Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

It was only a matter of time until you used the term "activist judge" given how frequently you whine using the other fringy nut job catch phrases. In reality, you're just using this term to rationalize a decision you don't like. It is crazy how easily people are willing to piss away democracy if they don't get something their way. Rather than accept laws enacted by elected legislators, approved by an elected governor, and then ruled on by a twice elected judge, you casually try to delegitimize any ruling you don't like as being made by an "activist judge", although you have no idea what the law was, the reasoning of the judge, or even anything about the judge's background. It's the same bs when you use the term "woke" and "cancel culture" when you really mean that you don't want to face consequences for hating trans children and are pissy that you aren't getting your way.
I thought about everything you write and I'm going to agree with you. The facts are the facts. This judge ruled and we need to honor the ruling. US Soccer, NCAA, Pro Soccer, ECNL, CIF and many others have ruled as well. So as we stand today, you can be a man one day and woman the next day to compete against the biological female. If the female is not good enough to beat out the MTF, oh well. That's all it takes is a verbal admission. The MTF can now use the woman's locker room. Those are the rules of today. I will just ask that you honor the laws and rules if they change.
Bible Lesson for today: "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Yeshua
I thought about everything you write and I'm going to agree with you. The facts are the facts. This judge ruled and we need to honor the ruling. US Soccer, NCAA, Pro Soccer, ECNL, CIF and many others have ruled as well. So as we stand today, you can be a man one day and woman the next day to compete against the biological female. If the female is not good enough to beat out the MTF, oh well. That's all it takes is a verbal admission. The MTF can now use the woman's locker room. Those are the rules of today. I will just ask that you honor the laws and rules if they change.
Bible Lesson for today: "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Yeshua

If I disagree with a court decision, you can rest assured it will be based on a reasoned analysis after reading the case and the applicable laws upon which the decision was based. Unlike you and your friends, I don't disregard the legitimacy of court decisions without even bothering to read them simply because I don't like the result. Unlike you, I don't use stupid terms like "woke" and "cancel culture" and "activist judge" when I'm not getting my way.

You and your friends don't get to have law a la carte. It's one thing to read a court decision and explain why you believe it is wrongly decided, but quite another to see a result you don't like and then try to discredit the opinion and democratic government using all the sad little catchphrases that your fringe alt-right websites gave you, and without even reading the decision or understanding the legal reasoning behind it. The real irony here is that you and your friends like dad4 are the ones who want decisions that require judicial activism, because you're the ones who want result-oriented decisions (so long as it's the result you want) without any regard for the legal reasoning or the actual text of a statute.
No because we know gender dysphoria has a physiological basis.
We know in "some cases" that gender dysphoria has a physiological basis. There are often other bases for GD. We're still very green when it comes to our knowledge of GD. Now if GD is being strictly defined as having a physiological basis, then in some cases its being misdiagnosed as is evidenced by those that have regretted transitions. Like any medical and mental condition that requires serious, potentially life changing, treatment an extreme abundance of caution should be exercised when making the diagnosis.
I thought about everything you write and I'm going to agree with you. The facts are the facts. This judge ruled and we need to honor the ruling. US Soccer, NCAA, Pro Soccer, ECNL, CIF and many others have ruled as well. So as we stand today, you can be a man one day and woman the next day to compete against the biological female. If the female is not good enough to beat out the MTF, oh well. That's all it takes is a verbal admission. The MTF can now use the woman's locker room. Those are the rules of today. I will just ask that you honor the laws and rules if they change.
Bible Lesson for today: "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Yeshua

More Bible lessons for today: god thinks it is fine to own slaves and also to beat them to death, so long as you only whack them hard enough to die slowly over the course of a day or two. He also commands that slaves with masters who believe in god just need to suck it up and be better slaves:

"When a slaveowner strikes a male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies immediately, the owner shall be punished. But if the slave survives a day or two, there is no punishment; for the slave is the owner’s property." Exodus 21:20-21.

