Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

No, I stooped down so a gutless little bitch, that slandered by daughter, could hear me. Made it personal. And if I ever get the chance, I'll thank it properly.
So that’s the excuse for your bigotry? You certainly have been triggered haven’t you?
And I’m the one you call unbalanced. :p:p:p Congrats.You are the Eotl of the cons in this one. Equally unbalanced, equally offensive, equally stupid. Quite an achievement. Never thought a right leaning person would ever do it. But even I get it wrong from time to time Slobi my friend.
Dude…talking shit about somebody’s kid having relations in a boys bathroom is pretty shitty, even for you.

Just because people don’t believe the same as you does not make them transphobe shit bags or whiny Karen’s….just like you believing different from me does not make you a limp dick pansy who got his milk money taken in school and beat up Daily behind the portable class rooms…both analogies and arguments are stupid. Gets us nowhere. We can have different opinions without calling each other names.

I would also, really like your take on Justice Brown’s refusal to define a woman because she is not a Biologist? Was it discrimination targeting only women of color for the position, when for the highest court, shouldn’t we want the absolute BEST for that position? I’m curious.

I’d bet the BEST nominee could define what a Woman is…
I expect if the criteria to be on SCOTUS was "being the best", then none of the current members would probably be there, and we'd likely be better off for it.
Missed this…That’s fair…neither is cool and you are 100% right on that. Yes, asking for accommodations is fair, the ask should be considered, and everything taken into account…we all want what is best, but for me the accommodations should do no harm to others and not be at the expense of others. That’s where it gets fuzzy for most.

100% on people wanting to change science and language. Crazy times…and I sometimes feel like Clint Eastwood from El Camino….
Thoughtful. I do point out however that almost every accommodations comes at the cost of another. The hard of hearing person that needs captioning? Studio pays for that and doesn’t charge the hard of hearing person extra. The blind person with the talking sidewalk or assistance dog in the restaurant? Your tax dollars at work, your disease risk since we don’t let other dogs into restaurants. The adhd kid with added time and a quiet room? Might because of the accommodation bump another person out of their college slot…just ask lori Laughlin. The wheelchair bound person in need of an accessible toilet or a ramp? Added to your small business owners costs, passed onto you in higher food costs. The person who isn’t mentally competent to take care of themselves and can’t work? Your tax dollars are paying for SDI payments.
Thoughtful. I do point out however that almost every accommodations comes at the cost of another. The hard of hearing person that needs captioning? Studio pays for that and doesn’t charge the hard of hearing person extra. The blind person with the talking sidewalk or assistance dog in the restaurant? Your tax dollars at work, your disease risk since we don’t let other dogs into restaurants. The adhd kid with added time and a quiet room? Might because of the accommodation bump another person out of their college slot…just ask lori Laughlin. The wheelchair bound person in need of an accessible toilet or a ramp? Added to your small business owners costs, passed onto you in higher food costs. The person who isn’t mentally competent to take care of themselves and can’t work? Your tax dollars are paying for SDI payments.
You're hardly talking about the concept of compromise, are you? That's a filthy, rotten and dated word these days ... apparently!

It's fascinating that this has managed to get to 76 pages. My daughter has probably played against and could even still be playing against mtf. I neither know nor care. I've never asked her, and never will. As a late developer, she's played against kids that were 6-8 inches taller (& more) and 40 lbs heavier, with the speed and strength to match for a few years - what's the difference now!

If they are the studs people think they are, then that should only bring her on - we do hear that "steel sharpens steel" analogy for why we need elite leagues and what not. The best players want to challenge themselves every day to get better, or so I thought anyway.
Go for it boys, go ahead and break free. I support you 100%. You just can't play against the girls. Yes, right now you can but not for long.

BTW, The old crow Mitch fell down and is in the hospital. I hope is ok. I bet he will be wearing da boot when he comes out.
Good morning to my brothers & sisters. Woman's Day is everyday, just so you all know. Jill Biden is getting roasted for telling the real ladies to take their game up a notch because the Male Trans is now 100% in their ring to steal awards, jobs, sports positions and medals away from their biological female competitor that was born with a Yoni. Were not talking about little 10 year old boys wanting to be girls. These are grown men playing the game of life against the woman. They can't compete against men so they take their abuse out on woman. The Male Yang is now not only male but also a Yangster with no regard to the female. Like Surf Futbol, Espola, Husker Du, tenacious have said, too bad your female dd is just not good enough to compete. What i think, thinks most females love to battle against the sexes in sport and it's a nothing burger and just get over it. A lot more information is coming out that will make yesterday seem like patty cakes. I have a much clearer understanding what is going on. If I hurt anyone's feelings with my memes, I want to say sorry. I do use satire and a little joke here and some a little there. Relax Francine, it's all just to have a little fun and lighten up the day.

Throw back Thursday. This is a biological female
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And just like that, females have been replaced. Australian Swimwear brand Seafolly replaces iconic female models with 34yo biological male. Just deal with it.

So that’s the excuse for your bigotry? You certainly have been triggered haven’t you?
And I’m the one you call unbalanced. :p:p:p Congrats.You are the Eotl of the cons in this one. Equally unbalanced, equally offensive, equally stupid. Quite an achievement. Never thought a right leaning person would ever do it. But even I get it wrong from time to time Slobi my friend.

