President Joe Biden

"Adam Kinzinger… any time you want to show up and talk truth on Jan. 6, let me know- and stop hiding behind cnn and your lies. You showed up for my deposition and left after 5 mins, total coward and owned by the deep state. You are a complete zero." Kash Patel

"I ain't leaving suckers and if you don't vote for me, you ain't black:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p"

""This morning, I sent a letter to my fellow Democrats on Capitol Hill. In it, I shared my thoughts about this moment in our campaign. It’s time to come together, move forward as a unified party, and defeat Donald Trump," Biden wrote.

Biden writes in the letter that he "declines" to step aside and argued it is time for the party drama "to end." FJB

Espola and Husker Du Du, stop the drama and support Mr. Pedo and his brother Little Saint James and his crackhead son with a laptop from hell. You wanted this and you will eat this 💩 PAIN is coming losers!!!


To use an Espola saying, the Left is "Charlottesville? pfft, hold my beer".

Moshe Sebbag, a rabbi at the Grand Synagogue of Paris said in the wake of the election that 'it seems France has no future for Jews', and advised younger Jews to 'leave for Israel'.

To use an Espola saying, the Left is "Charlottesville? pfft, hold my beer".

Moshe Sebbag, a rabbi at the Grand Synagogue of Paris said in the wake of the election that 'it seems France has no future for Jews', and advised younger Jews to 'leave for Israel'.
100% sad but true:(
President Trumps plan to Make America great Again. espola and his band of bandits want more war, more Pedos protected and allow men to play girls sport.

Anti Cop and cop hater espola wants the cops off the streets and defunded so we can have complete chaos, robberies that are armed and unarmed, rape and murder in the streets. Up in Oakland the other day, 50 people did the old 'grab and go' for over 2 hours with no cops in site. The mini marts items are all under $950 so go ahead and steal folks. espolaism is about cheating, lying, stealing and then turn around and say you're the forums #1 liar. What a dickhead!!!
