Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

After World War II, 8 March started to be celebrated in a number of countries. In 1975, during the International Women's Year, the United Nations began celebrating 8 March as International Women's Day. I told all you losers that women will be put back in the rightful position. The masculine is a weak little man who cheats women out of being a woman. Thank you to my biological mother Miss Kirk, who said no to an asshole(s) man who wanted me sacrificed. Thank you to my adopted mother for taking me in to feed me and give me shelter. Thank you to my amazing wife who has loved me and been my biggest supporter. I also want to thank my daughter who has taught me so much about the female. I love you all!

Cool. Those males should play dress up and wait for their hormones to kick in. And while they're waiting, they don't need to cry for attention, expect me to pay for their surgeries or take advantage of physically inferior females in sports. Maybe a good cornhole league would suffice? Seems appropriate.

Pretty soon most of you transphobes will realize that you were terrified of the wrong thing. Instead of being so worried why a trans girl was in the girls restroom, you should have been focused on what your girls were doing in the boys' bathroom. The real cries for attention that you need to be worried about are the gangbangs and blowjobs your little girls are giving to prop up the self-esteem they lack from being terrible at soccer. Even their opioid abuse won't dull that pain.

Meanwhile, virtually every league from ECNL down to AYSO thanks you for reminding everyone why it is so important to allow trans girls to participate.
I gave you a solution. Create your own trans league or play in the league that represents your actual gender. If you were born a male, you're a male from now until the day you die. Play against males. If there's not enough trans for you, oh well. Go do something else. Lots of males and females don't get everything they want.

I have a solution, which is what is already happening. Every private league from ECNL down to AYSO has rejected your position, and they thank you for reminding them why it is so important to allow trans participation in the first place.

So fascinating that your political views line up so closely with those of the Republic of Iran. You obviously oppose to a free market economy given your hatred that private entities generally have the ability to make their own rules about who can participate in their private leagues. You obviously also hate democracy given your opposition to the fact that the voters of California and many other states elected legislators and governors who enacted laws supporting trans participation in schools. You obviously hate the First Amendment given all of your comments demanding that black, gay and trans people STFU because they're too loud and uppity. And, of course, you both share the exact same transphobic fundamentalist religious view that there is something wrong with being LGTBQ.
On International Women's Day, the NWSL Players' Association came out strongly in favor of trans participation in youth sports. NWSLPA on Twitter: "We're strongest as a country when everyone is safe, welcome & included in all parts of life, including sports. Today, politicians in DC are trying to ban trans girls from the lifesaving power of sports. Call your Congressional rep today & tell them to #LetKidsPlay! 202-224-3121" / Twitter

Ha ha ha to all of you whiny male Karens who are complaining here that you know what is best for women soccer players. You're the real freak fringe.
On International Women's Day, the NWSL Players' Association came out strongly in favor of trans participation in youth sports. NWSLPA on Twitter: "We're strongest as a country when everyone is safe, welcome & included in all parts of life, including sports. Today, politicians in DC are trying to ban trans girls from the lifesaving power of sports. Call your Congressional rep today & tell them to #LetKidsPlay! 202-224-3121" / Twitter

Ha ha ha to all of you whiny male Karens who are complaining here that you know what is best for women soccer players. You're the real freak fringe.
Why are you fatphobic?
Why are you fatphobic?

Again, if your daughter is fat, that is the most likely real reason she is terrible at soccer and no longer fits on the bench. It has nothing to do with trans girls, no matter how much you try to blame them.

All you fringe alt-righters have no response to the fact that actual female soccer players support trans participation in youth sports. Ha ha ha. The world is collapsing around you.
Been off the sauce for a few days…seems I missed a lot….phew….lot going on.

Take a look at this….

At 3 Years old a Father initiated a transition for his son to become a daughter. How do we let these things happen? A 3 year old is not equipped to make this decision. I don’t care about people wanting to transition, change, that is up to them, but at such a young age it strikes me as extremely irresponsible. I said this before, had a friend whose son was into princesses and dresses at 4-5…at 7-8 was into trucks and dirt…now playing HS Football…kids need to go through their journey, grow, and figure out who they are as they develop. Because you play with dolls and dresses as a young 3-6 year old child does not mean you need to permanently change your sex.

