Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

"folly" being the operative word. 5-years from now people are going to look back at this period of history and wonder if making weed legal was really a good idea.
The weed their producing is not the weed God made, that's for damn sure. I tell EVERYONE to not smoke or eat any of the gummies. Most of the pot shops owned in CA are owned by China and the Cartels. I just saw a documentary where their lazing the weed with fentanyl now. When a teen dies of OD on pot, it's BS.
Compromise has been tried on this thread.

It doesn’t work. If anyone proposes a system which actually preserves the top tier of women’s sports for women, they get called transphobe. It doesn’t matter what kind of athletic system for trans kids is suggested. If you don’t support an XY athlete receiving top honors in the women’s division, then you must be a bigot.

The pattern kills any desire to find a middle ground. Eventually, anyone who cares about both sets of kids leaves.
Ok, whatever you say you bigot.
Compromise has been tried on this thread.

It doesn’t work. If anyone proposes a system which actually preserves the top tier of women’s sports for women, they get called transphobe. It doesn’t matter what kind of athletic system for trans kids is suggested. If you don’t support an XY athlete receiving top honors in the women’s division, then you must be a bigot.

The pattern kills any desire to find a middle ground. Eventually, anyone who cares about both sets of kids leaves.
a. The both set of kids thing is a joke coming from you since you’ve demonstrated time and time again, whether ftm mtf or scholarship money, you always come down on the side of screw the trans kid. As with Covid your idea of compromise is always always always the other side must unconditionally surrender.
b. Your idea of top honors was ecnl kiddie soccer which isn’t event an academy system. That also is laughable.
You wouldn't say it to my face, bitch boy, because you wouldn't come back to life at all... let alone as EOTL or anybody else.

BTW, I only discussed what the parents of whiny Karens need to really be worried about in response to your prior derogatory comments about other people’s trans children. Ironically, however, it really is the thing all of you need to be concerned about, rather than your irrational fears about trans girls in the girls room.

As for your threats, I don’t think I need to be worried about a guy who is terrified of trans children.
a. The both set of kids thing is a joke coming from you since you’ve demonstrated time and time again, whether ftm mtf or scholarship money, you always come down on the side of screw the trans kid. As with Covid your idea of compromise is always always always the other side must unconditionally surrender.
b. Your idea of top honors was ecnl kiddie soccer which isn’t event an academy system. That also is laughable.
Grace, were not talking about kids whose parents talk them into a sex change. This debate has always been about men declaring their women now and because of that, they can compete and take jobs away from a bilogical female. You and I know why you and others support this all of sudden. The big reveal is coming very soon and we will all see WHO is really a man but has been playing his role as a woman. Noce try. If your not in the know, then go get some popcorn. It's about to get very harry for all the wrong reasons. 100% of us all agree that at the U10 and under we can mix things up and do co-ed. My son played co-ed soccer for his middle school and it was fun to watch. Each team had to have at least 5 biological Yoni's on the field at all times.
Anyone reading your pinball diatribes knows who is unbalanced. I understand you and EOTL resent real females but that's your cross, not mine. It's not bigotry when you say a male, in drag, isn't a female. It's science. That's just a simple fact and you know it. You'll never admit it, but you know it. Just like there's no such thing as "a birthing person". Another made up term from the lunatic fringe. Amazing how we went centuries just calling them "mothers" and nothing bad ever happened. It's okay... you crazies all need a place to go.

Unlike you, I actually AM a libertarian. Not a liberal wingnut wearing a sign that says "I dabble in classical sanity".
Drag isnt trans. Again it’s a burlesque akin to black face generally performed by gay men to make fun of women and actual trans people.

gender dysphoria is science too. That’s why the 4th circuit last year ruled it in fact a disability.

what makes you think I think “birthing person” is a good idea??? I also don’t use pronouns in my bio. But I also acknowledge and will defend the first amendment rights of a person to use said pronouns. During Covid I got denounced as a nazi because I opposed the censorship of scientific questions that went against the narrative. Science doesn’t care about your feelings.

