Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

The jackass calling out a jackass. That’s hilarious. Your mind is so simple it’s cute.

that’s not how disability law works. Same like an adhd person. Same like a deafor blind person. An accommodation must be extended if reasonable. It’s ok to argue that this proposed accommodation is unreasonable. If so present your data which must take into account transition protocols. It’s not ok to argue they are just men and if they can’t compete in the cis male league too bad so sad. Don’t like them competing in the cis f league: fine come up with another solution. It’s on you then.

I gave you a solution. Create your own trans league or play in the league that represents your actual gender. If you were born a male, you're a male from now until the day you die. Play against males. If there's not enough trans for you, oh well. Go do something else. Lots of males and females don't get everything they want.
I didn't ask for your legal theories. I asked why YOU think it's okay to let males unfairly compete against females. Or do you simply deny that males have a decided physical advantage over females? Oh wait, you called it a "disability". And I'm not stupid, grandma. How red is that ass of yours getting now, high road?
69 pages in and still to thick to follow the complexities

at the youth level it doesn’t matter. We don’t test for steroids. If your position is it should be a biological test you have a problem with the ftm…the only logical position is to let them play in the f division because you aren’t testing anyone else’s dope usage so why pick on them. But ultimately it really doesn’t matter because we don’t test for cheats so why focus on the trans when actual cheaters get away Scott free

on the college level, when we do test, it’s different. You can only let them play if you can balance the playing field. While it is true that men generally are more athletic than women, it is also true ftm on treatment have their performance drop. The question is can you establish protocols so there isn’t a great undue advantage. For every lia there are 10 athletes you don’t hear about including several instances mentioned here

for the professional and national team levels even stricter protocols are called for and some sports like running and jumping events are probably impossible to balance due to the small margins in those victories, even for kids that transition in their teens but after the onset of puberty.
I gave you a solution. Create your own trans league or play in the league that represents your actual gender. If you were born a male, you're a male from now until the day you die. Play against males. If there's not enough trans for you, oh well. Go do something else. Lots of males and females don't get everything they want.
Again for the reasons outlined “too bad so sad” doesn’t work out legally any more than a deaf or adhd perso. It’s why we have disability accommodations. Too bad so sad you are blind or adhd doesn’t work legally or morally and your bigotry is showing.
Ps the extremists on the left that insist on the drag shows (drag isn’t even trans…it’s a burlesque that actually makes fun of actual trans people and women usually done by gay men) for kids and open inclusion no matter what are doing a lot of harm to the issue of trans inclusion. The ones that weird bigotry and mock trans people like you, Michael Knowles or Matt Walsh are doing a lot of damage to the con position too. Indeed today there were a handful of resignations from the daily wire over this issue. Neither one of the extremists is doing their side any good.

I’m hardly an sjw. I’m a classical liberal/libertarian with strong anti post modernist tendencies. My position here is actually very centrist. Funny you see ghosts around every corner.

No, demanding an "accommodation" be made to a very small portion of the population, because they don't get everything they want, isn't "centrist" at all. A true libertarian wouldn't sit around dreaming up bullshit laws because people need more rules and regulations.

Have you and SurFutbol ever been seen in the same room at the same time?
69 pages in and still to thick to follow the complexities

at the youth level it doesn’t matter. We don’t test for steroids. If your position is it should be a biological test you have a problem with the ftm…the only logical position is to let them play in the f division because you aren’t testing anyone else’s dope usage so why pick on them. But ultimately it really doesn’t matter because we don’t test for cheats so why focus on the trans when actual cheaters get away Scott free

on the college level, when we do test, it’s different. You can only let them play if you can balance the playing field. While it is true that men generally are more athletic than women, it is also true ftm on treatment have their performance drop. The question is can you establish protocols so there isn’t a great undue advantage. For every lia there are 10 athletes you don’t hear about including several instances mentioned here

for the professional and national team levels even stricter protocols are called for and some sports like running and jumping events are probably impossible to balance due to the small margins in those victories, even for kids that transition in their teens but after the onset of puberty.

What the Hell are you talking about? At the youth level it doesn't matter? Boys are faster and stronger... despite not always being bigger. It's not even close. At the college level, our women's National team got smoked by a team of 15-year old boys. As did a team from England. Not even close. Or in the case of male lifter Jaycee Cooper, who considers himself a female, 5 first place finishes in 7 competitions. What a hero.

And while you're telling me how dumb I am, it's "too" thick to follow the complexities.
Again for the reasons outlined “too bad so sad” doesn’t work out legally any more than a deaf or adhd perso. It’s why we have disability accommodations. Too bad so sad you are blind or adhd doesn’t work legally or morally and your bigotry is showing.

So you're saying it's a disability. Odd... I never thought having a physical advantage would be a "disability. Professional victims.
No, demanding an "accommodation" be made to a very small portion of the population, because they don't get everything they want, isn't "centrist" at all. A true libertarian wouldn't sit around dreaming up bullshit laws because people need more rules and regulations.

