President Joe Biden

That has been well established. Those people have to be to continue to believe what they do. I watching Tulsi Gabbard try the maga schtick on Bill Maher. He shut her down every time with facts and reality . . . she just smiled, deflected and continued to lie. When she saw that wasn’t working with anyone she tried the emotional appeal by describing the effects of nuclear warfare on children and old people. Bill shutdown that as well, “we are all aware of the consequences of a nuclear bomb.” They really are pathetic, but obviously it works on some people.
Bill Maher didn't do shit. "Biden didn't actually do a terrible job at all." Wow, that's some ringing endorsement.

Here's something Maher said about Biden: "Joe... Joe... Joe... you know he LOVES trains... but apparently not of thought."
Why you so forgetful? Remember that fake laptop? Remember those goofy and very stupid intel "experts"? how about the most recent "deep or cheap" fakes? Who can forget russia, russia, russia? I mean really...the gig is up, the rats are paddling, some are swimming, many will just drown. But this is how you respond? Are you part of the elite who either went along or were duped? or are you really a fan of corn pop? come on man. Should we talk about covid, fauci, and pharma? remember when jb didn't talk to hunter about anything? crazy magats tryin to connect the two.

So yea, almost every conspiracy...I'm sure I left some out you and yours considered crazy magat conspiracies. it's actually pretty funny, the visual of all of those rats, paddling upstream.
Let's talk about "covid, fauci, and pharma" since you have just named a controversy and not stated an opinion.
man, if only Bill Maher would run for office! He really got her, a historical win over a less than stellar person. My guess is you also agree with his views on JB and his crew? The gig is up, the rats are jumping, forming up on life rafts, and trying to decide what direction to paddle in. Can you hear them rowing? trump, trump, trump. Almost every conspiracy has been proven true. you are going to go nutzo when trumpy gets elected. Screeching that the end of democracy is near, a king has been crowned...and all of those other ridiculous ideas that seem to exude from the far lefties. trumpy isn't going to least not yet. this whole thing is a disaster for you. you've been hoodwinked just like the magats of appalachia. And here you are, making fun of the flyover people, claiming west coast sophistication - yet you fell hook line and sinker for what's been obvious to most sane and centered people for years. What a crack up - the silence is deafening.
Did you mean to post that stream of unconscious babble or did your phone do it for you? Tulsi is just an example of the suspension of belief one must engage in to believe trump. Your maga talking points are just evidence the conditioning has stuck.

That has been well established. Those people have to be to continue to believe what they do. I watching Tulsi Gabbard try the maga schtick on Bill Maher. He shut her down every time with facts and reality . . . she just smiled, deflected and continued to lie. When she saw that wasn’t working with anyone she tried the emotional appeal by describing the effects of nuclear warfare on children and old people. Bill shutdown that as well, “we are all aware of the consequences of a nuclear bomb.” They really are pathetic, but obviously it works on some people.
Ok, "Kid Love Productions."
Why you so forgetful? Remember that fake laptop? Remember those goofy and very stupid intel "experts"? how about the most recent "deep or cheap" fakes? Who can forget russia, russia, russia? I mean really...the gig is up, the rats are paddling, some are swimming, many will just drown. But this is how you respond? Are you part of the elite who either went along or were duped? or are you really a fan of corn pop? come on man. Should we talk about covid, fauci, and pharma? remember when jb didn't talk to hunter about anything? crazy magats tryin to connect the two.

So yea, almost every conspiracy...I'm sure I left some out you and yours considered crazy magat conspiracies. it's actually pretty funny, the visual of all of those rats, paddling upstream.
The rats are building bunkers and looking for the tunnels to hide in. THE FACT IS YOU CAN"T RUN & HIDE FROM GOD!!!"
What on earth does Dirty Joe have on Chuck? These people have to publicly support this loser, or the dirt will be shared. Lots of rumors about who Chucks wife really is and what he did when he was younger with a staffer.

Q. espola, are you with Joe

Q Husker Du, are you with Joe.

