I am definitely not the panic type but I have to say the stories of the long haulers have been a bit frightening. Mainly because this virus is just so damn weird!my sons godmother btw is the perfect rep for team panic (my younger brother and in-laws too). She and I were discussing the lausd plans (her daughter il is a mid level admin in special needs and esl planning) and vaccines Friday. Except for her daily walk (where she steps out of the way to avoid anyone in the streets), shlepping her mom around or going to the market/pharmacy she hasnt left the house since March. She’s in a full blown panic still even though she’s in her 40s, white, type o blood, no major health concerns except some early arthritis. She was in tears at the notion she might be forced into the j&j vaccine. I assured her it was safe and shown to reduce serious illness but she’s been so worked up (she kept saying fauci says) she worries about long term consequences of even mild illness and doesn’t want to take any risk whatsoever.
Yeah, Team Panic is exacerbating the irrationality.agree again that’s the factual reality. I think you and I both concur the emergency will for all practical purposes be over by March-April. My point is the experts in team panic (and the teachers unions) seem to want to use the lack of availability of a childhood vaccine to prolong restrictions. For example, lausd is already planning contingencies which include in person hybrid in the fall to limit the number of kids on campus. Also the California tier system is sensitive That a vaccine refusal rate of 1/4-1/3 will mean there will be periodic low level outbreaks in the fall and they can’t make it mandatory until the eu label removed
you are citing facts but as the lockdowns have shown politics isn’t necessarily concerned with facts. How quickly things return to normal is purely a political question which in turn depends on whether folks like my sons godmother or the in-laws stop panicking despite the lack of a kids vaccine. The article seems like an attempt to gin up panic which we are hearing about variants, variants being more deadly to kids, and sports being uniquely dangerous. my sons private school for example has been told and is prepping the parents already for face masks being mandatory into 2021-2022 school year. I can tell you also there are some that are concerned j&j only 65% effective and they don’t want it because it doesn’t guarantee they are safe. So the question is: when do those panicking now say enough and demand a return to normal?
with the caveat all bets are off if there’s a variant that mutates away from vaccines.
Not if this guy is correct. Even if he's incorrect, it gives plenty of time for "Team Fear" to extend restrictions (6-14 weeks from now goes until May 14). It could be "orange" in March, but based on history, those in power in CA are likely to determine that we have to continue all restrictions until they perceive this threat is zero. If CA really does allow what they say they will in March if we get to orange, it will mark a significant change in their philosophy regarding the virus. Anyone think we will get a new model in the next few weeks based on the spread of the variants, or will Newsome be too busy fighting for his political life?Panic over by April and masks until next June isn't so awful. Not sure if masks everywhere counts as back to normal, but I think that's where we are headed.
Still on track for orange in March.
Maybe Surf will be on for August. Maybe not. I'd trade it for a spring season at this point. Taking my normal in small doses.
My father, an md, has gone over the deep end. He apparently knows this guy and thinks he’s 100% spot on. Thinks the government is lying about the new variants so as to prevent panic and the rich from bribing up vaccines. Thinks we are in for Armageddon and is advising us to stack up on tp again and prepare for hard lock up for the rest of the year. I point out to him the data out of the Uk so far doesn’t support this and the experts are in an irrational panic and trying to scare folks into vaccines since they can’t force it. He says fauci wouldn’t do that.Not if this guy is correct. Even if he's incorrect, it gives plenty of time for "Team Fear" to extend restrictions (6-14 weeks from now goes until May 14). It could be "orange" in March, but based on history, those in power in CA are likely to determine that we have to continue all restrictions until they perceive this threat is zero. If CA really does allow what they say they will in March if we get to orange, it will mark a significant change in their philosophy regarding the virus. Anyone think we will get a new model in the next few weeks based on the spread of the variants, or will Newsome be too busy fighting for his political life?
An epidemiologist who advised President Joe Biden’s transition on the Covid-19 crisis warned on Sunday of a looming wave of infections and said the U.S. should adjust its vaccination strategy in order to save lives.
“The fact is that the surge that is likely to occur with this new variant from England is going to happen in the next six to 14 weeks. And, if we see that happen, which my 45 years in the trenches tell me we will, we are going to see something like we have not seen yet in this country,” Osterholm said.
