Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

You don't care about fairness. Allowing males to compete with females isn't fair. Never has been. Never will be. A female taking testosterone has an unfair advantage over NORMAL females and should compete against males. Very simple. You ARE aware that males taking testosterone have an unfair advantage over males that don't, right? Or is that 'two' confusing for you?
What's confusing me is we don't care about "normal" (whatever that means.....even the word is dripping in bias) m and fs are doing on the youth level by taking testosterone to outright cheat. If you aren't going after the cheaters, why do you care about the trans kid.

on the college level, where we test, I actually do get that. A testosterone (as opposed to a biology test) actually makes sense. It's actually what we have now. The question then becomes is whether protocols (whether testosterone blockers, hormones or surgey) can, bell curve to bell curve, reduce the performance of a MTF so there is no undo advantage. We know already they can't compete with the cis males on active testosterone. That's been established already. What we didn't know was the FTM don't gain the corresponding advantage (which has us rethinking some of those assumptions). We also didn't know that the impact of puberty would be so severe and long lasting on the MTF. So, the question becomes can any of the protocols balance, or if not, can separate leagues be established. For some like running and jumping, the answer (which we don't know fully yet) will likely be we can't balance. For some, like team sports other than aggregate race teams or basketball, the answer is likely it doesn't matter. For some, like basketball, there will likely be tough cases on which reasonable people will disagree and may require a more individualized approach, case to case.
1. At the very least... most ARE obvious.
2. You suspect? When did we start presenting your suspicions as fact?
3. Minimal impact? Based on what... your suspicions again?
4. Straight men don't do drag. Hollywood makes movies. Robin Williams, Patrick Swayze and Wesley Snipes are straight. So yeah, gay.
1. Presenting suspicions as fact? Woobie's post contradicts that suggestion because otherwise you'd be able to tell us exactly who.
2. I'm not saying it's a fact. I specifically said "I suspect". Reading comprehension.
3. Those studies are ongoing. We don't know the answer yet. But it's a function of numbers. We know in 11 v 11 soccer, for example, it's really hard at the higher levels for even 1 superstar to change the game. BTW, if it were possible for even 2 players to change the dynamic of the team, my son's middle school soccer team would be division champions.
4. The story, dumb dumb, of "The Birdcage" is two gay guys who run a drag club.
1. Presenting suspicions as fact? Woobie's post contradicts that suggestion because otherwise you'd be able to tell us exactly who.
2. I'm not saying it's a fact. I specifically said "I suspect". Reading comprehension.
3. Those studies are ongoing. We don't know the answer yet. But it's a function of numbers. We know in 11 v 11 soccer, for example, it's really hard at the higher levels for even 1 superstar to change the game. BTW, if it were possible for even 2 players to change the dynamic of the team, my son's middle school soccer team would be division champions.
4. The story, dumb dumb, of "The Birdcage" is two gay guys who run a drag club.

I'll bet you're a whole bunch of fun at parties.
1. I don't know what post of Woobie's you're referring to. No, you don't need to find it for me.
2. Yes, you present your suspicions as fact. Do you not read your novels before posting them?
3. I think Lia Thomas being average at college swimming and dominant as Thomas Lia is decided. Not much more research needed there.
4. What does The Birdcage have to do with my post? Straight men don't do drag shows and they damned sure don't push that sick bullshit on kids.
Yes, absolutely. But hold Slobi to the same standard.
I don't agree with Slobi's rhetoric, and to be honest I've only skimmed his posts. Does he personally attack other poster's kids and claim that they're performing sex acts and doing drugs because they have low-self esteem and suck at soccer? Anything close?

