Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

"Vermont Christian school girls basketball forfeits playoff game rather than compete against team with transgender player"

The player is a 6'1" male-born subject "in-transition" playing on the girls team. She/He is supposedly stronger and can jump higher than any player in the league. She/He leads the league in rebounds and blocked shots as well. Imagine that.

Proof that the system works. Loser Kareny faux Christians lose again. Doesn't matter whether it's on the court, in the courtroom, or in their own cortexes, there is just so much losing by these losers. Seriously, they were #12 seed losers even before self-losing to the team with the trans player.
Proof that the system works. Loser Kareny faux Christians lose again. Doesn't matter whether it's on the court, in the courtroom, or in their own cortexes, there is just so much losing by these losers. Seriously, they were #12 seed losers even before self-losing to the team with the trans player.

Are they really losing or are people just being bulldozed by people like yourself. You always site "who makes the rules" but never think about who is running those organizations. Left wing radicals like yourself, that's who. Want proof? Look at any poll of American people. Even your own Democratic party is split almost evenly while everyone else is heavy majority against trans in womens/girls sports.

Hey! You radical left wing bigot. You know what's funny, if those Christians are right, they go on the perfect vacation when moving on, you on the hand might go to hell if God isn't very forgiving. Laugh now while you can I guess? I dunno, I'm not a perfect picture of a good christian, but at least I am trying. Regardless, if there is a God, at least I have chance and well you, no idea what will happen. Now, if there isn't a god, so what? I invested my time in a creed that represents good morals and ethics. Sorry, but not many Christians live by the old testament as you like to make examples of. We live more by Jesus' teachings.

As much as I absolutely dislike people like you, I still hold out hope you can change from being the ugly person you are. I mean that.
In other news, riddle me this...

Why is it these teens are allowed to transition and have these horrible surgeries and the excuse is mental health BUT young teens who suffer mental health issues from body image problems have to wait until they are at least 18 and that is if they have the money. Both are major mental issues that can lead to suicide. One is covered under insurance, and the other turns into bulemia or other depression issues, and is not covered by insurance.

I could expand but I don't think really need to. Inequality only works in certain situations...

That's because you are lying. Medicaid covers mental health for kiddies, and both the ACA and the Mental Health Parity Act require that mental health services must be covered by health insurance plans. Your suggestion that this is a zero sum game in which emotionally feeble little Karens are denied mental health benefits if they are granted to trans children is just b.s. In fact, if you believe your daughter is terrible at soccer because she is suffering from a mental illness such as bulimia or depression, I'm happy to help you work through any benefits issues. Why don't you start by posting your health insurance plan docs here, and I'll point out the language that proves you are full of shit.

Honestly, Karen, this is some seriously pathetic self-pity. Even you aren't stupid enough to actually believe that mental health services for children are not covered by insurance, which means you know you are lying and are malicious about your hatred of trans children.
Are they really losing or are people just being bulldozed by people like yourself. You always site "who makes the rules" but never think about who is running those organizations. Left wing radicals like yourself, that's who. Want proof? Look at any poll of American people. Even your own Democratic party is split almost evenly while everyone else is heavy majority against trans in womens/girls sports.

Hey! You radical left wing bigot. You know what's funny, if those Christians are right, they go on the perfect vacation when moving on, you on the hand might go to hell if God isn't very forgiving. Laugh now while you can I guess? I dunno, I'm not a perfect picture of a good christian, but at least I am trying. Regardless, if there is a God, at least I have chance and well you, no idea what will happen. Now, if there isn't a god, so what? I invested my time in a creed that represents good morals and ethics. Sorry, but not many Christians live by the old testament as you like to make examples of. We live more by Jesus' teachings.

As much as I absolutely dislike people like you, I still hold out hope you can change from being the ugly person you are. I mean that.

IKR. Trans people and their enablers like me are just so powerful. You are such a victim.

I was waiting for someone to mention this poll. Presumably, even someone as dumb as you can figure out why it doesn't support what you claim. Of course, most people are going to say they oppose trans participation in sports when they aren't given any options about differences between kiddie, collegiate and professional sports. Of course a majority of Americans oppose what happened with Lia Thomas. Of course a majority of Americans oppose trans women from participating in NCAA or professional sports without testosterone suppression. A generic poll like this is no more appropriate than one that asks people whether they are pro- or anti-abortion without giving them the opportunity to address rape or incest.

