Trans eligibility rules for girls sports.

I know you have not considered the factors and weighted them differently because you still aren't. Honestly, it's pretty pathetic that you're even asking me "how do you know?", when you could just admit that trans girls have their own athletic disadvantages to cis girls in girls soccer, including those I have discussed earlier, and that those are things that should also be considered alongside any purported "physiological advantage" they might have. But you won't, because you're transphobic. To you, it doesn't matter how much or how many trans girls suffer emotionally, it doesn't matter how little support trans girls typically have from their own parents to participate in sports, it doesn't how horrible the abuse must get forcing trans girls to play on a boys team, none of that matters to you at all. You have made it crystal clear that you will never, ever concede anything that requires considering the humanity of trans children.
how do you know all of this?
I have a strict policy of never initiating (I wasn’t the one who dropped the word “crazy” and in reference to a possible disability with you have avoided any such slur and have expressed only compassion for you). I don’t have a contempt for girls sports— I just don’t think ecnl in any way shape or form compares to the academy programs either here or in Europe. I don’t deny the athletic gap…my tests are do we care about the cheaters and can we balance that gap. If not we must make some other accommodation. It’s a long pattern with you if bending your opponents beliefs. Again I can only hope you do so because you do not have full comprehension and it is something innocent instead of bad faith.

it doesn’t surprise me I am shocked by you. The authoritarianism hypocrisy and safetyism you had with Covid was enough to shock me. Your behavior here, whether the mainsplaining misogyny to me, the heterosplaining gayness, the shocking self-interest, the questionableness of the words “creature” and “queer”, the remark that all trans people were “obvious”, the Greer remark, the ingenerosity in that you demand it’s all about the bow for cis girls but then you callously turn around and deny the same for trans kids, the blatant hysteria baiting, and your most recent masterpiece of self admitted rudeness (a remark which was clearly intended to put down trans kids as it could have been made in a non rude way) has horrified me. Again for your sake I pray this is a disability and you do not know what you do. Because otherwise it’s a horror an educator would view the world that way in this day and age.
Proposing to study something to death instead of acting is itself a form of denialism.
Proposing to study something to death instead of acting is itself a form of denialism.
Again unclear whether you are clouded by bias or you have a disability and you aren’t able to understand the moving parts. You clearly aren’t stupid so I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt here. The only thing the studies have shown us is that as a result of puberty men have an athletic advantage over women. What’s been new and only in the last 10-15 years or so (and undermines all the assumptions built up in the 80s and 90s) is the assumptions of balancing have been wrong because of what happens during puberty. Also that our assumption of ftms have been wrong hence the new concerns there. The work that hasn’t been done is whether stricter rebalancing works, and what impact the new assumptions make, which has to be done sport by sport and with few data points (the small number of trans athletes who are on rebalancing and who are willing to be tracked). That’s science. Not your let’s believe at fauci but everything the experts have to say about this subject is wrong. And there’s no rush. There will be lias. They’ll adjust. Eventually we’ll know for sure but it will take time. And if a rebalancing doesn’t work you must propose an alternate solution because dumping both directions in the men’s division isn’t “fair” either. Again hoping it’s a disability.
Again unclear whether you are clouded by bias or you have a disability and you aren’t able to understand the moving parts. You clearly aren’t stupid so I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt here. The only thing the studies have shown us is that as a result of puberty men have an athletic advantage over women. What’s been new and only in the last 10-15 years or so (and undermines all the assumptions built up in the 80s and 90s) is the assumptions of balancing have been wrong because of what happens during puberty. Also that our assumption of ftms have been wrong hence the new concerns there. The work that hasn’t been done is whether stricter rebalancing works, and what impact the new assumptions make, which has to be done sport by sport and with few data points (the small number of trans athletes who are on rebalancing and who are willing to be tracked). That’s science. Not your let’s believe at fauci but everything the experts have to say about this subject is wrong. And there’s no rush. There will be lias. They’ll adjust. Eventually we’ll know for sure but it will take time. Again hoping it’s a disability.

If we agree that “as a result of puberty men have an athletic advantage over women.”, that seems to settle the scientific question for anyone who has gone through male puberty.

This is the argument for drawing a line at 12 or 13. Male puberty, by itself, is an athletic advantage.

What other science do you need to figure out whether a 17 year old unmedicated ftm athlete has an advantage over a 17 year old girl? One went through male puberty and continues to have high testosterone. One didn’t and doesn’t.
If we agree that “as a result of puberty men have an athletic advantage over women.”, that seems to settle the scientific question for anyone who has gone through male puberty.

