Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

I have egg on my face because you forgot you told me you were a liberal? Alrighty. Why would I look up "classical liberal" when you said you're something else? Should I look up "bipolar", too... two... to?

Telling my gay friend his militant behavior does nothing to endear himself to others is a truth he needed to hear. You don't blend into society and be "treated as equals" by spending 90% of your time deliberately trying to shock people. That's an attention whore.

You don't frustrate me. I'm laughing too hard to be frustrated. Thanks for "accomodating" this dumb dumb, though.

No answer on the speeding train?
Sure after your wife joins us so we can get the scoop! I’m excited to hear what she has to say! My guess is she and I will be besties and we’ll just Fawlty Towers the whole thing.

for that matter you shown your gay “friend” what youve written here? Goes way beyond “don’t be militant”. I’d bet a drink if you show your friend here what you’ve written hed be horrified, hurt by you really think of him, and probably that friendship barring extenuating circumstances would likely end. Not capable of self reflection, huh?

as to classical liberal it’s on page 69. It’s exactly what I wrote. More egg on your face. Ok to call you dumb dumb now or just honest error on your part?
Only a coward says "birthing person" when we all know it takes a female human to give birth.
Why do you think I wouldn’t agree with you on birthing person?
That said see something like page 58. The mad scientists are pretty close to making womb transplants a thing.
Also what does cowardice have anything to do with it? Cowardice and stupidity are two different things. Hey, you if anyone should know!
Sure after your wife joins us so we can get the scoop! I’m excited to hear what she has to say! My guess is she and I will be besties and we’ll just Fawlty Towers the whole thing.

for that matter you shown your gay “friend” what youve written here? Goes way beyond “don’t be militant”. I’d bet a drink if you show your friend here what you’ve written hed be horrified, hurt by you really think of him, and probably that friendship barring extenuating circumstances would likely end. Not capable of self reflection, huh?

as to classical liberal it’s on page 69. It’s exactly what I wrote. More egg on your face. Ok to call you dumb dumb now or just honest error on your part?

My friend understood what I was saying, which was actually far more direct than what I wrote here, because he and his gay posse were deliberately obnoxious in search of attention and not "acceptance & equality". He may have been hurt and horrified... but we don't always see the truth for what it is. In this case, honest, direct and helpful.

I know what you called yourself. I'm the one that quoted you, remember? You wrote liberal/libertarian and that's exactly what I quoted you as posting... even though they're mutually exclusive. I'm not sure what you're trying to prove or where your obsession with egg faces originates from. I suspect it's related to the medication or lack thereof.
Lovely. Sometimes there is no need to point out the lack of character of a person when they clearly speak for themselves.

Interesting, but not surprising, that you are perfectly fine with one derogatory offensive post after the next about fake accusations about trans women in girls' restrooms, yet you're only offended by the one that discusses the actual problems that you should be worried about with respect to your daughters and bathrooms.
From Oil London:

This International
Women's Day let us Remember the Facts

• Men do not belong in women’s toilets

• Men do not belong in women’s sports

• Men do not belong in women’s prisons

• Men do not belong in women’s shelters

• Men can not become biological women

Uh, you told me you're a liberal/libertarian. You're not hitting close to anything, but you're definitely a liberal. Throw the first punch and then cry when someone hits back. I didn't ever lash out at you. But by all means... play the victim card. That's how you folks roll. Professional victims.

Uh, you're the one claiming victim. Grace isn't the one whining like a pathetic little Karen about the rules. To the contrary, she's perfectly happy with the way youth soccer allows trans participation from ECNL all the way down to AYSO.

Keep playing victim. The LGBTQs are coming for your daughter and your country.
So awesome watching a handful of whiny transphobic male karens here try to mansplain why the UWSNT and NWSL players - aka the women who actually play soccer - are wrong about their support of trans participation in kiddie soccer.

You guys really need to create a "safe space" league for your little girls who aren't good enough to play comp soccer. I'd recommend AYSO for y'all, but it turns out that AYSO also allows trans participation.
These are the Clown actions that keeps going on that makes our country look weak and like fools…when will the madness stop??? Not women, in any world we live in…I’m fine with a Person of Courage…have an open division, but calling this person a woman is mind blowing. Never before have we seen such insanity. Every day there is something more ridiculous than the last.

it’s a WOMAN’S DAY today….has anybody seen this with FTM on International Men’s Day (11/19 btw)?