All these female athletes and celebrities virtue signaling…wait until a Trans Woman takes a featured movie role away, will there be the same outrage from women as when actors play ethnic roles without the specific heritage and the non-represented ethic group/culture gets upset…could Tom Hanks play the part In Philadelphia today? Plenty of gay men in Hollywood, or was Hanks the best actor for the role.

More than likely, Hollywood Types will STFU as that industry is so progressive and liberal they won’t want to get “blacklisted”. Disney’s Woke movie lineup in 2022 didn’t do to well with audiences…why is that? Maybe most reasonable parents don’t want some of these concepts presented to young kids, or maybe they want to parent their children and decide the right time for these concepts to be introduced…

What surprised me was that there was not a vocal parental uprising during the Thomas Swimming Controversy. I don’t think I would have been quiet if my daughter was impacted. Or was it that the Schools, and NCAA made it clear that pushback would have consequences on the Athlete…scholarships, team participation, expulsion…it makes you wonder.

Also, do some research…there WILL be Trans Women participating in the Women’s World Cup this year, and there is also speculation that there are currently or have been Trans Women that have participated on the USWNT. Who knows what impact they will have on teams as we will not know who they are. I don’t think they should be allowed to participate with the unfair physiological advantages.

I don’t want any preschool, kindergarten, grade school teacher or librarian discussing any type of sex and or gender with my kids. Having Drag Shows in Schools is the same as having Female Strippers in school…when did pole dancing and table dancing become part of the curriculum???

Their job is to teach the children reading, writing, and arithmetic. There is a school board meeting in Maine that was recorded and posted about books in 6th grade library teaching and discussing oral sex with both sexes, and the librarian said there were more books…are you f’ing kidding me. Who thinks that is appropriate? Anyone? Really?

it’s a real Woke Clown World we live in…
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Again, if your daughter is fat, that is the most likely real reason she is terrible at soccer and no longer fits on the bench. It has nothing to do with trans girls, no matter how much you try to blame them.

All you fringe alt-righters have no response to the fact that actual female soccer players support trans participation in youth sports. Ha ha ha. The world is collapsing around you.

It’s because it does not or has not directly affected them yet….Marketing, Endorsement $$$’s…If Rapinoe was bounced for a Trans Player, do you think she would be singing the same tune, maybe, for broadcasting and endorsement opportunities…I would think on the inside she may be pretty upset. But who knows…we only know what these people signal and not what they really think.
I find it funny that it’s always then men that are rushing to our defense. “I’ve always relied on the kindness of strangers”

The problem with your logic is you have the opposite problem in reverse. There are ftm too. Some of them are on testosterone. Under your definition they are “actual females” so ok to play in the cis f league, full beard and all

con is short for contra, which is short for the against position, namely en referentia, against the including mtf in the f divisions.

No, a female transitioning to a man while taking testosterone should play with males. No problem there at all. I'm still waiting to see that.
Ah grammar policing. Short of calling your opponent a nazi, the last refuge of the defeated in an online argument.

Why do you keep declaring victory? Again, and I've explained this for you already, but I'm 'grammar policing' because you continued telling me how intellectually deficient I am after seeing you apparently failed the "too, two and to" part of the course in grammar school.
No, a female transitioning to a man while taking testosterone should play with males. No problem there at all. I'm still waiting to see that.
So it's not about biology? an FTM transitioning is a male who should play with the men. A MTF transitioning is a male who should play with the men. Never mind that neither can compete with the cis men on full testosterone. We don't care about fairness for them. Got it. ;)
Pretty soon most of you transphobes will realize that you were terrified of the wrong thing. Instead of being so worried why a trans girl was in the girls restroom, you should have been focused on what your girls were doing in the boys' bathroom. The real cries for attention that you need to be worried about are the gangbangs and blowjobs your little girls are giving to prop up the self-esteem they lack from being terrible at soccer. Even their opioid abuse won't dull that pain.