Regardless, you seem to mistake what a poll says for what is right. A majority of Americans also hated gay people as recently as 2012, with very similar percentages of evil republicans leading the hate, as is the case in your poll. And before a majority of Americans hated gay people, they hated black people.

So please tell me more about this Jesus fella. I understand that his resurrection means it is no longer mandatory to stone gay and trans people to death anymore, but does it also mean that it's suddenly ok to be gay or trans and that his daddy was wrong initially when he wrote the parts of the bible that you want to pretend don't exist? Or does Jesus teach you that being gay and trans is still wrong, and it's therefore ok to deprive them of civil rights even if it's no longer mandatory to stone them to death? Does your buddy Jesus draw the (chalk) line in his direction to support for the downtrodden if it means they might deprive your little princess of a trophy? Honestly, I missed that part of the Bible that says ECNL can't have empathy towards trans children and must therefore be denied their free market right to decide who may and may not participate. Seriously, can you show me that part of the Bible that says we must ban trans kids? Are you saying that the bible was wrong when it says "Similarly, if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not receive the victor's crown unless he competes according to the rules"? Doesn't this mean you need to STFU and just accept your kiddie losing a trophy because ECNL rules allowed trans participation? It seems to me that all of your Karen-y whining is very anti-bible because you don't want to compete according to the rules.
Can one of you god people please point out the part of your god handbook that prohibits trans girls from playing kiddie soccer with other girls? I read that thing cover to cover, but I don't see anything that says trans girls cannot play kiddie sports with other girls. I did see a bunch of stuff by this Jesus character about being supportive of the helpless, the persecuted, and the downtrodden. Does none of that shit apply if it means little Karen might lose out on a kiddie trophy?

Will one of you bible scholars please tell me where in your book it says that it's wrong to let trans girls play kiddie soccer with other girls? I can't seem to find the chapter on youth sports.
Still searching unsuccessfully for that phantom post proving me to be a hypocrite?

So here you are again refusing to discuss your position on trans participation in kiddies sports but are limiting your participation to (mostly homophobic) insults, but you think I'm the troll? Am I right that you're an undereducated, underemployed, underbrain-powered substance abuser Karen?

Look, I'm sorry if your daughter isn't good enough to compete against a team with a trans player, but that's not my fault. I also don't know why it makes you so angry when I explain why I support the middle-of-the-road positions taken by CIF, ECNL, the NCAA, the USWNT, the NWSL and SCOTUS, among others.
Like I give a flying fuck about discussing shit with a hypocrite like yourself. Sorry not sorry it doesnt fit your narrative dick face.

Btw if your story reads I'm a drug addict it had better be both alcohol and hard drugs. Dont you dare cheat me you fuck.
Can one of you god people please point out the part of your god handbook that prohibits trans girls from playing kiddie soccer with other girls? I read that thing cover to cover, but I don't see anything that says trans girls cannot play kiddie sports with other girls. I did see a bunch of stuff by this Jesus character about being supportive of the helpless, the persecuted, and the downtrodden. Does none of that shit apply if it means little Karen might lose out on a kiddie trophy?

Will one of you bible scholars please tell me where in your book it says that it's wrong to let trans girls play kiddie soccer with other girls? I can't seem to find the chapter on youth sports.
Yeshua said
“Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces."

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine (reads the thing from cover to cover) and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crush.”

When Yeshua had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law (Lawyers)."
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Bible Lesson's for Eric O TL. He asked and Ye shall receive. First off, remember years ago when you laughed and mocked me and all the other little kids looking to be born and you wanted them to be killed instead? Well, over 4,000,000 babies have been killed. How many were black? How many were future MTFs but never got a chance to live because of people like you? You have blood on your hands killer. I sure hope you change quickly because if you don't, you will have hell to pay. I don't know what Yeshua means when he talks about hell. I really don't so take hell with a warning to change for the good. Anyway, I have some great scriptures for you to chew on as you go about the rest of the week. Mars and I both pray for you to change and come on over to the light. I forgive you. I see you are full of hot air and very upset lately.

