1. Yes, I agree he does have a tendency to lash out, especially when cornered. That's why I suggested it might be a disability. Would go far to explaining a bunch of other things such as the reading comprehension, the taking umbrage and considering it an insult to be called on the carpet for reading comprehension, the introversion, the math, the anxiety and safetyism, and inability to self reflect. I want to believe he's a good person, but the line crossing has happened a bit too much for it to just be faux pas. Agree to disagree.
2. Interestingly Tongan society, which is very overtly religious, has a third gender, of boys assigned at birth as males, but who express as female, called fakaleiti, or in English "sexy boys". Despite the conservative religious culture, no one pays the "sexy boys" very much mind, and in the olden days, some families were actually excited to have "sexy boys" in their families as it came with a higher social status (kind of like the priesthood did in Catholic families). There's even a beauty pageant in Polynesia for them. They remain physically "boys" but express themselves as "female" in dresses and makeup. This seems very in much with the solution you seem to be advocating. I agree it would be nice if we as a society could do this, as it would put less pressure on the mtf trans to think they must transition chemically and socially. Unfortunately, that's not the reality we live in here in the west. Indeed, in the Kingdom of Hawaii, they were brutalized and brought to extinction by the Congregational missionaries (ironically, the Congregational sect is now one of the most pro LGBTQ protestant denominations out there). The reality is we are in a country where a large segment get outraged if even a post-surgical trans mtf is seen in the female bathroom. You are kind of outstep with your fellow con people on this one, but I appreciate the thought and independent thinking.
3. I don't have any problem with your first paragraph. Your second paragraph, however, is a bit of utopianism. You really think the other boys aren't going to tease the player on their m team that shows up in a dress and plays with a bow in her hair? You really think the coach is going to accept that person onto the team, assuming there is an equivalent person without such issue available, just to avoid the drama? You really think the parents on the team aren't going to scapegoat the kid when they make a mistake in a game (as they all do at at even the pro level)? You really think parents and other players, who taunt African American kids with the "n" word in the Valley on the soccer field (and the refs don't do anything: "I didn't hear it!"), are going to not say anything to them? You think the mtf will be brave and put together enough to face all that? It's a nice sentiment but not the reality we live in. We don't have a "sexy boy" culture in the west. We force people to chose which box they fit in: m or f. It's funny, the sentiment is actually closer to the hard left position that gender is "just a construct", on which we live on a spectrum, and there is no such thing really as a man or woman.
4. K