To me, the last part I wrote is key! Girls are different than boys and maybe even boys are similar with getting comfortable. The enemy of growth and ambition is comfort! I don't want my daughter to ever get comfortable and she is 100% comfortable at a certain position now. It robs her of growing skills and iq! Now, as a parent, we have to see this and adjust their training to ensure they are building all the skills they need to be a complete player and even soccer enthusiast. I've noticed a lack of specialized technique from coaches for several positions. I get coaches are big game coaches not specialized trainers, but it's a hell of an advantage if a coach has incredible knowledge of technique and skill training for several positions on top of formations and styles.
We've been fortunate to have good coaches, but we have to dominate our position to get the play time which can lead to using the specialized skills and position iq a player needs to dominate that position. There is a lot of strategy needed as a parent to develop and build a great athlete. Being a great athlete is not enough though. They need to work on their weaknesses. They need to master the basics (touch, passing, space awareness and proper skill application, timing, etc.).
This last women's world cup was not very impressive. The USWNT had terrible touch and control. We played like we should win based on athleticism alone imo and it failed.
The problem with women's soccer is they have to want to abuse their bodies for the pure passion of playing soccer unlike mens where the elite can make good money. Women can get a half a scholarship and have to work equally hard in academics to get to work a professional career. The very, very, very, very elite may make the USWNT and get paid decently I guess, but they have to work their tails off and give up a lot too. It's almost a curse to be blessed with the athleticism necessary as a woman.
Women's youth soccer is a big business and considering how small the rewards are, I can't help, but think what a fool I am for being so committed to pay and travel everywhere for it. While I love watching my daughter, I can't help, but think I don't need this damn stress. Watching parents drive hours for practice and training and paying small fortunes for the access to get competitive games and training is ridiculous especially in so cal.
So again, if I were king, there would be far more emphasis on youth development closer to homes with loads of fun games and great competition until they are 14 or 15. Then the incredibly gifted/athletic girls can buckle down into a set position/style that can yield success for an elite, pro or college team.
I can't believe how crazy we get for girls club soccer! I'm actually wasting time writing about it along with others, but this is my therapy for falling down the same rabbit hole as others in here! Imagine how much money we could be saving for college instead of paying for club soccer? I can't help, but laugh when I hear parents say "What if she burns out and stops playing???". Ohhhhh, how terrible. You can actually get a life again and find something else less demanding to do with your time!