Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.


Sidenote to watfly: this is why we don't want to get into who's pile of crap is stinkier. This one really reeks. I actually couldn't tell you at this point which one stinks more.

You can always look it up, since you apparently don't know. Still not o.k. to call you dumb dumb?

And your words were much more direct than even this??? And he didn't punch you in the face? Your friend is an angel. I shall call him Manuel.

"You snobs! You stupid stuck-up, toffee-nosed, half-witted, upper-class piles of pus"

Here's your quote... verbatim... copy and pasted. What's your confusion... other than the ridiculousness of your sentence?
'I’m hardly an sjw. I’m a classical liberal/libertarian with strong anti post modernist tendencies.'

No, my friend couldn't punch through a wet paper bag... but he needed to hear the truth and did. I hope your medication kicks in soon.
Interesting, but not surprising, that you are perfectly fine with one derogatory offensive post after the next about fake accusations about trans women in girls' restrooms, yet you're only offended by the one that discusses the actual problems that you should be worried about with respect to your daughters and bathrooms.
IDK maybe I find your misogyny and your graphic sexualization and demeaning comments of minor women more appalling and immature than I do his transphobic rhetoric.
Here's your quote... verbatim... copy and pasted. What's your confusion... other than the ridiculousness of your sentence?
'I’m hardly an sjw. I’m a classical liberal/libertarian with strong anti post modernist tendencies.'

No, my friend couldn't punch through a wet paper bag... but he needed to hear the truth and did. I hope your medication kicks in soon.
Not my fault you can't understand it. Funny how you went from rewriting it, to now claims you can't be bothered to look up what it means because it would show you were wrong from the get go.

I'm Polly in this little melodrama:

"He's potted....the shrimps"
"Shrimps? We're not having Shrimp tonight. Now Polly if you would"
"He's soused...the herring"
"What are you on about?""
This MTF was just awarded the 2023 swimsuit courage award. She beat out 100 other biological females and got $10,000 in cash. No prize money for the 2nd place, she was too fat. Just a medal. So sad what these guys are doing to the female. It'[s cray cray :( How these men rose to the top of the food chain is beyond me. Let me be the first to congratulate this woman of courage. He was named Harry as a boy but switched genders when he was 18 and now she is Hillary the swimsuit winner.

I know one thing for certain…my kids are not going to the University of Delaware under any circumstances….Joe Biden went there and his wife Jill got her Doctoral of Education there….not a Trump fan, but Penn is a pretty good university.

And our dear friend Whoopi…thought Jill was an MD kind of doctor, Whoopi is special…a real American Treasure…and the masses watch that trash and the Real Housewives of whatever with impunity…these idiots, clowns are shapping the opinions of many…Television and Social Media is “Programming”….Tell-A-Vision…Propaganda…why we call shows Programs and have channels. People really believe because you are on TV, or you are an influencer on Social Media that you are smart and we should believe you. Ricky Gervais said it best…”get your little award, thank your god, and STFU.” This reminds me of the beginning of Idiocracy….

I know one thing for certain…my kids are not going to the University of Delaware under any circumstances….Joe Biden went there and his wife Jill got her Doctoral of Education there….not a Trump fan, but Penn is a pretty good university.

And our dear friend Whoopi…thought Jill was an MD kind of doctor, Whoopi is special…a real American Treasure…and the masses watch that trash and the Real Housewives of whatever with impunity…these idiots, clowns are shapping the opinions of many…Television and Social Media is “Programming”….Tell-A-Vision…Propaganda…why we call shows Programs and have channels. People really believe because you are on TV, or you are an influencer on Social Media that you are smart and we should believe you. Ricky Gervais said it best…”get your little award, thank your god, and STFU.” This reminds me of the beginning of Idiocracy….

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But Brawndos got what plants crave. It’s got electrolytes.
I know one thing for certain…my kids are not going to the University of Delaware under any circumstances….Joe Biden went there and his wife Jill got her Doctoral of Education there….not a Trump fan, but Penn is a pretty good university.