Former Biden Covid advisor says U.S. should prioritize first vaccine doses ahead of potential surge
Dr. Michael Osterholm says the U.S. should prioritize first doses of Covid vaccine ahead of a potential surge linked to overseas variants.www.cnbc.com
Calm and kindness is always good advice, Crush!Sheeples in socal are waking up like never before kicking and screaming. I have a few really good friends ((teachers)) who are not blind anymore and see what this is really about. Stay calm and always show kindness. I hope everyone has a great Monday : )
Not if this guy is correct. Even if he's incorrect, it gives plenty of time for "Team Fear" to extend restrictions (6-14 weeks from now goes until May 14). It could be "orange" in March, but based on history, those in power in CA are likely to determine that we have to continue all restrictions until they perceive this threat is zero. If CA really does allow what they say they will in March if we get to orange, it will mark a significant change in their philosophy regarding the virus. Anyone think we will get a new model in the next few weeks based on the spread of the variants, or will Newsome be too busy fighting for his political life?
An epidemiologist who advised President Joe Biden’s transition on the Covid-19 crisis warned on Sunday of a looming wave of infections and said the U.S. should adjust its vaccination strategy in order to save lives.
“The fact is that the surge that is likely to occur with this new variant from England is going to happen in the next six to 14 weeks. And, if we see that happen, which my 45 years in the trenches tell me we will, we are going to see something like we have not seen yet in this country,” Osterholm said.
Former Biden Covid advisor says U.S. should prioritize first vaccine doses ahead of potential surge
Dr. Michael Osterholm says the U.S. should prioritize first doses of Covid vaccine ahead of a potential surge linked to overseas variants.www.cnbc.com
Six weeks out - I'm guessing by then about 55-60% seroprevalence - 40-45% had it or were vaccinated 15%. That has to be way over the seroprevalence in the UK when it took off. Also, our most at risk will likely be vaccinated or at least had the opportunity to be vaccinated by then. I just don't see where we are going to "see something like we have not seen yet in this country". And, oh yeah, the UK was bad, but not worse than what we have seen, and again, at lower seroprevalence and not having the high-risk group vaccinated.My father, an md, has gone over the deep end. He apparently knows this guy and thinks he’s 100% spot on. Thinks the government is lying about the new variants so as to prevent panic and the rich from bribing up vaccines. Thinks we are in for Armageddon and is advising us to stack up on tp again and prepare for hard lock up for the rest of the year. I point out to him the data out of the Uk so far doesn’t support this and the experts are in an irrational panic and trying to scare folks into vaccines since they can’t force it. He says fauci wouldn’t do that.
Six weeks out - I'm guessing by then about 55-60% seroprevalence - 40-45% had it or were vaccinated 15%. That has to be way over the seroprevalence in the UK when it took off. Also, our most at risk will likely be vaccinated or at least had the opportunity to be vaccinated by then. I just don't see where we are going to "see something like we have not seen yet in this country". And, oh yeah, the UK was bad, but not worse than what we have seen, and again, at lower seroprevalence and not having the high-risk group vaccinated.
Not if this guy is correct. Even if he's incorrect, it gives plenty of time for "Team Fear" to extend restrictions (6-14 weeks from now goes until May 14). It could be "orange" in March, but based on history, those in power in CA are likely to determine that we have to continue all restrictions until they perceive this threat is zero. If CA really does allow what they say they will in March if we get to orange, it will mark a significant change in their philosophy regarding the virus. Anyone think we will get a new model in the next few weeks based on the spread of the variants, or will Newsome be too busy fighting for his political life?
An epidemiologist who advised President Joe Biden’s transition on the Covid-19 crisis warned on Sunday of a looming wave of infections and said the U.S. should adjust its vaccination strategy in order to save lives.
“The fact is that the surge that is likely to occur with this new variant from England is going to happen in the next six to 14 weeks. And, if we see that happen, which my 45 years in the trenches tell me we will, we are going to see something like we have not seen yet in this country,” Osterholm said.