Meanwhile, virtually every league from ECNL down to AYSO thanks you for reminding everyone why it is so important to allow trans girls to participate.

Who do you think is terrified? I laugh at trans adults. I wouldn't laugh at a child but I also don't respect you, or anybody else, that thinks it's okay to let males compete against females in a sport called "girl's soccer". Those aren't girls... they're males. Period. It's perfectly acceptable to pay in a co-ed league. And why you suddenly think it's okay for a boy, dressed like a girl, to use a girl's bathroom or locker room makes me wonder why you didn't think it was okay 5-10 years ago like everyone else.

Are you worried about the closet trannies getting their asses beaten or killed because they played dress up and it ended badly when Mr. Boner popped up for a straight male that was lied to?
I have a solution, which is what is already happening. Every private league from ECNL down to AYSO has rejected your position, and they thank you for reminding them why it is so important to allow trans participation in the first place.

So fascinating that your political views line up so closely with those of the Republic of Iran. You obviously oppose to a free market economy given your hatred that private entities generally have the ability to make their own rules about who can participate in their private leagues. You obviously also hate democracy given your opposition to the fact that the voters of California and many other states elected legislators and governors who enacted laws supporting trans participation in schools. You obviously hate the First Amendment given all of your comments demanding that black, gay and trans people STFU because they're too loud and uppity. And, of course, you both share the exact same transphobic fundamentalist religious view that there is something wrong with being LGTBQ.

Rejected for now. When 99% of their paying clientele have had enough of the psychotic, woke bullshit and leave, that will change. Enjoy your 15 minutes because the end is near. Trans participation is allowing males to compete against females and that's not fair and never has been.

So fascinating your political views line up so closely with Iran... where women are 2nd class citizens and still lack the respect their male counterparts enjoy... even in wigs and lipstick.
On International Women's Day, the NWSL Players' Association came out strongly in favor of trans participation in youth sports. NWSLPA on Twitter: "We're strongest as a country when everyone is safe, welcome & included in all parts of life, including sports. Today, politicians in DC are trying to ban trans girls from the lifesaving power of sports. Call your Congressional rep today & tell them to #LetKidsPlay! 202-224-3121" / Twitter

Ha ha ha to all of you whiny male Karens who are complaining here that you know what is best for women soccer players. You're the real freak fringe.

Sports isn't life saving. If you're a male and want to be a female, do it. Have your surgery and pay for it yourself. You don't need to play women's soccer to feel validated. If you do, no amount of drugs and counseling will save you.
Been off the sauce for a few days…seems I missed a lot….phew….lot going on.

Take a look at this….

At 3 Years old a Father initiated a transition for his son to become a daughter. How do we let these things happen? A 3 year old is not equipped to make this decision. I don’t care about people wanting to transition, change, that is up to them, but at such a young age it strikes me as extremely irresponsible. I said this before, had a friend whose son was into princesses and dresses at 4-5…at 7-8 was into trucks and dirt…now playing HS Football…kids need to go through their journey, grow, and figure out who they are as they develop. Because you play with dolls and dresses as a young 3-6 year old child does not mean you need to permanently change your sex.

All these female athletes and celebrities virtue signaling…wait until a Trans Woman takes a featured movie role away, will there be the same outrage from women as when actors play ethnic roles without the specific heritage and the non-represented ethic group/culture gets upset…could Tom Hanks play the part In Philadelphia today? Plenty of gay men in Hollywood, or was Hanks the best actor for the role.

More than likely, Hollywood Types will STFU as that industry is so progressive and liberal they won’t want to get “blacklisted”. Disney’s Woke movie lineup in 2022 didn’t do to well with audiences…why is that? Maybe most reasonable parents don’t want some of these concepts presented to young kids, or maybe they want to parent their children and decide the right time for these concepts to be introduced…

What surprised me was that there was not a vocal parental uprising during the Thomas Swimming Controversy. I don’t think I would have been quiet if my daughter was impacted. Or was it that the Schools, and NCAA made it clear that pushback would have consequences on the Athlete…scholarships, team participation, expulsion…it makes you wonder.

