Bad News Thread

Having observed the threads… any tactic to avoid being ‘wrong’ applies to both of you.

not true.I’ve owned up to my errors including to espola with the expulsion point and even told him he’s right. Similarly when we though the threshold for initial infections might too out at 20% or that Madrid might have reached herd immunity in June.
Typical espola tactic - asking for facts.

If thats truly your motivation you can always say: “thanks for providing them...better late than never...yeah I guess this is what your relatives described”. But you won’t because we all know that’s not what you are really doing.
If thats truly your motivation you can always say: “thanks for providing them...better late than never...yeah I guess this is what your relatives described”. But you won’t because we all know that’s not what you are really doing.

What am I really doing?
not true.I’ve owned up to my errors including to espola with the expulsion point and even told him he’s right. Similarly when we though the threshold for initial infections might too out at 20% or that Madrid might have reached herd immunity in June.

I wasn’t being specific to this thread, my apologies, you have shown the same tendency in other threads like your ‘no elite youth keeper’ perspective.

With a self professed interest in personalities and how that impacts thought processes, have you not examined your own? I hate to admit when I’m wrong unless proven to be so beyond a doubt… I assume you're similar. It’s an ENTP thing.
What part of wearing a mask is untenable?

It goes in your pocket, you wear it near other people, you toss it in the laundry at the end of the day, and you buy a new one as they wear out. Is there some part of that routine which is super difficult for you?

Or, if you like disposable, you buy a new box every month, and each mask goes in the trash in the evening.

What part of this routine do you find so difficult that makes you believe it cannot be done? Most of us have been doing it for over a year now.
Wait, you seriously want to have everyone keep wearing a mask after the pandemic is over?

I wasn’t being specific to this thread, my apologies, you have shown the same tendency in other threads like your ‘no elite youth keeper’ perspective.

With a self professed interest in personalities and how that impacts thought processes, have you not examined your own? I hate to admit when I’m wrong unless proven to be so beyond a doubt… I assume you're similar. It’s an ENTP thing.

I wasn’t being specific to this thread, my apologies, you have shown the same tendency in other threads like your ‘no elite youth keeper’ perspective.

With a self professed interest in personalities and how that impacts thought processes, have you not examined your own? I hate to admit when I’m wrong unless proven to be so beyond a doubt… I assume you're similar. It’s an ENTP thing.
I think on the elite keeper thing we came down to a definitional mismatch in the end for what’s “elite” meant. My position was that there cannot be elites when everyone was a beginner but I conceded that some keepers even at 8 or 9 could be better than others. To the extent they were using “elite” as a stand in for “better” I said sure...but to the extent elite meant advanced then no.

yeah you are right Entps don’t like admitting they are wrong. That’s definitely true. But truth to me is my operating principle so totally will admit it when I’ve been shown to be wrong. Espola apparently can’t even thought he claims he’s all about the truth, at the minimum this one time
My first question after your "walls are crumbling" post was "What did I say?" You still have not responded to that.

Care to answer all the other unanswered questions posed to you at the same time?

Sorry, just calling a spade a ♠️.
So have you guesses his personality type yet?

hard to read if he’s an extrovert or an introvert. He has similar narcissistic tendencies that both dad and I have displayed but takes it much if his identity is staked at being right. If he is an e, maybe an entp. But the e would have displayed more self awareness of the isolation strains caused by lockdowns. The confusion thing (perhaps due to age) where he loses the path or gets focused on a tangential thread makes things hard to read as well. He’s backed down recently from the stupid insults like coocoo and nonsense recently which belie his claim that he’s just a fact checker.
hard to read if he’s an extrovert or an introvert. He has similar narcissistic tendencies that both dad and I have displayed but takes it much if his identity is staked at being right. If he is an e, maybe an entp. But the e would have displayed more self awareness of the isolation strains caused by lockdowns. The confusion thing (perhaps due to age) where he loses the path or gets focused on a tangential thread makes things hard to read as well. He’s backed down recently from the stupid insults like coocoo and nonsense recently which belie his claim that he’s just a fact checker.

What a load of horseshit.