President Joe Biden

This is the most I have had to say about Hunter's laptop.

Are you high again?
It's funny how Husker and Spola try to claim the laptop is no big deal. Again the irony completely escapes them. If it was no big deal why did 51 intelligence officials collude to falsely claim the laptop was fake.
To me it’s funny no one can explain why a crackheads laptop means anything? Where’s the smoking gun? Just once.
From what I found a legally blind strip mall computer repairman who is a Republican got the laptop to Steve Bannon who passed it on to Rudy Giuliani who then passed it on to the New York post. The FBI pulled the emails out and found 3 that helped convict the crackhead of purchasing a gun while addicted (technically for lying on the application). Is that about it? I would have thought the NRA and all of maga nation would have supported someone, anyone buying a gun?
To me it’s funny no one can explain why a crackheads laptop means anything? Where’s the smoking gun? Just once.
Hahahaha, so funny dumb. You truly are a sick man. Let me help you out loser. Have you actually seen what's on the laptop from hell? Hunter had dirt on his old man and let's just say many pics and emails are about child abuse. He turned his laptop into Mac's repair shop and left for the world to see. You refuse to see because of TDS and things our hiding in your dark basement of evil. You also said, "hey soccer forum, the kids that go missing in America are just runaways." Also, 51 liars told everyone in our country that it was lies from Russia. Creepy Joe said his son was the smartest man he knows and the laptop from hell was fake. I can count over 10 people who were hoodwinked by these liars because of the media. All of them said if they know what they know today, no way they vote for Pedo Peter, which was the name given by his son, besides pop and "The Big Guy."
From what I found a legally blind strip mall computer repairman who is a Republican got the laptop to Steve Bannon who passed it on to Rudy Giuliani who then passed it on to the New York post. The FBI pulled the emails out and found 3 that helped convict the crackhead of purchasing a gun while addicted (technically for lying on the application). Is that about it? I would have thought the NRA and all of maga nation would have supported someone, anyone buying a gun?
What you found is more bull💩 loser. Keep trying to defend the Pedo Crime Family. Poor Ashley and I mean that. Maybe Hunter was abused as a child as well. I see you and espola have to defend this evil and tell us all Trump is on that list of WHO actually went to Epstein's Little Saint James Island of pure evil to kids. That is 100% not true and you both know it. Look at you two losers. Truly disgusting and evil you two are. Let's not try and blame America's Mayor and a Navy Vet like Steve for gaining access to this laptop. These men have risked their lives and livelyhood to help defeat pure evil. Also, it was Hunter who left it at Macs. My guess is Hunter turned it in on purpose to expose his Pedo father.
Ted Lieu is espola. The actual list of those who went to the Island is coming out very soon. These people are truly sick and full of TDS. A picture with someone does not mean they commit crimes of the other person in the picture. These are evil rats' folks and Trump caught them all.

Listend to Ted Talk👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
Barron Trump has been introduced to America. 18 years old and just getting started. He's now in the arena and fair game espola and Husker Du Du. Go get em you guys🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣TDS is never going away and there is only one cure suckers!!!


More psycho babble? Ok crush, take your meds and settle down.
Hey Dumb, can you ask Dumber to fact check these facts.

“Since Kamala was made border czar, the Biden-Harris administration has lost track of an estimated 150,000 children, many of whom have undoubtedly been raped, trafficked, killed or horribly abused. Think of it, 150,000 children are missing, missing, they’re gone, nobody knows where they are, many are not with us any longer." DJT
From what I found a legally blind strip mall computer repairman who is a Republican got the laptop to Steve Bannon who passed it on to Rudy Giuliani who then passed it on to the New York post. The FBI pulled the emails out and found 3 that helped convict the crackhead of purchasing a gun while addicted (technically for lying on the application). Is that about it? I would have thought the NRA and all of maga nation would have supported someone, anyone buying a gun?
so funny. how predictable that you would take such a shallow view. It only reinforces that your tds diagnosis is terminal. You conveniently missed the part that matters - how the laptop issue was handled by jb and crew is far from isolated. People like you, who are terminally infected with tds are blindly being led and believe a narrative carefully crafted by the media and the administration. the fact that you can't see that is funny at best, sad at worst.
You conveniently missed the part that matters - how the laptop issue was handled by jb and crew is far from isolated.
This, and unlike the Steele Dossier, that was bought and paid for by Hillary and the Dems, the laptop is real. If the laptop was Eric's or Don Jr's the Dems would be Jeffery Toobin'g in their pants and Husker would be parroting those talking points. I don't choose my Presidents based on their children, but there are plenty of polls that claim that others would and it would have changed the results of the election. The Dem's obviously understood this and that's why they tried to cover it up. Husker needs to ask his own party and left leaning voters "why a crackheads laptop means anything?"

As they say "the coverup is worse than the crime". However, there is plenty of evidence on the laptop that shows that Joe lied about knowing nothing about his son's business and some evidence that Joe may have been actively involved and potentially monetarily benefitted,
no one can explain anything to you. maga fog impedes your ability to think critically.
Don't expect Sunshine to be able to use critical thinking. You have to have an open mind and ignore what you feel so that you can understand facts. To him/her everything is fake news and doesn't exist outside his/her bubble. Sunshine is easily the most clueless poster ever on the Forum..