Have you and SurFutbol ever been seen in the same room at the same time?
Eotl and I actually hate each other. Dates back to Covid.

can you just hear yourself? Replace that with a hard of hearing, autistic person or person in a wheel chair? You antidisability too? Why are we spending money on captioning stuff when the deaf are such a small part of the population…why can’t they just lip read? Why is the autistic kid getting added time on their test…they can’t do the work flunk em? Why do business owners have to put wheel chair accessible restrooms in….those are expensive…why is it their fault someone poops their pants….they didn’t need to leave home?

What the Hell are you talking about? At the youth level it doesn't matter? Boys are faster and stronger... despite not always being bigger. It's not even close. At the college level, our women's National team got smoked by a team of 15-year old boys. As did a team from England. Not even close. Or in the case of male lifter Jaycee Cooper, who considers himself a female, 5 first place finishes in 7 competitions. What a hero.

And while you're telling me how dumb I am, it's "too" thick to follow the complexities.
While we are grammar policing…capitalizing hell????

you can’t even grasp the concept of a sliding scale. That’s funny too.
Eotl and I actually hate each other. Dates back to Covid.

can you just hear yourself? Replace that with a hard of hearing, autistic person or person in a wheel chair? You antidisability too? Why are we spending money on captioning stuff when the deaf are such a small part of the population…why can’t they just lip read? Why is the autistic kid getting added time on their test…they can’t do the work flunk em? Why do business owners have to put wheel chair accessible restrooms in….those are expensive…why is it their fault someone poops their pants….they didn’t need to leave home?


No, feeling like you're a woman trapped in a man's body, or vice versa, isn't a disability.
So you're saying it's a disability. Odd... I never thought having a physical advantage would be a "disability. Professional victims.
So you never heard of autism, anxiety disorder, adhd, dyslexia hmmm? Your kids never had anyone in class with a disability accommodation? Just physical? Dumb dumb
While we are grammar policing…capitalizing hell????

you can’t even grasp the concept of a sliding scale. That’s funny too.

I'm grammar policing because you've been telling me how stupid I am for a dozen posts. Don't worry... I'm sure there's a step ladder close by to help you climb back atop your high horse. If not, there's surely someone coming to help assist with your disability.
No, feeling like you're a woman trapped in a man's body, or vice versa, isn't a disability.
It’s not a feeling. Physiologically they identified the difference in brain scans. Literally a woman’s brain trapped in a male body and vice versa. They believe it’s caused in mtf by an inability of the hormone receptors to properly block a mothers estrogen burst shortly before birth. That estrogen burst feminizes the brain in via females. Facts don’t care about your feelings.
It’s not a feeling. Physiologically they identified the difference in brain scans. Literally a woman’s brain trapped in a male body and vice versa. They believe it’s caused in mtf by an inability of the hormone receptors to properly block a mothers estrogen burst shortly before birth. That estrogen burst feminizes the brain in via females. Facts don’t care about your feelings.

Cool. Those males should play dress up and wait for their hormones to kick in. And while they're waiting, they don't need to cry for attention, expect me to pay for their surgeries or take advantage of physically inferior females in sports. Maybe a good cornhole league would suffice? Seems appropriate.
Sure I have. All of the above. Those are disabilities. Being a tranny isn't.
“Cornhole league”
“Play dress up”

and there it is folks. The blatant bigotry on display. Not saying every con is a bigot. It is a perfectly reasonable argument to say the accommodations being asked for arent reasonable but the reasons for the position matter. And it’s unquestionable that some portion of the cons are motivated by bigotry. The question for those of you on the other side is if you tolerate this from your side in silence.otherwise be proud!
Good times Slobi. Good times. Disgusting.
“Cornhole league”
“Play dress up”

and there it is folks. The blatant bigotry on display. Not saying every con is a bigot. It is a perfectly reasonable argument to say the accommodations being asked for arent reasonable but the reasons for the position matter. And it’s unquestionable that some portion of the cons are motivated by bigotry. The question for those of you on the other side is if you tolerate this from your side in silence.otherwise be proud!
Good times Slobi. Good times. Disgusting.

It would be great if you virtue signalers made accommodations for actual females instead of the males that want to take advantage of them.

What is a "con"? Is that the opposite of a libtard?
It would be great if you virtue signalers made accommodations for actual females instead of the males that want to take advantage of them.

What is a "con"? Is that the opposite of a libtard?
I find it funny that it’s always then men that are rushing to our defense. “I’ve always relied on the kindness of strangers”

The problem with your logic is you have the opposite problem in reverse. There are ftm too. Some of them are on testosterone. Under your definition they are “actual females” so ok to play in the cis f league, full beard and all

con is short for contra, which is short for the against position, namely en referentia, against the including mtf in the f divisions.
I'm grammar policing because you've been telling me how stupid I am for a dozen posts. Don't worry... I'm sure there's a step ladder close by to help you climb back atop your high horse. If not, there's surely someone coming to help assist with your disability.
Ah grammar policing. Short of calling your opponent a nazi, the last refuge of the defeated in an online argument.