Also, do some research…there WILL be Trans Women participating in the Women’s World Cup this year, and there is also speculation that there are currently or have been Trans Women that have participated on the USWNT. Who knows what impact they will have on teams as we will not know who they are. I don’t think they should be allowed to participate with the unfair physiological advantages.

I don’t want any preschool, kindergarten, grade school teacher or librarian discussing any type of sex and or gender with my kids. Having Drag Shows in Schools is the same as having Female Strippers in school…when did pole dancing and table dancing become part of the curriculum???

Their job is to teach the children reading, writing, and arithmetic. There is a school board meeting in Maine that was recorded and posted about books in 6th grade library teaching and discussing oral sex with both sexes, and the librarian said there were more books…are you f’ing kidding me. Who thinks that is appropriate? Anyone? Really?

it’s a real Woke Clown World we live in…
A few observations:

1. It belies the "all trans are obvious" point raised by dad4.
2. I suspect that if we could survey all the world cup f athletes there would be an unusual amount of genetically aberrant and hormonally aberrant people playing. We don't really have a good idea how many of them are on hormone regulators as they've gotten much better at managing this since the days of East Germany.
3. The impact of a trans athlete on a soccer team is minimal. The only real concern is from a fairness perspective of whether they knocked off another player but there are people moving in the opposite direction (FTM) so overall in the end this sort of balances. But team v. team the impact of 1 player will be minimal. If it weren't the Chinese national team should have taken the San Jose Quakes U15 boys because their keeper is a beast and the U15 boys keepers are still growing into their position and have several years to reach that quality.
4. Drag isn't really a trans thing. The woke left however is sweeping them all together because...well....equity or something. Drag is actually burlesque which you correctly equate with pole and table dancing. Some in the T and L community actually take offense because its intent is somewhat to characterize and mock both trans and women. As seen in "The Bird Cage", it's for the most part (not uniformly) done by gay men who otherwise live their lives as men. Honestly, I think this type of performance goes the way of black face and doesn't survive 20 years from now.
So it's not about biology? an FTM transitioning is a male who should play with the men. A MTF transitioning is a male who should play with the men. Never mind that neither can compete with the cis men on full testosterone. We don't care about fairness for them. Got it. ;)

You don't care about fairness. Allowing males to compete with females isn't fair. Never has been. Never will be. A female taking testosterone has an unfair advantage over NORMAL females and should compete against males. Very simple. You ARE aware that males taking testosterone have an unfair advantage over males that don't, right? Or is that 'two' confusing for you?

A few observations:

1. It belies the "all trans are obvious" point raised by dad4.
2. I suspect that if we could survey all the world cup f athletes there would be an unusual amount of genetically aberrant and hormonally aberrant people playing. We don't really have a good idea how many of them are on hormone regulators as they've gotten much better at managing this since the days of East Germany.
3. The impact of a trans athlete on a soccer team is minimal. The only real concern is from a fairness perspective of whether they knocked off another player but there are people moving in the opposite direction (FTM) so overall in the end this sort of balances. But team v. team the impact of 1 player will be minimal. If it weren't the Chinese national team should have taken the San Jose Quakes U15 boys because their keeper is a beast and the U15 boys keepers are still growing into their position and have several years to reach that quality.
4. Drag isn't really a trans thing. The woke left however is sweeping them all together because...well....equity or something. Drag is actually burlesque which you correctly equate with pole and table dancing. Some in the T and L community actually take offense because its intent is somewhat to characterize and mock both trans and women. As seen in "The Bird Cage", it's for the most part (not uniformly) done by gay men who otherwise live their lives as men. Honestly, I think this type of performance goes the way of black face and doesn't survive 20 years from now.

1. At the very least... most ARE obvious.
2. You suspect? When did we start presenting your suspicions as fact?
3. Minimal impact? Based on what... your suspicions again?
4. Straight men don't do drag. Hollywood makes movies. Robin Williams, Patrick Swayze and Wesley Snipes are straight. So yeah, gay.