Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

Fair enough that you don't care for the way in which I throw the disgusting garbage that they heap upon trans children back at them by making them endure comments about their own kids - who are no more or less real than the trans children they treat like shit here. It's not for everyone.

The flipside, as you know, is that I'm only being hyperbolic to prove a point and also draw out their true despicable selves, but don't actually believe a team of terrible at basketball VT forfeiters are necessarily lazy or fat, that Slobodan's daughter is actually giving it up in the boys' room, or that any of the transphobic shitbags' daughters are terrible at soccer, because I clearly don't even know who they are. But you also know that the transphobes here unquestionably believe the abysmal statements they're making here and fully intend to demean and denigrate actual people.

My guess is that you're just using me as cover because you support what they're doing and saying, even if you're wise enough to leave the despicable, disgusting dirty work to them.

You wouldn't say it to my face, bitch boy, because you wouldn't come back to life at all... let alone as EOTL or anybody else.
Interesting, but not surprising, that you are perfectly fine with one derogatory offensive post after the next about fake accusations about trans women in girls' restrooms, yet you're only offended by the one that discusses the actual problems that you should be worried about with respect to your daughters and bathrooms.
What’s funny is you telling anyone what they should be worried about…….
So's joking about the trans kids (after calling them a slur) committing suicide. Neither one is cool. Arguing which one stinks more is pointless. Call it all out. It's all garbage.

The biologist thing is actually kind of funny. Talking to a biologist doesn't do much good these days. There's actually a split in the biologist community over the entire sex thing, particular the use of the word in the English language is confusing because it refers to the act, the genetics, the physical manifestation and the expressed preference. A biologist wouldn't be much help, particularly as the left argues in humans its all just a social construct.

I'm sorry but there is a portion of the cons for whom there is just bigotry is the motivation. It's not everyone that agrees with you, but in some, like Slobi, it's very obvious and very plain. We're not wrong for calling it out when we see it. It's perfectly fine to argue the requested accommodations are not reasonable. It's not o.k. to say the ones requesting don't have the right to have their ask considered, or to be treated with respect.

Who joked about a trans kid committing suicide? I said they wouldn't commit suicide over not playing girl's soccer. Big difference. I already told you I don't laugh at trans kids... I laugh at grown mean with facial hair, a bra and skirt. Big difference. But you're so busy working on your next diatribe, you don't bother to read someone else's actual comment.
The other women who were considered by FJB for courage award. Today is March 8th, 2023. Let this all sink folks.

So's joking about the trans kids (after calling them a slur) committing suicide. Neither one is cool. Arguing which one stinks more is pointless. Call it all out. It's all garbage.

The biologist thing is actually kind of funny. Talking to a biologist doesn't do much good these days. There's actually a split in the biologist community over the entire sex thing, particular the use of the word in the English language is confusing because it refers to the act, the genetics, the physical manifestation and the expressed preference. A biologist wouldn't be much help, particularly as the left argues in humans its all just a social construct.

I'm sorry but there is a portion of the cons for whom there is just bigotry is the motivation. It's not everyone that agrees with you, but in some, like Slobi, it's very obvious and very plain. We're not wrong for calling it out when we see it. It's perfectly fine to argue the requested accommodations are not reasonable. It's not o.k. to say the ones requesting don't have the right to have their ask considered, or to be treated with respect.

Missed this…That’s fair…neither is cool and you are 100% right on that. Yes, asking for accommodations is fair, the ask should be considered, and everything taken into account…we all want what is best, but for me the accommodations should do no harm to others and not be at the expense of others. That’s where it gets fuzzy for most.

100% on people wanting to change science and language. Crazy times…and I sometimes feel like Clint Eastwood from El Camino….
I wouldn't... until he brings my daughter into it... but yeah, it obviously has for a very long time.
Things change in one's soul when the men attack your daughter and say things like EOTL always did about my little bundle of joy. These are ruthless men.
I have to leave fellas and Grace T. I'm taking my sweetheart out to dinner to celebrate International Women's Day. She is part Mayan and Cherokee. The love of my life and the best woman and man can find and marry and then have two kids. The Fearsome Foursome. Check back later this evening if anyone's around.

Wedding Day.jpg
Yes, we've already established that you're a virtue signaler. Oh, and that 1 trans male has more rights than 1,000 females.
You know that's not my position. I'm a balancer of rights. And last I checked 1 MTF did not displace 1000 females. Each one displaces 1, and there are FTM moving in the other direction. Those you don't care about. Bigot with the Flower Twats.
Give it a rest... you know they're doing it for attention. I'm simply giving them what they want.
Assumptions and more bias. Disgusting.
You know that's not my position. I'm a balancer of rights. And last I checked 1 MTF did not displace 1000 females. Each one displaces 1, and there are FTM moving in the other direction. Those you don't care about. Bigot with the Flower Twats.

Assumptions and more bias. Disgusting.

If I walk into a restaurant and see this, I'm laughing and so will most everyone else.