And our dear friend Whoopi…thought Jill was an MD kind of doctor, Whoopi is special…a real American Treasure…and the masses watch that trash and the Real Housewives of whatever with impunity…these idiots, clowns are shapping the opinions of many…Television and Social Media is “Programming”….Tell-A-Vision…Propaganda…why we call shows Programs and have channels. People really believe because you are on TV, or you are an influencer on Social Media that you are smart and we should believe you. Ricky Gervais said it best…”get your little award, thank your god, and STFU.” This reminds me of the beginning of Idiocracy….

View attachment 15932
When this circus is over and the clowns are put away, you will be a Trump fan. I won't push Trump on anyone. I live in Laguna bro. He's still hated unlike anyone and I just lay low. I feel horrible what has take place the last few years. It took a disrupter who couldn't be bought by these cheaters. Kari Lake had someone from the East Coast come by her house last week to buy her off and she told them to f*'k off. That's the only way we fix our country. It's a tough pill to swallow Woobie. I love you brother. You're a good dad and I feel that. I'm serious, go get popcorn, the reveal movie has started. Don't worry about money either. The cheaters will make sure you lose a lot. My buddy Colin told me yesterday his retirement plan went from 3 more years to 9 now. 61 is the magic year. He's lost a lot of his 401K.
IDK maybe I find your misogyny and your graphic sexualization and demeaning comments of minor women more appalling and immature than I do his transphobic rhetoric.

Fair enough that you don't care for the way in which I throw the disgusting garbage that they heap upon trans children back at them by making them endure comments about their own kids - who are no more or less real than the trans children they treat like shit here. It's not for everyone.

The flipside, as you know, is that I'm only being hyperbolic to prove a point and also draw out their true despicable selves, but don't actually believe a team of terrible at basketball VT forfeiters are necessarily lazy or fat, that Slobodan's daughter is actually giving it up in the boys' room, or that any of the transphobic shitbags' daughters are terrible at soccer, because I clearly don't even know who they are. But you also know that the transphobes here unquestionably believe the abysmal statements they're making here and fully intend to demean and denigrate actual people.

My guess is that you're just using me as cover because you support what they're doing and saying, even if you're wise enough to leave the despicable, disgusting dirty work to them.
Fair enough that you don't care for the way in which I throw the disgusting garbage that they heap upon trans children back at them by making them endure comments about their own kids - who are no more or less real than the trans children they treat like shit here. It's not for everyone.

The flipside, as you know, is that I'm only being hyperbolic to prove a point and also draw out their true despicable selves, but don't actually believe a team of terrible at basketball VT forfeiters are necessarily lazy or fat, that Slobodan's daughter is actually giving it up in the boys' room, or that any of the transphobic shitbags' daughters are terrible at soccer, because I clearly don't even know who they are. But you also know that the transphobes here unquestionably believe the abysmal statements they're making here and fully intend to demean and denigrate actual people.

My guess is that you're just using me as cover because you support what they're doing and saying, even if you're wise enough to leave the despicable, disgusting dirty work to them.

Dude…talking shit about somebody’s kid having relations in a boys bathroom is pretty shitty, even for you.

Just because people don’t believe the same as you does not make them transphobe shit bags or whiny Karen’s….just like you believing different from me does not make you a limp dick pansy who got his milk money taken in school and beat up Daily behind the portable class rooms…both analogies and arguments are stupid. Gets us nowhere. We can have different opinions without calling each other names.

I would also, really like your take on Justice Brown’s refusal to define a woman because she is not a Biologist? Was it discrimination targeting only women of color for the position, when for the highest court, shouldn’t we want the absolute BEST for that position? I’m curious.

I’d bet the BEST nominee could define what a Woman is…
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Dude…talking shit about somebody’s kid having relations in a boys bathroom is pretty shitty, even for you.

Just because people don’t believe the same as you does not make them transphobe shit bags or whiny Karen’s….just like you believing different from me does not make you a limp dick pansy who got his milk money taken in school and beat up Daily behind the portable class rooms…both analogies and arguments are stupid. Gets us nowhere. We can have different opinions without calling each other names.

I would also, really like your take on Justice Brown’s refusal to define a woman because she is not a Biologist? Was it discrimination targeting only women of color for the position, when for the highest court, shouldn’t we want the absolute BEST for that position? I’m curious.

I’d bet the BEST nominee could define what a Woman is…
So's joking about the trans kids (after calling them a slur) committing suicide. Neither one is cool. Arguing which one stinks more is pointless. Call it all out. It's all garbage.