This is the argument for drawing a line at 12 or 13. Male puberty, by itself, is an athletic advantage.

What other science do you need to figure out whether a 17 year old unmedicated ftm athlete has an advantage over a 17 year old girl? One went through male puberty and continues to have high testosterone. One didn’t and doesn’t.
17 is youth for which we don’t test for cheaters. We’ve been through this unpteem times. What you trying to accomplish again? Is it a disability? The question in this division of whether men are superior in performance to women is irrelevant because we know those on Peds are to the non and we don’t do anything about them.

as for young adult where we do test it’s not enough to say the men outperform the women. You have to ask if any rebalancing does the trick. We used to think the answer was yes. Our assumptions have been thrown on their heads which means our assumptions about ftms are wrong too. You want to declare everything over. That’s not science. That’s religion again. Scientifically we are only at the end of the beginning and the few number of data points means it’s gonna take a decade or two because we gotta go sport by sport and errors will be made in both directions
If we agree that “as a result of puberty men have an athletic advantage over women.”, that seems to settle the scientific question for anyone who has gone through male puberty.

This is the argument for drawing a line at 12 or 13. Male puberty, by itself, is an athletic advantage.

What other science do you need to figure out whether a 17 year old unmedicated ftm athlete has an advantage over a 17 year old girl? One went through male puberty and continues to have high testosterone. One didn’t and doesn’t.
Let's not forget about the chest hairs as well. I here the more hairs you got, the stronger one is. Back hair is a whole different issue, I have some funny meme's to show today.
1. Not everyone is behaving like dad4. Woobie and kicking are two individuals, for example, who I think have taken the contra position but have done so thoughtfully. Sometimes people stumble into bias because they are just ignorant of the facts, which is fine too...I appreciate people who take the moment that say "hmmmm, I still disagree you've given me something to think about".
2. It's fine to think that transitioning is potentially more harmful to kids than not transitioning. But if so you better back it up with facts. The reality is those kids and adults are trapped with the opposite gendered brain in their body (oversimplication, but it's a fact...the biology is in on the fact that the brains resemble those of the desired genders in numerous ways). So you have two possible courses: 1) treat the mind, or 2) treat the body. Neither is a good option because neither of those two courses have been shown to be anywhere near full proof. So you are left to argue with bad options. We also have the history of psychologists trying to convert gay people and the long wreckage that caused as a warning sign. I'm not very well versed with the psychology here so I've stayed out of this argument and have no position.
3. My concern is o.k. you have someone that's transitioned. Now what. You have to do something with them with them in sports. Wishing them away doesn't get the job done, and dumping them in the male category isn't "fair" for those that thump their chest about fairness. So what do you do with them?
4. Yes it's rude to tell people they are short or fat. I'm sure you don't go around posting memes of fat people and saying "look how fat they are" and calling your friends "shortie". If you repeatedly belittle or make fun of fat people, it becomes apparent you may have an issue with fat people and be biased towards them. The latter is what dad4 has done. It's very apparent at this point. As I said, I hope for his sake its because like crush he has a disability (which is why I haven't gone after crush for this), because being an educator he really should know better. He's so blinded by his anger and bias that he can't even see that he made out the very argument we've been making when it comes to mtfs at the youth (as opposed to college and higher) levels: it's about the bow, not the training...they aren't soccer robots.
1. Dad4 is not a transphobe, he's a Grace T Phobe and a surfutbol phobe because you two aren't recognizing his thoughts but continue to expect him to recognize yours.

2. Why can't people feel like a women with a male genitals and hormones or vice versa? It's ok to feel that way. Why must society these days make them feel like they need to change their body to be "correct"? How a body looks doesn't change who a human being is inside. I blame the Kardashians for making people feel like they need plastic surgery to be who they "truly" are inside. Any amount of plastic surgery will not change who they are.

3. We don't do anything with them. What everyone is telling you is that we leave them as who they are and respect it. They're born male with female minds. Sports is not about how you feel, it's about your birth gender. Ask all the parents who want their kids to be Olympians or even on ECNL teams, your kid is born the way they are and you respect it . You don't get to force them into a new team with hormones and surgery. You don't change them, you love them for it and see how far they can go with it. We just need to respect boys, regardless of how they dress and act. They shouldn't be expected to wear pants and have short hair. They can wear dresses and makeup with long hair.