Anyone reading your pinball diatribes knows who is unbalanced. I understand you and EOTL resent real females but that's your cross, not mine. It's not bigotry when you say a male, in drag, isn't a female. It's science. That's just a simple fact and you know it. You'll never admit it, but you know it. Just like there's no such thing as "a birthing person". Another made up term from the lunatic fringe. Amazing how we went centuries just calling them "mothers" and nothing bad ever happened. It's okay... you crazies all need a place to go.

Unlike you, I actually AM a libertarian. Not a liberal wingnut wearing a sign that says "I dabble in classical sanity".
You're hardly talking about the concept of compromise, are you? That's a filthy, rotten and dated word these days ... apparently!

It's fascinating that this has managed to get to 76 pages. My daughter has probably played against and could even still be playing against mtf. I neither know nor care. I've never asked her, and never will. As a late developer, she's played against kids that were 6-8 inches taller (& more) and 40 lbs heavier, with the speed and strength to match for a few years - what's the difference now!

If they are the studs people think they are, then that should only bring her on - we do hear that "steel sharpens steel" analogy for why we need elite leagues and what not. The best players want to challenge themselves every day to get better, or so I thought anyway.

But that's not the point. I get what you're saying, but you're nonchalant because it's just scratching the surface. Wait until it becomes common. Wait until biological males take opportunities away from real females. There's a reason we've had separate leagues, isn't there? How do you justify "sharpen the steel" as if the need for 2 leagues was just some random consideration that wasn't ever necessary? The best female players, that wanted to challenge themselves every day, got their asses kicked by a bunch of 15-year old boys. There's a reason for that. We have different clothes. Different bathrooms and locker rooms. Different medical care. Different 'traditional' professions. This need to accommodate everyone is fine... but at some point you say "fuck no, we're not going to stop calling it Mother's Day because some man that wants to breastfeed is offended." That's ridiculous.
You wouldn't say it to my face, bitch boy, because you wouldn't come back to life at all... let alone as EOTL or anybody else.

Curious how you think it is perfectly acceptable to say abysmal horrific transphobic things about people’s children, but you lose your mind when someone questions whether the children of whiny Karens like you are giving giving blowjobs in the school bathroom.

I apparently hit too close to home. Again, all of you whiny male Karens are worried about the wrong people and the wrong bathroom.
Anyone reading your pinball diatribes knows who is unbalanced. I understand you and EOTL resent real females but that's your cross, not mine. It's not bigotry when you say a male, in drag, isn't a female. It's science. That's just a simple fact and you know it. You'll never admit it, but you know it. Just like there's no such thing as "a birthing person". Another made up term from the lunatic fringe. Amazing how we went centuries just calling them "mothers" and nothing bad ever happened. It's okay... you crazies all need a place to go.

Unlike you, I actually AM a libertarian. Not a liberal wingnut wearing a sign that says "I dabble in classical sanity".
I am a Libertarian Biological Male (LBM) with a very Independent mind of my own. I want to free and I speak free because we have free speech in this country. I want to be left alone to do as I please. When this BS is over, that's what I plan on doing.

What is a libertarian in simple terms?

Libertarianism is a kind of politics that says the government should have less control over people's lives. It is based on the idea of maximum liberty. Libertarians believe that it is usually better to give people more free choice.

Free choice to be whatever you want to be. It has not anything to do with forcing your sexual fetishes and beliefs on others, teach them to little 4-5 year olds and take away the female altogether. That is called a fool. I love Yeshua 100%. I love God with all my heart but I will not force that unto my wife or kids. I never did. I watched at church for over 30+ years parents forcing religion on their children and I must say the success rate and results of forced religion is not very good. I don't think it's right to force kids to pray at a public school either. I debate Christian Nationalist on TS and they call me the son of the devil. I was called a voodoo witch doctor because I like to read my I tell them that is not what Yeshua is all about. They tell me his name is Jesus Christ and I tell them, "no, it's Yeshua with no last name. Yeshua brought the Christ Conscious to earth because he was the first Son of Man to pull it off.
You're hardly talking about the concept of compromise, are you? That's a filthy, rotten and dated word these days ... apparently!

It's fascinating that this has managed to get to 76 pages. My daughter has probably played against and could even still be playing against mtf. I neither know nor care. I've never asked her, and never will. As a late developer, she's played against kids that were 6-8 inches taller (& more) and 40 lbs heavier, with the speed and strength to match for a few years - what's the difference now!

If they are the studs people think they are, then that should only bring her on - we do hear that "steel sharpens steel" analogy for why we need elite leagues and what not. The best players want to challenge themselves every day to get better, or so I thought anyway.
Compromise has been tried on this thread.

It doesn’t work. If anyone proposes a system which actually preserves the top tier of women’s sports for women, they get called transphobe. It doesn’t matter what kind of athletic system for trans kids is suggested. If you don’t support an XY athlete receiving top honors in the women’s division, then you must be a bigot.

The pattern kills any desire to find a middle ground. Eventually, anyone who cares about both sets of kids leaves.