Biden Admin Gives International Women Of Courage Award To A Biological Man

This is like Caitlyn Jenner being awarded Woman of the Year a few years ago…

This is the ridiculousness and hypocrisy that people have issue with…it’s foolish. Are we just pretending for the mental health of people with Gender Dysphoria? Is that what this is about?Where do we draw the line?

When a Supreme Court Justice as a Nominee can’t discern what a woman is, but knows what a dog or cat is, or what a person of color is, but can’t communicate what a women is because she is not a Biologist, is bonkers and wild…this @SurFutbol is who you “agree” with…Because SCOTUS says so…gimme a f’ing break.

It’s progressive politics, virtue signaling, and just utter nonsense.
My friend understood what I was saying, which was actually far more direct than what I wrote here, because he and his gay posse were deliberately obnoxious in search of attention and not "acceptance & equality". He may have been hurt and horrified... but we don't always see the truth for what it is. In this case, honest, direct and helpful.

I know what you called yourself. I'm the one that quoted you, remember? You wrote liberal/libertarian and that's exactly what I quoted you as posting... even though they're mutually exclusive. I'm not sure what you're trying to prove or where your obsession with egg faces originates from. I suspect it's related to the medication or lack thereof.
It's not. See page 69. It's there in black and white. Afraid to look no doubt for fear of embarrassment. Shall we explore where that fear of embarrassment comes from? Could it be.....oh i dunno....maybe Freudian? I am looking forward to exploring it with your wife!

As to your gay's a dare. Show him the dialogue and what you've said here. Tell me if he still says he is your friend.
These are the Clown actions that keeps going on that makes our country look weak and like fools…when will the madness stop??? Not women, in any world we live in…I’m fine with a Person of Courage…have an open division, but calling this person a woman is mind blowing. Never before have we seen such insanity. Every day there is something more ridiculous than the last.

it’s a WOMAN’S DAY today….has anybody seen this with FTM on International Men’s Day (11/19 btw)?

Biden Admin Gives International Women Of Courage Award To A Biological Man

This is like Caitlyn Jenner being awarded Woman of the Year a few years ago…

This is the ridiculousness and hypocrisy that people have issue with…it’s foolish. Are we just pretending for the mental health of people with Gender Dysphoria? Is that what this is about?Where do we draw the line?

When a Supreme Court Justice as a Nominee can’t discern what a woman is, but knows what a dog or cat is, or what a person of color is, but can’t communicate what a women is because she is not a Biologist, is bonkers and wild…this @SurFutbol is who you “agree” with…Because SCOTUS says so…gimme a f’ing break.

Gosh, you really need to go mansplain to the NWSL players' association that they need to STFU on International Women's Day and instead do what you transphobic males tell them is best for them.
Uh, you're the one claiming victim. Grace isn't the one whining like a pathetic little Karen about the rules. To the contrary, she's perfectly happy with the way youth soccer allows trans participation from ECNL all the way down to AYSO.

Keep playing victim. The LGBTQs are coming for your daughter and your country.

You mean how, for a little while longer, leagues allow boys in wigs to compete against girls? Yeah... it's so empowering and inclusive. Unless you're an actual female. Hey, EOTL, do you think we should put urinals in girl's bathrooms now? You never know when one might wake up with a penis.
Any other reasonable person think that Justice Brown, who can’t define what a woman is, but at the same time is qualified to be a Judge on the Supreme Court is laughable?
These are the Clown actions that keeps going on that makes our country look weak and like fools…when will the madness stop??? Not women, in any world we live in…I’m fine with a Person of Courage…have an open division, but calling this person a woman is mind blowing. Never before have we seen such insanity. Every day there is something more ridiculous than the last.

it’s a WOMAN’S DAY today….has anybody seen this with FTM on International Men’s Day (11/19 btw)?

Biden Admin Gives International Women Of Courage Award To A Biological Man

This is like Caitlyn Jenner being awarded Woman of the Year a few years ago…

This is the ridiculousness and hypocrisy that people have issue with…it’s foolish. Are we just pretending for the mental health of people with Gender Dysphoria? Is that what this is about?Where do we draw the line?

When a Supreme Court Justice as a Nominee can’t discern what a woman is, but knows what a dog or cat is, or what a person of color is, but can’t communicate what a women is because she is not a Biologist, is bonkers and wild…this @SurFutbol is who you “agree” with…Because SCOTUS says so…gimme a f’ing break.