you’ve also crossed multiple lines here by making outright bigoted statements that are very clearly ugly. You sir are a bigot. We all have our biases. Everyone is a little bigoted but what you’ve said here goes absolutely beyond the pale and is just rooted in ugliness. It is your right however to be that ugly. Just like it’s mine to call you an absolute piece of human garbage, an honor I reserve for only a handful of people including eotl. You are his conservative equivalent. Be proud. Ura!
Male Transgender teens are raping girls at school and this fool comes on here today to mock our daughters. I have been dealing with "IT" for over 6 years now in the sport of soccer. They infiltrated the sport and society and are now jamming it down our throats in the hope that will choke to death and just walk away. I heard about the hot tubs but had no idea how deep this went. This abuse will not go unpunished and those who support this and make fun of OUR daughters will have hell to pay, mark my words. Keep it up buddy. You and your other avatars lost big time. Your asses are being watched big time. You and the other monsters will be xxxposed for your evil & cheating. I told Dom that once you and the other's get exposed, we will all be getting a great education about how, why and who allowed this to take place so that it will NEVER happen again. Then you and your elk will be eradicated from the planet. The truth will not be for everyone killer. This fool mocked me and my stance for wanting all kids to born. IT is the biggest liar I have ever met. Acts like he has empathy, lol! EOTL threaten me and my dd and also wants kids killed before their born. That is a fact!
Curious how you think it is perfectly acceptable to say abysmal horrific transphobic things about people’s children, but you lose your mind when someone questions whether the children of whiny Karens like you are giving giving blowjobs in the school bathroom.

I apparently hit too close to home. Again, all of you whiny male Karens are worried about the wrong people and the wrong bathroom.

I'll answer you in person. Tell me where and I'll make the time.
Drag isnt trans. Again it’s a burlesque akin to black face generally performed by gay men to make fun of women and actual trans people.

gender dysphoria is science too. That’s why the 4th circuit last year ruled it in fact a disability.

what makes you think I think “birthing person” is a good idea??? I also don’t use pronouns in my bio. But I also acknowledge and will defend the first amendment rights of a person to use said pronouns. During Covid I got denounced as a nazi because I opposed the censorship of scientific questions that went against the narrative. Science doesn’t care about your feelings.

you’ve also crossed multiple lines here by making outright bigoted statements that are very clearly ugly. You sir are a bigot. We all have our biases. Everyone is a little bigoted but what you’ve said here goes absolutely beyond the pale and is just rooted in ugliness. It is your right however to be that ugly. Just like it’s mine to call you an absolute piece of human garbage, an honor I reserve for only a handful of people including eotl. You are his conservative equivalent. Be proud. Ura!

Oh, so now blackface is acceptable. Got it. Again, rules for thee...

So remind me why that's acceptable to present to Kindergartners at story time and you supporters are so up in arms these places are being kept away from schools in Florida? And jesus fucking christ... spare me from another one of your novels. Repetitive bullshit over and over and over again. Go find a hobby. And by the way, "pronouns" are fucking ridiculous, too.
Drag isnt trans.
You are wrong. I have a very good friend who was an Elder for a very conservative church. His son Sam is now Samantha. Sam started out as a Drag Queen shows and now identifies as a woman 24/7 because it's ok to fully come out behind the shadows. Like I said 100 times, I love Samantha and support her. However, she can't compete in sports against females with Yonis. He played club soccer and even she says she wouldn't play against girls in soccer because it's not fair. He/she is very good player. She does not want to cut off her penis because she likes her penis and so does her boyfriend. Again, to each his/her own, but keep it at home. You just can't play sports with the girls. End of the debate. By the way, my pal is not an Elder anymore and has been band from his old church. Talk about being blamed for being a bad parent. My pal is the most loving father and husband I know. He has church at home now and loves his daughter 100%.
Legally here’s how the landscape is shaping up. There are basically three legal theories floating around out there

the first is the Minnesota weight lifting case. It basically relied upon the Supreme Court title vii case basically saying lgbtq was a protected class against discrimination in title vii. The Minnesota case hold the right against discrimination is absolute: if you identify as trans you are a protected category and therefore have an absolute right to be treated as the gender you identify as. The critique of this case is the “deer theory”: if I identify as a deer does that mean someone has the legal right to hunt me.

the next is the theory being advanced by some of the red states: women are a protected class and title ix was intended to give them absolute protection as a class in sports. The problem with this is that it leaves women in one category and everyone else in the other. It gives up the argument for women’s equality in favor of somehow they are lesser instead of different. It also leads them vulnerable to the claims of ftms Who are also biological women

the third theory was adopted by the 4th circuit in Williams v kinkaid last year. It says gender dysmorphia is a disability and should be subject to a balancing act. It’s the centrist position and the right way to view this, balancing the interests of the various parties.

some red states are seeking to advance legislation banning the participation of trans individuals in female sports. This is a legislative act creating new laws not a judicial ruling on existing laws. The issue, however, is that short of coming up with some sort of alternate solution such as balancing,is that, under the reasoning of all three lines of cases, it likely fails under the equal protection clause of the suv amendment. If the federal government decides to crack the whip, and if there is no alternate solution that doesn’t leave these people homeless, I just don’t see how, even with a conservative Supreme Court, that split in the states survives.
Oh, so now blackface is acceptable. Got it. Again, rules for thee...

