Chelsea dad g09
Whatever you say douche. Why wont you tell everyone what you said about kids committing suicide during covid?Well, you have certainly accomplished that. Homophobe. Transphobe.
Whatever you say douche. Why wont you tell everyone what you said about kids committing suicide during covid?Well, you have certainly accomplished that. Homophobe. Transphobe.
Whatever you say douche. Why wont you tell everyone what you said about kids committing suicide during covid?
Ironic you would post this. Asshole....The reality is that you just don't want to hear what you don't want to hear.
I already posted them. You can't pull a dad4 and have us go continually around in circle. Believe me, don't believe me. I don't really care. But it is a FACT that they have uncovered that trans brains generally (there are exceptions and the question is whether those exceptions then are really trans) share generally the same characteristics as female brains. They believe (but have not conclusively established) that it is why MTFs have the feeling of being "women" trapped in men's bodies. The 2020 study is particularly interesting....the condition might be sparked by different estrogen receptors in the brain that when there's a spark of estrogen in the mother right before birth, it essentially prevents the masculinization of the brain.Who is "we've" already established that MTF have different brains? 6'4 Lia's brain is more like a female and because it's not contact sport, it doesn't matter? She took first place away because she is taller, stronger and more physical + her brain is female brain. Ok Dr. Grace T. WHO are these Docs btw you love to sight in your studies? Link please. Also, where is Magoo? Did someone take over your account? You're now BFF with EOTL, which has me SMFT. Please don't share all my PMs like the other father did on here. Those were just meant for him and you. Thank you![]()
Us? See, how many use your account? What the newbies don't realize is their are "house accounts" to use on this platform so any of your elk can play hate and be mean and try and get dads upset. I won't lie, you guys got me early on. I haven't received threats on this thread (yet) EOTL/Golden Gate/Surf Futbol. I really have put all of EOTL's threats and the other dads threats on my "Watch List." I already gave the threats to the authorities in high positions. If you want to go back and check them all out, go ahead. I saved them ALL, even the PMs from the past website. You guys chose your path and you will live to be exposed. Nothing will be hidden anymore and all mysteries and secrets will be revealed to ALL of us. Debating is fun, healthy and good for the soul but what I have experienced as a father the last 6 years from you and others like you is dangerous to our country. Shame on you and the other dads. Talk about playing with fire. EVERYTHING you say and do is being watched. I told you that a long time ago and you told me that my 13 year old would be blacklisted, remember that?
I feel like a woman at times as well and sometimes more than other times. I took a test and scored 16 out of 20 more feminine and only a 4 masculine. I worked on my brain because men think more right and women more left. I found balance and the new test shows me 12/8 now. Thanks for keeping our PMs private Grace T. I appreciate the privacy. I have some PTSD from a father who I thought was my friend from the GOAT FC team. I shared PMs and private conversations with him and then he "outed" me on here because.I already posted them. You can't pull a dad4 and have us go continually around in circle. Believe me, don't believe me. I don't really care. But it is a FACT that they have uncovered that trans brains generally (there are exceptions and the question is whether those exceptions then are really trans) share generally the same characteristics as female brains. They believe (but have not conclusively established) that it is why MTFs have the feeling of being "women" trapped in men's bodies. The 2020 study is particularly interesting....the condition might be sparked by different estrogen receptors in the brain that when there's a spark of estrogen in the mother right before birth, it essentially prevents the masculinization of the brain.
ps I have not received any PMs from you in quite a while and no I would not post them. No worries.
Are you EOTL?Let's see any threatening posts from anywhere that you have received. I think you are lying, but you claim to have them handy so let's see 'em.
I just took a cosmo quiz and it tells me I'm a Beth and not an Alexandra Dutton. I'm very disappointed.I feel like a woman at times as well and sometimes more than other times. I took a test and scored 16 out of 20 more feminine and only a 4 masculine. I worked on my brain because men think more right and women more left. I found balance and the new test shows me 12/8 now. Thanks for keeping our PMs private Grace T. I appreciate the privacy. I have some PTSD from a father who I thought was my friend from the GOAT FC team. I shared PMs and private conversations with him and then he "outed" me on here because.