"Let all who are under a yoke as bondservants regard their own masters as worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be reviled. Those who have believing masters must not be disrespectful on the ground that they are brothers; rather they must serve all the better since those who benefit by their good service are believers and beloved. Teach and urge these things." 1 Timothy 6:1-2
More Bible lessons for today: god thinks it is fine to own slaves and also to beat them to death, so long as you only whack them hard enough to die slowly over the course of a day or two. He also commands that slaves with masters who believe in god just need to suck it up and be better slaves:

"When a slaveowner strikes a male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies immediately, the owner shall be punished. But if the slave survives a day or two, there is no punishment; for the slave is the owner’s property." Exodus 21:20-21.

"Let all who are under a yoke as bondservants regard their own masters as worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be reviled. Those who have believing masters must not be disrespectful on the ground that they are brothers; rather they must serve all the better since those who benefit by their good service are believers and beloved. Teach and urge these things." 1 Timothy 6:1-2
Blaming a god for the worlds problem and slavery is not good for one's soul. "Blame it on a god." We were all tricked Surf Futbol. WHO invented cancer? Blame it on a god, classic. King James was interesting monster. Have you ever wondered why Constantine put all those 66 letters together in the first place? I was just giving you the words from Yeshua. I love him so much and I love God. The OT, you can use that all the time to make your god a monster and many like you do that all the time. Unfortunately, most of the believers in the times of Timothy were slaves dude. My great great grandpa was a slave in Scotland and got no pay, except housing & food. It was horrible for everyone who were not a part of the British Empire. Today's slave get;s to own a mortgage and must obey the master. No jabs, no job slave....

More Bible lessons for today: god thinks it is fine to own slaves and also to beat them to death, so long as you only whack them hard enough to die slowly over the course of a day or two. He also commands that slaves with masters who believe in god just need to suck it up and be better slaves:

"When a slaveowner strikes a male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies immediately, the owner shall be punished. But if the slave survives a day or two, there is no punishment; for the slave is the owner’s property." Exodus 21:20-21.

"Let all who are under a yoke as bondservants regard their own masters as worthy of all honor, so that the name of God and the teaching may not be reviled. Those who have believing masters must not be disrespectful on the ground that they are brothers; rather they must serve all the better since those who benefit by their good service are believers and beloved. Teach and urge these things." 1 Timothy 6:1-2
You're the last person that should be speaking on hypocrisy.
Blaming a god for the worlds problem and slavery is not good for one's soul. "Blame it on a god." We were all tricked Surf Futbol. WHO invented cancer? Blame it on a god, classic. King James was interesting monster. Have you ever wondered why Constantine put all those 66 letters together in the first place? I was just giving you the words from Yeshua. I love him so much and I love God. The OT, you can use that all the time to make your god a monster and many like you do that all the time. Unfortunately, most of the believers in the times of Timothy were slaves dude. My great great grandpa was a slave in Scotland and got no pay, except housing & food. It was horrible for everyone who were not a part of the British Empire. Today's slave get;s to own a mortgage and must obey the master. No jabs, no job slave....

Bible Lesson for today: "I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to keep silent." Timothy 2:11

How does that comport with your feelings about equality for women?
Bible Lesson for today: "I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to keep silent." Timothy 2:11

How does that comport with your feelings about equality for women?
Well, there you ago again. First off, who was Paul addressing and why?
BTW, my profiler is almost done with your account Surf Futbol. I will share soon. You and Espola seem to have been raised with the bible shoved down your throats. Bible Parent Thumpers were rough on the kids man. Espola shared all about his forced Christian upbringing and being told he had to go to church camp or else he would go to hell. Sound familiar? We do know what he accomplished at church camp though, he bragged about it on here. I'm here to help you if you want it.
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I have answered your questions many times before. It also isn't hard to research why entities like CIF, ECNL, the NCAA, and the USWNT, among many others, support trans participation in youth sports. It is readily and publicly available. Information explaining how the emotional and other disadvantages that trans girls face typically outweigh any purported physical advantages is also readily available. The reasons why trans only leagues are not fair is also readily available. If you want to be anything more than a transphobe, why don't you do some research and then tell me what the arguments are in favor of allowing trans girls to participate with other girls, and then explain why you think they're outweighed by other factors?

