the height of Covid. You are more hysterical than a 4 year old girl that’s lost her mom at the national hysterical convention after winning the hysterical grand prize.
I'll answer you in person. Tell me where and I'll make the time.

Are you 12? Did you forget sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you?

It is embarrassing how terrified you are of trans children. Seriously, though, exactly how bad at soccer must your daughter be if she can’t compete against - using your words - “tranny” children “wearing lipstick and skirts” who should be “playing cornhole”?
Are you 12? Did you forget sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you?

It is embarrassing how terrified you are of trans children. Seriously, though, exactly how bad at soccer must your daughter be if she can’t compete against - using your words - “tranny” children “wearing lipstick and skirts” who should be “playing cornhole”?
and the Socal Soccer Forum. Look what you have become. Where is Espola? Dude owned this place when I first came on here in 2013 and then in 2018. He is the longest living avatar on the forum. Dude was the gate keeper and just vanished like a fart in thin air? Ya right, he would never miss this battle of the Souls. He/she got all mad and ignored crush because of a scripture I used in the bible that got him and you all upset. I bet you a Happy Meal he's playing on here, just not the Espola Avatar.
And I’m the unhinged one? That’s getting dangerously close buddy to committing an actual crime.:p:p:p

if Eotl were clever and we still had an actual functioning police force, he could give you a fake address and have the cops ready for you

I’m now very curious what’s triggering you so? Not a normal human reaction unless there’s some sort of underlying issue

oh little conservative eotl I’m a first amendment absolutist and I support even your right to be a bigot as well as mine to critique it. You want to March down Ventura blvd with a big “I hate trans” sign I’ll be the first to defend your right to do it. I’ll also be right there with the crowd loudly denouncing you for it. And yes you are hysterical. Indeed far more hysterical than I’ve ever seen eotl. Indeed you are so worked up you are even more hysterical than dad 4 at the height of Covid. You are more hysterical than a 4 year old girl that’s lost her mom at the national hysterical convention after winning the hysterical grand prize.

If you make it personal, I'll make it personal. That simple. Simple enough for even you. And be careful... using "mom" instead of birthing person is really offensive.
Are you 12? Did you forget sticks and stones may break your bones, but names will never hurt you?

It is embarrassing how terrified you are of trans children. Seriously, though, exactly how bad at soccer must your daughter be if she can’t compete against - using your words - “tranny” children “wearing lipstick and skirts” who should be “playing cornhole”?

Nobody is terrified of trannies, bitch boy.
Not sure which one is real but the point is, do we need to see man boobs nursing their kids? Keep it at home please. Also, folks are threating me again to STFU. It's crazy to be in the spiritual battle. I was born for such a time as this. We are fighting a spiritual realm that is trying to survive. The battle is not against flesh & blood, it's against a very dark force who want our kids for everything. We have killed more kids this year then at any other time in history. Why? Why kill kids before birth? Why kill kids when their 10? Why why why???

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I’ll put the hyperbole aside and give all of you a reminder about why I am doing this.

There are a few people here who absolutely, positively refuse to treat trans children with even the slightest amount of dignity and respect. I’m not talking about merely disagreeing with ECNL down to AYSO allowing trans girls to play soccer. I’m talking about people who mock gender pronouns, refer to certain lesbian women and men, who call children “trannies” and worse, and accuse them of engaging in lewd behavior in bathrooms. These are people who have zero empathy for trans children who are actual people and the sons and daughters of actual parents. If they can’t treat children with dignity and respect, I won’t treat theirs with dignity and respect either. Slobodan in particular can have a turn feeling how trans children and their parents feel when they hear the garbage that people like him spew.

I also think it’s important for people like him to understand in no uncertain terms that people who support the LGBT community no longer fear the bullying anti-trans schtick that he grew up dumping on everyone around him. Not only do we no longer fear it, but we also don’t stay quiet or go away quietly in response to your elementary school playground bullying. You wanted bullying, you got it.

I know Grace disagrees with me and would prefer the old way of trying to politely convince people to think differently. I admire her doggedness in putting up with the constant bullying of her that drove off others in disgust, but
Compromise has been tried on this thread.