Baby Crush looking at the "men" who wanted to sacrifice him. I came to earth to teach you and your elk a lesson on love and forgiveness.
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Hey Eric (EOTL) listen to Mr. Buck about how late term ((up to birth so 9 months you can kill a kid in CA)) abortions work and what the child of God goes through. The older the baby, the more money "they" get. You must keep all limbs in tac and all organs to get big pay day.

"At that time the disciples came to Yeshua and asked, “Who, then, is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” Yeshua called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said:Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me. If anyone causes one of these little ones harm (death, torture, rape, mutilate, sell baby parts, etc.) those who believe in me—to be harmed, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

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Everyone, I found out who EOTL really is. He's Eric Cartman from SouthPark. I hope my bible lesson edified you Eric and spoke to your soul. Your soul is full of drakness and hate. Mars is very nice and humble. He's working on being a better follower of Yeshua and so am I. It's not easy to love your enemies and forgive them. I forgive you Eric.

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Interesting read from this morning:

Phelps talking fairness in competition and Navratolva speaking about unfair advantages for Trans Women. Caitlyn Jenner in the past has also oppossed it. MTF Gold Medal Decathalete, how many golds did Phelps Win??? Womens titles for Navratlova???? I would listen to these high high level athletes more than anyone regarding fairness in competition. I don't think anybody with their head on straight wants a young person not have access to play their sport or be who they are, but there becomes a point where a physiological advantage emerges and it is different for every biological male. These advantages create an uneven playing field, and thats where a lot of people land. It's not hate, phobic, or anything like that.
"Vermont Christian school girls basketball forfeits playoff game rather than compete against team with transgender player"

The player is a 6'1" male-born subject "in-transition" playing on the girls team. She/He is supposedly stronger and can jump higher than any player in the league. She/He leads the league in rebounds and blocked shots as well. Imagine that.

This is what people have issue with. How do you even the playing field, does she get 3 fouls instead of 5, limit minutes, does she get 1 point instead of 2...How do you make this competition fair, instead of the competition being played at the expense of the other teams opportunity. Creating an environment that benefits one person at the expense of many others is an interesting concept to me.
Like I give a flying fuck about discussing shit with a hypocrite like yourself. Sorry not sorry it doesnt fit your narrative dick face.

Btw if your story reads I'm a drug addict it had better be both alcohol and hard drugs. Dont you dare cheat me you fuck.

So you aren't aware of a single post to support your accusation against me then. So why really are you so upset that I support trans participation in kiddie sports? Why does it make you so mad that you repeatedly troll me with homophobic insults?
So you aren't aware of a single post to support your accusation against me then. So why really are you so upset that I support trans participation in kiddie sports? Why does it make you so mad that you repeatedly troll me with homophobic insults?
Nice try turkey neck. Your gaslighting skills are as dogshit as your dinner table conversations. Maybe once those nuts clear your throat you'll have a usable pair.
This is what people have issue with. How do you even the playing field, does she get 3 fouls instead of 5, limit minutes, does she get 1 point instead of 2...How do you make this competition fair, instead of the competition being played at the expense of the other teams opportunity. Creating an environment that benefits one person at the expense of many others is an interesting concept to me.

Uh, you make this fair by letting the trans child play. This "juggernaut" team in Vermont with the trans player was 12-6 in Division 4 and got destroyed in the game after they won by forfeit against the 3-10 Karen team. The Karen team was so bad that Maxpreps says it is the fifth worst girls' basketball team in the entire state of Vermont. Given that Vermont may be the worst state in the country for basketball, the Karen team is probably one of the 20 worst girls basketball teams in the entire US.

There is no proof of an "unfair" advantage here. This is all about a bs Christian school grandstanding with its anti-LGBTQ agenda in a game that they were going to lose anyway, and which they would have lost to roughly 16,980 of 17,000 HS basketball teams in the United States. Given that a trans girls can't even move the needle in the Vermont D4 girls basketball playoffs, it is pretty clear that all of your transphobic fears that elite male athletes will "go trans" and ruin girls sports forever is completely unfounded. If they want fairness, they need to stop blaming a trans girl and instead take responsibility for the fact that their fat lazy asses are the real reason they're terrible.
that their fat lazy asses are the real reason they're terrible.