The biologist thing is actually kind of funny. Talking to a biologist doesn't do much good these days. There's actually a split in the biologist community over the entire sex thing, particular the use of the word in the English language is confusing because it refers to the act, the genetics, the physical manifestation and the expressed preference. A biologist wouldn't be much help, particularly as the left argues in humans its all just a social construct.

I'm sorry but there is a portion of the cons for whom there is just bigotry is the motivation. It's not everyone that agrees with you, but in some, like Slobi, it's very obvious and very plain. We're not wrong for calling it out when we see it. It's perfectly fine to argue the requested accommodations are not reasonable. It's not o.k. to say the ones requesting don't have the right to have their ask considered, or to be treated with respect.
Dude…talking shit about somebody’s kid having relations in a boys bathroom is pretty shitty, even for you.

Just because people don’t believe the same as you does not make them transphobe shit bags or whiny Karen’s….just like you believing different from me does not make you a limp dick pansy who got his milk money taken in school and beat up Daily behind the portable class rooms…both analogies and arguments are stupid. Gets us nowhere. We can have different opinions without calling each other names.

I would also, really like your take on Justice Brown’s refusal to define a woman because she is not a Biologist? Was it discrimination targeting only women of color for the position, when for the highest court, shouldn’t we want the absolute BEST for that position? I’m curious.

I’d bet the BEST nominee could define what a Woman is…

If you really had a problem with talking shit about someone's kid having relations in the bathroom, you would have said something in response to the prior despicable comments that people have made about trans girls in restrooms and locker rooms.

There are some people here who don't agree with me, and I haven't called a single one of them a name unless they first used derogatory language to describe trans children and women. If you really have a problem with people using derogatory language towards others, then tell your transphobic friends to refer to transgender people in a dignified manner, starting with the correct pronouns. We are 74 pages into this thread, and you have seen people refer to women (such as Brittney Griner) as men, you've heard people use terms like "cornhole" and "tranny" and "men in lipstick and skirts", and you haven't said a word. You've seen one horrific meme after the next from crush, and you haven't said anything. Honestly, it's hard to have much respect for a guy who pretends to have a problem with derogatory name-calling who ignores all of it when it comes from transphobic shitbags whom I suspect you support even if you're also wise enough to let them do your dirty work.
Dude…talking shit about somebody’s kid having relations in a boys bathroom is pretty shitty, even for you.

Just because people don’t believe the same as you does not make them transphobe shit bags or whiny Karen’s….just like you believing different from me does not make you a limp dick pansy who got his milk money taken in school and beat up Daily behind the portable class rooms…both analogies and arguments are stupid. Gets us nowhere. We can have different opinions without calling each other names.

I would also, really like your take on Justice Brown’s refusal to define a woman because she is not a Biologist? Was it discrimination targeting only women of color for the position, when for the highest court, shouldn’t we want the absolute BEST for that position? I’m curious.

I’d bet the BEST nominee could define what a Woman is…
This is nothing woobie. His other avatar threaten me and my dd. I walked into a bears dean 6 years ago poking a few rich papa bears and had no idea what and who I was actually poking. These men cheat and now their cheating females altogether. I've gotten warning emails to STFU or else over the years. I was told to stay away from the fields or I would be beaten up. I got texts from "strangers" telling me to STFU or something bad could happen to me. I also had "dear friends" try and tell me to just STFU and be quite or my dd would get no deals, lol, no joke. I thought long & hard and decided to be a voice for these girls and if I get killed for talking or posting memes, oh well. I will die free, what's not to like about that? The reason the girls "go along" with the plan of these monsters is because they want to play soccer and get a degree and maybe be pro. We know how some of these men treated the girls in the pros. Anyway, it's going to get a lot worse before it get's better. I sure hope this avatar changes. I'm still SMFH that EOTL and others like him threaten me and call me dumb dumb, moron, idiot, not brilliant and just a damn fool.
If you really had a problem with talking shit about someone's kid having relations in the bathroom, you would have said something in response to the prior despicable comments that people have made about trans girls in restrooms and locker rooms.