It doesn’t work. If anyone proposes a system which actually preserves the top tier of women’s sports for women, they get called transphobe. It doesn’t matter what kind of athletic system for trans kids is suggested. If you don’t support an XY athlete receiving top honors in the women’s division, then you must be a bigot.

The pattern kills any desire to find a middle ground. Eventually, anyone who cares about both sets of kids leaves.

So mocking gender pronouns and calling lesbians men constitutes “middle ground”? That is what makes you a bigot, not the mere fact that you oppose trans participation in sports. So too does your absolute refusal to consider the reasons why transgender children believe it is important to allow them to play consistent with their gender identity to be legitimate positions to weigh into the decision, and despite the fact that virtually every private youth league from ECNL down to AYSO agrees with them, as does CIF.

You have made it very clear that trans girls and women should not be allowed to play competitive sports with their gender identity at any age group, in any sport, and under any circumstances. That is absolutist, no matter how much you try to retroactively label yourself as someone willing to compromise. And no, your theory that trans people can do whatever they want so long as it isn’t anything you don’t want them to do is not compromise.

Get used to the compromise that already exists, and had existed for decades. It is virtually impossible for trans women to participate at the pro level. It is very difficult at the NCAA level, and when something shows the requirements are out of whack, they are thoughtfully reconsidered. And at the youth level, you can vote for or against trans hate in your state if winning a kiddie trophy is that important to you. But even if you vote for hate, you still can’t stop a private company from deciding to allow trans kids from participating, no matter how much you hate the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
If you make it personal, I'll make it personal. That simple. Simple enough for even you. And be careful... using "mom" instead of birthing person is really offensive.
I get that. I've wanted to slug Eotl from time to time. Doesn't excuse you going full all out bigot, doesn't excuse you going all unhinged thinking there are ghosts around every corner, doesn't make you any less hysterical (to the point you are threatening a crime on public forum), doesn't make you any less disgusting either and almost, style for style, the exact replica of EOTL on the right leaning side. Own it. From hence forth I shall christen thee SOTL (s for start as in start of the line, and Slobi).

p.s. yes I'm a mom. Proud of it.
Nobody is terrified of trannies, bitch boy.
Not only a transgendered slur, but a little bit of misogyny to boot. That's funny from someone who on the face of it says they are trying to defend women and then turns around and uses a word like that. It indicates the entire defend women thing is entirely a pretext...your words are very aren't motivated by fairness, or protecting women, or are motivated by hate and bias.

I’ll put the hyperbole aside and give all of you a reminder about why I am doing this.

There are a few people here who absolutely, positively refuse to treat trans children with even the slightest amount of dignity and respect. I’m not talking about merely disagreeing with ECNL down to AYSO allowing trans girls to play soccer. I’m talking about people who mock gender pronouns, refer to certain lesbian women and men, who call children “trannies” and worse, and accuse them of engaging in lewd behavior in bathrooms. These are people who have zero empathy for trans children who are actual people and the sons and daughters of actual parents. If they can’t treat children with dignity and respect, I won’t treat theirs with dignity and respect either. Slobodan in particular can have a turn feeling how trans children and their parents feel when they hear the garbage that people like him spew.

I also think it’s important for people like him to understand in no uncertain terms that people who support the LGBT community no longer fear the bullying anti-trans schtick that he grew up dumping on everyone around him. Not only do we no longer fear it, but we also don’t stay quiet or go away quietly in response to your elementary school playground bullying. You wanted bullying, you got it.

I know Grace disagrees with me and would prefer the old way of trying to politely convince people to think differently. I admire her doggedness in putting up with the constant bullying of her that drove off others in disgust, but
You only say you admire me because you agree with me on this one. I don't remember you saying that when you and dad4 were fighting me on COVID. In particular I find your tactic of attacking other people's children repulsive. It doesn't win you allies. It just turns people against you. It's the same on the right and the disgusting behavior of Matt Walsh, for example, that turned out to be too much for some Daily Wire people, who just up and left. Reasonable people can disagree about the outcome here, but garbage is garbage and bigotry is bigotry.
Not only a transgendered slur, but a little bit of misogyny to boot. That's funny from someone who on the face of it says they are trying to defend women and then turns around and uses a word like that. It indicates the entire defend women thing is entirely a pretext...your words are very aren't motivated by fairness, or protecting women, or are motivated by hate and bias.