No, you actually haven't because I'm new here. I know why the rest participate... it's called "cancel culture" and, thankfully, it's on life support. I asked why YOU don't respect the notion of fair competition for girls when you know the Lia Thomas' of the world, or more appropriately, Thomas Lia, are males with male DNA and a proven physical advantage. I don't really give a rat's ass what you call me. Campaigning for fair treatment of females in sports doesn't make any one a "transphobe" but you're certainly a femalephobe. To answer your last question, a "trans girl" isn't a girl. It's a male with lipstick and long hair.
There are two main obstacle. One is money. Presumably on the college level this can be fixed easily enough by taking scholarship and funding from the girls and boys programs.

The second is numbers, even if you throw in the FTMs (who have long been underserved) and the nonbinary who want to play in the male-restricted league. For the youth level it's not a practical solution unless you are going to adopt a "busing for all" policy because high schools and below, or club teams, simply don't have enough of them in a sport to make it competitive, particularly if you are talking teams (there might be sufficient for a state championship in a large state like California for individual sports). On the college level, you probably could do something in the individual sports, since we are able to do it for disabilities. On the national and pro level, it becomes easier to aggregate. Conversely, however, when it comes to team sports the impact of one athlete is minimal...the sole exceptions maybe aggregate individual sports (e.g., swim and track teams) and basketball (which is simply just a hard case).

67 pages in we've covered the rest of your post. It's not as simple as saying men are men, women are women: biologically they are literally the brain of the opposite sex trapped in the opposite's a physical condition not a life style choice. No one is changing just so they can get a competitive advantage and win. Yes, men have a physical advantage over women, bell curve to bell curve, but the question is can steps be taken in MTF to mitigate the advantage. It, unlike your post, is complicated.

Grace, men are men and women are women. It really IS that simple and always has been. There's a reason why no female is dominant in a male sport and males ARE dominant in female sports. It can't be any more simple than that. And WTF is "nonbinary"? Pull your pants down. That's what you are. I understand the "physical condition" that is 100% mental. I understand feeling trapped in a body that shouldn't be your own... but in no way does that give the green light for a male, wearing lipstick and a maxi pad under his balls, to play female sports and not say there's an unfair advantage. That, unlike your post, is succinct and logical.
If your daughter is a terrible soccer player because she is fat and lazy, the two of you should work on that instead of blaming trans children for her inability to win a trophy.

According to you, all females are terrible soccer players because they aren't as good as a male in duct tape and a skirt.
No, you actually haven't because I'm new here. I know why the rest participate... it's called "cancel culture" and, thankfully, it's on life support. I asked why YOU don't respect the notion of fair competition for girls when you know the Lia Thomas' of the world, or more appropriately, Thomas Lia, are males with male DNA and a proven physical advantage. I don't really give a rat's ass what you call me. Campaigning for fair treatment of females in sports doesn't make any one a "transphobe" but you're certainly a femalephobe. To answer your last question, a "trans girl" isn't a girl. It's a male with lipstick and long hair.

No, what I didn't do is regurgitate the same thing yet again to you, but I have answered your questions here many times. In fact, if you had actually read what I have posted here, you would have known that I believe that the NCAA swim standards were inadequate to the extent they allowed Ms. Thomas to participate in the first place.