No offense GraceT, but I think you've been so desperate to prove your point (which I agree with in most cases) that you may have lost your sense of relativity.
I'll bet you're a whole bunch of fun at parties.
1. I don't know what post of Woobie's you're referring to. No, you don't need to find it for me.
2. Yes, you present your suspicions as fact. Do you not read your novels before posting them?
3. I think Lia Thomas being average at college swimming and dominant as Thomas Lia is decided. Not much more research needed there.
4. What does The Birdcage have to do with my post? Straight men don't do drag shows and they damned sure don't push that sick bullshit on kids.
1. I am. I prefer murder mystery ones! We don't generally sit around at mine yelling "ura".
2. Woobie said there will be trans in the upcoming WWC and there have been in the past. If they are so obvious please name them. I'm particularly curious of the past.
3. I can't help it if your reading comprehension is deficient. What part of "I suspect" didn't you understand?
4. The protocols in the US were tightened and as dad4 correctly points out FINA cracked the whip and clamped down on most trangendered MTF but said a corresponding solution does need to be created for the MTF. The problem they've now found themselves in is they can't come to agreement on what that looks open division would smash the idea of female sports equality since they can also technically compete in the open division and the trans are reluctant to accept a separate division without the separate infrastructure including funding. BUT, I also point out it doesn't end the question. The US federations, for example, further tightened up eligibility. The only question that was answered is that Lia Thomas' protocols do not sufficiently balance things. It doesn't answer other questions such as whether post surgical protocols could balance (the answer I suspect is probably still no when it comes to racing event, but it has to play out....we don't really know as the studies are ongoing and the subjects are very limited).
5. The point raised was drag shows were somehow part of all this. My point back is yes the woke left is trying to sweep it all in together, but no it's not the same thing....they really are different.
I don't agree with Slobi's rhetoric, and to be honest I've only skimmed his posts. Does he personally attack other poster's kids and claim that they're performing sex acts and doing drugs because they have low-self esteem and suck at soccer? Anything close?

No offense GraceT, but I think you've been so desperate to prove your point (which I agree with in most cases) that you may have lost your sense of relativity.
I'm not defending EOTL. You know I'm not a fan. But if we get into the game of whose person on whose team is worse, then we don't get anywhere. We should stand up and say it's not o.k. to cross the line, regardless of who on whose team crossed it. I, for one, am willing to condemn people on my team when they go overboard. No one has taken issue, however, yet with Slobi's blatantly hateful words. That's disappointing.

It reminds me of the MSNBC guy/Russell Brand debate on the most recent Bill Maher. The MSNBC was going all off that Fox News blatantly put falsehoods on the air. Brand countered both MSNBC are partisan mouthpieces. The MSNBC guy countered that what Fox did was so much worse. yeah, but that's sort of beside the point...they are both over the line and both part of the problem. If we can't reign in our own teams, well that's why we have the messes we are in today because team is more important than truth.
I'm not defending EOTL. You know I'm not a fan. But if we get into the game of whose person on whose team is worse, then we don't get anywhere. We should stand up and say it's not o.k. to cross the line, regardless of who on whose team crossed it. I, for one, am willing to condemn people on my team when they go overboard. No one has taken issue, however, yet with Slobi's blatantly hateful words. That's disappointing.

It reminds me of the MSNBC guy/Russell Brand debate on the most recent Bill Maher. The MSNBC was going all off that Fox News blatantly put falsehoods on the air. Brand countered both MSNBC are partisan mouthpieces. The MSNBC guy countered that what Fox did was so much worse. yeah, but that's sort of beside the point...they are both over the line and both part of the problem. If we can't reign in our own teams, well that's why we have the messes we are in today because team is more important than truth.