4. He's mocking you and surfutbol, not trans people. Don't try to transfer that hatred over to trans people, they don't need to be used as your human shield.
You can read about the finding in my research paper: "The Reverse Influence of Nutters". Maybe I need to further analyze the effect on individuals with respect to their authoritarian score.
This played out on a much bigger stage in the NHL a few weeks back. The Flyers participated in an "LGBTQ+ Pride Night" during a home game where they wrapped their sticks in rainbow tape and wore warmup jerseys - both of which were auctioned off after the game. One player chose not to participate due to his religious beliefs. So, after the game, there was universal coverage of the overwhelming support for the LGBTQ+ event, right? No. Coverage was all about the individual that chose not to participate. After the game, he was questioned and responded,

"I respect everybody, and I respect everybody’s choices. My choice is to stay true to myself and my religion. That’s all I’m going to say."

Media Responses

“homophobe,” “bigot,” “disgrace,” “an awful human being,” and scold him not to “hide behind religion.” Perhaps the most fervent and viral reaction came from NHL Network senior reporter E. J. Hradek, who went on-air to imply Provorov should leave the country and join the Russia/Ukraine War if he doesn’t want to participate in the Pride event:

“Ivan Provorov can get on a plane any day he wants and go back to a place where he feels more comfortable, take less money and get on with his life that way if it’s that problematic for him. If this is that much of a problem for him, to maybe assimilate into his group of teammates, and in the community and here in this country, that’s OK. Listen, you can feel any way you want. But the beauty is, if it bothers you that much, there’s always a chance to leave, go back to where you feel more comfortable — I understand there’s a conflict of sorts going on over there, maybe get involved.”


Ok, so, it's the NY Rangers' turn a week later. What happens? They don't wear the Pride Jerseys or tape their sticks. Nutters for the win!!! It's amazing how authoritarian this movement has become. It will continue to lose those sympathetic to its cause but can't support the authoritarian expectations of unhinged zealots.
1. Dad4 is not a transphobe, he's a Grace T Phobe and a surfutbol phobe because you two aren't recognizing his thoughts but continue to expect him to recognize yours.

2. Why can't people feel like a women with a male genitals and hormones or vice versa? It's ok to feel that way. Why must society these days make them feel like they need to change their body to be "correct"? How a body looks doesn't change who a human being is inside. I blame the Kardashians for making people feel like they need plastic surgery to be who they "truly" are inside. Any amount of plastic surgery will not change who they are.

3. We don't do anything with them. What everyone is telling you is that we leave them as who they are and respect it. They're born male with female minds. Sports is not about how you feel, it's about your birth gender. Ask all the parents who want their kids to be Olympians or even on ECNL teams, your kid is born the way they are and you respect it . You don't get to force them into a new team with hormones and surgery. You don't change them, you love them for it and see how far they can go with it. We just need to respect boys, regardless of how they dress and act. They shouldn't be expected to wear pants and have short hair. They can wear dresses and makeup with long hair.

4. He's mocking you and surfutbol, not trans people. Don't try to transfer that hatred over to trans people, they don't need to be used as your human shield.
Very well put. I am a very strong Empath, like off the charts for a man. I think like a woman on the inside but I am all man on the outside, as you can see with my chest hairs. My shrink told me that I was unbalanced and needed to be more masculine on the inside because I cried for people, cared for others, did not like cheating and I was too honest as a businessman. I was kind of like Coach Dick Vermeil, who always cried. Crying is healthy and healing and very good for the soul. I still cry sometimes but not out of anger anymore. I cry for peace and love for each other. TY for sharing.
If you understood what "unfair" means, you would also understand that with younger athletes there is clearly an unfair advantage for biological girls who don't have to worry about being mocked and humiliated every day of their lives due to their gender identity. Or are you saying that the results of a U12 girls soccer game are so important to the fabric of society that we really need to continue fostering a social environment that treats trans children horribly?
You're waxing poetic about humanity and empathy towards trans kids feelings but are the same guy that was saying that the kids committing suicide during covid lockdowns were weak and blaming their parents. What is it, trans kids feelings are more important than non trans? Bet you wont answer. Pardon me if I think you're a hypocritical fuck.
1. Dad4 is not a transphobe, he's a Grace T Phobe and a surfutbol phobe because you two aren't recognizing his thoughts but continue to expect him to recognize yours.

2. Why can't people feel like a women with a male genitals and hormones or vice versa? It's ok to feel that way. Why must society these days make them feel like they need to change their body to be "correct"? How a body looks doesn't change who a human being is inside. I blame the Kardashians for making people feel like they need plastic surgery to be who they "truly" are inside. Any amount of plastic surgery will not change who they are.