You only say you admire me because you agree with me on this one. I don't remember you saying that when you and dad4 were fighting me on COVID. In particular I find your tactic of attacking other people's children repulsive. It doesn't win you allies. It just turns people against you. It's the same on the right and the disgusting behavior of Matt Walsh, for example, that turned out to be too much for some Daily Wire people, who just up and left. Reasonable people can disagree about the outcome here, but garbage is garbage and bigotry is bigotry.

Yeah, I get that it's a slur... I did it to piss you off like I have the last 9 times.
Yeah, I get that it's a slur... I did it to piss you off like I have the last 9 times.
Hold on. I got to whip out my little authoritarian translator because I'm having trouble dissecting the crazy:

"Yeah I get that I'm being a bigot....I'm being a bigot not because I in fact am bigot, but because I'm unhinged and somewhat hysterical and trying to make you angry. I'm so unhinged I've done this deliberately 9 times".

Quite a box you've built for yourself there. You are either an admitted bigot (which you've just clearly stated), or you are so hysterical (after accusing me of being unhinged) that you have deliberately painted yourself as an admitted bigot to "own" me. Wow. Winning.
I’ll put the hyperbole aside and give all of you a reminder about why I am doing this.

There are a few people here who absolutely, positively refuse to treat trans children with even the slightest amount of dignity and respect. I’m not talking about merely disagreeing with ECNL down to AYSO allowing trans girls to play soccer. I’m talking about people who mock gender pronouns, refer to certain lesbian women and men, who call children “trannies” and worse, and accuse them of engaging in lewd behavior in bathrooms. These are people who have zero empathy for trans children who are actual people and the sons and daughters of actual parents. If they can’t treat children with dignity and respect, I won’t treat theirs with dignity and respect either. Slobodan in particular can have a turn feeling how trans children and their parents feel when they hear the garbage that people like him spew.

I also think it’s important for people like him to understand in no uncertain terms that people who support the LGBT community no longer fear the bullying anti-trans schtick that he grew up dumping on everyone around him. Not only do we no longer fear it, but we also don’t stay quiet or go away quietly in response to your elementary school playground bullying. You wanted bullying, you got it.

I know Grace disagrees with me and would prefer the old way of trying to politely convince people to think differently. I admire her doggedness in putting up with the constant bullying of her that drove off others in disgust, but

So mocking gender pronouns and calling lesbians men constitutes “middle ground”? That is what makes you a bigot, not the mere fact that you oppose trans participation in sports. So too does your absolute refusal to consider the reasons why transgender children believe it is important to allow them to play consistent with their gender identity to be legitimate positions to weigh into the decision, and despite the fact that virtually every private youth league from ECNL down to AYSO agrees with them, as does CIF.

You have made it very clear that trans girls and women should not be allowed to play competitive sports with their gender identity at any age group, in any sport, and under any circumstances. That is absolutist, no matter how much you try to retroactively label yourself as someone willing to compromise. And no, your theory that trans people can do whatever they want so long as it isn’t anything you don’t want them to do is not compromise.

Get used to the compromise that already exists, and had existed for decades. It is virtually impossible for trans women to participate at the pro level. It is very difficult at the NCAA level, and when something shows the requirements are out of whack, they are thoughtfully reconsidered. And at the youth level, you can vote for or against trans hate in your state if winning a kiddie trophy is that important to you. But even if you vote for hate, you still can’t stop a private company from deciding to allow trans kids from participating, no matter how much you hate the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I've read enough of your shit, and your alter ego's shit, to know you're a fucking douche bag 24/7. All you need is a topic.
Hold on. I got to whip out my little authoritarian translator because I'm having trouble dissecting the crazy:

"Yeah I get that I'm being a bigot....I'm being a bigot not because I in fact am bigot, but because I'm unhinged and somewhat hysterical and trying to make you angry. I'm so unhinged I've done this deliberately 9 times".

Quite a box you've built for yourself there. You are either an admitted bigot (which you've just clearly stated), or you are so hysterical (after accusing me of being unhinged) that you have deliberately painted yourself as an admitted bigot to "own" me. Wow. Winning.

You are unhinged. You also like to hear yourself talk. Please... type me another, short story.

In your honor, I'm going to start using the pronouns "tranny" and "birthing person".