Calling me "stupid" half a dozen times isn't hateful? Yes, you're definitely a liberal. Rules for thee but not for me. Hypocrite.
Calling me "stupid" half a dozen times isn't hateful? Yes, you're definitely a liberal. Rules for thee but not for me. Hypocrite.
You're the one that rushed to a bunch of assumptions about me including that I'm a liberal, and used a word which is the equivalent of the n word when it comes to referring to transgendered people. I'm sorry I'm hitting a little too close to home when it comes to you and you feel the need to lash out because I hurt your feelings. Pobednicki narod, Ura!
It reminds me of the MSNBC guy/Russell Brand debate on the most recent Bill Maher. The MSNBC was going all off that Fox News blatantly put falsehoods on the air. Brand countered both MSNBC are partisan mouthpieces. The MSNBC guy countered that what Fox did was so much worse. yeah, but that's sort of beside the point...they are both over the line and both part of the problem. If we can't reign in our own teams, well that's why we have the messes we are in today because team is more important than truth.
I know you only presented it as an example, but I couldn't give two shits about Russell Brand's opinion, file it under "even a blind squirrel finds a nut". I also couldn't care less about Maher's opinion and find it funny that he has been become the new darling of the Right for his opinions on Covid restrictions and wokeness. There both self-promoters and are only "sincere" in their opinions until it impacts their bottom line.
I know you only presented it as an example, but I couldn't give two shits about Russell Brand's opinion, file it under "even a blind squirrel finds a nut". I also couldn't care less about Maher's opinion and find it funny that he has been become the new darling of the Right for his opinions on Covid restrictions and wokeness. There both self-promoters and are only "sincere" in their opinions until it impacts their bottom line.
Life is Rashomon and even a blind squirrel sometimes sees a perspective on the truth that we don't see. I think some things Maher says are insightful....some things are just downright wrong. I'm, notwithstanding his trans position, somewhat of a fan of Jordan Peterson and think he has a lot of insightful things to say (he was more insightful pre breakdown). Life's complicated, it's messy and I get some of us would prefer to deal in simple absolutes to just make it easier. We don't like hearing "sometimes there are no easy answers". And yes, even EOTL and Slobi have made some points that are true and correct. It also doesn't mean they aren't biased (as we all are....some of us just let it hang out more).
You're the one that rushed to a bunch of assumptions about me including that I'm a liberal, and used a word which is the equivalent of the n word when it comes to referring to transgendered people. I'm sorry I'm hitting a little too close to home when it comes to you and you feel the need to lash out because I hurt your feelings. Pobednicki narod, Ura!

Uh, you told me you're a liberal/libertarian. You're not hitting close to anything, but you're definitely a liberal. Throw the first punch and then cry when someone hits back. I didn't ever lash out at you. But by all means... play the victim card. That's how you folks roll. Professional victims.
Life is Rashomon and even a blind squirrel sometimes sees a perspective on the truth that we don't see. I think some things Maher says are insightful....some things are just downright wrong. I'm, notwithstanding his trans position, somewhat of a fan of Jordan Peterson and think he has a lot of insightful things to say (he was more insightful pre breakdown). Life's complicated, it's messy and I get some of us would prefer to deal in simple absolutes to just make it easier. We don't like hearing "sometimes there are no easy answers". And yes, even EOTL and Slobi have made some points that are true and correct. It also doesn't mean they aren't biased (as we all are....some of us just let it hang out more).

How many of your exes have thrown themselves in front of a speeding train? Don't have to be exact... just a ballpark is all I'm looking for.
Uh, you told me you're a liberal/libertarian. You're not hitting close to anything, but you're definitely a liberal. Throw the first punch and then cry when someone hits back. I didn't ever lash out at you. But by all means... play the victim card. That's how you folks roll. Professional victims.
You see this is why I have to restrain myself with the dumb dumb remarks. Frankly, it's a flaw in my personality i will willingly confess to. Look up "classical liberal". I'll spare you the egg on your face but it doesn't mean what you think it means.