3. We don't do anything with them. What everyone is telling you is that we leave them as who they are and respect it. They're born male with female minds. Sports is not about how you feel, it's about your birth gender. Ask all the parents who want their kids to be Olympians or even on ECNL teams, your kid is born the way they are and you respect it . You don't get to force them into a new team with hormones and surgery. You don't change them, you love them for it and see how far they can go with it. We just need to respect boys, regardless of how they dress and act. They shouldn't be expected to wear pants and have short hair. They can wear dresses and makeup with long hair.

4. He's mocking you and surfutbol, not trans people. Don't try to transfer that hatred over to trans people, they don't need to be used as your human shield.
1. I've recognized the thoughts of others who are on the con side including kicking and woobie. Some people on the con side have raised intelligent points. That's not what dad 4 is doing. And when he's caught in his internal contradictions, he lashes out. Like the point about it being all "about the hair bow" not the training, and that they aren't "soccer robots". It's led me to question whether he just refuses to see the internal contradictions to his logic, or if he is just disabled and incapable of seeing them (in which case, I'd give him a pass). My position (and suprisingly that of EOTL) is actually quite moderate which is a sliding scale and has been wholly rejected by "my tribe" as prejudicial. Indeed, the hard left position is that gender is a spectrum and anyone should be free to declare and play anywhere on that spectrum at any time. The hard left position is also very much pro transitioning kids early, so as to avoid people mocking them for being "obvious" as dad 4 has.

2. I don't know the answer for 2 as I don't know enough about the psychology and why the so-called experts think transitioning is a way to alieviate the problems with gender dysmorphia. I do pose a dilemma for you, however. If people object to people with equipment being in the women's restroom (given that people are moving in both directions, and eventually a ftm will have equipment as well, making a biological test not convenient, if we want to keep people with equipment out of the women's restroom), what happens to the trans person that transition socially but not physically or chemically.....perpetually relegated to the men's room? We going to reorganize all bathrooms from schools to offices to stadiums to be private?

3. You are being entirely hypocritical with your #3. Everyone says here that they care about fairness. It has been shown the ftm and mtf cannot compete with a cis male actively on testosterone. If you don't want them in the f division, it's incumbent on you, if you really care about fairness instead of just using it as a pretext, to come up with a solution for them. Part of this is that the hard con position is wedded to the idea that this is a choice. They are choosing to lose their m or f status, and therefore should be the ones to bear the cost. The hard con position is that they were just groomed. It reeks of the antigay stuff (why can't they just choose to be straight) that permeated 10 years ago. It's a disability. We as a society have chosen to extend accommodations to the disabled. It is a right. That right is not absolute. Accommodations for the disabled are subject to a balancing test, otherwise every bathroom would have a disabled stall in it even in every private home.

4. It's no skin off my nose. I'm not the fat one, using the analogy you used. But if someone is going around mocking the fat people, to get to the ones that aren't, you got to raise an eyebrow to the one doing the mocking. It's missing it's target and just showing the person to be an ass, unless it can be excused for disability.
You're waxing poetic about humanity and empathy towards trans kids feelings but are the same guy that was saying that the kids committing suicide during covid lockdowns were weak and blaming their parents. What is it, trans kids feelings are more important than non trans? Bet you wont answer. Pardon me if I think you're a hypocritical fuck.

B.S. That's one way to rationalize your hatred of trans children I suppose.
Very well put. I am a very strong Empath, like off the charts for a man. I think like a woman on the inside but I am all man on the outside, as you can see with my chest hairs. My shrink told me that I was unbalanced and needed to be more masculine on the inside because I cried for people, cared for others, did not like cheating and I was too honest as a businessman. I was kind of like Coach Dick Vermeil, who always cried. Crying is healthy and healing and very good for the soul. I still cry sometimes but not out of anger anymore. I cry for peace and love for each other. TY for sharing.

I Cry OUT for the TRUTH...!

And this whole MTF/FTM " Falsehood " is being
used as a Tool to divide.

Only God decides whether a Zygote ultimately
becomes a Male or Female.

Altering the outward physical appearances of a human
to copy the opposite sex is not Creating.

Beyond that, letting MTF play in Female sports is
It's a mistake to assume that EOTL's goal is to promote his beliefs with reason - as pretty much everyone else here does. His responses make sense when viewed from the perspective that his goal is NOT to state a reasoned position but to direct his everpresent rage at someone. Put another way, consider going to one of the funerals the Westboro Baptist Church "protested" and attempting to have a reasoned discussion with the protesters. How do you think that would go? Nutters gonna Nut.