Former Biden Covid advisor says U.S. should prioritize first vaccine doses ahead of potential surge
Dr. Michael Osterholm says the U.S. should prioritize first doses of Covid vaccine ahead of a potential surge linked to overseas variants.www.cnbc.com
He’s talking about the UK variant. It is around 70% more transmissible, and will be dominant in the US by around March. Nationally, that’s a problem. It kicks Rt up from 0.8 to 1.36. That’s the difference between dividing in half every 2 weeks, and doubling every 2 weeks.
Which is why he wants to focus on first shots. If 1/4 of people are immune, that 1.36 drops down to 1. No longer runaway growth.
For LA, it is different. LA already has a more transmissible variant. Maybe 1.5 times as bad. Which means not much changes when you introduce a UK variant that is 1.7 times as bad. The UK portion of infections might have Rt = 0.9 instead of 0.8. Not spreading.
The South Africa one worries me more. If the vaccines work less well, that may also mean that having recovered also works less well. But we have more time on that one.
Remember that we vaccinate a lot of people who have had covid. If we are at 10% confirmed infected and 40% total infected, the only people who delay the vaccine are the 10% confirmed. The 30% who had it, but never knew, still get in line for vaccine.Six weeks out - I'm guessing by then about 55-60% seroprevalence - 40-45% had it or were vaccinated 15%. That has to be way over the seroprevalence in the UK when it took off. Also, our most at risk will likely be vaccinated or at least had the opportunity to be vaccinated by then. I just don't see where we are going to "see something like we have not seen yet in this country". And, oh yeah, the UK was bad, but not worse than what we have seen, and again, at lower seroprevalence and not having the high-risk group vaccinated.
Anywhere with Rt > 0.6, and the normal variant could be in trouble. That is most of the country. At least it hits in spring, when some places start to head back outside.Correct me if I'm wrong please, but then is the conclusion a 3rd wave is still very much a possibility....just that in places like Los Angeles (and presumably places like North Dakota) it won't be as bad because of the seroprevalence in those areas, but for places with a relatively lower seroprevalence (such as for example the Bay Area), they still might get a moderate third wave?
Anywhere with Rt > 0.6, and the normal variant could be in trouble. That is most of the country. At least it hits in spring, when some places start to head back outside.
LA and ND are different. LA already has a bad variant, so the UK one is isn’t much worse. ND has the normal variant. For them, the UK one is worse. You could still see a spike among 30%-50% or so of people in ND who have not yet had it.
Of course, ND already saw a spike among 50%-70% of their population, so it won’t be “unlike anything they have ever seen”.
If you break the panic too well, people start hosting dinner parties again. In that case, throw my analysis out the window. You’ll get a spring surge just from the behavior changes."unlike anything they have ever seen"
well, for one thing, people should worry if you and I are in agreement. Don't see much of anything to dispute here. I've always had a hunch we'd see a mild-moderate spring wave, though this is the first time I've seen the reasoning laid out.
I agree it won't be "unlike anything they have ever seen", though. There just isn't any evidence of a huge new round of deaths in the UK, particularly in young people, and by then the most vulnerable among us will have hopefully gotten at least their first jab which will bring the death rate way down. The question then is what do we do to break the panic. There will still be news stories of the 40-50 year olds cut down in the prime of life, still fears about long COVID.
I feel like extreme, difficult to support, pronouncements such as these are not far from yelling "Fire!" in a theatre. Any thoughts as to what happens to this guy if things never get "unlike anything they have ever seen"? He also said something about a "Category 5 ... He will lose all credibility in my eyes, but I have little doubt others will continue to quote his "expert" opinion when it suits their ends. I'll wait 6-14 weeks before I decide whether his opinion gets any respect from me going forward. If he's correct, I'll be impressed."unlike anything they have ever seen"
well, for one thing, people should worry if you and I are in agreement. Don't see much of anything to dispute here. I've always had a hunch we'd see a mild-moderate spring wave, though this is the first time I've seen the reasoning laid out.
I agree it won't be "unlike anything they have ever seen", though. There just isn't any evidence of a huge new round of deaths in the UK, particularly in young people, and by then the most vulnerable among us will have hopefully gotten at least their first jab which will bring the death rate way down. The question then is what do we do to break the panic. There will still be news stories of the 40-50 year olds cut down in the prime of life, still fears about long COVID.
If you break the panic too well, people start hosting dinner parties again. In that case, throw my analysis out the window. You’ll get a spring surge just from the behavior changes.