My policy in general is not to throw the first punch. But here's how it went down. I pointed out some flaws in your logic. You got frustrated (perhaps not fully understanding the significance of what happened) and started to punch harder. You started making some assumptions about me in order to rationalize your position (it's easier to play the chess when you can see the teams in black and white). You started crossing a line saying some outright hateful things, not just about trans individuals, but about gay people as well. Again, it is perfectly acceptable to come to the conclusion that the accomodations being asked for are not reasonable. It is not o.k. to argue that position from a perspective of bias.
How many of your exes have thrown themselves in front of a speeding train? Don't have to be exact... just a ballpark is all I'm looking for.
That's a good one. Sad it's all you have left, though. I really did hit a nerve, didn't I??? Men in particular hate being emasculated/excoriated in public, hence this. I see we are going for all the online hits including some subtle misogyny here....after all I'm not saying hey did your wife forget to slap you this morning and teach you some manners. So I'll just leave you with: Ura!

side note to watfly: as I stated I don't think arguing who has stinkier garbage is's enough that it's stinky garbage...this pile is getting particularly stinky however.
The fence is a great place to sit so long as you do it on principle and not because you can't make a decision. It means you have the courage to act different from the people who chose right or left.
Typical centrist point of view. Look Grace T, I lost everything because of people sitting on the fence. Lazy humans all because they hate Trump and hate his followers. You and others got played and are now poisoned because you sat on the fence. Now people are dying of SADs. You fence sitters are a big problem in our country. I know why you and others sit. FEAR! You will have no choice now. Plus, your not so much a fence sitter regarding my daughters rights as a female. You and your crew are trying to take female out completely. That will go very bad for you, I promise. You and others have something against real biologocal women and it trips me out. You make no sense and neither does EOTL or watty. I now know why. The fact that you and EOTL are BFFs now is alarming. Enjoy the fence.

A real girl!
Typical centrist point of view. Look Grace T, I lost everything because of people sitting on the fence. Lazy humans all because they hate Trump and hate his followers. You and others got played and are now poisoned because you sat on the fence. Now people are dying of SADs. You fence sitters are a big problem in our country. I know why you and others sit. FEAR! You will have no choice now. Plus, your not so much a fence sitter regarding my daughters rights as a female. You and your crew are trying to take female out completely. That will go very bad for you, I promise. You and others have something against real biologocal women and it trips me out. You make no sense and neither does EOTL or watty. I now know why. The fact that you and EOTL are BFFs now is alarming. Enjoy the fence.

A real girl!
View attachment 15929
Awww. Such a cute picture.

hardly bffs with Eotl. With the exception of dad4 he remains my least favorite person.

it actually takes a whole Lot more courage not to run with the tribe and to follow truth wherever it leads.
You see this is why I have to restrain myself with the dumb dumb remarks. Frankly, it's a flaw in my personality i will willingly confess to. Look up "classical liberal". I'll spare you the egg on your face but it doesn't mean what you think it means.

My policy in general is not to throw the first punch. But here's how it went down. I pointed out some flaws in your logic. You got frustrated (perhaps not fully understanding the significance of what happened) and started to punch harder. You started making some assumptions about me in order to rationalize your position (it's easier to play the chess when you can see the teams in black and white). You started crossing a line saying some outright hateful things, not just about trans individuals, but about gay people as well. Again, it is perfectly acceptable to come to the conclusion that the accomodations being asked for are not reasonable. It is not o.k. to argue that position from a perspective of bias.

I have egg on my face because you forgot you told me you were a liberal? Alrighty. Why would I look up "classical liberal" when you said you're something else? Should I look up "bipolar", too... two... to?

Telling my gay friend his militant behavior does nothing to endear himself to others is a truth he needed to hear. You don't blend into society and be "treated as equals" by spending 90% of your time deliberately trying to shock people. That's an attention whore.

You don't frustrate me. I'm laughing too hard to be frustrated. Thanks for "accomodating" this dumb dumb, though.

No answer on the speeding train?
Awww. Such a cute picture.

hardly bffs with Eotl. With the exception of dad4 he remains my least favorite person.

it actually takes a whole Lot more courage not to run with the tribe and to follow truth wherever it leads.

Only a coward says "birthing person" when we all know it takes a female human to give birth.