President Joe Biden

The hunters are now the hunted. These cheaters, liars, killers, rapists and thieves are going full TDS now and saying Trump is on the list because 💩 is about to be released. Trump is their target because he said as President, "I will bring the full force and weight of the US Military to end human trafficking."

To me it’s funny no one can explain why a crackheads laptop means anything? Where’s the smoking gun? Just once.
The more important questions to ask are how does a crackhead, with no apparent expertise:

1) Get on the board of Burisma with a lucrative contract
2) Get millions of dollars from a Russian oligarch
3) Get millions of dollars from a Chinese company affiliated with the CCP
so funny. how predictable that you would take such a shallow view. It only reinforces that your tds diagnosis is terminal. You conveniently missed the part that matters - how the laptop issue was handled by jb and crew is far from isolated. People like you, who are terminally infected with tds are blindly being led and believe a narrative carefully crafted by the media and the administration. the fact that you can't see that is funny at best, sad at worst.
so funny. how predictable that you would take such a shallow view. It only reinforces that your tds diagnosis is terminal. You conveniently missed the part that matters - how the laptop issue was handled by jb and crew is far from isolated. People like you, who are terminally infected with tds are blindly being led and believe a narrative carefully crafted by the media and the administration. the fact that you can't see that is funny at best, sad at worst.
How did DT handle the classified documents? . . . again, far from an isolated event,
This, and unlike the Steele Dossier, that was bought and paid for by Hillary and the Dems, the laptop is real. If the laptop was Eric's or Don Jr's the Dems would be Jeffery Toobin'g in their pants and Husker would be parroting those talking points. I don't choose my Presidents based on their children, but there are plenty of polls that claim that others would and it would have changed the results of the election. The Dem's obviously understood this and that's why they tried to cover it up. Husker needs to ask his own party and left leaning voters "why a crackheads laptop means anything?"

As they say "the coverup is worse than the crime". However, there is plenty of evidence on the laptop that shows that Joe lied about knowing nothing about his son's business and some evidence that Joe may have been actively involved and potentially monetarily benefitted,
“plenty of evidence”? Please do tell.
How did DT handle the classified documents? . . . again, far from an isolated event,
Better than Biden. Trump had presidential privilege. Biden didn't.

How come you losers aren't demanding Biden go to jail for a worse offense? And don't be a moron again and tell us Biden "cooperated". When they have to go back half a dozen times, you aren't cooperating.
The more important questions to ask are how does a crackhead, with no apparent expertise:

1) Get on the board of Burisma with a lucrative contract
2) Get millions of dollars from a Russian oligarch
3) Get millions of dollars from a Chinese company affiliated with the CCP
How did Jared and ivanka get spots high in our government? How did they get security clearances? How did ivanka get all those Chinese trademarks? And how did they turn that into YUGE bailout loans for their failing businesses?

Better than Biden. Trump had presidential privilege. Biden didn't.

How come you losers aren't demanding Biden go to jail for a worse offense? And don't be a moron again and tell us Biden "cooperated". When they have to go back half a dozen times, you aren't cooperating.
When did t's Presidential privilege end?
How did Jared and ivanka get spots high in our government? How did they get security clearances? How did ivanka get all those Chinese trademarks? And how did they turn that into YUGE bailout loans for their failing businesses?

I'm sorry, which one of those was a crackhead? Huge difference in national security when the one peddling the influence is a crackhead and addicted to hookers.

I don't condone any political influence scheme, and I don't think it was appropriate for Trump to appoint Jared and Ivanka. However, they were at least productive in their jobs with Ivanka getting the paid family leave legislation passed and Jared was the architect of the historic Abraham Accords. What has Hunter done for our country? Again you continue to struggle with relativity.
Dumb and Dumber are so lost now that the Dems don’t have a unified narrative.
The whole Biden dilemma is fascinating to me. There are so many players and variables involved. Joe, Jill, Kamala, donors, Pelosi, moderate Democrats, Independents, Hollywood, academic elites, public appearance management, existing campaign funds, MSM, the Convention, foreign actors, etc.

The Dem's kicked the Biden cognitive decline can down the road and now its fallen into the storm drain system.
I'm sorry, which one of those was a crackhead? Huge difference in national security when the one peddling the influence is a crackhead and addicted to hookers.

I don't condone any political influence scheme, and I don't think it was appropriate for Trump to appoint Jared and Ivanka. However, they were at least productive in their jobs with Ivanka getting the paid family leave legislation passed and Jared was the architect of the historic Abraham Accords. What has Hunter done for our country? Again you continue to struggle with relativity.
Oh, my mistake. I thought you were open to an earnest discussion of nepotism and under the radar dealings concerning such. NVM
Oh, my mistake. I thought you were open to an earnest discussion of nepotism and under the radar dealings concerning such. NVM
Try reading it one more time, I conceded that Trump shouldn't have appointed Jared and Ivanka. I don't recall you criticizing Hunter's influence peddling. You just want to attempt to make the Hunter situation equivalent, which is far from it as I noted with the actual accomplishments of J and I.

Just a matter of note, the problem with nepotism hires is the same as DEI can't fire them.
The whole Biden dilemma is fascinating to me. There are so many players and variables involved. Joe, Jill, Kamala, donors, Pelosi, moderate Democrats, Independents, Hollywood, academic elites, public appearance management, existing campaign funds, MSM, the Convention, foreign actors, etc.

The Dem's kicked the Biden cognitive decline can down the road and now its fallen into the storm drain system.
Biden's dementia is wonderfully useful for the ruling cabal when pushing agenda items forward. Biden supports whatever it happens to be, and reads (a bit too literally) from the teleprompter. He's happy to do it. However, Biden is aware enough to know that being the POTUS is a big thing. He may forget a lot, but the importance of being the POTUS will be one of the last things he forgets. Anything else is just insignificant noise to him.
Biden's dementia is wonderfully useful for the ruling cabal when pushing agenda items forward. Biden supports whatever it happens to be, and reads (a bit too literally) from the teleprompter. He's happy to do it. However, Biden is aware enough to know that being the POTUS is a big thing. He may forget a lot, but the importance of being the POTUS will be one of the last things he forgets. Anything else is just insignificant noise to him.
Its hard for him to forget when Jill keeps reminding him.