There are some people here who don't agree with me, and I haven't called a single one of them a name unless they first used derogatory language to describe trans children and women. If you really have a problem with people using derogatory language towards others, then tell your transphobic friends to refer to transgender people in a dignified manner, starting with the correct pronouns. We are 74 pages into this thread, and you have seen people refer to women (such as Brittney Griner) as men, you've heard people use terms like "cornhole" and "tranny" and "men in lipstick and skirts", and you haven't said a word. You've seen one horrific meme after the next from crush, and you haven't said anything. Honestly, it's hard to have much respect for a guy who pretends to have a problem with derogatory name-calling who ignores all of it when it comes from transphobic shitbags whom I suspect you support even if you're also wise enough to let them do your dirty work.
You are absolute trash. You're seriously playing the victim now? GTFOH. Still haven't seen where you've apologized for the overweight girls you insulted that had zero to do with anyone in here but you felt the need to shame them. Or the kids that committed suicide that you claimed were weak because they had shitty parents. I hope you trip and fall off a bridge.
Not my fault you can't understand it. Funny how you went from rewriting it, to now claims you can't be bothered to look up what it means because it would show you were wrong from the get go.

I'm Polly in this little melodrama:

"He's potted....the shrimps"
"Shrimps? We're not having Shrimp tonight. Now Polly if you would"
"He's soused...the herring"
"What are you on about?""

You kept accusing me of misquoting you so I dropped the egg on your face. You really are emotionally disturbed, aren't you?
If you really had a problem with talking shit about someone's kid having relations in the bathroom, you would have said something in response to the prior despicable comments that people have made about trans girls in restrooms and locker rooms.

There are some people here who don't agree with me, and I haven't called a single one of them a name unless they first used derogatory language to describe trans children and women. If you really have a problem with people using derogatory language towards others, then tell your transphobic friends to refer to transgender people in a dignified manner, starting with the correct pronouns. We are 74 pages into this thread, and you have seen people refer to women (such as Brittney Griner) as men, you've heard people use terms like "cornhole" and "tranny" and "men in lipstick and skirts", and you haven't said a word. You've seen one horrific meme after the next from crush, and you haven't said anything. Honestly, it's hard to have much respect for a guy who pretends to have a problem with derogatory name-calling who ignores all of it when it comes from transphobic shitbags whom I suspect you support even if you're also wise enough to let them do your dirty work.

Be better…you can only control you…I’m not the board police….people tune you out with the name calling. I have not called anybody names. We should not be calling names and making derogatory comments about each other, nobody listens when it gets to that point. Cuts both ways. I don’t agree Trans Women should be in Women’s Locker Rooms without consent, and if there are those that do not consent, accommodations should be made. Do you think Cush is really mean, or do you think he is trying to make points with a little levity? I don’t think Crush is mean. I have my beliefs and values and am open to conversations. I have actually learned alot through these 70+ pages and done some research on things. I certainly don’t agree with insinuating a persons kid is doing whatever in a bathroom. People should have a right to choose and not have things forced on them. Giving one group rights and access should not be at the expense of others. I just believe those principals. Still not a transphobe or a bigot.
Be better…you can only control you…I’m not the board police….people tune you out with the name calling. I have not called anybody names. We should not be calling names and making derogatory comments about each other, nobody listens when it gets to that point. Cuts both ways. I don’t agree Trans Women should be in Women’s Locker Rooms without consent, and if there are those that do not consent, accommodations should be made. Do you think Cush is really mean, or do you think he is trying to make points with a little levity? I don’t think Crush is mean. I have my beliefs and values and am open to conversations. I have actually learned alot through these 70+ pages and done some research on things. I certainly don’t agree with insinuating a persons kid is doing whatever in a bathroom. People should have a right to choose and not have things forced on them. Giving one group rights and access should not be at the expense of others. I just believe those principals. Still not a transphobe or a bigot.

I did poke fun at you about a Subaru and Bernie Stickers that you have not responded to…I would says it constitutes teasing, but not name calling, and maybe that is just semantics.
This MTF was just awarded the 2023 swimsuit courage award. She beat out 100 other biological females and got $10,000 in cash. No prize money for the 2nd place, she was too fat. Just a medal. So sad what these guys are doing to the female. It'[s cray cray :( How these men rose to the top of the food chain is beyond me. Let me be the first to congratulate this woman of courage. He was named Harry as a boy but switched genders when he was 18 and now she is Hillary the swimsuit winner.

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Vera DeMilo