It is clear that you have no intention of having a real conversation. Your lack of empathy, your refusal to treat trans children with dignity and respect, unquestionably makes you transphobic. Look, you can claim I hate women all you want, but the truth is allowing trans participation in kiddie soccer is not a zero sum game that hurts girls. In those incredibly rare instances in which a trans child do participate, it can and should be win win for everyone who isn't a transphobic shitbag. I know that. CIF knows it. ECNL knows it. the NCAA knows it. The USWNT knows it. SCOTUS knows it. Vermont's and Connecticut's version of CIF know it. And so apparently does the state of Minnesota. All of these entities have laid out in great detail and plain language why they believe it is more important to allow trans participation in youth sports than to ban it, but you just refuse to listen. It would be one thing if you were willing to participate in a legitimate discussion but simply weighed your arguments against over the arguments in favor, but you won't. You're just like all the rest of the clowns here. I'm sorry if your daughter isn't good enough to compete with a "male with lipstick and long hair" - as you so transphobically characterize trans children - but that speaks only to her lack of ability and your inability to cope with that.

Enjoy all the lost sleep over your irrational fear that trans girls are ruining our country.
According to you, all females are terrible soccer players because they aren't as good as a male in duct tape and a skirt.

No, most girls in ECNL are excellent soccer players who have no problems competing against or with trans girls. If anything, your underestimating how well cis girls can do playing with and against the incredibly rare trans girl makes you the "femalephobe" or whatever bs you're whining about. Many girls are far superior soccer players to all of the trans girls who have ever played ECNL or GDA when it was around. Given that you're terrified of trans girls, though, I can only assume that your daughter is terrible at soccer, because she would need to be pretty bad to be unable to compete against a trans girl.

Your comment about "duct tape and a skirt" is pretty offensive and transphobic btw.
No, what I didn't do is regurgitate the same thing yet again to you, but I have answered your questions here many times. In fact, if you had actually read what I have posted here, you would have known that I believe that the NCAA swim standards were inadequate to the extent they allowed Ms. Thomas to participate in the first place.

It is clear that you have no intention of having a real conversation. Your lack of empathy, your refusal to treat trans children with dignity and respect, unquestionably makes you transphobic. Look, you can claim I hate women all you want, but the truth is allowing trans participation in kiddie soccer is not a zero sum game that hurts girls. In those incredibly rare instances in which a trans child do participate, it can and should be win win for everyone who isn't a transphobic shitbag. I know that. CIF knows it. ECNL knows it. the NCAA knows it. The USWNT knows it. SCOTUS knows it. Vermont's and Connecticut's version of CIF know it. And so apparently does the state of Minnesota. All of these entities have laid out in great detail and plain language why they believe it is more important to allow trans participation in youth sports than to ban it, but you just refuse to listen. It would be one thing if you were willing to participate in a legitimate discussion but simply weighed your arguments against over the arguments in favor, but you won't. You're just like all the rest of the clowns here. I'm sorry if your daughter isn't good enough to compete with a "male with lipstick and long hair" - as you so transphobically characterize trans children - but that speaks only to her lack of ability and your inability to cope with that.

Enjoy all the lost sleep over your irrational fear that trans girls are ruining our country.

I have a life. I'm not going to read 50 of your posts. I asked you a simple question and, what's become very apparent, is you would rather regurgitate a novel than answer directly. Ms. Thomas is a male. He spent years on the UPenn teams swimming and losing his ass as a male. Now he put on some lipstick and dominates. He can identify as a female, a squirrel or a can of pork-n-beans, but he's a male. Second, you keep pulling the victim card as if wanting a fair and equitable situation for females is somehow less important than a trans-(insert identity here). Your opinion is that allowing a male, who wants to be a female, isn't unfair. It's nothing more than your opinion. Know that. The rest of us, as we have since the beginning of time, recognize the physical advantages and that's why there are male, female and co-ed leagues. And we know why liberal Minnesota, etc. all pretend a "trans" person's rights are more important than a females. It's the hot topic right now. Again, it's dying a slow death everyday so prepare yourself. Sanity is coming back. Women fought too long and hard to get it. So until then, you're just a femalephobic shitbag. If a male wants to play sports, play in the boy's league. It's that simple and always has been. Trans males are males. Period. End of story. They aren't females and never will be. They can grow their hair out like Thomas Lia, they can tape their balls down and wear mini skirts... but they'll always be male.
No, most girls in ECNL are excellent soccer players who have no problems competing against or with trans girls. If anything, your underestimating how well cis girls can do playing with and against the incredibly rare trans girl makes you the "femalephobe" or whatever bs you're whining about. Many girls are far superior soccer players to all of the trans girls who have ever played ECNL or GDA when it was around. Given that you're terrified of trans girls, though, I can only assume that your daughter is terrible at soccer, because she would need to be pretty bad to be unable to compete against a trans girl.

