It doesn't end even when they reach the college level. They will still come to you asking for advice (which they may ignore), help, money, etc. Heck, I just found out the owner of the company I work for helps his 40+ year old daughter financially even though she is a professor at a college because So Cal is expensive to live here.Thanks Carlsbad. The thing is she has 3 more years before she can drive, so her journey is my journey until she pays and drives herself. People always try to say "Well, they have to do the work. Your daughter has to be responsible and talk to the coach. You have to let go.", but here is the thing.
I'm paying for this. I"m giving up weekends and evenings to drive her everywhere. There is no way this is not "our journey" until she can drive and pay for her own club soccer. She is just lucky as hell she is as athletically gifted as she is!
I await the day it's her journey though!! Thing is if I'm paying for that journey, it must be a productive journey! America has gotten so lost that people who don't even own homes are paying for club soccer and I'm not knocking anyone who doesn't own a home. I'm just pointing out that our priorities are crazy!! I can't help, but think that I could be saving this money for my daughter to one day put down on a house instead of club soccer as well! We've lost our damn minds I think!
On a scale vs gymnastics and other sports though, soccer is probably cheaper. It's just it could be a lot cheaper and more accessible. I think many like it this way for their own advantages, because we all want to make teams and keep our girls together.