Schumer breaks silence on support for Biden: ‘I’m with Joe’

Did you mean to post that stream of unconscious babble or did your phone do it for you? Tulsi is just an example of the suspension of belief one must engage in to believe trump. Your maga talking points are just evidence the conditioning has stuck.

you can't seem to separate your persona from trumpy. If that's your take away from my "stream of consciousness" then you are paddling in the same boat as jb- same affliction. Who is tulsi anway? she's completely irrelevant to any of this. What exactly were my maga talking points? Was the laptop a conspiracy or was it a factual thing? Did not a bunch of dummies from the IC sign a stupid letter of endorsement saying it was russia, russia, russia? How are these maga talking points. I could go on but your response would be maga, maga, maga, king, jan 6, maga. This is a safe space, it's ok to admit you've been bamboozled. There are medical instruments to retrieve the hook, line and sinker that you've taken in.
Let's talk about "covid, fauci, and pharma" since you have just named a controversy and not stated an opinion.
let's talk - you go first....but I do love how you focused on these 3 things and not others. Fauci, wuhan, gain of function funding, research company connections, masking junk science. Oh, these were all rightie conspiracies. A professional like fauci would never be involved in anything nefarious. Crazy conspiracy theorists...all of them. You of course know the gig is up, it's been up for a while. You fell for it...just like the flyover magats you so often refer to. It's quite funny tbh. The emperor and queen wear no clothes.
you can't seem to separate your persona from trumpy. If that's your take away from my "stream of consciousness" then you are paddling in the same boat as jb- same affliction. Who is tulsi anway? she's completely irrelevant to any of this. What exactly were my maga talking points? Was the laptop a conspiracy or was it a factual thing? Did not a bunch of dummies from the IC sign a stupid letter of endorsement saying it was russia, russia, russia? How are these maga talking points. I could go on but your response would be maga, maga, maga, king, jan 6, maga. This is a safe space, it's ok to admit you've been bamboozled. There are medical instruments to retrieve the hook, line and sinker that you've taken in.
More psycho babble? Ok crush, take your meds and settle down.
More psycho babble? Ok crush, take your meds and settle down.
Ha - that's pretty funny but expected, love the mansplaining. Can't answer the question can you. Come on king, talk to me about the laptop conspiracy..did you already forget? Let's just start there, we can get to more once you've figured this one out. I don't think crush can help you with your answers. you are exuding less testosterone these days, the hits keep coming. A weak attempt at mansplaining. I'll let it slide though, it's been a rather rough few weeks, hate to pile on.
Did you mean to post that stream of unconscious babble or did your phone do it for you? Tulsi is just an example of the suspension of belief one must engage in to believe trump. Your maga talking points are just evidence the conditioning has stuck.

Considering your last post looked like it was written by Kamala after a 12 pack, that's rich. Tulsi left your brain dead party because she was too sane to be given the DNC nomination and saw you losers getting crazier by the day.

That's why Biden's approval rating has been 38% for 3-years, libtard.
Ha - that's pretty funny but expected, love the mansplaining. Can't answer the question can you. Come on king, talk to me about the laptop conspiracy..did you already forget? Let's just start there, we can get to more once you've figured this one out. I don't think crush can help you with your answers. you are exuding less testosterone these days, the hits keep coming. A weak attempt at mansplaining. I'll let it slide though, it's been a rather rough few weeks, hate to pile on.
No, you tell me about the laptop. What was the significance?

The Blue-State Wealth Exodus Continues​

The latest IRS data shows that the migration of taxpayers to GOP-run states from the left coasts and Illinois continued in 2022.​

By The Editorial Board (Wall Street Journal) July 3, 2024 6:24 pm ET

The pandemic lockdowns accelerated flight from Democratic-run states with onerous taxes and a high cost of living. The latest data from the Internal Revenue Service shows that the exodus has continued after life got back to quasi-normal.

The IRS last week published its annual data on the migration of taxpayers and adjusted gross income (AGI) between states. California ranked, again, as the biggest income loser ($23.8 billion) in 2022, followed by New York ($14.2 billion), Illinois ($9.8 billion), New Jersey ($5.3 billion) and Massachusetts ($3.9 billion). The top gainers were Florida ($36 billion), Texas ($10.1 billion), South Carolina ($4.8 billion), Tennessee ($4.7 billion) and North Carolina ($4.6 billion).
How about this one, Rubberneck?

It's funny how Husker and Spola try to claim the laptop is no big deal. Again the irony completely escapes them. If it was no big deal why did 51 intelligence officials collude to falsely claim the laptop was fake.
It's funny how Husker and Spola try to claim the laptop is no big deal. Again the irony completely escapes them. If it was no big deal why did 51 intelligence officials collude to falsely claim the laptop was fake.
This is the most I have had to say about Hunter's laptop.