Your comment about "duct tape and a skirt" is pretty offensive and transphobic btw.

No, you don't get to speak for "most girls in ECNL" and what they have a problem with. You don't get to represent them, their opinions or be the voice for those unwilling to speak against it. And stop with "cis"... that's the dumbest term ever created. So if it's "incredibly rare", stop expecting everyone else to accept your bullshit narrative that a male, competing against females in sports, is somehow fair.

And I don't give a shit about what's offensive to you. Why would I or anybody else on this forum? You talk down to everybody. I have read enough of your shit to know that. For the record, I don't fear boys dressed as girls. Nothing is more entertaining than watching a grown man, with facial hair, walking around in a skirt and bow in his hair. LMAO! And I'm not sure how bad all the other NCAA swimmers were that lost to Thomas Lia but I'll bet, given they were NCAA swimmers, they weren't "pretty bad."
Powerlifter transgenders can now compete with females.

That is a bit of an overstatement, since the case addressed only MN state laws. Ultimately, I don't think adult trans women should be allowed to compete in women's powerlifting, but the language of the MN laws are what they are. Maybe they need amending, just like the NCAA swim rules proved to need amending. Regardless, there was one critically important sentence in that decision that separates good people from transphobes, and it is this: "The USAPL's evidence of competitive advantage does not take into account any competitive disadvantage a transgender athlete might face from, for example, increased risk of depression and suicide, lack of access to coaching and practice facilities, or other performance suppression common to transgender persons."

Maybe the competitive disadvantages that a trans athlete faces don't outweigh the advantages in some sports. Furthermore, as competition becomes more important at adult and professional levels, probably the relative importance of some factors need to be weighed differently than as applied to children's sports. For example, the risk of depression and suicide in particular probably become less important as factors as children become adults. But the problem is that too many people are unwilling to even consider those disadvantages AT ALL. IF USAPL had just shown a little empathy and actually evaluated the factors that support trans participation instead of essentially telling trans women to f off, and perhaps made minor accommodations to its policies but had reached the same result about competitions, they probably wouldn't be where they are.
No, you don't get to speak for "most girls in ECNL" and what they have a problem with. You don't get to represent them, their opinions or be the voice for those unwilling to speak against it. And stop with "cis"... that's the dumbest term ever created. So if it's "incredibly rare", stop expecting everyone else to accept your bullshit narrative that a male, competing against females in sports, is somehow fair.

And I don't give a shit about what's offensive to you. Why would I or anybody else on this forum? You talk down to everybody. I have read enough of your shit to know that. For the record, I don't fear boys dressed as girls. Nothing is more entertaining than watching a grown man, with facial hair, walking around in a skirt and bow in his hair. LMAO! And I'm not sure how bad all the other NCAA swimmers were that lost to Thomas Lia but I'll bet, given they were NCAA swimmers, they weren't "pretty bad."

You ok buddy?

It isn't my narrative btw. The only difference between my position and that of CIF, ECNL, the NCAA, the UWSNT, SCOTUS, the state of MN, and Vermont's version of CIF is that I'm less diplomatic with people who are clearly transphobic, but we all believe the exact same thing. I gave you every opportunity to look into their positions on your own, but you refused. I wouldn't be talking down to you if weren't making derogatory comments about people for simply being trans and were actually willing to have a legitimate conversation.