President Joe Biden

I don't think that's it.

French translation of 'Sharia'​

Word Frequency


sharia [ʃəˈriːə IPA Pronunciation Guide]
charia f
[law, court] de la charia
Collins French-English Dictionary © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved.
MAPs don't like this, and this is why they hate Trump. When Christ returns (not some dude walking around barking out orders but the Christ Consciousness) and rules this planet, no MAP will be allowed. Sorry you guys, you will be sent somewhere else to work on this evil behavior. Kids are not your play toy or someone to rape, torture or take organs from. The MAP will be eradicated soon. That's why all the panic in DC and here at the forum. If you want to kill your kid, you will be leaving as well. This planet is and will be a planet to create life, not kill it.

Looks like Dr. Breakfast Tacos is out pushing for the good life while the 'Tato naps today.

She is an angry Witch. Nasty lady. She just went off on a reporter. I think when she was Joe's babysitter, she cast a spell on Joe and his entire family. You can't make a laptop from hell unless their is a Witch in the house.
That has been well established. Those people have to be to continue to believe what they do. I watching Tulsi Gabbard try the maga schtick on Bill Maher. He shut her down every time with facts and reality . . . she just smiled, deflected and continued to lie. When she saw that wasn’t working with anyone she tried the emotional appeal by describing the effects of nuclear warfare on children and old people. Bill shutdown that as well, “we are all aware of the consequences of a nuclear bomb.” They really are pathetic, but obviously it works on some people.
That has been well established. Those people have to be to continue to believe what they do. I watching Tulsi Gabbard try the maga schtick on Bill Maher. He shut her down every time with facts and reality . . . she just smiled, deflected and continued to lie. When she saw that wasn’t working with anyone she tried the emotional appeal by describing the effects of nuclear warfare on children and old people. Bill shutdown that as well, “we are all aware of the consequences of a nuclear bomb.” They really are pathetic, but obviously it works on some people.
man, if only Bill Maher would run for office! He really got her, a historical win over a less than stellar person. My guess is you also agree with his views on JB and his crew? The gig is up, the rats are jumping, forming up on life rafts, and trying to decide what direction to paddle in. Can you hear them rowing? trump, trump, trump. Almost every conspiracy has been proven true. you are going to go nutzo when trumpy gets elected. Screeching that the end of democracy is near, a king has been crowned...and all of those other ridiculous ideas that seem to exude from the far lefties. trumpy isn't going to least not yet. this whole thing is a disaster for you. you've been hoodwinked just like the magats of appalachia. And here you are, making fun of the flyover people, claiming west coast sophistication - yet you fell hook line and sinker for what's been obvious to most sane and centered people for years. What a crack up - the silence is deafening.
man, if only Bill Maher would run for office! He really got her, a historical win over a less than stellar person. My guess is you also agree with his views on JB and his crew? The gig is up, the rats are jumping, forming up on life rafts, and trying to decide what direction to paddle in. Can you hear them rowing? trump, trump, trump. Almost every conspiracy has been proven true. you are going to go nutzo when trumpy gets elected. Screeching that the end of democracy is near, a king has been crowned...and all of those other ridiculous ideas that seem to exude from the far lefties. trumpy isn't going to least not yet. this whole thing is a disaster for you. you've been hoodwinked just like the magats of appalachia. And here you are, making fun of the flyover people, claiming west coast sophistication - yet you fell hook line and sinker for what's been obvious to most sane and centered people for years. What a crack up - the silence is deafening.
"Almost every conspiracy has been proven true"?
"Almost every conspiracy has been proven true"?
Why you so forgetful? Remember that fake laptop? Remember those goofy and very stupid intel "experts"? how about the most recent "deep or cheap" fakes? Who can forget russia, russia, russia? I mean really...the gig is up, the rats are paddling, some are swimming, many will just drown. But this is how you respond? Are you part of the elite who either went along or were duped? or are you really a fan of corn pop? come on man. Should we talk about covid, fauci, and pharma? remember when jb didn't talk to hunter about anything? crazy magats tryin to connect the two.

So yea, almost every conspiracy...I'm sure I left some out you and yours considered crazy magat conspiracies. it's actually pretty funny, the visual of all of those rats, paddling upstream.
That has been well established. Those people have to be to continue to believe what they do. I watching Tulsi Gabbard try the maga schtick on Bill Maher. He shut her down every time with facts and reality . . . she just smiled, deflected and continued to lie. When she saw that wasn’t working with anyone she tried the emotional appeal by describing the effects of nuclear warfare on children and old people. Bill shutdown that as well, “we are all aware of the consequences of a nuclear bomb.” They really are pathetic, but obviously it works on some people.
"Those people have to be to continue to believe what they do."

I figured it out... you're Kamala Harris. So that means Fudd is actually JoeTato Briben.