It’s progressive politics, virtue signaling, and just utter nonsense.

The same people supporting a Supreme Court justice that can't define what "a woman" is are the same fools that don't see a problem with saying "you're qualified to be a Supreme Court judge... but ONLY if you're a black female." Racism and misogyny don't apply to liberals. Just ask them.
Gosh, you really need to go mansplain to the NWSL players' association that they need to STFU on International Women's Day and instead do what you transphobic males tell them is best for them.

Biology, eyes, ears, experience…I’ve never had intimate relations with a Trans Woman…I have been in many locker rooms…have kids…with a WOMAN and not a birthing person...I am 100% certain without a shadow of a doubt there is a difference and I am not confused. There are differences between holes and poles.
So awesome watching a handful of whiny transphobic male karens here try to mansplain why the UWSNT and NWSL players - aka the women who actually play soccer - are wrong about their support of trans participation in kiddie soccer.

You guys really need to create a "safe space" league for your little girls who aren't good enough to play comp soccer. I'd recommend AYSO for y'all, but it turns out that AYSO also allows trans participation.

Have your tranny boys play against the boys if they're that good. Oh wait, that's right, they might commit suicide if that was the rule.
Again, if your daughter is fat, that is the most likely real reason she is terrible at soccer and no longer fits on the bench. It has nothing to do with trans girls, no matter how much you try to blame them.

All you fringe alt-righters have no response to the fact that actual female soccer players support trans participation in youth sports. Ha ha ha. The world is collapsing around you.
Gaslight much? Nice try but that's not what you said when you insulted the high school basketball team earlier in this thread. This is exactly why you're a hypocrite.

Again, you have absolutely zero idea on where I stand on this issue and politics in general. You made assumptions based on me attacking you because you're a piece of dogshit and made accusations. It's time to stop being angry at yourself mijo, your trans kid will be happy even though you still cant get over it.
It's not. See page 69. It's there in black and white. Afraid to look no doubt for fear of embarrassment. Shall we explore where that fear of embarrassment comes from? Could it be.....oh i dunno....maybe Freudian? I am looking forward to exploring it with your wife!

As to your gay's a dare. Show him the dialogue and what you've said here. Tell me if he still says he is your friend.

Yes, we all know it's there. You called yourself a classic liberal/libertarian. As if anybody knows what that's supposed to mean.

I already told you my words, in person, were far more direct than what I posted here. At this point, I don't care what you think.
The same people supporting a Supreme Court justice that can't define what "a woman" is are the same fools that don't see a problem with saying "you're qualified to be a Supreme Court judge... but ONLY if you're a black female." Racism and misogyny don't apply to liberals. Just ask them.

Yea….we are looking for a female person of color to fill the open spot…ummm…isn’t that the actual definition of discrimination. Certainly not the right methodology under the EEOQ.
Have your tranny boys play against the boys if they're that good. Oh wait, that's right, they might commit suicide if that was the rule.

Sidenote to watfly: this is why we don't want to get into who's pile of crap is stinkier. This one really reeks. I actually couldn't tell you at this point which one stinks more.

Yes, we all know it's there. You called yourself a classic liberal/libertarian. As if anybody knows what that's supposed to mean.

I already told you my words, in person, were far more direct than what I posted here. At this point, I don't care what you think.
You can always look it up, since you apparently don't know. Still not o.k. to call you dumb dumb?

And your words were much more direct than even this??? And he didn't punch you in the face? Your friend is an angel. I shall call him Manuel.

"You snobs! You stupid stuck-up, toffee-nosed, half-witted, upper-class piles of pus"
The same people supporting a Supreme Court justice that can't define what "a woman" is are the same fools that don't see a problem with saying "you're qualified to be a Supreme Court judge... but ONLY if you're a black female." Racism and misogyny don't apply to liberals. Just ask them.

Yea….we are looking for a female person of color to fill the open spot…ummm…isn’t that the actual definition of discrimination. Only willing to hire a specific group or subset???Certainly not the right methodology under the EEOQ. It’s fine…don’t worry about it. And the person they “selected” can’t define what a woman is…so if we can’t define what a woman is, why not just make everything the same and gender neutral…clown world politics…ohh and let’s give Zelinski the naked dancing leader of Ukrainian billions…what a joke that is…since we can’t define woman, is that why we are letting children experience adult activities, and allowing them to make life altering decisions…because we don’t know what children are anymore, can somebody define a child??? Anyone???