Bad News Thread

Looks like they are slapping a warning on it instead of pausing it. Will still hurt the vaccination drive for the under 18 and will now cause problems for those colleges requiring it as part of a return to in person learning. What really the public needs for guidance is what the incidence of myocarditis is with the Rona for those under 30 v. the vaccine. BUT, if La County follows suit to LAUSD and requires even vaccinated kids in private schools to get tested and wear masks, there's no point in me having the kids vaccinated.

Looks like they are slapping a warning on it instead of pausing it. Will still hurt the vaccination drive for the under 18 and will now cause problems for those colleges requiring it as part of a return to in person learning. What really the public needs for guidance is what the incidence of myocarditis is with the Rona for those under 30 v. the vaccine. BUT, if La County follows suit to LAUSD and requires even vaccinated kids in private schools to get tested and wear masks, there's no point in me having the kids vaccinated.

Your logic is backward.
Looks like lausd next year will require masks even for vaccinated students and staff and covid testing every 2 weeks. Remote learning will continue to be an option for kids and staff that don’t want to go back due to health concerns.
Sometimes I feel sorry for people living in CA and having to put up with the idiots in charge. Then I realize they voted for this type of "leadership".

"California teachers unions are teaming up with Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom to keep COVID-19 restrictions on learning even after students return to in-person schooling this fall.

While children only represent 13 percent of all COVID-19 cases and a much smaller percentage of total deaths, the state’s health department and Newsom are requiring all children in government K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status, to wear a mask in school this fall."

The idiotic policies you see being put in place in schools do nothing to help the kids.

Look at the party that usually promotes this kind of crap.

Vote them out. Vote for people/party that actually care about education instead of trying to check off the latest box in their woke to do list.
a. I went to a working class parochial school
b. the nuns kept everyone in order by whacking them with rulers
c. the one nun I remember the most was the one who wouldn't put up with my excuse bs or the class is too easy bs and put my nose to the grindstone and forced me to accept responsibility for my actions
d. school aren't like that today
e. it was my son's girlfriend's school I was writing about. my kids do private.
f. schools have changed so much I elected to not send my kids to my own parochial high school alma matter. it's that different now.
g. I offer you my most enthusiastic contrafibularities at your usual prasmiotic way of looking at things. I'm very compunctious of having received your pericombobulous sympathies.
I sent my kids to one of the "best" public schools in the state. After seeing what the school was doing it was time for a change. The way they taught, what they were teaching, etc left a lot to be desired. The focus on things not related to actual learning was maddening.

I moved them to a charter school. The change was night and day.

The very first day of class they already had homework. They were and are challenged. I recall a conversation I heard with a mom whose kids were at my kids previous school and were now at the middle school where my kids would have gone. Their first homework assignment was 3 weeks in. It consisted of ...what people think I do vs what I actually do. That is kindergarten kind of stuff.

I looked at my wife and said thank God we got them out of the system and into something rigorous.
The idiotic policies you see being put in place in schools do nothing to help the kids.

Look at the party that usually promotes this kind of crap.

Vote them out. Vote for people/party that actually care about education instead of trying to check off the latest box in their woke to do list.
At best it promotes mediocrity, and at worst it makes both slower learners and bright kids dumber.

I can appreciate that there are some social issues that need to be addressed in education, but this "equity" concept is so damaging. Here's another thing, the overwhelming majority of kids don't care what color, orientation, income level, smart or not you are. They don't really care or even give a second thought to the differences. If they do it's because of their parents, and school isn't going to change that opinion.

The last thing that teenagers need to worry about is social problems that they had no responsibility in creating. Teach history, facts and skills. They can learn theories in college.
I sent my kids to one of the "best" public schools in the state. After seeing what the school was doing it was time for a change. The way they taught, what they were teaching, etc left a lot to be desired. The focus on things not related to actual learning was maddening.

I moved them to a charter school. The change was night and day.

The very first day of class they already had homework. They were and are challenged. I recall a conversation I heard with a mom whose kids were at my kids previous school and were now at the middle school where my kids would have gone. Their first homework assignment was 3 weeks in. It consisted of ...what people think I do vs what I actually do. That is kindergarten kind of stuff.

I looked at my wife and said thank God we got them out of the system and into something rigorous.

The results of the Mathematica study gives context to previous research. A well-publicized study of charter schools by the Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO) in 15 states and the District of Columbia studied 70% of the students enrolled in charter schools in the U.S. They found 17 percent of charters posted academic gains that were significantly better than traditional public schools, 37 percent of charter schools were significantly worse, and 46 percent were statistically indistinguishable. Another recent study by Zimmer et al. found that charters in five jurisdictions were performing the same as traditional public schools, while charter schools in two other jurisdictions were performing worse.

It looks like there's an outbreak underway in southern China that the Chinese government isn't being totally forthcoming about.....

With this being a high priority vaccination region by policy and the apparent ability of the Delta variant to bypass the prevalent vaccine (China’s Vaccine).

This looks like mass lockdowns to save face more than an under reported outbreak. Both are possible, but I think one is more probable based on my experience overseas.
While CA is looking to mask up the kids, I just got this from our school.

"When we start up again in August, we look forward to returning to normal operations. This means that we will not be requiring masks, there will be no social distancing mandates, no separating sections on the playground, no desk shields, and there will be a return to after school programs.

We will maintain a robust mitigation plan that includes keeping the extra day porter on each campus for ongoing cleaning throughout the day, increased ventilation during flu season (Oct-Mar), as well as daily contact-tracing for any positive cases on campus."

The school had kids in school full time by the end of last Aug. Guess what? Everyone survived. Even the teachers and administrators.

The public high schools in our area? Didn't have in person classes until after Thanksgiving. Then when they started it was only a few times per week and not even full days. I guess they thought it was safe to have classes til 12, but after that time, in the interest of safety they sent them home.
The public high schools in our area? Didn't have in person classes until after Thanksgiving. Then when they started it was only a few times per week and not even full days. I guess they thought it was safe to have classes til 12, but after that time, in the interest of safety they sent them home.
The HS I know of ran in person only classes in the AM and online only classes in the PM. There's logic to that. So, no, it had nothing to do with whatever you have dreamed up.

FWIW, I don't agree with keeping kids out of school etc., and it was stupid, IMV, for the HS to do that.
Sometimes I feel sorry for people living in CA and having to put up with the idiots in charge. Then I realize they voted for this type of "leadership".

"California teachers unions are teaming up with Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom to keep COVID-19 restrictions on learning even after students return to in-person schooling this fall.

While children only represent 13 percent of all COVID-19 cases and a much smaller percentage of total deaths, the state’s health department and Newsom are requiring all children in government K-12 schools, regardless of vaccination status, to wear a mask in school this fall."

Still having trouble understanding the concept of community spread, I see.

Delta is roughly doubling every 2 weeks. Revisit this around Labor Day.
Still having trouble understanding the concept of community spread, I see.

Delta is roughly doubling every 2 weeks. Revisit this around Labor Day.
Still having trouble understanding the concept of community spread OVER THE LAST 50 YEARS , I see.