So remind me why that's acceptable to present to Kindergartners at story time and you supporters are so up in arms these places are being kept away from schools in Florida? And jesus fucking christ... spare me from another one of your novels. Repetitive bullshit over and over and over again. Go find a hobby. And by the way, "pronouns" are fucking ridiculous, too.
Again what makes you think I disagree with you?

No black face is not cool. No as I said I think drag shows make fun of both trans and women and like black face will not be viewed acceptably in polite Society 20 years from now. It’s sexual in nature by definition (same as burlesque) so no I don’t think it’s appropriate in schools. I think pronouns are silly. BUT I absolutely will die on the hill that people are allowed to do drag shows, use the pronouns they want and even perform black face under the first amendment. I unlike you an a real libertarian. It doesn’t mean the rest of us have to think it’s a good idea or should be forced to participate.

you really are the hysterical Eotl of the conservative side. Exact same modus operandi. Like twins practically. So glad you found each other.
You are wrong. I have a very good friend who was an Elder for a very conservative church. His son Sam is now Samantha. Sam started out as a Drag Queen shows and now identifies as a woman 24/7 because it's ok to fully come out behind the shadows. Like I said 100 times, I love Samantha and support her. However, she can't compete in sports against females with Yonis. He played club soccer and even she says she wouldn't play against girls in soccer because it's not fair. He/she is very good player. She does not want to cut off her penis because she likes her penis and so does her boyfriend. Again, to each his/her own, but keep it at home. You just can't play sports with the girls. End of the debate. By the way, my pal is not an Elder anymore and has been band from his old church. Talk about being blamed for being a bad parent. My pal is the most loving father and husband I know. He has church at home now and loves his daughter 100%.
I’d happily concede the line isn’t always clean and quite a bit of experimentation goes on.
But that's not the point. I get what you're saying, but you're nonchalant because it's just scratching the surface. Wait until it becomes common. Wait until biological males take opportunities away from real females. There's a reason we've had separate leagues, isn't there? How do you justify "sharpen the steel" as if the need for 2 leagues was just some random consideration that wasn't ever necessary? The best female players, that wanted to challenge themselves every day, got their asses kicked by a bunch of 15-year old boys. There's a reason for that. We have different clothes. Different bathrooms and locker rooms. Different medical care. Different 'traditional' professions. This need to accommodate everyone is fine... but at some point you say "fuck no, we're not going to stop calling it Mother's Day because some man that wants to breastfeed is offended." That's ridiculous.

Soon all your worst fears about trans women taking over the world will soon be realized. The apocalypse is coming.
Here is my Theory. Keep your fetishizes at home where they belong. Stop teaching children about sex when their 5 years old. Actually, stop teaching OUR kids anything about these stupid theories. I told you and everyone here years ago that our school system is insane. Anyone with children are now looking for charter schools, private schools or home schools. The rest I guess will have to learn about little Nash whose teacher is a "They" and "They" will now teach the kids their is no more a he or she because he is a she she he he he. They told us in the movies why they do this. It's just for a job and out of desperation.

BTW, I only discussed what the parents of whiny Karens need to really be worried about in response to your prior derogatory comments about other people’s trans children. Ironically, however, it really is the thing all of you need to be concerned about, rather than your irrational fears about trans girls in the girls room.

As for your threats, I don’t think I need to be worried about a guy who is terrified of trans children.

C'mon, bitch boy, tell me where.
I’d happily concede the line isn’t always clean and quite a bit of experimentation goes on.
Oh joy, I'm glad you can concede the obvious Grace. Were not bigots because we don't what LIa and others jumping into the pool with the girls to win. Were making progress today, yay!
Oh joy, I'm glad you can concede the obvious Grace. Were not bigots because we don't what LIa and others jumping into the pool with the girls to win. Were making progress today, yay!
Oh crush you know I love you. I exempt you from all this based on our prior discussions.
Again what makes you think I disagree with you?

No black face is not cool. No as I said I think drag shows make fun of both trans and women and like black face will not be viewed acceptably in polite Society 20 years from now. It’s sexual in nature by definition (same as burlesque) so no I don’t think it’s appropriate in schools. I think pronouns are silly. BUT I absolutely will die on the hill that people are allowed to do drag shows, use the pronouns they want and even perform black face under the first amendment. I unlike you an a real libertarian. It doesn’t mean the rest of us have to think it’s a good idea or should be forced to participate.

you really are the hysterical Eotl of the conservative side. Exact same modus operandi. Like twins practically. So glad you found each other.

Challenging your rationale is not hysterical. And you don't need to die on the hill so gay men can do drag shows. Nobody gives a fuck. Just don't expect everyone to pretend it's normal or use the idiotic pronouns attention seekers dream up. I don't owe that to anyone. And it's funny how you support the 1st Amendment as long as people agree with you. Otherwise, they're bigots.

You're a clown.