I feel like a woman at times as well and sometimes more than other times. I took a test and scored 16 out of 20 more feminine and only a 4 masculine. I worked on my brain because men think more right and women more left. I found balance and the new test shows me 12/8 now. Thanks for keeping our PMs private Grace T. I appreciate the privacy. I have some PTSD from a father who I thought was my friend from the GOAT FC team. I shared PMs and private conversations with him and then he "outed" me on here because.
Are you EOTL? Be honest? How many are using the Surf Futbol account? The three amigos never left and neither did the dads who threaten me who were once my friends. BTW, how would you know it was at a soccer game? Interesting and you said, "show us." You see, your revealing the truth to everyone. Shame on you guys for messing with a good dad. I have a good heart and care for people. Truly sad....That definitely sounds like it would cause PTSD. Is that your excuse for unemployment? Are you mooching state disability because you got PTSD talking to a dad during a kiddie soccer game?
Are you EOTL? Be honest? How many are using the Surf Futbol account? The three amigos never left and neither did the dads who threaten me who were once my friends. BTW, how would you know it was at a soccer game? Interesting and you said, "show us." You see, your revealing the truth to everyone. Shame on you guys for messing with a good dad. I have a good heart and care for people. Truly sad....
Thanks for the Truth speak. 100% they were not really my pals.They were never your friends. They were always conspiring behind your back to ruin your daughter's soccer career.
Ironic you would post this. Asshole.
Show me where I stand on the issue.I am just so disappointed that I wasn't able to convince you that you don't need to be terrified of little trans girls.
In all seriousness, drawing out again another ADHD analogy. I think you and a few others (including maybe sockma) pointed out that ADHD is overdiagnosed (it sort of is and it isn't....if it's a spectrum like autism it actually means its wildly underdiagnosed since a huge portion of the population is probably somewhere on the spectrum but what may be getting overdiagnosed is the need for medication). One problem with the overdiagnosis is that until recently, there wasn't really a scientific way to screen who is ADHD. The doctor (many times a pediatrician not schooled specifically in ADHD, or a psychiatrist whose one tool is a hammer and so everywhere he sees a nail and goes ahead and writes script) basically relies on a survey of questions to parents, teachers, and extracurricular leaders like coaches to see if the kid is exhibiting signs of ADHD. If a certain number of points is reached, they are ADHD and the doctor takes out a pad. However, the questions pretty much describe any fidgety overexcitable easily distracted young person, which is why it's diagnosed more often in boys than girls, even though the brain features seem to show up in both genders almost equally. Getting medicine is wildly easy therefor. However, it is much more difficult to get school accommodations for ADHD kids, and those generally require an expensive workup from a psychologist. The psychologists have in addition to interview and surveys run a series of tests. One of the older one is this light have to sit there and see if you can push a button every time a light flashes on's not fool proof but it drives people with ADHD crazy. A newer one is a brain scan looking particularly at the front cortical regions. If we are concerned with overdiagnosis of ADHD and overprescription of medication, one would think we would want a gatekeeper of running this full battery of tests. The issues are that: 1) it's expensive (the brain scan alone is $5000 and generally NOT covered by private insurance) so poor kids would have a barrier to getting the help they need, and 2) parents who are trying to get their kids a leg up in school by cheating and giving them a little something extra for tests would be unhappy, which means less business for everyone concerned (from peds to pharma) and more complaints to deal with.I feel like a woman at times as well and sometimes more than other times. I took a test and scored 16 out of 20 more feminine and only a 4 masculine. I worked on my brain because men think more right and women more left. I found balance and the new test shows me 12/8 now. Thanks for keeping our PMs private Grace T. I appreciate the privacy. I have some PTSD from a father who I thought was my friend from the GOAT FC team. I shared PMs and private conversations with him and then he "outed" me on here because.