Body shaming young girls now? See what happens when it doesn't fit your agenda. Told you your true colors will come out you hypocritical fuck face. Why do you hate overweight girls so much? No wonder your wife hates you.
Uh, you make this fair by letting the trans child play. This "juggernaut" team in Vermont with the trans player was 12-6 in Division 4 and got destroyed in the game after they won by forfeit against the 3-10 Karen team. The Karen team was so bad that Maxpreps says it is the fifth worst girls' basketball team in the entire state of Vermont. Given that Vermont may be the worst state in the country for basketball, the Karen team is probably one of the 20 worst girls basketball teams in the entire US.

There is no proof of an "unfair" advantage here. This is all about a bs Christian school grandstanding with its anti-LGBTQ agenda in a game that they were going to lose anyway, and which they would have lost to roughly 16,980 of 17,000 HS basketball teams in the United States. Given that a trans girls can't even move the needle in the Vermont D4 girls basketball playoffs, it is pretty clear that all of your transphobic fears that elite male athletes will "go trans" and ruin girls sports forever is completely unfounded. If they want fairness, they need to stop blaming a trans girl and instead take responsibility for the fact that their fat lazy asses are the real reason they're terrible.

So just to be clear….

1. You really don’t think the Trans Young Lady has a physiological advantage over her Biological Female competitors, is that correct?
2. Or, If you do think there is an advantage, you don’t think it matters because the teams are non-competitive in the grand scheme of high school basketball in that state, is that correct?

So who decides when the competitiveness of the event matters enough? Only D1 HS???

If you have ever heard the sayings “if you give someone an inch, they will take a yard, or death by a million cuts”…when you crack the door it sometimes gets blown wide open.

This is where the discussion gets challenging, you think people like me who have a different perspective are blaming the trans girl. I don’t blame her, I’m positive she and her family are dealing with a lot. I’m sure she just wants to play. I blame the Woke Politicians, School Districts, States, Governing Bodies, etc. for allowing the participation in competitive sports where an individual(s) has a distinct physiological advantage. Allowing Biological Males to participate in Biological Female sports takes opportunities away from Biological Females. Allowing it because of the way somebody feels, identifies, due to Dysphoria, etc., etc., does not change the fact that the Trans Girl is a Biological Male who has physiological advantages. Biological Females should not have opportunities taken away because somebody is more comfortable or feels better playing and being with opposite sex.

We talked about Coed Sports, I worked at an indoor soccer facility as a Teenager, ran the scoreboard…we had Coed Adult Leagues…Men had to play 2 touch on shooting plays, could only score from behind a line, and then only from a pass from a women, and had to have 3 women on the field at all times, why do you think rules like this were in place? To ensure Biological Males did not dominate the game, and to create a fair playing field. How do you create fair and equitable in Team Sports with Biological Males and Females competing on the same team without changing the rules of the game. You can’t. It is forcing Biological Females to just deal with it, live with it, and just accept it. Just does not seem right for them to give up opportunities. Individual sports are different and think that can be solved…team sports are different animals. This whole issue is very unique to the mtf vs ftm.
When will we all learn that feeding this troll is just allowing it to get its “thrills”. Although responding should really count as community service for each of us.

This poor thing can’t function in normal society so it’s stuck here getting its rocks off on a kids soccer forum by winding you up.

Likely the best part of its day!
Can one of you god people please point out the part of your god handbook that prohibits trans girls from playing kiddie soccer with other girls? I read that thing cover to cover, but I don't see anything that says trans girls cannot play kiddie sports with other girls. I did see a bunch of stuff by this Jesus character about being supportive of the helpless, the persecuted, and the downtrodden. Does none of that shit apply if it means little Karen might lose out on a kiddie trophy?

Will one of you bible scholars please tell me where in your book it says that it's wrong to let trans girls play kiddie soccer with other girls? I can't seem to find the chapter on youth sports.
putting Jesus aside for now...are you talking pre or post pubescence? Can't quite figure you out attacking "little Karens"??Mansplaining again or just a genera hater of XX chromosomers? I was hoping you could come out from underneath the blanket of ideology but you can't...

It's like you are in constant rinse and repeat. I've been checking in lately hoping to take in your recommendations for gender affirming care All I've gotten though is bot like sentences, steeped in barristerness and a constant stream of XX and religion hate speech. Was wondering if I could get your take on covid care and the heroic advocacy work you've likely done.