ADHD kids are not a fit for the school system Grace T. I told everyone almost 5 years ago our education system will be destroyed, just like the GDA (Grooming League) was. I said the SAT score was a complete joke on who is and who is not smart. Guess what? No more SAT. I also said Math was stupid to judge others on how brilliant one is. Guess what? Math is getting squeezed out. I bet in a few more years there will be more kids learning at home or private, then in some prison educational system. I know I piss teachers off but they don't teach and most just do what their told and never think outside the box. Not all teachers but the good one's have been fired or went in the private sector. More and more souls with ADHD are coming into the world and the teachers have been frustrated with these unique souls to say the least. Coaches 100% can't stand kids who don't pay attention and especially when their not obeying the boss. ADHD are proven lie detectors as well so when one lies through their teeth all day, the ADHD kid will call the adult out.In all seriousness, drawing out again another ADHD analogy. I think you and a few others (including maybe sockma) pointed out that ADHD is overdiagnosed (it sort of is and it isn't....if it's a spectrum like autism it actually means its wildly underdiagnosed since a huge portion of the population is probably somewhere on the spectrum but what may be getting overdiagnosed is the need for medication). One problem with the overdiagnosis is that until recently, there wasn't really a scientific way to screen who is ADHD. The doctor (many times a pediatrician not schooled specifically in ADHD, or a psychiatrist whose one tool is a hammer and so everywhere he sees a nail and goes ahead and writes script) basically relies on a survey of questions to parents, teachers, and extracurricular leaders like coaches to see if the kid is exhibiting signs of ADHD. If a certain number of points is reached, they are ADHD and the doctor takes out a pad. However, the questions pretty much describe any fidgety overexcitable easily distracted young person, which is why it's diagnosed more often in boys than girls, even though the brain features seem to show up in both genders almost equally. Getting medicine is wildly easy therefor. However, it is much more difficult to get school accommodations for ADHD kids, and those generally require an expensive workup from a psychologist. The psychologists have in addition to interview and surveys run a series of tests. One of the older one is this light have to sit there and see if you can push a button every time a light flashes on's not fool proof but it drives people with ADHD crazy. A newer one is a brain scan looking particularly at the front cortical regions. If we are concerned with overdiagnosis of ADHD and overprescription of medication, one would think we would want a gatekeeper of running this full battery of tests. The issues are that: 1) it's expensive (the brain scan alone is $5000 and generally NOT covered by private insurance) so poor kids would have a barrier to getting the help they need, and 2) parents who are trying to get their kids a leg up in school by cheating and giving them a little something extra for tests would be unhappy, which means less business for everyone concerned (from peds to pharma) and more complaints to deal with.
It's the same with gender dysphoria. I'm not up on what the protocols are but they don't as far as I know include a brain scan and generally rely on interviewing the subject. If we are concerned with an overdiagnosis of gender dysphoria, we are nearing a point where a brain scan could be added to the protocols if they haven't already been. But there are issues: 1) again financially equity as private insurance is generally not going to cover the brain scan, 2) the gender is just a construct people object to putting people into categories because it also precludes the possibility of a nonbinary person or a male who is slightly female or vice versa...they prefer to view it all as a spectrum with masculinity and femininity being social constructs, 3) the gender is pure biological people dislike it because they'd actually have to fess up there's something biological going on here to, which forces them away from the easy solution that boys and boys and girls are girls and forever will be, and 4) the government could abuse it by prescreening kids and removing kids whose parents refuse to nurture their trans tendencies.
New name? I'm thinking "7-of-9". It's an homage to all of EOTL's prior names and aliases with a nice Borg parallel since EOTL demonstrates the group mind of the woke hive that is completely absent of critical analysis. I can at least imagine that EOTL is easy on the eyes.It’s a cycle. He makes a new log in name, then goes around and insults everyone.
Eventually, everyone has him on ignore, he gets himself banned, or both.
Then he makes a new login and does the same thing all over again.
If you need to ignore this incarnation, just click on his name and click “ignore”.